[Frog God Games] Black Monastery

Product Discussion

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I set up this thread for news about the Black Monastery easier to locate.

Bill Webb wrote:
Monastery is uploading to my server this morning. Announcements tonight! Pre-order will probably not happen for a day or so--I need to verify the file etc.

Frog God Games

December 12, 2011
Updates this week include the following:
• Black Monastery goes on sale this week and is at the printer. This book is a hardcover, stitch-bound adventure that will take you back to the days of old. Written originally by my first dungeon master back in the 1970s, this one combines old-school sandbox dungeon crawl with modern style and format and is sure to satisfy. The book is hard bound and will remind you of the format of the 1st edition PHB. It also contains a 6 panel, fold-out map of the monastery for ease of reading those hundreds of small room numbers. Retail price will be $32.99, and the book will ship in early February 2012. PDFs will be priced at $15.99.
• Tsar 11 has been held up at the printer again…(sorry folks), and is shipping today to me. I apologize for the inconvenience and delays, but I wanted to make sure the module was spot on quality that you expect from us.
• Tsar 12 went to layout this morning (thanks to Chuck, who pulled another all-nighter to get monastery done and to the printer this morning!).
• Northland Saga 3 is at the printer—look for an early January release!
• Quantities of our early modules are getting very, very low. I will not reprint these guys, so if you ever want a copy of Strange Bedfellows, Ursined, Demonheart, Eamonvale or Splinters of Faith, now is the time. Tsar individual modules are down to <10 copies of each for #1-#8. These too will not likely be reprinted.
• Toad is selling well, and reviews are excellent. TOH is still available in limited quantities in both SW and Pathfinder formats.
• Tsar 13 is in editing, and we expect the whole to be done by end March 2012 and off to the printer. Paizo will have copies of the first edition book (with the bonus chapter, which will NOT be available as a pdf)), but ONLY direct sale copies will be signed by myself and Greg and numbered. Sales of the limited edition copies will be concluded two weeks after I get the last chapter!
• Remember, the Frogs are out of the country visiting their poison arrow cousins in Central America from Feb 10 to March 11—so no books will ship during these times!
• My aforementioned Ebay articles have not been listed yet—though they will be soon!
• Tsar shipping will be figured out soon. You will need to pay for shipping before I ship to you in May. It’s looking like priority mail is the best option (flat rate). Overseas folks can fit 2 copies in a box, or can fit several other books into the box as well. I am going to have to use large priority mail boxes I think—it “might” fit in a medium, but I am concerned about compression damage in that size container. More detail on this coming soon to all subscribers.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

As soon as it can be ordered I am there...


Yessssssssss! I've been waiting for this one ever since I heard about it (When I missed out on the first batch of TOHC :p) and.... now I have to wait some more :s Damn you for tormenting me, just take my money already!

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

2 people marked this as a favorite.

My players shudder when I mention Frog God Games as they hold their precious character sheets tight. They were almost eaten last night by a dire worg from Slumbering Tsar #7.

Frog God Games

Oops--$33.99 on Monastery--sorry guys

Frog God Games

John Benbo wrote:
My players shudder when I mention Frog God Games as they hold their precious character sheets tight. They were almost eaten last night by a dire worg from Slumbering Tsar #7.


My first plan was to buy Fane of the Fallen and Strange Bedfellows and have them sent to me with the ST-hardcover, but I guess I should get them now. And...bought.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

What level range is Black Monastery designed for?


Frog God Games

Starting level 7 to 9.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Thanks Chuck...that should work nicely as a follow up for my group after they finish Caverns of Thracia.


RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

Chuck Wright wrote:
Starting level 7 to 9.

Oh, that could be evilly perfect. If the book ships February, that should line up to when my PCs will hit level 7.

Frog God Games

John Benbo wrote:
My players shudder when I mention Frog God Games as they hold their precious character sheets tight. They were almost eaten last night by a dire worg from Slumbering Tsar #7.

Wow. And if they're in ST7 then that means you're just getting warmed up. :-)

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

I hope the end date for the pre-order takes into account the damage done to our budgets from the christmas season... :) hint, hint....

Shadow Lodge

Hmmm...now to decide...which system version should I get my free prize Black Monastery for? Decisions decision decisions!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kthulhu wrote:
Hmmm...now to decide...which system version should I get my free prize Black Monastery for? Decisions decision decisions!

I've asked myself the same question, I think the answer is: BOTH! :)

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

Yes, both! It would be nice if these books also came with a slipcover that read "World's Easiest and Most Treasure Laden Adventure" to disguise the fact that it's a Frog God Game adventure. I'm afraid once my players see who made the adventure, they'll decide to try an orbital nuke from space before going inside the Black Monastery.

Frog God Games

I think that The Black Monastery is a great place to bait with items the party wants/needs.

I would also suggest a recording of thunder be played every time anyone says "The Black Monastery"... even in passing.


Man is it time to start talking about shipping tsar already? I am just starting up the campaign for real. Oh well, it will be more fun to run from the full tome anyway. I cant wait.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Is BM up for pre-order yet? I was at talesofthefroggod dot com but I didn't see a product linky...


Frog God Games

Dr. Johnny Fever wrote:

Is BM up for pre-order yet? I was at talesofthefroggod dot com but I didn't see a product linky...


It isn't up yet. We'll be sure to let everyone know when it is.

Dark Archive

Looking through the PDF's now, its up for sale on the FGG website.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Ordered and downloaded... Thank you again to the great god of the swampy places.

