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Howl in the moonlight...
Already thought a lot about this... but sorry, not gonna do it.
You can already be a werewolf and not lose anything once you reach a high-enough level. And now, with the ARG Paizo hardcover coming, it's even more useless to invest hours of design into something you can get straight from level 1 with a simple point-buy race builder, just by asking nicely to the DM.Expanding on that awesome idea just a bit: Template Classes! It could by like an Archtype for the Synthesist archtype!
Same answer than for Kelsey.
I may eventually do a vampire or ghost "class" as sorcerer archetypes or wildblooded bloodlines... eventually. These would awesomely fit any party, including ARG-less ones for frilous DMs.But otherwise... (well, actually, vampire/ghost/werewolf as bloodlines are cool ideas. I think I'll work on it. But not as template archetypes ; only thematic, "cursed/deviant bloodlines" ones. This would make an awesome Castlevania title...)
One thing on the Master of Many Shapes- the way you put it, he could use Stone Shape (4th-level, shape in spell's name) bu not Statue. I think it would be good if a druid could take unliving shapes too (some druids archetypes already do).
I'll see about this. The main problem is the spell bloat for shapechange that may make me forget details like this one, I'll see how to correct it when I've got more free, less inspired time. :)

Azten |

I may eventually do a vampire or ghost "class" as sorcerer archetypes or wildblooded bloodlines... eventually. These would awesomely fit any party, including ARG-less ones for frilous DMs.
But otherwise... (well, actually, vampire/ghost/werewolf as bloodlines are cool ideas. I think I'll work on it. But not as template archetypes ; only thematic, "cursed/deviant bloodlines" ones. This would make an awesome Castlevania title...)
Reminds me of the Ooze Bloodline I made. Made some people queasy when I first suggested it.
Vampire already has a sorcerer bloodline, in the form of the Sanguine wildblooded bloodline. Nothing stopping you from making one though, and I would look forward to it.

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Well, the ooze is a creature even I have difficulties to see being used in a bloodline, except as part of a drunk wizard, like for everything else. :p
Sanguine bloodline lets you play a necromancer who drinks blood, big difference. Expect something more consequent, probably sacrificing spell versatility for some limited vampiric powers... not quite sure how to take on the subject for now, but it should at least take the form of some alternate bloodlines powers, so anyone could take the Eldritch feats to alleviate/assimilate the curse.
Only full sorcerers would obviously gain some of the blood curse benefits.

Azten |

It's pretty good. I'm assuming it's an Undead Wildblooded bloodline?
Anyway, the only problem I can see is in the first line of Vampirism.
Vampirism (Su): At 1st level, you can grow your canines and sharpen your fangs to gain a bite attack as a free action.
It almost sounds like you can make a bite attack as a free action.

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It's not a wildblooded bloodline, but a bloodline that supercedes your current bloodline powers/bonus feats/arcanas/bonus spells. So in effect, you choose one of your bloodlines, and this bloodline becomes tainted by the cursed bloodline. This means you could be a vampiric demon, a lycanthropic fey, etc.
I ran into diverse issues, including retrocompatibility with other archetypes, so I decided to go the simple way of a bloodline ; while giving it it's own mechanics, complete with drawbacks and benefits. So it stacks with every other sorcerer option, but gives a little more punch for players who wish to play a specific monster template.
I'm still wondering if giving less spells for spell-like abilities wouldn't be better... but it would mean losing a lot of compatibility and class options.
I'll change the text for the "free action" thing.

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Idea: a variant Summoner class called the Transmuter. Evolves himself and has transmutation spells as bonus. Can become even tiny or huge unliving objects.
Already fully doable with the Host ! :)
Since he/it/they possess alchemical extracts, including Statue/XXX Shape and the likes, transmutation effects are their thing, and they are totally based around gaining evolutions to enhance their body as would an eidolon do. It's like an alchemist synthesist, without the guilty "feeling like a dirty optimizer" part, and with more weird things. Also, you can even play the Symbiont itself in any other creature if you are feeling like you REALLY want weird things to happen - though this last part is left to DM's interpretation and fiat about what you can or cannot use as your host.
Irulesmost |

