A world defined by RAW

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Direct RAW eh? Oh man...

No one sleeps.


Oh, people REST. People get 8 hours of COMPLETE REST all the time. But I NEVER sleep. Nope, that is a thing mages do to people sometimes, or when I get injured, in which case, its a lot of FULL NIGHT'S REST, but if I've got some time? I will not be sleeping, but using the awesome healing powers of my BED REST FOR AN ENTIRE DAY AND NIGHT. But otherwise, I've got a book to read. For 8 hours. While standing. Or whatever. And heck, I only REST when I really have to. Which is rare.

You know what is awesome? As long as I dedicate myself to it, really do some DEDICATED WORK, I can make some serious gold appear out of nowhere. My trade? Gambler. And why not? Everyone else is! Best job, being a gambler. What does it mean? What do I do? Hell, who knows? Who cares? I make gold, that's all I know.

And you know what I spend it on? Cheese. It's DECENT FOOD. Hell, it's all I ever eat. You eat meat? You're a monster! Why eat the flesh of another creature when cheese is all you ever need?

EWHM wrote:
Trolls probably DO lose weight when they have to regenerate destroyed parts. THAT is why so much flesh must be eaten.

Citation please?

You're making things up. This is about RAW, not personal opinions.

Malignor wrote:
EWHM wrote:
Trolls probably DO lose weight when they have to regenerate destroyed parts. THAT is why so much flesh must be eaten.

Citation please?

You're making things up. This is about RAW, not personal opinions.

It's fairly mundane 'Gygaxian naturalism' reasoning. They are noted as eating an insane amount of flesh. They regenerate. They're still subject to starvation. Therefore the most reasonable explanation according to said naturalism is that they have incredibly strong self-repair abilities fueled by their massive calorie intake. It's even noted as an EX ability rather than a supernatural one. Note that there are creatures in the real world that regenerate, albeit usually not quite so fast. They too need extra fuel to implement their advanced damage control.

And how does this relate to a magic ring which uses the spell Regenerate to regenerate limbs and recover 1 hp/round?
P.S. Can I borrow your helmet of "commune with Gygax"?

Honestly, your argument seems less convincing with each successive post. Fluffier, less RAW, requiring more assumptions, and less connected to the actual argument at hand.

Malignor wrote:

And how does this relate to a magic ring which uses the spell Regenerate to regenerate limbs and recover 1 hp/round?

P.S. Can I borrow your helmet of "commune with Gygax"?

Honestly, your argument seems less convincing with each successive post. Fluffier, less RAW, requiring more assumptions, and less connected to the actual argument at hand.

The ring of regeneration is clearly inspired by the troll ability. My argument is that if you don't make reasonable inferences regarding various magical and exceptional abilities, you get rather jarring results, results that make it much harder for your players to take your setting seriously and suspend disbelief. Gygax would likely agree with this position, which is why he put so much fluff like the ratios of noncombatants and the like into his references. If you want to commune with Gygax though, I suggest cracking open some of his finest works from 1st edition. You can do that with most any author, not just Gary.

The whole point of this thread is to explore such jarring results on a world.
As for Trolls being the source of all things regeneration, including the component spell of the ring (which by the way is a conjuration spell, not transmutation), I can only shake my head.
This isn't 1st ed (ahhh the 80s). Heck, it's not even D&D. Gygax didn't author anything PF.

I argue that a ring which regenerates uses Conjuration magic which (obviously) creates limbs and organs and other blood & tissue. Look at the ring description, specifically the aura: Strong Conjuration.
Heck, I need not argue it... it's right there, plain to see.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What bothered me is why is Cure line spells and heal are conjuration spells? They should be necromantic as they deal with life energy.


And no... Don't give me an explanation that you're actually just conjuring the powers from positive plane. Otherwise you should be getting temp hp. Let alone why are the inflict spells not conjuration (injury), because one should also be able to tap into negative energy plane.

Conjuration performs creation and transportation.
I see it as you're conjuring tissue (flesh, bone, blood) - moving it into the proper place and/or creating it where it's missing.
Remove Disease or Neutralize Poison can be D-swapping afflicted tissue with good tissue, or D-banishing afflicted tissue and creating new stuff.

With a little effort, it's simple to invent reasons why many spells can be from one of many schools.

Necromancy wrote:

Necromancy spells manipulate the power of death, unlife, and the life force. Spells involving undead creatures make up a large part of this school.

I'm with Suzaku on this one actually. It makes more sense as necromancy, it works better as necromancy and it follows tradition of the earlier editions too.

When asked about how to use the RAW, I prefer to talk about using the RAW, instead of railing pointlessly against it. An objective approach is best, since it lets one choose to ignore personal peeves.

