Possible Bestiary 3 Errata / Issues

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The Baykok does not qualify for the Shot on the Run feat.

Skills are incorrect for the brain ooze. An intelligent ooze should have 2 + INT mod skill ranks per HD which for the brain ooze is (2 + 2) * 10 = 40 total ranks available.

Bluff +10 = +4 Cha + 6 Ranks
Diplomacy +5 = +4 Cha + 1 Rank
Fly +23 = +4 Dex + 8 Ranks + 4 Size + 3 Class Skill + 4 Good Maneuverability
Perception +11 = +1 Wis + 10 Ranks
Sense Motive +11 = +1 Wis + 10 Ranks
Stealth +15 = +4 Dex + 3 Ranks + 8 Size

This is 38 total ranks spent.

chopswil wrote:

Cecaelia p. 49

Skills Ranks: 18 = 0 class skills +18 race skills
Total Ranks Used 12
Skill Points Unused : 6

Stealth +13 = +6 ranks, +4 Dex, +3 class skill
Survival +10 = +6 ranks, +1 Wis, +3 class skill
Swim +11 = +0 ranks, +3 Str, +8 extra mods

I think the issue here is that the 6 ranks go into Swim, and the +8 for having a swim speed was not applied in the stat block. Swim should be +20.

chopswil wrote:

Ceratioidi p. 50

if i add 1 rank then i also get +3 due to class skill
Skill:Swim: Computed: 11 Stat Block: 10

Skill Points Unused : 4
Skills Ranks: 24 = 0 class skills +24 race skills
Total Ranks Used 20

Bluff +5 = +4 ranks, +1 Cha
Intimidate +8 = +4 ranks, +1 Cha, +3 class skill
Perception +9 = +4 ranks, +2 Wis, +3 class skill
Sense Motive +6 = +4 ranks, +2 Wis
Stealth +7 = +4 ranks, +0 Dex, +3 class skill
Swim +11 = +0 ranks, +3 Str, +8 extra mods

As with the Cecaelia , I think the issue here is that the 4 ranks go into Swim, and the +8 for having a swim speed was not applied in the stat block. Swim should be +18.

Gorbacz wrote:
chopswil wrote:

Cyclops, Great p. 61

secondary gore attack bonus incorrect. since primary is +23 a secondary is -5 which would be +18 not +17 as the SB says

Gore is a primary attack, slams are primary attacks, statblock is correct.

Actually, you are both correct. Gore is typically a primary attack, and the second part of the melee attack entry indicates that.

What chopswil is pointing out is that when attacking with both the mwk greatclub and the gore attack, the statblock indicates that gore is a secondary attack. As a secondary attack, the attack modifier should be +18 instead of the +17 that is in the statblock.

Strife2002 wrote:

Great Cyclops - pg. 61

Not technically an error, since powerful charge doesn't have an exact formula to go by when calculating how much damage it deals, but every monster in the first bestiary with this ability, however, totals it the same way: double damage dice + x2 Str mod. If the Great Cyclops followed this rule, his powerful charge would be 2d8+26

Some creatures have 2 x Str Mod, and others have 1 1/2 x STR Mod. However, +24 doesn't match either.

Other errors for the Great Cyclops:

-Speed should be 50 ft (35 ft in armor)

-According to the rock throwing ability, creatures gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls; this produces an attack roll of +12 instead of +11

-Doesn't qualify for the Staggering Critical feat

The Deathtrap Ooze should have blindsight (plus a distance) listed under Senses.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Dimetrodon animal companions appear to have incorrect stats. Dimetrodons appear on page 78, and dimetrodon animal companions are on pages 311-312.

Their bite attack is listed as 1d8, 2d8 after increasing from size Medium to Large. Normal dimetrodons are size Large and bite for 1d8 points of damage. I believe animal companion dimetrodons should start with 1d6 and increase to 1d8 at size Large.

Also, they are listed as having a +2 Natural Armor bonus which increases by +1 when they become size Large. Typically, a creature increasing from size Medium to size Large gains a +2 bonus to Natural Armor. I think animal companion dimetrodons should start with +1 Natural Armor bonus which increases by +2 at size Large.

Grand Lodge

Pg. 61 - Great cyclops

This guy is wielding a greatclub, and he technically isn't proficient with it (humanoids with racial HD and no class levels are only proficient with simple weapons). We already established that he doesn't qualify for his Staggering Critical feat. Perhaps replace that with Martial Weapon Proficiency (greatclub).

Bandersnatch, page 32

Other than already reported issues, I noticed these only today:

1) The Primal Bandersnatch variant says that it has the Extraplanar subtype. This is in direct contrast with a Bandersnatch's Planar Acclimation, but the Primal's paragraph doesn't mention losing that ability.
Should a Primal then lose Planar Acclimation, or is the part that says it gains the Extraplanar subtype to be removed?