Totally love these. They seem pretty balanced, and there's options some of the people in my gaming group have been vying for, like the Gun-fu monk (all the gun-related archetypes, really), the Rockstar bard, and basically all the things you added for fighters (that the latter archetypes stack with all other existing archetypes is gravy)
However, I do have some questions about the Fighter archetypes: The Gloriosus, as it is written, seems to have an insanely easy time with regaining grit, as it has no stipulations about how it can regain it (like the Braggart, who only regains grit on killing blows), meaning that if it expands its crit-threat range to 15-20, it can practically go infinite. This, in addition to abilities like Head First being pretty dang powerful, retention of proficiencies etc. and Gloriosus sort of just seems...better than the others.
Also, the Braggart's Luck class feature, unless I'm mistaken, is slightly, but strictly, worse than the counterpart ability of either the Bravo or the Gloriosus.
Am I missing anything, and/or is this intentional?

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Totally love these. They seem pretty balanced, and there's options some of the people in my gaming group have been vying for, like the Gun-fu monk (all the gun-related archetypes, really), the Rockstar bard, and basically all the things you added for fighters (that the latter archetypes stack with all other existing archetypes is gravy)
Ah ah, thanks, I'm glad you like them ! Especially if they indeed fill a gap, since "filling gaps in the system" is after all their basic purpose.
You'll find no archetype in this document that could already be done with the accessible rules - or at least, not without heavy tweak, sucky multiclassing, or DM compassion.However, I do have some questions about the Fighter archetypes: The Gloriosus, as it is written, seems to have an insanely easy time with regaining grit, as it has no stipulations about how it can regain it (like the Braggart, who only regains grit on killing blows), meaning that if it expands its crit-threat range to 15-20, it can practically go infinite. This, in addition to abilities like Head First being pretty dang powerful, retention of proficiencies etc. and Gloriosus sort of just seems...better than the others.
Also, the Braggart's Luck class feature, unless I'm mistaken, is slightly, but strictly, worse than the counterpart ability of either the Bravo or the Gloriosus.
Am I missing anything, and/or is this intentional?
The Gloriosus is the only fighter archetype for which I had no feedback until today (and your post). Regaining grit too easily was indeed a concern for me, but don't forget you have to invest in a "useless" stat to gain grit points : Strength to do damage, Dexterity to avoid being hit, Constitution to avoid dying, Wisdom to avoid enchantment spells, and Charisma to have a grit pool is a heavy investment. The only exception is the bravo, but he would be limited to dealing damage with one-handed weapons, or dealing not much damage with a two-handed, finesseable one.
Also, the Braggart can gain a bonus to melee attacks in addition to an Intimidation effect, and auto-confirm + additional damage on critical hits by breaking his own weapon in the opponent. So I honestly can't remember whether or not it was intentional from my part ; but looking back at it, I feel like this is balanced and indeed a design choice (it's been several months since it has been finished and I've designed a lot more in-between).Please be sure to let me know how it actually turns out during the game ! :)
Merci de la ligne de sang.
Où obtenez-vous les images dans votre document ? Je veux connaître de sorte que je puisse mettre des images dans un document.
Je suis dans votre chambre, envoyant à la boucherie votre langue.
Mouahaha, de rien, tout le plaisir est pour moi :D
Pour les images, faut juste savoir quoi chercher et comment : il faut utiliser les bonnes expressions et tenir compte de comment un internaute va marquer une page (et donc, une image) intéressante par certains mots-clés, y compris connaitre ceux utilisés en anglais, vu que le web anglophone est beaucoup plus développé. Google Images aide beaucoup : bonne mise en page, rapide, et beaucoup plus d'images affichées à la fois qu'il y a quelques années, ça aide à faire son choix quand il y en a une tonne à vérifier pour trouver celle qui correspond le mieux à ce qu'on imagine.
Ton français pourrait être pire, je te rassure, après tout certains n'ont pas accès à Google Trad... :p

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I'm not gaining a kopec with the document. Also, the following mention is straight on the first page outside of cover since the document's creation : "All pictures are the property of their legal owners." ; so I'm both not using the images for commercial use, and not assuming any right on their intellectual property in any way, on the opposite of the archetypes themselves on the exact same page whose intellectual property is mine.
If I ever was to make the Archetypes Document available (both for free and for money) so people who really love them can reward the tremendous work if they wish so, the only real difference in quality between the two documents would be :
- a more professional layout,
- the use of copyleft pictures in the buyable version.
Not gonna steal any picture from anyone.

