Asheville Pathfinder Society Lodge

Local Play

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Sovereign Court

Luthril wrote:

Here is an interesting little tidbit I just found in the Core Rule Book...

"Humanoid creatures without two free hands attempting to grapple a foe take a –4 penalty on the combat maneuver roll." Does this same penalty apply if you are grappled and holding weapons and try to reverse the grapple? ....

Also... and I need to do some research here, but I'll ask... Do you threaten while grappling... I know that when you are grappled you can take no AoO, but I would think the grappler would also not be able to because he would have to let go of his target... right?

Food for thought... How does that grab ya?

I would say yes and no, respectively. It seems like it would be common sense, but I would need to dig to find written verification.

Silver Crusade 5/5

zylphryx wrote:
Luthril wrote:

Here is an interesting little tidbit I just found in the Core Rule Book...

"Humanoid creatures without two free hands attempting to grapple a foe take a –4 penalty on the combat maneuver roll." Does this same penalty apply if you are grappled and holding weapons and try to reverse the grapple? ....

Also... and I need to do some research here, but I'll ask... Do you threaten while grappling... I know that when you are grappled you can take no AoO, but I would think the grappler would also not be able to because he would have to let go of his target... right?

Food for thought... How does that grab ya?

I would say yes and no, respectively. It seems like it would be common sense, but I would need to dig to find written verification.

Ok so after some research... Both Grappler and Grapplee gain the "Grappled" condition and so therefore cannot take AoOs...BUT you both still threaten and therefore can help with flanking... I couldn't find anything about the -4 on the grapplee's check to reverse the grapple if they are holding a weapon, but I'm going to use it going forward...

Silver Crusade 1/5

-4 is because you are trying to grab them with your hands full, breaking grapple you are not trying to get free so smacking them with the weapon should help not hinder in my opinion

Sovereign Court

well if you are grappled, in order to break the grapple you are making a grapple check as well, it would seem the penalty would still apply.

Grand Lodge 5/5 * Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin

I would rule that the grapplee would need to drop their weapon in order to break a grapple without this -4 penalty; it seems logical but I'll wait to see a ruling. Maybe we could ask in a rules post?

Our long-awaited credit for this past weekend's mayhem has finally been recorded. Hallelujah and Pass the Pork Chops! As an aside, all you GMs need to identify which character is getting credit for your games on the chronicle sheet. Also, due to the fact that Seasons #0-2 scenarios don't have the added factions listed, we'll need to use blank chronicle sheets (I'll print some out).

That is all,

Scarab Sages 4/5

zylphryx wrote:
I am assuming it would be legal for it to be run in a 6 hour window, yes?


Scarab Sages 4/5

Luthril wrote:

"Humanoid creatures without two free hands attempting to grapple a foe take a –4 penalty on the combat maneuver roll." Does this same penalty apply if you are grappled and holding weapons and try to reverse the grapple?

Yes. A free hand means "no weapon in it". Its not easy to grapple with a sword in your hand. I would really like to see some weapons have a G classification which would mean they could be used to effect and maintain a grapple. Since there are weapons that can be used to perform grapples, holds and locks with.

Luthril wrote:

Do you threaten while grappling?

No. You do not threaten while you have the grappled condition and both grapple-r and grapple-e have the grappled condition.

Scarab Sages 1/5

Ooo! Look at my pretty star!

In other news: I've got free passes to ACE for the first 10 GMs that sign up to run tables. It's not until October 13th, but it will be here before you know it. If you're interested in running, let me know. Since the event runs from 11am-7pm, it looks like the best slot for Pathfinder tables would be 12-4. I've got a warhorn set up, and we'll be using that for reserving your spot at the tables, as normal.

If you want to run something non-pathfinder (blasphemor!!!) Let me know. I'll be running a DCCRPG game, that if you haven't tried a 0-level DCCRPG game, it's lethally fun stuff. Luth would approve. But don't worry you start with 3 characters, so if some die off, you're still in the game!

Carin has asked me to post this reminder about the game tomorrow here at the store


Grand Lodge 5/5 * Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin

Here ya go....WARHORN SIGN-UP for THURSDAY at the WYVERN's TALE.

