Golem in Progress

EugeneDM's page

15 posts. Alias of Goblins Eighty-Five.


"Hello Sandpoint! I'm happy to see so many people here to join in the celebration! Hey! No frowns on those faces! No tears! That's not what today is about! Let's not let the bad memories flourish here! No no! Remember when our mayor, with her never stop attitude, said we'd rebuild? That Sandpoint would be a beacon of faith, hope and charity? And did we cry? Did we say no? NO! No, we reached into our pockets, we spent our time and energy, and we rebuilt! This Cathedral holds our blood, and our sweat, and our tears, and our love, and our joy. Love and joy. Isn't that a wonderful thing? Today is about love and joy,"

He smiled as he put his hands together and nodded to the audience. They seemed to have perked up.

"Now then! In celebration of today, tomorrow night, the Sandpoint Theater will be holding it's first production of The Harpy's Curse! Now, I know some of you know that already, but what you don't know is that the lead character, Avisera, is being played by none other than the famous Magnimarian diva Allishanda!"

Many people in the crowd seem delighted by this news. Meanwhile, the mayor and sheriff seem a little displeased at the man's shameless self promotion .

"Uh hu, well, without further ado, here is Father Zantus!"

Up to the stage walks an older man, a priest of Desna.

"I don't wish to keep you any longer, so, thank you all for coming, and, let the festival begin!"

With that, the crowd cheers.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm running CotCT for the first time tomorrow, and I've been looking through the threads here, and seeing that many people think certain elements of the game should have been either:


Just so I can run a game with a full deck so to speak, I wonder which of these things you would have done? Of course, no need to pick just one!

Also, in regards to the Harrow points, how important are they really? The method for doing Harrow readings seems needlessly tedious and boring; at least, boring for my players. I've been using Action Points since they were introduced in D20 Modern all those years ago, and feel Harrow points would complicate things; how did you do the Harrow readings? Zell seems like a useful plot train engineer, but also doesn't seem to bring much to the story.


Enchanted grounds IS awesome! It's staff is (generally) very friendly and helpful, the place is clean, the stock is up-to-date, the place is clean, there is always something going on there, the place is clean...I also love getting comic books there, and the baristas really know how to make a good coffee drink. Oh! And the gaming environment is also warm, open, and inviting.

It's also far far away.

From my house.

And my library of books.

That are in my house.

However, it'd make a GREAT place to meet up, or for someone else to run a game at.

Thanks for the suggestion to check out the Yahoo groups Rocky Mountain Pathfinder group; I am honestly surprised when I stumble across those still; I thought Yahoo had liquidated them all.

CO, Denver - NWOD, Pathfinder...nothing's set in stone yet!

I'm looking for a few gamers in the Denver area, preferably near to the old Attactix gaming area, for an every other Friday gaming group. I'm really jazzed to run a NWOD Vampire game, but am very very open to running a Pathfinder game, or possibly something else entirely.

I just ask that we could meet up somewhere neutral first; sadly, I've met far too many gamers that I wish showered or don't talk during games; people who don't bath regularly or don't roleplay need not apply.

If you'd like to get into contact with me you can E-mail me at Narratore@gmx.com. I'll happily answer questions here as well! :)

Direct RAW eh? Oh man...

No one sleeps.


Oh, people REST. People get 8 hours of COMPLETE REST all the time. But I NEVER sleep. Nope, that is a thing mages do to people sometimes, or when I get injured, in which case, its a lot of FULL NIGHT'S REST, but if I've got some time? I will not be sleeping, but using the awesome healing powers of my BED REST FOR AN ENTIRE DAY AND NIGHT. But otherwise, I've got a book to read. For 8 hours. While standing. Or whatever. And heck, I only REST when I really have to. Which is rare.

You know what is awesome? As long as I dedicate myself to it, really do some DEDICATED WORK, I can make some serious gold appear out of nowhere. My trade? Gambler. And why not? Everyone else is! Best job, being a gambler. What does it mean? What do I do? Hell, who knows? Who cares? I make gold, that's all I know.

And you know what I spend it on? Cheese. It's DECENT FOOD. Hell, it's all I ever eat. You eat meat? You're a monster! Why eat the flesh of another creature when cheese is all you ever need?