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It is available for free. You can download it off of the site. I just want to be sure that what you are doing is legal so that I can go and do it myself.
"For free" is the important part. ;)
I'm not a lawyer (yet ?), but I honestly believe I'm not doing anything wrong right there in this precise situation. While I intended to link to each picture separately as to give rightful credit to each artist, it quickly became an humongous, evergrowing task that would now ask for hours of painful search/copy-paste, sometimes linking to sites not giving credit either, asking for even more research... hours not better spent on designing more content, or actually doing important things in my everyday's life.If any picture owner comes and wishes me to remove his work from the document, I'll do it ASAP and without arguing.
There are enough links that point to my Paizo messageboards profile to make it possible, not even accounting the Commentary tool that anyone can use, including anonymous visitors without editing rights over the file.
Like I said, if there ever is an official, 3PP document getting out (any interested guys know where to ask... :p), the free file will keep these pics, unless a desist is requested ; and the professional one will be handled with care and absolute respect of anyone's intellectual property.

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Medium update :
- Clarified the "Cursed Bloodlines" archetype.
- Added a bit more flavor and crunch to the Vampiric cursed bloodline, notably the 20th level ability...
- ... but most important change : added the Lycanthropic cursed bloodline !
Pretty proud of this last one actually, IMHO it turned out better and fills a fluff/crunch niche in a more elegant way than the Vampiric bloodline does.
With this, we've got pretty much, written in small fonts, 80 pages of archetypes going on !
And that's awesome. (Well, I hope so, at least.)

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Depends. I did the growler because a messageboard user asked how where handled characters that wouldn't use weapons for a Rocker, and the idea of a small archetype able to be so metal that it melts things with his voice was both fun and cool ; but for the opposite reasons, I wouldn't do full-classed races/templates... both too long, boring, cliché and tricky to design, while you only need the new Paizo book to make it work as a base race.
I like a good challenge when I find one, and I take pleasure in designing new - or really wanted - concepts... but this actually implies to have a good concept that isn't currently doable within the rules, like a swashbuckler that doesn't suck, a class based around eidolon mutations, a gunslinger scatterguns specialist, a gritty fighter, a Time Wizard, etc.
I take inspiration in ideas I have, that my friends speak about, or in what the boards would like to see (but Paizo will from their own words never do, telling people to see what the 3PP have to offer) - and I never work on something that a 3PP already handled, since I usually end up with ideas that Super Genius Games and others major 3PP already did in a way that I couldn't surpass in quality.
What you are asking for looks basically like the Archaeologist to me... since a non-stealthy, non-sneaky rogue is a bard, or if you don't want to cast spells, a light fighter.
Two rogue levels will give the light fighter only 1d6 sneak, but some useful class features, including rogue talents. You can even look at what the sneak attack feature is worth for in other archetypes with sneak attack, and give it to the class if you really feel like it. I really don't see how a non-sneaky, non-stealthy guy could be a rogue currently.

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A sneak-attack less rogue is an Expert with rogue talents.
Didn't want to say it. Didn't want to hurt the rogue's feeling.
GO GO ROGUES/BARDS ! I write archetypes for you, someday I'll finally play one of you (or both, Bateleur ?) for good !
'T would be cool if one of them became an official 3PP content in-between, so it can end up as an acceptable, not houseruley option on Cheapy's future Guide to the Bards. :p

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Will post the Sorcerer stuff on the Table when it is fully done, including Ectoplasmic bloodline. ;)
Also, beast shape + rage = +6 Str at level 3.
Stack in Bull's Strength beforehand, and you just got +10 to strength and +4 to Con, up to +6 with Raging Vitality feat. Since these are natural attacks, it's then at full BAB or full BAB -5, which should offset the crippling BAB enough to make the concept playable and enjoyable (also, rewrote partly the AC bonus to make it a free, constant barkskin, but made silver more dangerous as it fully ignores this constant barkskin).
I'll see about the Holy Gun. Not much to change IMHO. Going to sleep now, will do this in some days due to work starting soon. ;)

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Major update :
- Added the Ectoplasmic cursed bloodline
- Document's table updated to incorporate the full new Cursed Bloodlines rules
- For people who didn't follow the thread, this means there are now officially 3 new bloodlines available in the document !