2) The Lesser variant says it deals "1d8+4 points of damage with its quill defense and pain abilities".
Now, for the normal Bandersnatch, those abilities deal respectively 1d10 (with no other bonus) and 1d10+6 (with that +6 seemingly being hal its Str bonus, since there is nothing else that could bring a +6, if not with very unusual calculations).
So, the Lesser Bandersnatch, with its smaller size and reduced ability scores, should have the paragraph read just "1d8" (which would then stay a simple 1d8 for Quill Defense, and 1d8+5 for Pain).

Sir George Anonymous wrote:

Dimetrodon animal companions appear to have incorrect stats. Dimetrodons appear on page 78, and dimetrodon animal companions are on pages 311-312.

Their bite attack is listed as 1d8, 2d8 after increasing from size Medium to Large. Normal dimetrodons are size Large and bite for 1d8 points of damage. I believe animal companion dimetrodons should start with 1d6 and increase to 1d8 at size Large.

Also, they are listed as having a +2 Natural Armor bonus which increases by +1 when they become size Large. Typically, a creature increasing from size Medium to size Large gains a +2 bonus to Natural Armor. I think animal companion dimetrodons should start with +1 Natural Armor bonus which increases by +2 at size Large.

Mind that, while any of these could be an error, the differences could be intentional. A lot of animal companions have different stats and bonuses than their normal versions.

Dreaming Psion wrote:
Foo Dog/Lion vs. Foo Creature Template (p. 120-121) The Foo Dog/Foo Lion statblocks give them immunity to disease, paralysis, poison, and sleep. But the Foo Creature template gives the base creature no such immunities. Which is correct?

Pure speculation, but if both sample creatures have them, and surely not from copy-pasting the base animals before modifying them, I'd assume those are immunities from the template that for some reason weren't noted in the published books.

Moss trolls have incorrect skills. Should have 4 skill points spent; 4 are spent on Perception and 1 on Stealth.

In addition, Intimidate is 4 higher than it should be; I assume a +4 size bonus was added, but this is technically incorrect - the bonus should only be applied relative to size between the intimidating character and their target.

From what I get, Moss Troll skills are perfectly fine...

Acrobatics +7 (+1 ranks, +4 Dex, +2 racial)
Climb +11 (+3 Str, +8 from climb speed)
Intimidate +5 (+1 ranks, +3 class*, -2 Cha, +3 Str**)
Perception +5 (+1 ranks, +3 class*, +1 Wis)
Stealth +5 (+1 ranks, +4 Dex, +4 racial, -4 size)

* From Giant subtype.
** From Intimidating Prowess.

Total spent: 4 ranks.

Astral Wanderer wrote:

From what I get, Moss Troll skills are perfectly fine...

Acrobatics +7 (+1 ranks, +4 Dex, +2 racial)
Climb +11 (+3 Str, +8 from climb speed)
Intimidate +5 (+1 ranks, +3 class*, -2 Cha, +3 Str**)
Perception +5 (+1 ranks, +3 class*, +1 Wis)
Stealth +5 (+1 ranks, +4 Dex, +4 racial, -4 size)

* From Giant subtype.
** From Intimidating Prowess.

Total spent: 4 ranks.

Ah! I didn't realize the giant subtype came with extras! Nice.

Grand Lodge

Strife2002 wrote:
Astral Wanderer wrote:

Imperial Dragon, Sky Dragon, page 98-99

Other than already reported issues...

5) ANCIENT SKY DRAGON: This is a heavy one... it should have 24 HD, but has 23 listed; all the values based on HD (BAB and all attack bonuses, saves, skills, CL for spell-like abilities, special abilities DCs, and so on) are consequently 1 point too low.

Whoa...great catch! For those of you who are updating your books and want the specific changes from this:

- Senses Perception +40

- hp 348 (24d12+192)

- Fort +20, Ref +14, Will +22

- Melee bite +33...2 claws +32...gore +32...tail slap +30

- Special Attacks breath weapon (DC 29)...crush (DC 29)...tail sweep (DC 29)

- Spell-Like Abilities (CL 24th; concentration +31)
* call lightning storm (DC 23)
* control winds (DC 23)
* gust of wind (DC 20)

- Base Atk +24; CMB +40; CMD 49 (53 vs. trip)

- Skills
* Acrobatics +23 (+27 when jumping)
* Appraise +34
* Diplomacy +34
* Fly +28
* Heal +34
* Knowledge (arcana) +34
* Knowledge (geography) +34
* Knowledge (planes) +34
* Knowledge (religion) +34
* Perception +40
* Perform (sing) +31
* Sense Motive +34
* Spellcraft +34

(EDIT: Additionally I'd say another ability point put into one of its ability scores is in order for hitting 24 HD, but the section detailing dragon statistics says that ability score increases are included in the adjustments mentioned on the Dragon Ability Scores table on page 93, which this guy seems to have right.)

