I love my gaming group!

Gamer Life General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

Just wanted everyone to know that I am lucky enough to have a good gaming group. Even though they are far away and we have to game remotely, I adore every session I have with this group and always look forward to playing with them each week.

If any of my players see this, feel free to pass it on to the rest. If you're not a member of the group, what about your group do you like? Is it a good group, or a bad group? If you could change it, what would you change?

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

I GM a good group of guys as well. Most of them I've played with on and off now for a long time. The only thing I'd change is I wish we could play all day, every day! We usually get together about every other week.

I play with a group of some of my best friends, and it's always a great time. The only thing I would change is how much coffee we can make in one pot, and make a couple people more available to play more often

I've said this before, but I'm so glad to say I've played with the same guys for over 20 years now. Not all the guys I started with are around anymore, but there are six guys who've been along for the ride. We don't have time for lots of immersive roleplaying anymore (being all grown up and stuff) so we get together around once or twice a month as schedules permit, have lots of laughs, kill things, and loot the bodies while *mostly* advancing a lame storyline that I (the DM/GM) spins off the top of my head.

The odd thing about the group is that I met some of them in our hometown, we ended up in another town for college or work, then drifted to our separate places for awhile. Now they're nearly all here in central Arkansas...it wasn't planned because of the games, but just a happy coincidence that fate keeps us together.

The things I would change would be to have some of my former players back in the fold again (especially a formerly married couple who don't game anymore), more women players (currently we have one who can only make games occasionally), and that my son could play more often. He has always been the kind of kid who jumped headfirst into the things he liked, and in high school, and now college, it's music. He takes on so many classes and activities related to his passion he doesn't have time to be a nerd with us anymore.

But yeah, I love my group.

That's great! It is good to hear good news and know there are happy players, too!

I love my guys, too, but due to hard economic times, we are having a difficult time getting together and I fear I may lose one of my fave players before we even get a chance to play again for the first time in years.

Same group, almost 20 years - and it's a VERY good group. I read the stories here sometimes and just shake my head.

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