DM Stephens Serpents Skull Campaign - OOC Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Human 6th level Druid
Init +1 Perception +12 AC 20 Tch 13 FF 19 HP 59 Fort+7(+8 vs disease) Ref+3 Will+8 Spd 20' CMB +11 CMD 23 Acro-2*Climb+6*Esc Art-2*Spellcraft+5 Stealth-2*Swim +6 ACP -2 (shield)

What I was commenting on was that , "The village is plagued by a powerful Chemosit, a malevolent and cunning ape-bear that delights in human prey, particularly relishing the taste of human brains. The beast has come out of the jungle every night for 2 weeks, stealing into the village in search of victims..." And yet the villagers are still here?! Waiting for someone to just happen to come along and agree to save them!? Sounds like a brilliant plan. :)

And given the obvious power of the Chemosits, stealing in seems awfully timid for creatures that can rip your limbs off without breaking a sweat. Who were they afraid of exactly? Lol

They are literally 800 lbs gorillas. Two of them. They can do whatever they want. :)

As for rend vs rake? Rake and pounce are by far and away the more common combo. It isnt even close. Rend and pounce is found in only one creature I have seen in the 4 bestiarys. And it isn't anything that you would expect. All the creatures similar to the Chemosit have rake. If anything is missing in error it is the grab ability. :P

Ultimately it doesn't matter. They are your custom creatures. They are what they are. :)

I mean no offense. Just blathering while I wait for Mihai to post. :)

I would respectfully suggest that they are more than a CR 5 though. ;) lol

I think their stealth makes them on the high end of CR5. If you guys were fully prepared you could have killed both of them in one round potentially with 8 characters.

Male Human 6th level Druid
Init +1 Perception +12 AC 20 Tch 13 FF 19 HP 59 Fort+7(+8 vs disease) Ref+3 Will+8 Spd 20' CMB +11 CMD 23 Acro-2*Climb+6*Esc Art-2*Spellcraft+5 Stealth-2*Swim +6 ACP -2 (shield)

sense motive (vs bluff): 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (17) + 20 = 37

I don't believe you for a second. :)

Male Human 6th level Druid
Init +1 Perception +12 AC 20 Tch 13 FF 19 HP 59 Fort+7(+8 vs disease) Ref+3 Will+8 Spd 20' CMB +11 CMD 23 Acro-2*Climb+6*Esc Art-2*Spellcraft+5 Stealth-2*Swim +6 ACP -2 (shield)

Corb's player is dealing with a family emergency. He asks that Corb be DMNPCed until further notice.

Male Human 6th level Druid
Init +1 Perception +12 AC 20 Tch 13 FF 19 HP 59 Fort+7(+8 vs disease) Ref+3 Will+8 Spd 20' CMB +11 CMD 23 Acro-2*Climb+6*Esc Art-2*Spellcraft+5 Stealth-2*Swim +6 ACP -2 (shield)

With Anton (and Aedalis) leaving, we should probably do a new loot division. Seeing as how Anton, in particular, is carrying the party treasure and likely above party average for shares in personal gear.

The custom Azlanti boots should definitely be considered for return I should think. Same with the Azlanti cloak of Aedalis'.

Not that I'm dying to do the treasure list for yet another game... but if nobody else wants to volunteer and I have time in the next day or so, I'll take a look at it.

Male Dwarf Foehammer, HP- 64/64, Init--1, AC-19, FF-19, Tou-9, CMD-20, F-+9, R-+2, W-+6, Per-+9

I'd certainly appreciate an audit on everyone. Wealth seemed all over the place while I was Aedalis with people drastically under or overshared. And Nim had the most as far as I can recall.

Male Human 6th level Druid
Init +1 Perception +12 AC 20 Tch 13 FF 19 HP 59 Fort+7(+8 vs disease) Ref+3 Will+8 Spd 20' CMB +11 CMD 23 Acro-2*Climb+6*Esc Art-2*Spellcraft+5 Stealth-2*Swim +6 ACP -2 (shield)

Yeah... it is fairly common occurance. ;)

I am afraid this isn't an opportunity to grab items from characters leaving. You guys are above average in wealth. Tragershen has studied the Azlanti items closely enough to replicate them so he can make new ones but Anton and Aedalis are taking their items and treasure with them, they wouldn't give them up since they both feel they earned them...and they did.

Anton/Aedalis won't take extra wealth with him but yes you guys are ahead of the curve. It will level out by the middle of the next Chapter as less stuff show up and you level a couple of times.

