skrahen |

How about magic jar them... Cast a contingency then attach either modify memory, suggestion, malicious spite or geas, using the contingency as the long term trigger.
You won't web need to modify their memory after the initial programming since they would be under the effects of the magic jar and thus not aware what was happening to "themselves"...

omgabear |
There was a spell in vile darkness called Mind Rape. You could completely rewrite somebodies memories, to your whim. I no longer have any of my 3.5 stuff, but I think it also allowed trigger words. Might be mistaken on that.
It was redone under a much friendlier name in Complete Arcane as Programmed Amnesia. Don't know if Pathfinder has an equivalent spell.

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3.5 Psionic power / 3rd party
- this might help you a bit for some framework.
Skill: Telepath (Int)
Cost: 10
Duration: Special
Preparation Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 1 person
- This skill allows the Telepath to plant a hypnotic suggestion in a
willing or unknowing mind. The only way to plant a hypnotic
suggestion in an unwilling mind is to first subdue their will with
an attack.
- The suggestion can be simple or complex. All hypnotic
suggestions must have a trigger that will activate them. The
trigger can be an action, a word or phrase spoken, a time of day, or
a place seen. Once the trigger is activated the hypnotic suggestion
will come into play. The suggestion itself will usually concern an
action to be taken by the target of the hypnotize. The action can be
simple or complex, but must be one action. To deliver a message,
steal something, fall asleep, etc. Any action that the target could
do of their own accord they will do. A target cannot do something
they lack the skill to perform. Several hypnotic suggestions can be
placed on one target, no more than the target's Int bonus. One
hypnotic suggestion can be placed on any target over animal
Intelligence. Each hypnotic suggestion must have its own trigger.
The triggers can be the same or different. If the target is
unknowing or unwilling, they receive a single Will save, DC 10 +
SLE + psionic's ranks in hypnotize, to not perform the action
suggested at the time the suggestion goes into force. Until that
time they will be unaware of the fact that a hypnotic suggestion
has been planted.
- The target will carry out the suggested action to the best of their
abilities, messages will be remembered in full for one telling, no
matter how well, or poorly the target normally remembers.
The cost of hypnotize is for planting the suggestion only.
Planting a hypnotic suggestion in an unknowing mind requires a
successful probe, in an unwilling mind a successful attack.