"Level" of knowledge gathered from DC checks?

RPG Superstar™ 2012 General Discussion

When a player successfully rolls a knowledge DC, are they considered to have a "level" of knowledge about the subject, such as common, uncommon, and rare? Thanks!

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

In a word: "no"

Your rules-rigorous terms are pretty much limited to talking in terms of DCs, "is trained in", and "has as a class skill."

If you want to talk about general familiarity and so forth, there's nothing stopping you, but there is nothing rules-rigorous like what you're talking about. If you want to see good examples of this, check out the scry and teleport spells.

Also, slightly off topic: you are risking getting too specific about your item, which breaks the rules on preserving anonymity. Just a friendly FYI. :-)

Dedicated Voter Season 8

You probably either want to set up a knowledge check DC, or simply base it whether or not the character knows *anything* about given creature at all.

Also, to repeat the chorus, be careful with revealing this much. It might very well give off your item. There's just no way to be sure that there'll be another not-yet-submitted, knowledge based item.

Best of luck.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Yeah if you have general rules questions that may pertain to your item, it's a good idea to ask them outside the RPG Superstar threads.

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