Kragnir and Balani both recieved an extar 4000gp item above their level wealth so they shouldn't be too far behind so however you guys want to try and work it out to get everyone closer is up to you guys.

Male Human 6th level Druid
Init +1 Perception +12 AC 20 Tch 13 FF 19 HP 59 Fort+7(+8 vs disease) Ref+3 Will+8 Spd 20' CMB +11 CMD 23 Acro-2*Climb+6*Esc Art-2*Spellcraft+5 Stealth-2*Swim +6 ACP -2 (shield)

After a very quick and dirty audit... I have wealth as follows:

Mihai 26,050
Nim 22,765
Aedalis 18,255 (includes 2nd level pearl of power & rod of extend missing in error from character sheet)
Anton 18,850
Corb 8,100
Trag 7,000

Party average: 16,821
WBL for 5th: 10,500
WBL for 6th: 16,000

Balani and Kragnir were given 14,500?

I only counted non-consumables (as everyone has a few or more).

I didn't account for coins as most have none listed on their sheets (which I believe is likely wildly inaccurate. Looks at Corb :P ).

Lots of accumulated treasure is not accounted for at all. Both from before, and even more so since Fredrik stopped playing and updating the spreadsheet. (ie many recently acquired treasure items are not listed anywhere. The graveknight's +1 falchion for example. Or the recently acquired AC boosting item.)

My point regarding the Azlanti boots and cloak was that being custom created items, it would be a shame if they left the game. Doubly so considering that other characters remaining in the game could benefit from them.

I'm not sure what the solution is. That will be for DM Stephen to decide. It doesn't make any sense to me for characters remaining in the game to be left extremely behind in WBL while letting characters leave the game well above. :P

I would respectfully suggest the following to even things out for the time being:

Pass the Azlanti Cloak from Aedalis to Corb.
Pass the Rod of Extend, lesser from Aedalis to Trag.
Pass the 1st level Pearl of Power from Aedalis to Trag.
Pass the Bracers of Archery from Anton to Balani.
Pass the Azlanti Boots from Anton to Kragnir.
Pass the Dusty Rose Ioun Stone from Nim to Corb.
Give the +1 dagger from party loot to Trag (or better yet make it a +1 rapier).
Convert the Animal Companion boosting item to something for Trag (approx. 3000 gp value).

Resulting in:
Mihai 26,050
Balani 19,500
Nim 17,765
Kragnir 17,000
Corb 16,600
Trag 13,300+3,000

New party average: 19,035 (mid 6th level WBL)

Party treasure:
1600 gp in gems and coins.
2000 gp worth of Red Mantis poisons.

Drop everything else that isn't currently on our character sheets (which would boost our WBL even more) and call it even. :)

DM Stephen would then adjust future treasures to compensate and bring us back down in WBL.

That is my take on it. Thoughts?

Sovereign Court

My thought is that the DM already said Aedalis and Anton aren't giving up their items, so can we simply that that out of the equation.

Wealth was standard for 5th + 4,000GP item. So 14,500GP, IIRC.

The distribution is pretty FUBAR.

Male Human 6th level Druid
Init +1 Perception +12 AC 20 Tch 13 FF 19 HP 59 Fort+7(+8 vs disease) Ref+3 Will+8 Spd 20' CMB +11 CMD 23 Acro-2*Climb+6*Esc Art-2*Spellcraft+5 Stealth-2*Swim +6 ACP -2 (shield)

Agreed. The distribution is totally unbalanced, but it is the way it is due to the types of items dropped and the way in which, we as players, distributed things.

I am absolutely not telling DM Stephen (or anyone else) what to do. I am merely suggesting a possible fix.

I don't understand the resistance to, or the logic, to not adjusting things. Leaving things as they are has the potential to negatively affect someone's enjoyment of the game.

And as far as "ownership" of particular items goes, that was never determined IC. All items were distributed on the premise of whoever would most benefit from them at that moment. For example, Corb or Trag could have benefitted from the Cloak of the Azlant, but didn't oppose Aedalis, assuming they would be compensated later. We can see what that has gotten them so far. :P

As far as Nim is concerned, all items are party treasure. Nothing has been officially claimed. If that were to happen I would expect things to be distributed differently than they are currently. If Aedalis and Anton are leaving the company, then the time for that to occur is apparently now. We can handle this IC if that makes the reasoning more sound.

