Pathfinder Online or Golarion Online?

Pathfinder Online

I felt that the blog post kinda implies that the Pathfinder Online is going to draw from the lore, classes, monsters, factions, NPC, mythos, etc. of Golarion, but not exactly from the rules themselves.

I know that it wouldn't be feasible to have a MMO with the ruleset of Pathfinder RPG and the conversions needed will would be drastic. But, why is it Pathfinder Online when it isn´t really Pathfinder RPG and it more closely Golarion Online?


Goblinworks Founder

Pathfinder is the setting.
The rules are an adaptation of d20 Open Gaming License.

To use another example using a different setting.

Star Wars: The Old Republic
Star Wars is the setting, yet they neither use the d20 nor the d6 RPG rules.

Goblin Squad Member

A version of this discussion is already happening in this thread.

Goblin Squad Member

YawarFiesta wrote:

I felt that the blog post kinda implies that the Pathfinder Online is going to draw from the lore, classes, monsters, factions, NPC, mythos, etc. of Golarion, but not exactly from the rules themselves.

I know that it wouldn't be feasible to have a MMO with the ruleset of Pathfinder RPG and the conversions needed will would be drastic. But, why is it Pathfinder Online when it isn´t really Pathfinder RPG and it more closely Golarion Online?


You do know the pathfinder campaign setting, was called pathfinder, when it was just a campaign setting for 3.5. Hence why there are quite a few "Pathfinder" modules written that are not in the pathfinder rule-set. In an alternate universe where WoTC made 4th edition in a way that didn't alienate a large number of their own fans and scrap the OGL to prevent companies like paizo from making material, then the pathfinder ruleset might not have ever been invented, but the pathfinder campaign setting would still exist and still be called pathfinder.

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Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
superfly2000 wrote:

Sorry, I fell from the chair laughing.

+10 points for spending 86 posts arguing why this game should be Neverwinter Nights 3 while having no idea what setting it's gonna be based on :)

Well if you're an expert perhaps you could share a word or two about it.

The only thing I found when googling it was a world map and explaining the planetsystem it is in...

How the planetsystem looks doesn't effect all that much of the gameplay.

I think most of you have an over-belief in how much some lore changes gameplay...most times it unfortunately changes very little.

Besides, the topic header and the initial post was written in such a way that it confused me at least....and I never said I was a Pathfinder wizzkid...I think i confessed to this a couple of times...

So no need to +1 me something and sounding condacending...

Goblin Squad Member

Golarion is the world of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting, Superfly. The Inner Sea World Guide and everything else...?

So...its like Forgotten Realms. Same same but different?

Goblin Squad Member

No, entirely different.

Dragonlance - Kryn
Forgotten Realms - Toril
Pathfinder - Golarion
Greyhawk - Oerth

All different. Not the same in any way. Different tones, different fictions, different geography, different elves, different halflings, no Illithids, no Menzoberranzen, no Kender, no Beholders, more races of humanity...

Different different, not same but different.

The differences are as different as "Wheel of Time" and "Game of Thrones", completely different stories and settings and environments.

Head on over to the shop and buy the Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea World Guide and start reading. You'll be amazed at the flavor and richness of the world they've created to go along with their updated Pathfinder RPG. The rule-set works just fine for Forgotten Realms, and nothing prevents you from porting the Red Wizard of Thay prestige class over to use with specialist wizards, but Pathfinder Online will be using their proprietary campaign setting, which is most definitely NOT Abeir-Toril.

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YawarFiesta wrote:
But, why is it Pathfinder Online when it isn´t really Pathfinder RPG and it more closely Golarion Online?

The ambiguity is to their advantage, as they will surely sucker more players to looking at something labeled "Pathfinder" than "Golarian." They might even think the OGL rules are somehow involved, or that the game focuses on adventurers vs themeparks/DMs instead of a PvP game. If they get you to take a look at the game in the first place, that is the point.

Well lets sit down and do the math...A game world on a server needs a setting..hmm..simple lets use a world created for the system..Pathfinder Campaign setting and draw on those books...just like DDO (dungeons and Dragons Online) use Eberron as a setting. A efficient and sound way of doing it. I don't understand why ppl cannot understand that paizo created pathfinder and the pathfinder setting (Golarion the planet the campaign is set upon) hence Pathfinder Campign Setting. I mean would everyone prefer they spend tons of cash on remaking some unknown planet or setting to set the game system in for the online game. To me it is just a waste of cash doing that..simple math.

Goblin Squad Member

superfly2000 wrote:

This reaction either suggestive or otherwise is as good as any.

Golarion "online" - Easily forgettable; "what is that?"
path + finder "online" - simple name, easier to remember, & consider.

Plus the brand name is established. Names are important evidently.

- - -

Must be in Reference to this recent comment:

Goblinworks wrote:

A lot of people, upon first hearing of Pathfinder Online, come up with the idea that it's a video game translation of the RPG, using our campaign setting.

Instead, try to think of the Pathfinder campaign setting as a real world, and then think of the RPG and the MMO as different ways to map that world in game terms.
For example, the world of Pathfinder has orcs, who are generally stronger than humans. The Pathfinder RPG provides rules that quantify orcs and humans and their relative strengths so that you can interact with that world at your gaming table... but the RPG rules themselves don't represent the *only* way to quantify or define those things. Pathfinder Online will have orcs that are generally stronger than humans, and it will quantify that so that you can interact with that world online... though the exact way that it's quantified may be similar to or different from the way it's quantified on the tabletop.
In short, the Pathfinder RPG gives you materials you need to become immersed in the Pathfinder campaign setting at the gaming table. Pathfinder Online gives you materials you need to become immersed in the Pathfinder campaign setting in an MMO.

YawarFiesta wrote:

I felt that the blog post kinda implies that the Pathfinder Online is going to draw from the lore, classes, monsters, factions, NPC, mythos, etc. of Golarion, but not exactly from the rules themselves.

I know that it wouldn't be feasible to have a MMO with the ruleset of Pathfinder RPG and the conversions needed will would be drastic. But, why is it Pathfinder Online when it isn´t really Pathfinder RPG and it more closely Golarion Online?


XD I can see it all now, if it's Golarion Online it'll be GO as in GO and buy this awesome game! If it's Pathfinder Online it'll be PO as in... Er... Hmmm... They need to add something that starts with a 'T' at the beginning. :P

Goblin Squad Member

Ryghamoc wrote:
If it's Pathfinder Online it'll be PO...

Not if I can help it!

If "Pathfinder Role Playing Game" is "PFRPG" (and it is), then "Pathfinder Online" will be "PFO". It would only be "PFOL" if you think AOL is a proper model for online companies.

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

it'll be Pathfinder Online not Golarion Online ... for the same reason it was Dungeons and Dragons Online and not Eberron Online

brand name marketability

it's all a plot to teleport your character to Eox when you happen to harvest the wrong randomly seeded resource.
then mocking laughter will emerge from your computer's speakers, announcing:
"Muahahaha... We didn't limit the game to just Golarion for a reason, sucker!"

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