Anyhow, something I read in those "omicons" really hit a chord: Beneficial traps.

  • A resetting trap that casts Mass Cure Light Wounds on the nearest ppl in the room, every time you pull a lever. Put that in a hospital.
  • A resetting trap that casts Mass Enlarge Person, every time you pull a lever. Put that in a trailer for a construction crew, or a loading dock, or a football team's bench.
  • Self-resetting teleportation traps

    It's not spells themselves which would reshape the world. It's renewable magic items (and traps). These are the kind of things that are available to the public, and would reshape society.
    Would it be done? Absolutely! There are plenty of good-aligned spellcasters who would be commissioned by governments and corporations, but some would just be philathropic where they can afford it. Project managers would hatch schemes to capitalize on these items/traps.

  • Ok, Adding in the Rules for Cost of Living on page 405 of the core rule book.

    We can actually start creating some of this set up.

    We know that by Raw for anyone to have followers they must have leadership. So all Nobles have leadership if they have any lands/small towns in there area of control.

    For my example I will use a 20th Level Aristocrat.

    20th LV NPC Aristocrat has Leadership. (He has a leadership score of 25)

    Cohort is 18th Level and has leadership

    Cohorts Cohort is 16th level and has leadership

    Cohorts Cohort Cohort is 14th level and has leadership

    Cohorts Cohorts Cohort is 12th levl and has leadership

    Cohorts Cohorts Cohorts Cohort is 10th Level and has leadership

    Cohorts Cohorts Cohorts Cohorts Cohorts is 8th level and has leadership.

    If my numbers are correct this creates a good size town with the following stats, I'm assuming the Leadership scores of the cohorts reduce by 2 for each step.

    Level 20 Characters 1
    Level 18 Characters 1
    Level 16 Characters 1
    Level 14 Characters 1
    Level 12 Characters 1
    Level 10 Characters 1
    Level 8 Characters 1
    Level 6 Characters 5
    Level 5 Characters 6
    Level 4 Characters 11
    Level 3 Characters 19
    Level 2 Characters 38
    Level 1 Characters 476

    That's a town with a population of 562 people. Now assuming these are all NPC classes and everyone has a profession, lets include that they are all using masterwork tools, have a skill focus in there trade and a feat in that trade as well.

    I know that assuming a lot but it seems to make sense for folks that make there living by their profession. A a human can get skill focus, and a feat for craft etc at first level.

    Any how

    The total commerce for the town is 19,952 GP per Month

    Now lets Assume that everyone is paying 50% tax. It brings the commerce down to 9976, and the 20th level npc is getting 9976 GP for Taxes each month.

    Each of the NPC's 6th level and below are also paying around 10 GP each for a Average Lifestyle, which comes with food, home etc.. The average Person has around 11-16 gp per month excluding Taxes, Rent, Food, Board, and trivial expenses..

    Not a bad standard of living. For these folks at all.

    Now we know the population, the amount of commerce changing hands, and we know how much wealth the noble has coming inn each month. This gives us a clue as too what he may or may not buy.

    I think the above is a very solid method by raw to determine a small barony.

    We can then say that the barons pay X amount of Gold per month to the kingdom. Thus X * The number of Baronies = Kingdoms wealth, population, and character levels.

    The purpose of building a world by RAW is to create a world with the PC's can do everything that a NPC can do.

    The above can easily be done by leadership.

    There is no reason to add in your own tax rate of 50% when the cost of living by RAW already includes taxes.

    Using the Example above the Highest tax rate that could be applied and folks still have a average life style with little to no money left over. IS around 75% that would change the above numbers like so.

    The Noble would make 14,964 gp per month from the folks living on his land, and they would have an average life style with the following coin amounts left over each month.

    Lv 1 5 SP
    Lv 2 1 GP
    Lv 3 1 GP 5 SP
    Lv 4 2 GP
    Lv 5 2 GP 5 SP
    Lv 6 3 GP

    For folks that like a poorer setting. you could go over 75% then everyone is living a Poor Life Style..

    Once we add in weather conditions, terrain modifiers theses averages do change just a touch.

    Abraham spalding wrote:
    There is no reason to add in your own tax rate of 50% when the cost of living by RAW already includes taxes.

    True but I was thinking that PC's would tax there followers and as such it would give us some numbers. These would be taxes in excess of the 1 GP allotment, (Think Federal Income Taxes vs. Sales Tax).

    It seems reasonably, the nobles have to get currency in order to afford the Extravagant life styles.

    Dark Archive

    Yeah, but RAW, there are no taxes; any tax you pay is already considered in the cost of goods and services.