Thoryn, congratulations on the star! Sign me up for a free pass! I'm in the ACE Warhorn!


Grand Lodge 5/5 * Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin

Here ya go....WARHORN SIGN-UP for THURSDAY at the WYVERN's TALE.

Thorynn, congratulations on the star! Sign me up for a free pass! I'm going to run Rise of the Goblin Guild (could you punch that into the ACE Warhorn for me?)


Grand Lodge 5/5 * Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin

Oops, Wyvern's Tail. Sorry, fellas.

Nope, it's Tale.
Also, new issue of Kobold Quarterly is in. We ordered 2 extra copies (Jason one is behind the counter for you) If this is something we should keep more of in stock just let me know.

OH, also Kevin I don't have your number, but DCC #70 is here, and #69 should show up tomorrow!


i am level 3 can I play in a into step

Sovereign Court

Intro scenarios are for level 1 characters only. I am assuming that is what you are asking ...

Grand Lodge 5/5 * Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin

Zebaroth, you can make another 1st level character to play in an Intro scenario if you'd like. I'm sure that Granyt (your GM for Thursday) can help you with that.

You could even play a new race! Ooooh....tengu monk. Tiefling bard! Aasimar barbarian!!!!

Liberty's Edge 2/5

huh huh Aasimarbarian.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Aasimar Favored Soul FTW!!!!!! oops wrong game.... heh heh

I'll be around WT on Monday the 13th if any folks need help with character creation....

Remember New races and stuff don't take affect until the 16th which is next Thursday... don't want any of you guys to get your character disqualified at a Con down the road for starting them early (not that 99% of GMs would notice)

Scarab Sages 4/5

Luthril wrote:
Remember New races and stuff don't take affect until the 16th which is next Thursday... don't want any of you guys to get your character disqualified at a Con down the road for starting them early (not that 99% of GMs would notice)

Thank you for reminding them Luthril.

The following changes will go into effect on August 16 when Season 4 kicks off at Gen Con:
We added three new races to character creation for all players to choose from: aasimar, tengu, and tiefling.

A character creation session is a-o-kay but don't jump the gun on official play - please.

Scarab Sages 1/5

Aasimarbarian is my new battle cry.

Also, Dink, your slot has been added to the warhorn, and your free admission and place in ACE history has been secured.

Scarab Sages 4/5

Quick question... If a level 1-2 character plays up to Tier 4-5, do they have to wait until they reach a higher level before applying the sheet? Or is that only if you played a 4th level pregen, for example? Just trying to figure out if I can use the gold/prestige from today now (to buy a much needed cure light wounds wand) or if I have to wait.


Silver Crusade 5/5

Ferious Thune wrote:

Quick question... If a level 1-2 character plays up to Tier 4-5, do they have to wait until they reach a higher level before applying the sheet? Or is that only if you played a 4th level pregen, for example? Just trying to figure out if I can use the gold/prestige from today now (to buy a much needed cure light wounds wand) or if I have to wait.


First off spend 2 prestige for the wand.... and yes if you play up you get the reward now.

Scarab Sages 4/5

Thanks. And yes, I'm going to buy the wand with the prestige points and maybe some better armor and a masterwork war hammer with the gold.

Dark Archive 3/5

Luthril wrote:
Ferious Thune wrote:

Quick question... If a level 1-2 character plays up to Tier 4-5, do they have to wait until they reach a higher level before applying the sheet? Or is that only if you played a 4th level pregen, for example? Just trying to figure out if I can use the gold/prestige from today now (to buy a much needed cure light wounds wand) or if I have to wait.


First off spend 2 prestige for the wand.... and yes if you play up you get the reward now.

Someone had told me different, but that's fine with me.

Dark Archive 2/5

Thorynn wrote:

This is a bit in the future, but would be worth planning out, especially if we could get some support from DCII and the SCARAB crew. What do you guys think about having a special event to commemorate the first anniversary of our lodge (1st week of December). I'm thinking Blood Under Absalom We'd need FIVE simultaneous tables, but it was really a lot of fun at SCARAB con last year, and would be something to work towards.