Whoops, way back when I made this post, I made a boo-boo. Ignore the increase I suggested to the DC for the spell-like abilities of call lightning storm, control winds, and gust of wind. Those don't increase with caster level.

Grand Lodge

So as I am wont to do, I thought I'd make an error compilation post that mentions all of the issues we've found on this board that weren't covered in the recently released errata document. I try not to mention any typographical errors (unless the typo can result in a rules- misunderstanding) or any "error" that's more speculative than definitive (unless it's got really strong evidence). Again, for those of you with PDF copies that simply updated your copies by downloading the new edition, since I'm working from a print copy of B3 if I mention something that by your accounts is already fixed, then we've stumbled on those rare errata that made it into the new printing, but was failed to be mentioned in the errata document. Also I just want to say how appreciative I am to the editors at Paizo. They clearly referenced this thread when making their updates to B3. I'll hide the list in a spoiler tag below:

Possibly overlooked Bestiary 3 errata:
Pg. 9 - In the adlet stat block, the errata updated the AC, but didn't adust the CMD. Change CMD from "35" to "34".

Pg. 16 - {POSSIBLY NOT AN ERROR} In the annis hag stat block, the rend damage doesn't follow the normal rules of damage rend usually deals. It might be a copy/paste error from when this creature transitioned from the Bonus Bestiary. If it is an error, the correct rend damage would be "1d6+10".

Pg. 23 - In the aghasura stat block, the errata updated the speed of the creature without armor but didn't adjust Acrobatics checks made to jump for having such a speed (+25 total)".

Pg. 24 - {TYPO} In the asurendra stat block, in the descriptive text in italics above the stat block itself, change "four-armed" to "six-armed".

Pg. 30 - In the azruverda stat block, in the Special Attacks line, the rend damage doesn't specify what attacks it applies to. It's most likely the claws. In the skills, none of its Knowledge skills have been picked as its free class skill all aberrations get to pick.

Pg. 32 - In the bandersnatch stat block, in the ranged entry, change the damage from "(1d10+13/19-20)" to "(1d10+13/19-20 plus pain)". In the feats section, replace Critical Mastery with something else; it doesn't qualify for this feat.

Pg. 33 - Bandersnatch description (cont.), second paragraph, third sentence, change "can fling as many as" to "can fling nearly". In the Variant Bandersnatch section, in the lesser bandersnatch paragraph, change the third sentence to read as follows:

"A lesser bandersnatch lacks quick recovery and deals 1d8 points of damage with its quill defense ability and 1d8+4 damage with its pain ability."

Finally, in the primal bandersnatch paragraph, the second sentence says they gain the extraplanar subtype, but this is in direct conflict with its planar acclimation ability, which it doesn't mention it loses.

Pg. 37 - {TYPO} In the tempest behemoth stat block, in the Feats section, in both the Improved Critical and Weapon Focus feats, change "(feathers)" to "(scales)".

Pg. 43 - {TYPO} In the brain ooze stat block, in the Feats entry, change "Defensive Training" to "Defensive Combat Training".

Pg. 46 - In the caryatid column stat block, in the Melee line, change damage from "1d8+4" to "1d8+6".

Pg. 47 - In the catfolk stat block, in the Melee line, change damage from "1d8+2" to "1d8+3".

Pg. 48 - In the caulborn stat block, change the Reflex save from "+8" to "+10".

Pg. 51 - {POSSIBLY NOT AN ERROR} In the cerberi stat block, it's very odd that this creature doesn't have darkvision. It may be an error.

Pg. 56 - In the clockwork servant stat block, change CMD from "20" to "20 (22 vs. trip)".

Pg. 58 - In the clockwork spy stat block, CMD should mention a bonus vs. trip attacks based on how many legs the construct has. Unfortunately all we have is ambiguous art to go by as to how many legs it has. Depending on what the verdict is, its full CMD value vs. trip attacks should be either 16, 20, or 24 depending on whether it has 4, 6, or 8 legs, respectively.

Pg. 60 - {POSSIBLY NOT AN ERROR} In the shipwrecker crab stat block, the CMD bonus vs. trip attacks may be off. The giant crab in Bestiary 1 and the shark-eating crab in Bestiary 3 all have CMD bonuses vs. trip that suggest they have 8 legs total (like a real crab, go figure). The shipwrecker crab, however, has a value that suggests it has 10 legs. If this was a mistake, it's bonus vs. trip attacks should change from "61" to "57". Additionally, those other crabs also have the water dependency special quality, but the shipwrecker crab doesn't, even though it is clearly an oceanic dweller.