Frog God Games

Cover file is still giving me fits on our server for some reason/...should be up later today. Pretty sure you will be awed by Rowena's latest!

Frog God Games

Here's the link to Black Monastery for preorders and pdf on our website.

Scarab Sages

Just got it, along with a full premium subscription for Slumbering Tsar. I had previously balked at the price tag, but once I saw the quality of the Tome of Horrors Complete and Tome of Adventure Design I knew that it would be worth it.

Oh, and let me say that TOAD is easily one of the greatest gaming supplements ever produced. Bravo, Mr. Finch.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

BM hardcover and Pathfinder pdf purchased. Looks outstanding as usual for FGG stuff. The cover, in particular, is awesome. For some reason, it makes me nostalgic for the Temple of Elemental Evil T1-4 supermodule from the 80s <sniff, sniff>...

Good gaming to all,


RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

ToAD arrived today along with a shipment of Montecristo cigars and I just pre-ordered both versions of the Black Monastery. I treat myself so well around Christmas time! Currently singing:
I wish me a merry Christmas,
I wish me a merry Christmas,
I wish me a merry Christmas,
As I buy all of Frog God's stuff.
Evil tidings they bring
To my overconfident players,
I wish me a merry Christmas,
And a TPK next year!

Dark Archive

Just purchased,...and just from looking at some of the pics and encounters it's going to be murder.

Good stuff

Just purchased, looking forward to another excellent Frog God product.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

There are not many 3PP items that I have bought or looked at that stand up to Paizo standards. However, I have found Frog God Games books every bit as professional as Paizo.

Understand this is just my opinion.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber


Frog God Games

silverhair2008 wrote:

There are not many 3PP items that I have bought or looked at that stand up to Paizo standards. However, I have found Frog God Games books every bit as professional as Paizo.

Understand this is just my opinion.

Thank you very much! We certainly try our best.

@Chuck Wright,

I just preordered the Black Monastery. Now I have to decide which way to go when my Wednesday night players reach 7th level. Do I go Citadel of Pain (L7), then The Hollow Mountain (L8-12), or go directly to Black Monastery (L7-10)? So many decisions.

Frog God Games

May I suggest first buying our entire catalog then pondering your FURTHER options?


Frog God Games

silverhair2008 wrote:

There are not many 3PP items that I have bought or looked at that stand up to Paizo standards. However, I have found Frog God Games books every bit as professional as Paizo.

Understand this is just my opinion.


Thanks, silverhair!!

You must leave me some money to purchase from Legendary Games also. I am interested in The Northlands Saga, and One Night Stands. I already have the Tome of Horrors Complete, Tome of Adventure Design, and am considering the Hex Crawl set.

To silverhair: any of those three options are fun. Plus, you can always just add to the mix Greg Vaughan's Slumbering Tsar, at least the first three parts in the Desolation.

The Northlands Saga is really well done. It also happens to fit in nicely with products by other 3rd party companies such as Open Design and Rite as well as a side trek during Paizo's Jade Regent campaign, at least for the ones I have seen so far. The One Night Stands series make excellent side treks for campaigns too.

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

When is the preorder end date??

Frog God Games

We didn't do a determination of print run based on pre-orders so it's really up for sale and waiting on the books to come from the printer rather than being a pre-order deal the way we did Tome of Horrors Complete and Slumbering Tsar Saga.

Dark Archive

Dawn R Fischer wrote:
Here's the link to Black Monastery for preorders and pdf on our website.

Thanks for the link. I have preordered it, but I couldn't see anywhere which tells me how many books it counts as. I've gone for 1-2 but let me know if I should have paid more shipping.

Dark Archive

amethal wrote:
Dawn R Fischer wrote:
Here's the link to Black Monastery for preorders and pdf on our website.
Thanks for the link. I have preordered it, but I couldn't see anywhere which tells me how many books it counts as. I've gone for 1-2 but let me know if I should have paid more shipping.

As it is only a normal sized book I'm pretty sure it only counts as 1 book.

Frog God Games

Yep, Black Monastery is normal sized. It is the Slumbering Tsar that will be monstrous.

Shadow Lodge

A word of caution to the puritanical: there is a tiny bit of nudity in one of the pieces of art for this book.

I now await attack by an enraged demon regarding my choice of the word "tiny".

Dark Archive

Kthulhu wrote:

A word of caution to the puritanical: there is a tiny bit of nudity in one of the pieces of art for this book.

I now await attack by an enraged demon regarding my choice of the word "tiny".

Lol I was going to mention it, only because I think Piazo requires some kind of mature rating or something if there is nudity in the book.

Shadow Lodge

Oh yeah. Forgot about that. Well, a bit too late, since I think it's already at the printer, with both the Pathfinder logo and nudity intact. Oops.

Frog God Games

No more nudity than you would find in a museum that houses greek statuary.

Frog God Games

Yeah--I sure did not think it was an issue--more Greek statue than anything else--definitely non-sexual. I am pretty "anti-obscenity"--heck i reven remember them sneaking the vampire chick through against my wishes on Rainbow Mage--I was pissed (that was definitely "questionable" art).

Frog God Games

I'm reading through the license agreement because a search didn't bring up the word "nudity" so I'm wondering where it is.

Frog God Games

OK, found it

You must use your best efforts to preserve the high standard of our trademarks. You may not use this License for products that the general public would classify as "adult content," offensive, or inappropriate for minors.

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