Twist and shout

RPG Superstar™ 2012 General Discussion

Liberty's Edge Star Voter Season 6

Since the twist will be announced at the close of each round of voting and... there is no public date for end of voting of Round 1... on what date will the twist for the organization be known? Or do we find out at the start of round 2 on 1/24?

BTW, I am happy about the extra time this year.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16 , Star Voter Season 6 aka Shadow-Mask

marv wrote:

Since the twist will be announced at the close of each round of voting and... there is no public date for end of voting of Round 1... on what date will the twist for the organization be known? Or do we find out at the start of round 2 on 1/24?

BTW, I am happy about the extra time this year.

Typically, the twist is announced as the names of those advancing are. That's not always true; we got some extra time with archetypes last year, IIRC.

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9

Generally there is a 3 day turnover from announcement to next round submissions due. The rules for the next round will be announced at the time of this rounds winners. Yes the newness of archetypes gave us extra time. But the table does show what the round is, which it didn't back in the day. So yes on the 24th.

Also there is no public voting in round 1. If there was the judges would probably select the top 64 and I doubt Paizo wants to drag this out for any longer. But I do agree the extra time is helpful. :)


Can anyone point to examples of "organizations" for templates? A little lost here. There are "factions" galore, but organizations...


We'll have more information on this soon.

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9

Chris A Jackson wrote:

Can anyone point to examples of "organizations" for templates? A little lost here. There are "factions" galore, but organizations...

What SKR said.

Though others have linked the wiki. This is what I have been reading.

I've been writing up drafts using the faction listings in the Inner Sea World Guide as a sort of template. I know its probably way over the word count, but it allows me a benchmark for creating a lot of information that I can then pare down to fit the format and word count of the actual competition.

Also some of the information listed in the Faction Guide I've been working on for my drafts as well. Again, in the end I'll have too much information, but I'd rather have details which I can then edit, fine-tune and perfect rather than too little.

But that's just me ... and I like doing this creative stuff in my head anyway all the time, now I'm just writing it down :)

Aaron Webber wrote:

I've been writing up drafts using the faction listings in the Inner Sea World Guide as a sort of template. I know its probably way over the word count, but it allows me a benchmark for creating a lot of information that I can then pare down to fit the format and word count of the actual competition.

Also some of the information listed in the Faction Guide I've been working on for my drafts as well. Again, in the end I'll have too much information, but I'd rather have details which I can then edit, fine-tune and perfect rather than too little.

But that's just me ... and I like doing this creative stuff in my head anyway all the time, now I'm just writing it down :)

That's probably a really good idea, and at the very least would get the creative juices flowing, though with over a month to go, I'd worry about any such ideas no longer being fresh enough in my mind to really use them once it came time. Plus, I figure I'll be lucky if the judges just say in the reject thread that they considered me for a bit, since this is my first year trying this and I most certainly need more practice. (Though I'm sure everyone feels that way, including the prior Superstars. Always more you can learn.)

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