    Edit: Actually, I don't think it is, now that I think of it. What is this tax thing you speak of? Why do you need it? To build an army? Roads? Why, those things are already being built without your 'taxes'. Where does the money come from? Well, when someone builds a road, they make money! What is with all these silly questions?

    I love this RAW world; very Discworld feeling. I could see it being a very humorous setting.

    I would suggest MR. Green that you check out this thread before continuing on your own as you have.

    The reason I suggest this is because I think I covered a lot of ground that you could use in your own examples.

    Please note that I cover family in my examples and since each family member is having a lifestyle bought for them they are also having taxes payed for them as well. I would suggest that the tax rate is 2 gp per person per month which means the average tax burden for a family of 5 would be 10 gp. This would mean that the village in my example would be providing 2,000 gp of taxes each month, or 24,000 gp a year in taxes.

    This gives you a tax base and something to work with beyond ad hok taxing.

    Abraham spalding wrote:

    I would suggest MR. Green that you check out this thread before continuing on your own as you have.

    The reason I suggest this is because I think I covered a lot of ground that you could use in your own examples.

    Please note that I cover family in my examples and since each family member is having a lifestyle bought for them they are also having taxes payed for them as well. I would suggest that the tax rate is 2 gp per person per month which means the average tax burden for a family of 5 would be 10 gp. This would mean that the village in my example would be providing 2,000 gp of taxes each month, or 24,000 gp a year in taxes.

    This gives you a tax base and something to work with beyond ad hok taxing.

    Why think you, I shall enjoy the reading.

    technology would never have developed past the middle ages. With low level "traps" being relatively cheap all human needs would be met with a single such trap. The greatest limitation would be initial creation cost and the time it takes to activate and distribute the spoils.

    For example a plate in the floor that creates food.

    Any number of "infinite water" scenarios.

    Plates in the floor that cast heal/regenerate/cure disease would eliminate the need for hospitals. as an added bonus STD's would be a thing of the past, though I imagine there would be higher birth rates without the advent of a "super duper birth control" trap.

    Mass transit would be permanent teleportation circles.

    cities would be built into cliffsides and have overland flight traps for public use. Check in once a day and you basically fly forever.


    Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:

    technology would never have developed past the middle ages. With low level "traps" being relatively cheap all human needs would be met with a single such trap. The greatest limitation would be initial creation cost and the time it takes to activate and distribute the spoils.

    For example a plate in the floor that creates food.

    Any number of "infinite water" scenarios.

    Plates in the floor that cast heal/regenerate/cure disease would eliminate the need for hospitals. as an added bonus STD's would be a thing of the past, though I imagine there would be higher birth rates without the advent of a "super duper birth control" trap.

    Mass transit would be permanent teleportation circles.

    cities would be built into cliffsides and have overland flight traps for public use. Check in once a day and you basically fly forever.


    I don't know:

    Commune: Get a yes or no answer to a question that your god knows.
    Benift: Any question which has yes no answer is answered.

    example: Can flight be attained for man with out magic. (Yes)

    Commune with nature: Know 3 facts about the natural area, 1 mile radius
    Benift: Where is the gold around here (quick 9 Radius, 18 Mile Diameter, or 254.34 Miles above ground just surveyed and 900 meters below round (900 Meters that's 1/2 a mile down.)

    So surveying land for precious minerals, water, wells, heck rare plants, or animals is easy.

    Speak with Plants: Advance knowldge of what plants like and don't like. Could develop solid farming techniques quickly. Like crop rotation.
    Speak with Animals: Advance animal training techniques, animal husbandry, heck even farming.

    All it takes is one guy with the right spell and a desire to write knowledge down for the sake of knowledge to spark innovation.

    Not to mention these jokers can get skills in the 20's and make rolls in the 30's and 40's. There would be all manner of interesting innovation going. On.

    How can I harness the awe inspiring natural power of Electricity. Make a Knowledge Nature Check of 35 thats how.

    How do I make a mechanical pulley system
    a knowledge Engineering Check of 35 that's how.

    Heck a 20th Level Bard, whom has max ranks in his knowledge skills, has a base skill check of 33 before he rolls, not including INT bonus.

    So it is very easy to have a 20th level 24 year bard that can take a casual 10 and get 40 on any knowledge check he wants. And that's not even min maxing.

    This has all already been done.

    You'll want to check this out; http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=222007

    Liberty's Edge

    This thread has convinced me to ignore all rules for anything except for PC's abilities and monsters.

    Liberty's Edge

    And I LOVE rule subsystems!

    Divergent wrote:

    This has all already been done.

    You'll want to check this out; http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=222007

    Thank you for the link, for those that do not want to copy and paste


    It is a interesting Read, and I must admit has changed my approach to this project

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