Pg. 61 - In the great cyclops stat block, this monster lacks the feat needed to have proficiency with a greatclub. Either a feat needs to be replaced, Martial Weapon Proficiency (greatclub) needs to be added as a bonus feat, a -4 needs to be applied to the greatclub attacks, or the giant subtype needs some additional text that says "in addition to all simple weapons that all humanoids with racial HD have proficiency with, giants also have proficiency with whatever weapon they are described as using in their stat block." My vote's on the latter fix, as that would also solve a similar issue with Bestiary 1's cyclops, ettin, and ogre as well as Bestiary 2's marsh giant (assuming a gaff is a martial weapon, which i don't think it is), rune giant, wood giant, and ice troll. If you did make this change, you could then go to those giant stat blocks that did follow the rules, namely Bestiary 1's fire giant, frost giant, hill giant, and stone giant; as well as Bestiary 4's cliff giant, ocean giant, and slag giant*; and swap their Martial Weapon Proficiency feats with something else.

* The river giant from Bestiary 4 was left off this list because her Martial Weapon Proficiency feat is erroneous either way, as it's for a spear which is a simple weapon and would thus be something a river giant would be proficient with anyway. It needs to be replaced with Power Attack since that feat is a prereq. for some of her other feats and is missing.

Pg. 62 - In the crucidaemon stat block, in the Melee entry, the weapon should technically be changed to "+2 daggers", but I can see why this was not written this way as it might confuse GMs who aren't looking too closely and award magic daggers to PCs who kill one of these creatures, whereas the chained daggers special ability states they revert to mundane daggers when not being used by a crucidaemon. Either way, the damage should be changed from "1d4+11" to "1d4+11 plus bleed".

Pg. 63 - In the Vulnudaemon stat block, in the Skills entry, this creature has put ranks into the Fly skill. With no means of flight, this technically isn't allowed as per the rules of the Fly skill (nevermind it's a waste):

Fly skill wrote:
You cannot take ranks in this skill without a natural means of flight or gliding. Creatures can also take ranks in Fly if they possess a reliable means of flying everyday (either through a spell or other special ability).

Pg. 69 - {POSSIBLY NOT AN ERROR} In the shaggy demodand stat block, its darkvision is listed with a range of only 60 ft., while all other demodands, including weaker varieties, have ranges of 120 ft..

Pg. 70 - In the slimy demodand stat block, its speed seems to be listing its speed in armor only. Assuming this is the case, it'd be more accurate to list it as "20 ft., fly 40 ft. (average) (30 ft., fly 60 ft. [average] without armor)".

Pg. 71 - Like the slimy demodand, the tarry demodand has armor on that would affect his speed. It's unclear, however, if its listed speed already has the speed factored in, or doesn't and needs to be adjusted. Its description says its fast and lithe, and it would make sense that its fly speed wouldn't be slower than the slimy demodand. Therefore, its speed probably should be "60 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)" without armor.

Pg. 80 - In the dire corby stat block, it has 1 too many feats for its HD. Either one is a bonus feat or it needs to be removed.

Pg. 84 - {POSSIBLY NOT AN ERROR} In the akvan stat block, it has a fly speed of 120 ft. with good maneuverability. However, on the next page it discusses akvan princes. The djinn-hunting prince mentions its fly speed increases to 120 ft. (perfect). Either it was meant to be even faster than 120 ft., the stat block on page 84 is incorrect and should be slower, or the djinn-hunting prince merely gets a maneuverability upgrade and the mention of speed is superfluous.

Pg. 85 - In the Akvan Princes section, in the dying ember paragraph, the second sentence says it gains resist fire 30. This doesn't do anything, however, as the basic akvan already has immunity to fire.

Pg. 89 - In the sepid stat block, even after errata this creature still has 3 skill points too many. It's likely either a 5th skill was made an outsider class skill instead of just 4, or Fly was made a class skill automatically as if the creature had a constant means of flight, which it doesn't.

Pg. 94 - In the forest dragon base stat block, in the Elemental Breath paragraph, the last sentence says the ability's effect uses the dragon's caster level, however the dragon has two caster levels, one for spells and another for spell-like abilities. It's unclear which it refers to.

Pg. 101 - In the ancient sovereign dragon stat block, in the spell-like abilities entry, in the at will line, change "prismatic spray" to "prismatic spray (DC 24)".

Pg. 102 - In the young underworld dragon stat block, replace Improved Critical (claws) feat with a different feat and remove "/19-20" from the claw damage in the Melee entry. While this creature certainly qualifies for this feat, it does so only on its 8th and current HD. Since feats are gained at odd HD, it wouldn't be able to actually select this feat until its 9th HD. Based on the feats it has in its adult age category, you should choose either Improved Natural Armor, Lunge, or Weapon Focus (claw).

Pg. 124 - In the ghorazagh stat block, its Knowledge (dungeoneering) skill can be increased to "+20" since all aberrations can pick a Knowledge skill as a free class skill and it hasn't. It makes little sense that this creature wouldn't choose the one Knowledge skill it has ranks in to receive this benefit.