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Last time we used psionics was in 3.5, some years ago.
Both not really interested in psionics nor knowledgeable enough about them to design something good psionic-based, I consider that if people wish to play psionic-based powers, they can just refluff their spells.
The closest I got to this was with designing "Emotion" bloodlines that gave powers depending on the emotion the sorcerer wilder was focusing on ; as a big fantasy trope is "emotions awakening hidden powers". I lost these bloodlines when my computer bugged the hard, irreversible way.

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Just to keep the thread updated : I didn't disappear ! :)
I recently got a temporary job in a NGO, AND a freelance proposition to design content for the Pathfinder system. This reduced significatively the free time I usually spent designing content for the document. This doesn't mean that I'm not there, and as a teaser/spoiler, the next archetypes you'll find there will be the Revisited Holy Gun and the Mageochist. :D
As a reminder for all messageboard user around here, here are the archetypes that you can already find in my Archetypes Document, including the Host alchemist, Mime bard, Gun-fu Master monk... :
Alchemist :
- The Iron-Clad, an alternate Alchemist class engineering machines, wearing a mechanical armor-suit and exploring alchemy with a phlogiston cannon
- The Host, a symbiont providing flesh-warping mutations to his host
- The Ragechemist revisited, because RAGECHEMIST SMASH !Barbarian :
- The Cannibal, absorbing fallen enemies to gain their strengths
- The Titan Mauler revisited, downer of behemothsBard :
- The Ballroom Dancer, maneuvering allies and enemies around the battlefield
- The Bateleur, a resourceful, roguish performer
- The Freak Shower, a performer summoning a wondrous creature to entertain or protect him
- The Freak, for anyone wishing to play a human marvel, or “freak”
- The Mime Artist, silently warping reality to protect himself and his allies
- The Rocker, a loud performer putting the room on fire while striking with his instrument
- The Growler, a Rocker variant using voice as a weaponCavalier :
- The Kenshi Ronin/Errant Swordsman, a mount-less, wandering master living and dying by the way of the Sword.
Druid :
- The Master of Many Shapes, a true shapeshifting druid
Fighter :
- The Braggart, using Grit mechanics for deeds of versatility
- The Bravo, using Grit mechanics for deeds of swashbuckling
- The Gloriosus, using Grit mechanics for deeds of power
- The Crossbowman revisited, medieval marksmanGunslinger :
- The Gun Tank revisited, thundering terror of the battlefields
- The Pistol Spade, blending swordsmanship and marksmanshipMagus :
- The Glyph Scholar, wielding scrolls and summoning items from glyphs
- The Gunmage, blending powder and magic for explosive resultsMonk :
- The Gun-Fu Master, a pistols dual-wielder martial artist...
- … and his Qinggong variant powers for tactical acumenRanger :
- The Trapper revisited, specialist in setting hunting trap
Rogue/Ninja :
- The Dandy, a magnificent bastard using his charming looks as a weapon
- The Inugami, a mystic Ninja using clones and various tricks to get past foes...
- The Saboteur, a Rogue/Ninja archetype to deal more than simple low blowsSorcerer :
- The Cursed Bloodlines, assimilation of magical curses, turned into weapons...
- The Ectoplasmic bloodline, to haunt your foes and feast on their fear
- The Lycanthropic bloodline, to devour and howl under the moonlight
- The Vampiric bloodline, to drink blood because men only are little piles of secretsWizard :
- The Chronomage, a specialist of time who doesn’t like to lose any
So, I'll be back !
Hope you'll love them, and have fun playing one someday."Brain-in-a-jar" Maxximilius
Because you can't ever have too much gray matter on your game.

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It will be time to carve out the whole community work that had been done during the playtest, which featured all kinds of attachments to the gun and discovery-like features to improve a firearm with nets, bolas, explosive bullets which I provided... if these files are still available online, that is, as I have no working copy left. ._.

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When you get to keep the next level of an ability in an archetype for which you replace the first, you instead gain the first at the time, as per the FAQ ruling (or what one of the developers answered on the topic, don't remember which). So the gunmage gains spell recall instead of Imp. spell recall at the indicated level.