As one of the "have" characters, I don't have a problem with redistributing things to make them more even and fair. I am not advocating more wealth, that is a by-product of the "fix" I propose I realize, just lessening the gap between character wealth levels. (And I would point out that a significant reason we are well ahead of WBL is due to our "Santa" gifts. :) If you take those out, our WBL average drops to 12,836.)

I'll leave it at that. DM Stephen can make the final call.

I think that Corb and Tragershen should just get a lot bigger shares from what is coming up to even things out, its up to the party to help make that happen.

That will do three things:
First, it will get you guys to even out near the right character wealth by 7th level, without the bonus items. With those items I am betting you will still be ahead of the curve but I am not too worried about bonus gifts. Dividing up items would further throw you out of balance.

Second, force someone to take ownership of the treasure division. I would hope that someone from the game will step up and volunteer to help keep track of the treasure now that Frederick has left the game.

Third, present a level of realism where characters who are leaving don't get stripped of their prized possessions.

I think you guys can pretty quickly get them back in line if you put your minds to it.

Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |

I have no problem with Tragershen lagging for a couple more levels; it makes a little less of an impact, I think, with a wizard than it does some of the front line classes.

I am willing to track treasure as we go if I can get help on three things. First, where do we stand as a group now; do we have any group treasure or unclaimed items at this point? Second, when we hit the level 7 or 8, I'd like a little help doing another audit to see where we stand. When it comes to running totals, I'll start with Nim's quick numbers until I get a chance to take a closer look myself. Third, if anyone notices any errors or omissions in my record keeping, please let me know. I won't consider it stepping on my turf or anything. :)

Mihai 26,050
Nim 22,765
Corb 8,100
Trag 7,000
Kragner 14,500
Balani 14,500

Does that sound good?

I am tracking treasure in two other campaigns I am playing in, and I'll use the same profile that people can check. After I add a section for this campaign, I'll post in this thread with it.

female Half-elf/Mwangi AC 18/15/13; Init +7/+9; Perception +12/+14; Fort+5; Ref+11; Will+2

Can I get the link to the site that has the party treasure. I would like to take a look at it as well.

In Mihai's defense, I created a custom single item that was geared towards his character which threw him really out of wack. Just need to get Corb. and Trag. back in line.

Male Human 6th level Druid
Init +1 Perception +12 AC 20 Tch 13 FF 19 HP 59 Fort+7(+8 vs disease) Ref+3 Will+8 Spd 20' CMB +11 CMD 23 Acro-2*Climb+6*Esc Art-2*Spellcraft+5 Stealth-2*Swim +6 ACP -2 (shield)

Here you go Trag! :)

I have done a more thorough audit. It now includes consumable magic items (wands, scrolls, potions, etc) and valuable mundane items (ie. masterwork backpacks). It is still obviously open to error... but I think it is pretty close. The updated numbers are below and include party items not yet claimed or distributed as well as coins and gems. It is current to before the Chemosit fight (and therefore the Animal Comp. boosting reward).

Mihai: 27,825 gp
Nim: 24,857 gp
Aedalis: 20,166 gp
Anton: 15,580 gp
Trag: 13,618 gp
Corb: 10,226 gp
Party (items* + wealth): 25737.92 gp

Total Party Wealth to date: 138009.92 gp
Share Value: 23001.65 (WBL 7th level =23500 gp)

*Notable party items that remain to be distributed:
Wand of CLW (17 charges) (255 gp)
Map of the Mwangi Expanse (n/a)
Map of Smuggler's Shiv (n/a)
+1 dagger (2302 gp)
Rod of Metamagic Extend, Lesser (3000 gp)
Wayfinder (standard) (500 gp)
2000 gp worth of poisons (2000 gp)
+1 falchion (2375 gp)
+2 hide armor (4165 gp)
(1) potion of shield of faith +3 (300 gp)

Party wealth:
PP:27+17+3+13+12+3+87+18+100=280 pp
GP:750+1000+43+234+27+8+180+123+11+155+122+27+22+500=3202 gp
SP:22+217+4200+284+44+246+72+461=5546 sp
CP:432 cp
Gems: 2@150gp, 13@10gp, 2@500gp, 43@50, 1@250gp, 4@100gp, 2@25gp, 13@50gp Total value = 4280 gp
Jewelry: 1set@1100gp, 1goldring@75gp, 1necklace@75gp, 1jewelry@650gp Total value = 1900 gp
Other: 1 large Azlanti pp @100gp Total value = 100 gp

If you think there is an egregious error with any of the above, please speak up.

