BB Pre-Gen Character Sheet Template?

Beginner Box

I'm considering giving the BB to my Godson for Christmas, but he already has two characters from the old Moldvay basic set and if I get this for him I'd like to convert his characters over for him. I did this with my own kids and it was a useful exercise, but my Godson lives in a different city and without me there to help him convert, I'm afraid he'll get overwhelmed. The ideal solution would be if I could pre-convert his character onto one of the large-format character sheets used for the pre-gens. Those character sheets are so perfect for a newbie learning the game. Has anyone created a word template, or a form-fillable pdf, of those sheets? I know I'd have to get them printed somewhere, since they're over-sized, but I think it would be worth it.

While I'm at it, has anyone created a BB character class template? One of my Godson's characters is an Elf, which has no equivelant in the Beginner Box. The closest Pathfinder equivelant is the Magus, so I'd love to convert the Magus to a BB format for him.

Someone did a BB Monster template for Word that is fantastic. That's the kind of thing I'm looking for.

Thanks in advance.

Dark Archive

SgtHulka wrote:

I'm considering giving the BB to my Godson for Christmas, but he already has two characters from the old Moldvay basic set and if I get this for him I'd like to convert his characters over for him. I did this with my own kids and it was a useful exercise, but my Godson lives in a different city and without me there to help him convert, I'm afraid he'll get overwhelmed. The ideal solution would be if I could pre-convert his character onto one of the large-format character sheets used for the pre-gens. Those character sheets are so perfect for a newbie learning the game. Has anyone created a word template, or a form-fillable pdf, of those sheets? I know I'd have to get them printed somewhere, since they're over-sized, but I think it would be worth it.

While I'm at it, has anyone created a BB character class template? One of my Godson's characters is an Elf, which has no equivelant in the Beginner Box. The closest Pathfinder equivelant is the Magus, so I'd love to convert the Magus to a BB format for him.

Someone did a BB Monster template for Word that is fantastic. That's the kind of thing I'm looking for.

Thanks in advance.

I'd also like templatse for classes and races and such, since I plan on teaching some friends and am DYING to add the Sorc, Oracle, Paladin and Bard to the box, since I think that the Paladin, Sorc and Oracle should have been there to begain with, and the bard is another iconic class that is both a skill monkey other then the rogue and another arcane caster, leaving the box with an even number of classes and caster types. 8 classes in all, and the box would thus have 3 divine casters(Cleric, Oracle and Paladin), 3 Arcane Casters(Wizard, Sorc and Bard), 2 skillmonkies(Bard and Rogue), 2 melee tank types(Paladin and Fighter) and 2 mundane classes(Fighter and Rogue) which would be a very nice mix and show them the inherent wealth of options in the game without overwhelming them.

Also, to spice things up and show them the wealth of options in alignment as well as race and class, I'd have both the pre-gen sorc and pre-gen oracle be evil, just to give them a lesson in how PCs are not always good and that there is "darker" options out there if they like that. I'd probably have a bones mystery oracle, to give them a taste of necromancy, and an abyssal bloodline sorc, to give them a taste of summoning and such. The oracle would be lawful evil and the sorc chaotic evil. The Bard would be netural evil and focused on being a "party face" type that is more of a charismatic con-artist/politician type rather then a musician. Paladin obviously would be lawful good. This way pretty much every alignment(even True Netural!) would be represented in the box and my players could, if they wished, explore evil as well as good.

So, just as the OP would appreciate such templates, I would as well.

I just tried to create a template myself and fell flat on my face =(

Scarab Sages

I know Herolab was creating a free version specifically for the BB set -I havent seen a screenshot yet to see how closely it mirrors the box example. Ill see if I can track one down before someone beats me to it...

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