As the horrid sound assaulted the ears of Sholloch, Torme, and Höd, they were able to grit their teeth against it, and didn't receive a vision.

As Höd tried picking up his gear, he realized that he did not have his backpack, greatsword, throwing axes, shield, signal horn, bedroll, or waterskin.

The armored man went to the door and tried to lift the wooden bar holding the door closed.

"Let me get you civvies out of here. I've always meant to come back here and remove the evil that dwells here,"

With that he put his shoulder to the wood and lifted.

Strength Check1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13

An audible crack could be heard...but it was probably from the man's back, not the door.


The half-orc walked up.

"Let me help you my Lord,"

Diplomacy 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (5) + 0 = 5

But the man seemed unmoved.

"No, no, I can do this. Iomedae will give me strength,"

The man tried again.

Strength Check1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

The wooden bar continued to not bung.

"The damnable bar won't move!"

The man now stood with a slight hump. The dwarf walked over.

"Are you okay? Looks like ya threw out yer back!"

"I'm fine"

Or at least, that is what Torme the Ulfen would have done, had it not been for the eye-piercing scream that filled the room, causing the sword of Iomedae in the crumbling mural to suddenly fall out of the ceiling and crash down upon the evidence table and Torme, causing the end of the table with the ax to bounce up, freeing the bloodied weapon, which then flies wildly, straight towards Demaiv!

Torme takes 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6 points of damage from the falling sword.

Demaiv needs to make a DC 16 Reflex save.

Oil horse, see discussion about wand.

The room is eerily silent, as it is filled with kicked up dust. Just as you realize that the sword of Iomedae was only in fact the ceiling mural, and not truly a sword, another scream fills the room, coming from the women in the red dress. The gnome and halfling are nowhere to be seen. or are they?

"We're all going to die! We're all going to die!"

Zella finds that the doors open with a hard shove.

OilHorse wrote:

(even more likely Human)

Are the Domain feats in Complete Champion open?
How about Divine Meta-Magic?

Ain't nothin' wrong with Humans, heck, I married one, and been pretty darn pleased since then.

As far as your questions, I've got to know, why're you asking if you are thinking of playing a bard?

Truth is, I can't seem to get players to even look through that book, so I've never seen them in play, but by looking at them, I'm not sure why I wouldn't allow them.

Hello all! I noticed that my own homebrew didn't take off, and I'm keen to start DMing my first PbP game. So, I'm trying again, with something tried and true, the Rise of the Runelords. I am going to be adding stuff in between as well, so don't be surprised if the adventure takes little sidetracks if you've played before, but nothing too crazy. Some of the adventures take place in other places in Golarion, but I'm going to move them to Varisia.

Here are my build rules:

»Races: Core, plus Aasimar, Changeling, Fetchling, Ifrit, Oread, Sylph, Tiefling, and Undine. I also will allow Eberron's Changelings with a +2 to any attribute, and Rite Publishing's Gargoyle.
»Everything else: Any Paizo Pathfinder book, Any WoTC 3.5 book (except for BoVD and BoED), any non-setting Malhavoc press books, and any 3rd Party Pathfinder books; the last three need to meet my approval/conversion and I need to own them! I'm pretty easy going on what I allow though, I even allow things like the Book of Nine swords, and words of power. If you've ever wanted to make a stupid broken character, now is your chance!
»25 point build
»Average starting gold plus 25gp.
»2 Traits
»Action Points.
»Any Alignment but CE; if you play evil stupidly (Hi everyone! I'm evil! or as I usually see it: Hi Everyone! I'm a jerk!), I will allow your character to get killed, or just ask you to make another one.
»Select a Golarion Deity
»A character goal (this could be a goal you have for your character but your character doesn't know it!)
»One paragraph describing what your character looks like, how they carry themselves.
»One paragraph describing you character's personality
»We'll start the game in Magnimar, as you are heading to Sandpoint. Give me a reason why your character is heading to Sandpoint.
»Just for fun, tell me your character's favorite food and drink.

My house rules:
»A +1 to one attribute at every even level, no choosing the last one you placed it into (No +1 Dex at 2nd and then 4th. You couldn't do Dex again until 6th level)
»A feat at every level. This doesn't stack with the old feat progression, it replaces it.
»Reputation Score. You don't have to worry about it, heck, I'm only telling you just in case you wanted to take one of the Reputation feats.