So we need to pay out the two members leaving the party to the tune of 10,257.57 gp. We can do so easily out of party coins and gems, leaving the party with 2583.35 gp in coins/gems and all the undistributed items above.

Those items and coins should be used to top up Corb and Trag as much as possible.

After this, I am more than happy to hand off the treasure management duties to Tragershen. (Thank you)

And I would suggest starting a new spreadsheet at this point. :)

Male Human 6th level Druid
Init +1 Perception +12 AC 20 Tch 13 FF 19 HP 59 Fort+7(+8 vs disease) Ref+3 Will+8 Spd 20' CMB +11 CMD 23 Acro-2*Climb+6*Esc Art-2*Spellcraft+5 Stealth-2*Swim +6 ACP -2 (shield)

Corb you need to add your amulet of natural armor and headband of int. to your character sheet. DO NOT FORGET THIS TIME! :)

Male Human 6th level Druid
Init +1 Perception +12 AC 20 Tch 13 FF 19 HP 59 Fort+7(+8 vs disease) Ref+3 Will+8 Spd 20' CMB +11 CMD 23 Acro-2*Climb+6*Esc Art-2*Spellcraft+5 Stealth-2*Swim +6 ACP -2 (shield)

If the above is given approval, then my suggestion for distrubuting the rest so that we can start "fresh" from here on in:

Notable party items that remain to be distributed:
Wand of CLW (17 charges) (255 gp) Mihai
Map of the Mwangi Expanse (n/a) Trag
Map of Smuggler's Shiv (n/a) Trag
+1 dagger (2302 gp) Corb
Rod of Metamagic Extend, Lesser (3000 gp) Trag
Wayfinder (standard) (500 gp) Corb
2000 gp worth of poisons (2000 gp) ???
+1 falchion (2375 gp) sell?
+2 hide armor (4165 gp) sell?
(1) potion of shield of faith +3 (300 gp) Corb

Resulting in:
Mihai: 28,080 gp
Nim: 24,857 gp
Trag: 16,618 gp
Kragnir 14,500 gp
Balani 14,500 gp
Corb: 13,328 gp
Aedalis: 23001 gp
Anton: 23001 gp
Party: 2583.35 gp in coins plus the falchion and hide armor to sell in Kalabuto (another 3270 gp netted) for 5853.35 total for the party expense fund.


Male Human 6th level Druid
Init +1 Perception +12 AC 20 Tch 13 FF 19 HP 59 Fort+7(+8 vs disease) Ref+3 Will+8 Spd 20' CMB +11 CMD 23 Acro-2*Climb+6*Esc Art-2*Spellcraft+5 Stealth-2*Swim +6 ACP -2 (shield)

Random thought for the day... (inspired by the realism comment) :P

Where are our six soldiers every time we are in combat?! Wouldn't they have been helpful in the Chemosit fight for example? Perhaps they could have taken up watch positions around the village or something? :)

Or are they like Vaarsuvius' familiar? ;)

Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |

I'm guessing they would say that saving a random village isn't part of their orders, and they would camp nearby for the night and see if we were still alive in the morning. :p

Male Human 6th level Druid
Init +1 Perception +12 AC 20 Tch 13 FF 19 HP 59 Fort+7(+8 vs disease) Ref+3 Will+8 Spd 20' CMB +11 CMD 23 Acro-2*Climb+6*Esc Art-2*Spellcraft+5 Stealth-2*Swim +6 ACP -2 (shield)

I'm pretty sure that protecting US is part of their orders. The whole point of them accompanying us actually. :)

Sovereign Court

Not sure I understand the bit about buying out Aedalis and Anton? While DM S obviously doesn't want us to nick their stuff, I don't think he is insisting on us giving them a further share.

Happy with the rest of it; agree that Corb and Trag need to be boosted first. Once they are at a better level, we can all start to climb towards the money-grubbing 1% heroes Mihai and Nim :).

Male Human 6th level Druid
Init +1 Perception +12 AC 20 Tch 13 FF 19 HP 59 Fort+7(+8 vs disease) Ref+3 Will+8 Spd 20' CMB +11 CMD 23 Acro-2*Climb+6*Esc Art-2*Spellcraft+5 Stealth-2*Swim +6 ACP -2 (shield)

I was just taking the "realistic" approach. ;)

And I was never nicking anything... I was just trying to even things out. I truly believe it will be very difficult to adjust individual wealth levels in the future. Trying to lower WBL averages AND adjust individuals up are contradictory goals. Short of giving everything we find for the next 2 levels to Corb and Trag only. :P

I was trying to simulate what would happen if we split all the loot fairly now, at the end of the "job" as it were. :P

And Nim's offer to give Corb the dusty rose ioun stone was genuine. That would boost Corb 5000 and drop Nim the same.

