
SamKablam's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Grimoire of Folklore
Aura moderate illusion; CL 9th
Slot -; Price 73,292 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
This thick grimoire is bound in luxurious purple-dyed leather and inlaid with gold images of mythical creatures. When held, the pages within the grimoire fill themselves with text and images of local folklore that its possessor learns. The grimoire also grants the possessor a +4 bonus on Knowledge (Local) checks.

Once per day, the possessor of the grimoire can call upon it to create the illusion of a character, creature, or item based on local folklore they have learned. The specific illusion spell cast depends on the amount of information the possessor knows about the subject of the illusion:

Vague knowledge - Minor image
Detailed knowledge - Major image
Expert knowledge - Persistent image

The level of knowledge is based on the highest Knowledge (Local) check the possessor has made toward researching a specific folklore. A DC 10 or higher is considered vague knowledge, a DC 20 or higher is considered detailed knowledge, and a DC 30 or higher is considered expert knowledge.

The grimoire holds a number of folklores equal to the number of pages in the spellbook used to craft it. If a local folklore becomes debunked, such as the “monster” of a town lake proven to be a hoax, the folklore is removed from the grimoire and cannot be used as an illusion. The possessor of the grimoire must learn of the folklore’s debunking for it to be lost from the grimoire.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, persistent image, 8 ranks Knowledge (Local); Cost 36,646 gp

When a player successfully rolls a knowledge DC, are they considered to have a "level" of knowledge about the subject, such as common, uncommon, and rare? Thanks!