MajorTotoro |

Hi. Next month I will be returning back home for a month or so, and my old group wants to play PF. I'm DMing Serpent Skull to another group, and I really like Paizo's APs. Obviously, we won't have time to run an entire AP, but I was wondering if any AP has a good book to run separately from the entire AP, as an adventure on its own (kinda like the first book of SS). What would you recommend me?
It cannot be from Kingmaker, as I will be a player of that AP soon.

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The Sixfold Trial! Easily the best Stand-Alone adventure out of the entire AP line. It's the second book of Council of Thieves, has a lot of great stuff. A murder-play, a fancy party, a heist, a wonderfully twisted dungeon, Cheliax and wotnot. Just change the McGuffin to taste.

voska66 |

A good one would be Council Of Thieve part 2 or even 3. Six Fold Trials would be easy to start a game with. Just change up the goal a bit by giving the players a different reason to participate in the trial.
Even easier is What Lies in Dust as it could be started for stand alone by just having the player encounter the box and it leads them to Westcrown and the potential treasure that long sealed and cursed Pathfinder lodge holds.