Pg. 126 - {TYPO} In the ash giant stat block, in the disease description, in the ash leprosy paragraph, change the frequency from "1 day" to "1/day".

Pg. 132 - In the goblin snake stat block, it's worth mentioning in the skills line that this creature has a Swim skill bonus of +10, given its swim speed.

Pg. 135 - In the cannon golem construction section, the description fails to mention the cost of materials needed beforehand before construction can begin. Going by the value of the golem's cost, change the construction description to the following:

"A cannon golem is built from 2,000 pounds of adamantine, brass, cold iron, and mithral. It requires 10,000 gp worth of materials before crafting can begin."

Pg. 138 - In the graveknight stat block, in the Ranged entry, change the damage from "(1d8+11/x3)" to "(1d8+11/x3 plus 2d6 acid)". If the ranged attack wasn't meant to receive this acid damage, then instead on the next page, in the description of the channel destruction ability, in the first sentence "Any weapon" needs to be changed to "Any melee weapon". Additionally, change Con from "10" to "-".

Pg. 144 - {ERRATA CORRECTION} In the grootslang stat block, the errata said to change the attack bonuses for the stomps and tail slap attacks from "+25" to "+27". Unfortunately the correct value to change these to is "+28". Multiattack reduces the secondary attack penalty from -5 to -2, but the errata is treating it as if it's reduced to -3.

Pg. 152 - Because the hungry fog has no Strength score and isn't incorporeal, it's uncertain how it calculates its melee touch attack bonus. Based on base attack bonus and the creature's size, however, the touch attack bonus should be changed from "+5" to "+3". Additionally, the CMB and CMD values aren't taking into consideration the creature's size. CMB should be changed from "+5" to "+7" and CMD should be changed from "+12" to "+14".

Pg. 153 - In the iku-turso stat block, in the description of the tursas disease, the first sentence describes how a creature suffering ability damage from this disease can breathe water. However, since this disease deals both Wisdom damage and Charisma drain, it's uncertain if "ability damage" in this first sentence was really meant to say "ability damage or ability drain". Such distinctions may become important for restoration spells and similar effects.

Pg. 156 - In the jorogumo stat block, the speed raises an eyebrow because it's rare for a land speed to be slower than a climb speed. Given the creature's abilities however, this may not be an error. However, if this creature attempted an accelerated climb, by the rules it's supposed to either double its climb speed or match its land speed, whichever is lower. By RAW, this means an accelerated climb would be slower than a normal climb. Additionally, unless they're strictly only functional as climbing limbs and otherwise cosmetic, the spider legs ability should probably state that when they are deployed, the jorogumo gains a +16 bonus to CMD vs. trip attacks and the CMD entry should also reflect this.

Pg. 158 - In the kamadan stat block, in the Skills entry, the Stealth skill bonus either hasn't factored in the penalty due to the creature's size, or the racial modifier needs changing from +4 to +8. For now, change "+6" to "+2".

Pg. 174 - In the interlocutor stat block, in the Special Attacks entry, it mentions poison but there are no stats for any poison this creature uses. It likely is a typo and should be deleted.

Pg. 179 - In the leaf leshy stat block, in the melee line, delete the "/19-20" at the end of the damage for theshort spear. Shortspears only critical threat range of 20. Also, in skills its worth mentioning that the leaf leshy has a +6 bonus on Climb checks, given the creature's climb speed. Finally in the seedpods description in the special abilities section, in the first sentence change "as ranged attacks" to "as ranged touch attacks".

Pg. 187 - In the lukwata stat block, in the Special Abilities section, in the description of eldritch encrustation, in the last sentence, change the caster level from "CL 11th" to "CL 14th".

Pg. 195 - In the moon beast stat block, none of the creature's Knowledge skills have been chosen as the free class skill aberrations get to choose. GMs can choose to increase either Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (planes) by +3.

Pg. 197 - In the lunar naga stat block, none of the creature's Knowledge skills have been chosen as the free class skill aberrations get to choose. GMs can choose to increase either Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (nature) by +3.

Pg. 198 - In the royal naga stat block, none of the creature's Knowledge skills have been chosen as the free class skill aberrations get to choose. GMs can choose to increase either Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (history), or Knowledge (nobility) by +3.

Pg. 199 - In the water naga stat block, this creature hasn't chosen Knowledge (local) to be a class skill, when it can due to being an aberration. GMs can choose to increase this skill by +3.

Pg. 202 - In the norn stat block, the save entry doesn't mention the +8 vs. mind-affecting spells and effects or +4 vs. death spells and effects from the constant mind blank and death ward spells. Additionally, in the Defensive Abilities entry, the Immune line should be changed from "cold" to "cold, energy drain, negative energy". Finally, in the Spell-like Abilities entry, in the at will line, change the DC for bestow curse from "23" to "24".