What do you guys think!? Hooray for the APL!

i would love to gm this if possible

Dark Archive 2/5

nillic wrote:

Also, I know Stu said he could run a game for us at UNCA on the 25th. I need to have the information to them by Friday, so is anyone else able to run a beginner scenario for UNCA students? The evening goes from 5PM-1AM and we can do it anytime during that period.

Please drop me a line: simeon AT theWyvernsTaleAvl DOT com

what time because i will most likely be there on friday being my day off and all

Sovereign Court

Chris Ballard wrote:
Luthril wrote:
Ferious Thune wrote:

Quick question... If a level 1-2 character plays up to Tier 4-5, do they have to wait until they reach a higher level before applying the sheet? Or is that only if you played a 4th level pregen, for example? Just trying to figure out if I can use the gold/prestige from today now (to buy a much needed cure light wounds wand) or if I have to wait.


First off spend 2 prestige for the wand.... and yes if you play up you get the reward now.
Someone had told me different, but that's fine with me.

Pregens you have to apply at the level of the pregen. Also, I don't think a level 1 can play up to a tier 4-5 ... unless things have changed again as far as playing up goes ...

<puts reading the updated Guide on his List of Things To Do for the next couple days>

Thorynn wrote:
Ooo! Look at my pretty star!


Scarab Sages 4/5

zylphryx wrote:

Pregens you have to apply at the level of the pregen. Also, I don't think a level 1 can play up to a tier 4-5 ... unless things have changed again as far as playing up goes ...

<puts reading the updated Guide on his List of Things To Do for the next couple days>

I know the answer to this one! (Because I asked a related question last week, then search for a full explanation) (Edited to note that's an exclamation of excitement at maybe knowing a rule, not a shout of defiance. :) )

Per this post:

"You are allowed to play Up or Down 1 Sub-Tier within a scenario if your level falls in the overall Tier of the scenario, but the GM/coordinator should try to avoid it."

So level 1, if they're crazy enough and the GM allows it, could play up to Tier 4-5 in a 1-5, or Tier 3-4 in a 1-7, but not Tier 6-7 in a 1-7, at least according to how that message explains it, which I'll allow is not an official FAQ. I've read the section in the guide a couple of different times, and it just talks about average level and when the situation is where a character is lower level than the module itself.

Scarab Sages 4/5

Ferious Thune wrote:
zylphryx wrote:

Pregens you have to apply at the level of the pregen. Also, I don't think a level 1 can play up to a tier 4-5 ... unless things have changed again as far as playing up goes ...

<puts reading the updated Guide on his List of Things To Do for the next couple days>

I know the answer to this one! (Because I asked a related question last week, then search for a full explanation) (Edited to note that's an exclamation of excitement at maybe knowing a rule, not a shout of defiance. :) )

Per this post:

"You are allowed to play Up or Down 1 Sub-Tier within a scenario if your level falls in the overall Tier of the scenario, but the GM/coordinator should try to avoid it."

So level 1, if they're crazy enough and the GM allows it, could play up to Tier 4-5 in a 1-5, or Tier 3-4 in a 1-7, but not Tier 6-7 in a 1-7, at least according to how that message explains it, which I'll allow is not an official FAQ. I've read the section in the guide a couple of different times, and it just talks about average level and when the situation is where a character is lower level than the module itself.

Oh, wait. Here's what the guide says:

"Within each tier, PCs should play in the subtier in which they fall whenever possible, but they may be allowed to play up or down, based on the average party level at the table, as outlined below.Some scenarios or special events offer more than two subtiers. In these cases, no PC can play at a subtier more than 1 step away from her character level."

Which seems to support the other message. I can't find anything that contradicts the part about Level 1 being allowed to play in 4-5 (other than discouraging it when there are other options).

Stu, I don't have a time I that I know of, but the sooner the better.

Grand Lodge 5/5 * Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin

Ferious, you've got it right. A 1st level PC can play in a Tier 4-5 session and get all the credit for it at 1st level if they survive.