As far as posting, I expect you to post at least once a day on weekdays, and at least once on the whole weekend. I know that ya'll have lives, I have one as well, there are holidays, meetings, finals, funerals, etc., so I will be pretty lenient if you tell me about when you will be unavailable, if it isn't very often. Since I'm new to DMing PbP games, I will be looking to you guys to guide me on proper posting etiquette.

I'm also considering placing in three skills I have in all my games, (but if it is too much, I won't), Common Sense, Endurance, and Initiative. I am also considering allowing Contacts but I don't want a game to die once again because I have houseruled too much!
I'm big on players having fun. Make a broken character, make a useless character, I don't care! I will warn you ahead of time, intelligent enemies will be less hostile than normal, so you might be able to talk your way out of/through situations.

So, here is what inspired the Cyberpunk of the setting:

Cyberpunk Inspirations for setting's Theme:

Transmetropolitan, but quite a bit less zany.
Robocop, but with a little less cheese
The Fifth Element The fifth element, (with a little less cheese), is really perfect for Theme. The lower class is downtrodden, and must fight tooth and nail just to make a living, and will never get to retire, and is TOUGH. The Upper Class is ridiculous, has everything, seems a little inbred, and is STUPID and INNOCENT. The Middle Class, or what is left of it, must either become the Upper Class, or descend into the depths of the lower class.
Max Headroom
Talk about your cover-ups! I think Max Headroom is greatly overlooked as one of Cyberpunk's greats. From here, you can see more on Corporations Controlling everything, and television controlling, in many ways, even more.

Cyberpunk Inspirations for setting's 'Look':

Blade Runner, Ghost in the shell(1st movie only, not the 2.0 version)
Both movies captured a very 'Asian' feel, and I like to think that in the city's districts that aren't cleaned up and maintained, this is what it looks like. Blade Runner's understanding of Androids is fantastic. "What does it mean to live, to exist?" Ghost in the Shell challenges us to consider, as our body and mind our replaced with cyber devices: "What does it mean to have a soul?"
The Fifth Element
When it comes from the lower class, it has dents and scratches and is covered in little trinkets of personal design. It is also condensed, to save on space. When it comes from Higher class, it is sleek, perfect, unmarred, and a little over the top. It is also large and big! Common flying cars are great here as well.
Batman Beyond
In those part of the city that corporations keep clean and tidy, look to Batman Beyond. Also, for flying cars and electric trains, I can think of nowhere else to look.
Children of Men
To understand what Computers and TVs look like, watch children of men. Lots of people actually still use ground based vehicles in the setting, and children of men has great examples of these as well.
Chase Scene in Star Wars, Episode II
I know, not many people liked it. More flying cars, and what a perfect example of Flying Traffic! Also, the scene afterwards, that takes place in a sports bar? Also a great example of the setting's look.
Other examples of technology include Minority Report and I, Robot (2004).

Next time, I will post inspirations for the Horror aspect of the game, and Music themes. Sorry I don't have any books on this list, I haven't read any pertaining to Cyberpunk!

No rolling for stats. Either point buy, or choosing from a list.

I'll post a list of inspirational viewing/reading later.

Easily! You see, in this setting, everyone is a little bit Cyborg. Have you ever seen Ghost in the Shell? Something like that.

If you are playing that kind of character, I recommend using D20 Modern as your rule system. I'll talk about character creation a little later on, as I am using a very, very different rule set. Well, in some ways. For now, I want to see what other people want to play.

I guess I could talk about some of them now.

I'm going to be using 8 stats instead of 6.

Physique (Phy):

Physique: Physique measures your character’s raw physical power and endurance. Someone who can lift a lot of weight and shrugs off attacks has a high physique. Physique also determines the amount of equipment your character can carry, how much damage they deal in close combat, and increases a character’s health points.

Fighting (Fgt):
Fighting measures your character’s natural ability in close combat, and is used to determine if you hit someone in close combat.

Agility (Agi):
Agility represent your characters balance, limberness, gross motor abilities and reaction time. Characters who can climb well or walk a tightrope have high Agility.