Pg. 203 - In the Nuckelavee stat block, in the Special Abilities section, in the disease paragraph, the disease mortasheen fails to mention an onset. This is fine if it isn't intended to have one, but such a thing is strange for a disease not to have.

Pg. 207 - In the ice yai stat block, even after errata this creature's skills are a little special. To begin with, Perception is too high for this creature's HD. In both the Senses entry and the Skills entry, change the bonus to Preception from "+22" to "+21". Furthermore, this creature has chosen only 2 out of 4 skills to be its "freebie" outsider class skills. GMs wishing to pump him up further can select two skills from among Disguise, Knowledge (arcana), Spellcraft, or Use Magic Device to raise by +3. I chose the latter two. Finally, in the Special Abilities section, in the icy missile paragraph, in the second sentence, delete "(+20 attack bonus)".

Pg. 208 - In the kuwa stat block, in the Skills entry, even after errata this creature has 3 skill points too many spent. It's likely 5 skills were chosen to be outsider class skills instead of 4.

Pg. 210 - In the void yai stat block, in the Spell-like Abilities entry, in the at will line, greater teleport says it can only teleport the void yai plus 50 lbs. of objects. This would prevent its armor from travelling with it, however, since its armor alone ways 200 lbs. Next, in the Skills Entry, the void yai has a bonus of +8 to Acrobatics checks made to jump listed, presumably from its fast land speed. Unfortunately it should be a +12 bonus (totaling +29 when jumping) since it has a land speed of 60 ft. However, it's uncertain if wearing speed-reducing armor affects this bonus. If it did, this value would still be wrong, and would only be a +4 bonus (totaling +21 when jumping).

Pg. 211 - In the Voidlords description, in the Martial Arts paragraph, the first sentence says the voidlord is treated as a 20th-level monk with the flurry of blows ability for the purposes of determining its damage and number of attacks per round with unarmed strikes. Unfortunately, the table that describes monk unarmed strike damage for creatures other than Medium only goes as high as Large. It's uncertain how much damage a 20th-level Huge monk would deal with an unarmed strike.

Pg. 220 - {POSSIBLY NOT AN ERROR} In the plasma ooze stat block, in the Defensive Abilities entry, since this creature deals both electricity and fire damage it's possible it was supposed to be immune to fire damage like it is electricity damage.

Pg. 221 - In the popobala stat block, in the Melee entry, change the wing attack bonus from "+20" to "+19".

Pg. 231 - In the Ratfolk Characters section, it should be mentioned that Ratfolk are slow with a 20-ft.-speed

Pg. 248 - {ERRATA CORRECTION} In the sleipnir stat block, the errata said to change the Flyby Attack feat to Weapon Focus (hoof), however it didn't mention updating the Melee attack line to reflect this. In the Melee entry, change the attack bonus for the 4 hooves from "+17" to "+18".

Pg. 250 - {TYPO} In the sphinx description, in the first paragraph, in the sixth sentence, change "savage, falcon-headed criosphinxes" to "savage, falcon-headed hieracosphinxes".

Pg. 254 - In both the giant crab spider and ogre spider stat blocks, it seems the bonus to Climb checks was calculated by factoring in both the +16 racial bonus to Climb checks mentioned in their racial modifiers, as well as the +8 racial bonus all creatures with climb speeds receive. Unfortunatley, racial bonuses don't stack. Rather than reduce the Climb skill bonuses for these creatures, it's probably best to just increase the racial bonuses to Climb checks from +16 to +24.

Pg. 256 - In the sprite stat block, this creature has 1 too many skill points spent. Interestingly, if you were to reverse the change the errata made to the Sense Motive skill, it'd be accurate.

Pg. 257 - In the stymphalidies stat block, in the special abilities section, the wing razors ability fails to mention what type of damage it deals. It's likely slashing damage.

Pg. 259 - In the tanuki stat block, in the Melee entry, because the creature is using both ends of its masterwork quarterstaff, its slam attack should have the word "or" preceding it as it can't be used in a full-attack sequence. Because it'd be used alone, its attack bonus would change from "+2" to "+7" and its damage would be change from "1d6+1" to "1d6+3". However a truly...disturbed...GM could instead argue that the slam could originate from a body part other than the tanuki's arms, such as another well-known tanuki appendage.

Pg. 260 - In the taotieh construction description, change the introductory sentence to read as follows:

"A taotieh is built from 12,000 pounds of marble, treated with special unguents and chemicals worth 5,000 gp."

Pg. 262 - In the terra-cotta soldier construction section, no details are given about the construction costs for creating terra-cotta archers or horsemen. While archers may not have any differences, horsemen are a higher CR and would certainly cost more.