Pregenerated higher level character chronicles can only get applied to PCs once the PC attains the level of that pregen.

Of course, GMs should be responsible for calculating average party level and preventing a party with no business playing "up" from doing so and risking a TPK, but there's no hard ruling against this happening. It's more of a strong suggestion. My rule of thumb: if none of the PCs could play at the tier suggested, even if their average party level suggests that they could, don't do it. Sheer numbers won't overwhelm a well-nuanced BBE (or shouldn't).

There are those GMs, though, who relish TPKs (*cough* Luthril *cough*).

Thanks to our esteemed VC, Del, for reminding me that new PFS rules take effect 8/16 and NOT BEFORE. That means no tengu bards or tiefling priests of Shelyn until then. Thanks, Del.

Last bit of stuff: Who can run for the UNCA students on 8/25? Nillic needs to know! It's not a Lodge Day. Let's represent the APL! Aly, are you still planning on running 'We Be Gs' for them? I'm sounding the Warhorn!

Please note that there are 2 slots for UNCA gaming on 8/25: one 4hr slot and one 8hr slot (for those crazy enough to do an intro module like Master of the Fallen Fortress because that would be PERFECT for Greenies *hint hint*).

Ok, enough for now. Happy Thursday, my monstrous Munchkins!

Scarab Sages 4/5

Several people answered this correctly. Yeah ... you all make me so proud. ***Single Tear***

Ferious Thune wrote:

Quick question... If a level 1-2 character plays up to Tier 4-5, do they have to wait until they reach a higher level before applying the sheet?

If you play a level 1-2 character UP, you apply the chronicle normally.

Ferious Thune wrote:

Or is that only if you played a 4th level pregen, for example?

If you play a pregen you apply the chronicle to the character # you signed up with once that character reaches the level of the pregen. In this example, level 4.

Good job guys!!!

Dark Archive 3/5

Where on the campus would this take place at for that UNCA game event?

It's happening in the food court in Highsmith

Aly, do you know if you can run an pre-gen scenario? If I can get 2 GM's, and I have one guy doing warmachine demos and we're running board games I think we'll be set for an awesome evening.

Scarab Sages

My father is running a bit late he had to stay late at work but he's enroute to come home get our stuff and then he'll be headed your way with Intros prepped Simeon.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Just downloaded all the Intros... Not going to open or read them until I have had a chance to go through them as a player... HINT HINT HINT... :)

Silver Crusade 4/5

Luthril wrote:
Just downloaded all the Intros... Not going to open or read them until I have had a chance to go through them as a player... HINT HINT HINT... :)

If you didn't GM all the time you could have played them already...


I haven't played them either yet lol


Aww four posts away! Well darn! Good luck to number 2000! lol

Dark Archive 3/5


Dark Archive 3/5

I do have a question.

Dark Archive 3/5

In the new PFS Rules guide a person who uses the character record folio gets a die reroll. I'm wondering does that extend to the printed version of the pdf?

Dark Archive 3/5

Looks like post #2000!

Lantern Lodge

nillic wrote:
Aly, do you know if you can run an pre-gen scenario? If I can get 2 GM's, and I have one guy doing warmachine demos and we're running board games I think we'll be set for an awesome evening.

I leave for TN for 3 days and come back to this, I'm thrilled. X3

Anyways, I have weebee goblins only right now. If you want me to run something else or one at one time and something at another I can do that just toss me the info and I got it.

As for the place I know a PERFECT SPOT at UNCA, its called the Pinnacle. Its meant for commuter students to have a lounge. ((Like me!)) But I'm sure it'd be great for gameing and its at HIGHSMITH "3rd" floor so remember that.

And YAY so many posts!

AlyGlows wrote:
And YAY so many posts!

I'd give the prize to you, cause you replied with actual content instead of post padding. :P

Silver Crusade 1/5

I will run an Intro Saturday at 5:30. probably intro 2 this time since I ran intro 1 tonight, I will also need some help on how to properly put tonight's sheets online so they get proper credit.

Liberty's Edge 2/5




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