Coordination (Cor):
This attribute is a measure of fine motor skills, manual dexterity, and hand-eye coordination. A character who is a great shot or can easily pick a lock has a high coordination.

Intelligence (Int):
Intelligence determines how well your character learns and what he knows. Skills that primarily involve information-gathering and recollection (with secondary emphasis on application) and use imaginative application of information are governed by this attribute. Someone who knows a lot about science or can invent something on the fly has a high Intelligence.

Wisdom (Wis):
Wisdom describes a character’s willpower, common sense, mental quickness and attention to detail. Skills under this attribute relate to awareness of one’s surroundings. While Intelligence represents what you know, Wisdom represents how you use it. Someone who can resist an enchanter's spells has a high wisdom or notice obscure details has a high wisdom.

Charisma (Cha):
Charisma measures a character’s force of personality, persuasiveness, personal magnetism, ability to lead, and physical attractiveness. This ability represents actual strength of personality, not merely how one is perceived by others in a social setting. Skills needed in interpersonal communication are governed by this attribute.

Luck (Lck):
Luck determines how lucky your character is. It can determine whether your character will take the correct path when it splits in two, and whether the monster attacks you or your companions first. Don't make this a dump stat! You might not see the benefits of good luck, but you do see the downsides of bad luck. You never know when a car didn't hit you, or you didn't get that bottle of poisoned pills...but you sure do know it when you do! Also, if you make this stat very high, you must roleplay being very lucky.

Additionally, we'll be using another skill set. I will post them later.

Also, some of character creation will be roleplayed.

I'd, uh, also be happy to greatly reduce down the list of options available...and if it makes any difference, most things are not cross compatible, you couldn't take a feat from another system, for example.

I remember it like it was yesterday, before our current sadness, before the dead wouldn't rest, before the end of days. Back when the world was in a time of happiness, back when we all lived in prosperity. Those were the final days of prosperity, the final days of joy, the final days of our innocence. Those...

Those were the final tales of Pendros.

So, I've been interested in running a PbP game for sometime now, and after reading some advice threads, the resounding "Just do it" theme kept showing up.

So, I'm going to 'just do it' and see where it goes. Be aware that while this isn't my first rodeo at GMing, it is my first PbP. One question though...How do I even make a campaign (like the cool pages that show up on your profile)? Does it make itself?

The campaign is one I ran before, based off of a few APs and stuff from my own noggin, mainly Curse of the Crimson throne, but twisted very very differently.

The game takes place on earth, in the near future, a future that couldn't exist in our timeline. It is vaguely based off of Urban Arcana, where the border between our world and another one is weak, and fantasy beings now live in our world. It is cyberpunk, and horror, pulling much, but not all, of it's mythos from the New World of Darkness. The setting takes place in a fictional city deep in the rocky mountains, known for its Casinos, Night Clubs, and University. Have I lost you yet? No? Oh good...

Because it gets nuttier. I'm allowing almost ANY d20 material. Well, lots of it anyways. Here is what I showed my players when I first ran this game, as suggestions:
The Displaced (those from fantasy worlds):
----------Last wave Displaced: D20 Modern [Urban Arcana]
----------New wave Displaced: Pathfinder/3.5 or 4ed D&D
Masked (those you are not hidden by shadow): Monte Cook’s World of Darkness/D20 Modern/Pathfinder
The Infused/Capes (superheros): Blood and Vigilance
The Infused (demigods): BESM D20
Mundane D7 Agent: M20 or D20 Modern [Dark*Matter/Future]

Here is a list of all things you could play:
* Means the Species is also a class that you MUST play

(Those who are known to the world and may even live normal lives)
Infused (Superheros, or at least those with Super powers at least)

(Those not known to the world at large. Some of them aren’t even known in the masked world)
Awakened (aka Hunters)*
Feytouched (aka Changeling)*
Dhampir (Half-Vampire)

(The Displaced, also not known to the world at large, are people from another world, most likely a fantasy world. Recently, those coming from the other world did not lose large portents of their memories, which used to happen, and their powers remained. Shadowkind are those displaced from the other world, Shadowborn have at least one shadowkind parent, but were born on earth)

Now, before I start posting my lengthy, lengthy house rules….is anyone interested?