Pg. 266 - In the thriae seer stat block, while this technically isn't an error, its +2 quarterstaff is actually a +2/+2 quarterstaff and thus is really two magic weapons in one, price-wise. Because this creature's treasure value is double, this is probably fine, but it's worth taking into account.

Pg. 267 - In the thriae soldier stat block, add "Thriae" to this creature's list of languages.

Pg. 268 - In the hekatonkheires stat block, in the Ranged entry, the crit range for its thrown rocks is 18-20, but there's no mechanic to explain this increased threat range.

Pg. 278 - In the jiang-shi stat block, this creature is missing a language due to having a high Int.


I'm the one who compiled the errata, so actually thank you guys for collecting them! It was a major help.

As a heads-up, I was told that sometimes, aberrations and outsiders don't put ranks into their floating class skills. It's particularly odd in the case of, say, caulborn, who have put ranks into so many different skills, but such is the case. Thus, all of those are not in error. Also, some changes that I thought I covered were still on your list, so they may have been among the changes that weren't listed, as you mentioned. If this is a list of errata in the thread that were changed differently or unchanged, it's possible that the thread math was off, though it's also possible vice versa, like the grootslang.

Thank you from me too.

Grand Lodge

In the case of numerical errors, I double-checked the math before mentioning them in that post above just to be safe. If they're still wrong, then I'm clearly bringing my F-game and I apologize :)

EDIT: Also, thank you, Mark, for enlightening me on that tidbit about floating class skills for aberrations and outsiders. I suspected as much, but it's nice to hear a little "behind-the-scenes" stuff confirming that.

Page 217, the Confounding Bandersnatch is out of alphabetical order. It should appear on the 3rd line, after Bog Nixie.

Mark Seifter!

I was wondering if there had been any agreement or fixes towards why or where the poison attack should be for the Interlocutor Kyton?

Grand Lodge

Also, what is the save for the unnerving gaze? Fort? Will?

Page 71. Demodand, Tarry. Mwk short sword stat block reads +26, but with the 18Bab, +9 str, 1 wep focus, 1 mwk, and -2 for two weapon fighting, it should be +27.

The bite is even only 4 points lower than then primary attack at 22, reflecting on how it should be a +27.

Since it was covered a couple of times in this thread but not mentioned by the errata, I'll make another attempt to get an official answer for the Interlocutor Kyton.

I'll make the call on the unnerving gaze that it is will-based, but the poison entry - Is it a mistake and needs to be removed entirely, or am I going to be reducing this creature's intended effectiveness by not utilizing the poison it should have?

I also don't want to find a poison that seems fitting for this creature type only to find out I'm making him more dangerous than he should be, thus artificially raising his CR.

Do we have any official call on this?

The Ecorche (p. 109) Seize Skin ability should have DC 26 instead of DC 25 (10 + HD/2 + DEXMOD = 10 + 22/2 + 5 = 26)

Astral Wanderer wrote:

Herd Animal, Antelope, page 147

Other than already reported issues...

It might be worth noting in the stat block, that it has Acrobatics +3 (+15 when jumping).


Herd Animal, Elk, page 147

It might be worth noting in the stat block, that it has Acrobatics +3 (+11 when jumping).

I believe that should be Acrobatics +3/+19 when jumping for the Antelope and +3/+15 when jumping for the Elk. +4 pts for each additional 10 ft of speed (+12 for the antelope and +8 for the elk) and an additional +4 pts for the Run feat. Of course, this assumes the animal is making a running jump ...

The Archelon (Megafauna) does not qualify for the Lunge feat.

When building the Cave Giant from the ground up, it does not qualify for any feats to go along with its first hit die.

Grand Lodge

Sir George Anonymous wrote:
When building the Cave Giant from the ground up, it does not qualify for any feats to go along with its first hit die.

This was explained by either James Jacobs or SKR at an earlier time (and sorry, I don't have the reference link), but for creatures with racial HD (ie: most creatures), their "base form" is what's presented in the stat block. In other words, they aren't constructed 1 HD at a time, they have all their HD right out of the gate, and select their feats and other features based on their total HD.

EDIT: And that's only for their racial HD. If the stat block also presents them with one or more levels in a class, those are added after the fact and their feats and whatnot are selected incrementally for those levels.

Strife2002 wrote:
Sir George Anonymous wrote:
When building the Cave Giant from the ground up, it does not qualify for any feats to go along with its first hit die.

This was explained by either James Jacobs or SKR at an earlier time (and sorry, I don't have the reference link), but for creatures with racial HD (ie: most creatures), their "base form" is what's presented in the stat block. In other words, they aren't constructed 1 HD at a time, they have all their HD right out of the gate, and select their feats and other features based on their total HD.

EDIT: And that's only for their racial HD. If the stat block also presents them with one or more levels in a class, those are added after the fact and their feats and whatnot are selected incrementally for those levels.

Thanks for that. I know that wasn't the case in 3.5e.

The Giant Vulture is missing its 5 bonus hp from the Toughness feat.


Natural armor bonus is incorrect for the Adult dragon.

Calculated: 6 Base + 15 Adult dragon = 21; Stat Block: 22
Which means that AC & flat-footed AC should both be 29 rather than 30.

Similarly, the Ancient's natural armor bonus is incorrect.

Calculated: 6 Base + 27 Ancient dragon = 33; Stat Block: 34
AC & flat-footed AC should therefore be 38.

Alternatively, the base natural armor bonus could be +7 rather than +6. However, that would then make the Young's natural armor (and other ACs) 1 too low.

Page 192 - Megafauna, Archelon

Stat block has (+10 armor, +1 Dex, -2 size) for AC explanation.
I assume it ought to be (+1 Dex, +10 natural, -2 size) instead.

Grand Lodge

DM_Cyclone wrote:


Natural armor bonus is incorrect for the Adult dragon.

Calculated: 6 Base + 15 Adult dragon = 21; Stat Block: 22
Which means that AC & flat-footed AC should both be 29 rather than 30.

Similarly, the Ancient's natural armor bonus is incorrect.

Calculated: 6 Base + 27 Ancient dragon = 33; Stat Block: 34
AC & flat-footed AC should therefore be 38.

Alternatively, the base natural armor bonus could be +7 rather than +6. However, that would then make the Young's natural armor (and other ACs) 1 too low.

Natural armor is fine. Both the adult and the ancient varieties have the Improved Natural Armor feat.

Strife2002 wrote:

Natural armor is fine. Both the adult and the ancient varieties have the Improved Natural Armor feat.

Sure enough. Just missed it. Thanks!

Page 198 - Naga, Royal

The royal naga has a +4 bonus to CMB to grapple. However, I'm not seeing a justification for it. Should its bite attacks have the grab ability?

Grand Lodge

DM_Cyclone wrote:

Page 198 - Naga, Royal

The royal naga has a +4 bonus to CMB to grapple. However, I'm not seeing a justification for it. Should its bite attacks have the grab ability?

Good catch, it looks like maybe the royal naga had the grab ability in an earlier version of it.

Page 283 - Voonith

Stat block formatting error: SQ line should be below the Languages line.

Page 90 - Div, Shira

Minor formatting. Feats not in alphabetical order. "Weapon Focus (claw)" should be after "Weapon Focus (bite)."

Pages 264-265 - Thriae Queen

Minor formatting. Feats not in alphabetical order. "Improved Critical (sting)" should be after "Improved Critical (light mace)."

Grand Lodge

Pg. 198 - Royal Naga

In 2nd-level spells known, replace hold person with another spell. This is a 3rd-level spell for sorcerers, not 2nd-level, and the royal naga doesn't have the ability to add cleric spells to its list the way the guardian naga can.

Grand Lodge

Pg. 194 - Mobogo

Because this creature has the swallow whole ability, it would require that its bite attack have the grab ability attached to it, based on the rules for swallow whole. It's tongue attack does have grab, but like the various frog, toad, and frog-like creatures found throughout the different Bestiaries, it would still need grab attached to bite.

Grand Lodge

Bellona wrote:

The Annis Hag's Rend attack looks a bit odd to me (2d6+10). Rend would usually produce 1d6+10 damage according to the Universal Monster Rules and her other stats.

Maybe this is some legacy cut-and-paste error from 3.5? Or should she really be that dangerous?

Just found some evidence pointing to the notion that the rend damage is in fact wrong here. The annis hag was one of the example creatures used for the boreal template on page 56 of Campaign Setting: Irrisen, Land of Eternal Winter and in that book the rend damage is 1d6 instead of 2d6, as is normal per the rules.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Sorry for Necro-ing, but I don't see this question anywhere, and maybe I'm just not picking up an obvious answer (or not finding the answer in the forums).

The Pukwudgie in Bestiary 3, has Command Undead listed as an At Will SLA.

It's description of the Spawn Undead Special Ability says, "...against a pukwudgie’s control undead spell-like ability."

Command Undead and Control Undead are two separate spells. Control Undead is not listed as an SLA for the Pukwudgie. I can *assume* that Command Undead being a 2nd-level spell, is more likely to be an At Will ability for the creature, and default to it since that is what is actually listed as the SLA.

HOWEVER...Spawn Undead creates Zombies, which are unintelligent undead. Unintelligent undead do not get a save against Command Undead. So, there's no point in having zombies spawned by the Pukwudgie suffer a -4 Penalty to their saves. That leads to the assumption that it's supposed to be Control Undead instead.

So, is the creature supposed to have Control Undead, or Command Undead? Or...is it supposed to have both (Command as an At Will, and Control as x/Day)?

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