I am trying to align character expectations with those of players. :P

Sovereign Court

Lets re-do this without taking anything from Aedalis or Anton and without giving them any extra either. Thats enough verisimilitude, I am sure.

We can always fall behind WBL slightly in pursuit of balancing each other and catch up later. Amount of treasure dropped at later levels goes up significantly and exponentially so I don't really expect it to be much of an issue as long as we bear it in mind.

+ with Balani and Kragnar we don't necessarily need to catch up. We can work out how far behind we are behind the average once we fix up Trag and Corb and our special item from Santa DM S could be of a similar value to get us up to the relevant level of gear.

Male Human 6th level Druid
Init +1 Perception +12 AC 20 Tch 13 FF 19 HP 59 Fort+7(+8 vs disease) Ref+3 Will+8 Spd 20' CMB +11 CMD 23 Acro-2*Climb+6*Esc Art-2*Spellcraft+5 Stealth-2*Swim +6 ACP -2 (shield)

We aren't in any danger of falling behind in WBL. :P

Well, if we don't pay out Anton and Aedalis then we can afford to give 10,000 gp (in gear and coin from the remaining party treasure) to Corb and Trag both and still have 5482.92* gp left in the party fund...

Resulting in roughly:
Mihai: 28,080 gp
Nim: 24,857 gp
Trag: 23,618 gp
Corb: 20,226 gp
Kragnir 14,500 gp
Balani 14,500 gp
Party: 5482.92* gp

*dependant on what is claimed outright and what is sold for 1/2 value.

Kragnir and Balani would then be one Santa gift and a bit more behind the party, but would have "selected" gear as opposed to "random" gear.

Works for me. Sound good? Stephen? Everyone else?

EDITED for value adjustments.

Sovereign Court

Ok for now. I'd like a better share of treasure pretty early though, its hard work being an undergeared fighter :).

Works for me, has my seal of approval.

Male Human 6th level Druid
Init +1 Perception +12 AC 20 Tch 13 FF 19 HP 59 Fort+7(+8 vs disease) Ref+3 Will+8 Spd 20' CMB +11 CMD 23 Acro-2*Climb+6*Esc Art-2*Spellcraft+5 Stealth-2*Swim +6 ACP -2 (shield)

I would second Alex's comment and politely suggest/request that Kragnir and Balani receive their Santa gifts asap.

We should then expect to have very little by way of treasure for the next 2-ish levels. :P

Speaking of treasure, what is the value for the Animal Companion boosting item. :P

Do you have an official write up for this custom item? :)

Yeah the party members leaving don't expect a payout just to keep the items they have to protect themselves.

They both got a Santa gift when they joined :]. Other stuff may fall their way as we proceed through the adventure. Don't forget you just got a treasure map. After studying it it appears to be near Kalabuto just a little out of your way, so probably a good stop to make. Will provide more details in my next post.

As far as the men guarding you. They have been mostly doing watch duty at night and travel at the back of the train with your pack mules and supplies guarding it. Their mission is to follow your orders, if you wish for them to rush forward and join combats they will do so but will probably not last long. They have been providing additional security when you camp and additional watch duties at night. You are their commander so you can have them do as you wish.

I will get to the write up of the item when I get some time...been under a time crunch lately.

Larger campaign post this weekend to get you guys moving again.

female Half-elf/Mwangi AC 18/15/13; Init +7/+9; Perception +12/+14; Fort+5; Ref+11; Will+2

I got a belt of dexterity, increasing my stealthiness to the point I might need to wear a bell so I'm not constantly surprising you all every time I speak. :)

Sovereign Court

DM Stephen wrote:

They both got a Santa gift when they joined :].

I figured that for an attempt to get us somewhere close to the 1%er's :P.

Male Human 6th level Druid
Init +1 Perception +12 AC 20 Tch 13 FF 19 HP 59 Fort+7(+8 vs disease) Ref+3 Will+8 Spd 20' CMB +11 CMD 23 Acro-2*Climb+6*Esc Art-2*Spellcraft+5 Stealth-2*Swim +6 ACP -2 (shield)

I have spoken with Corb and he is not interested in the dagger or the wayfinder. Assuming Trag wants the rod of extend, we have instead:

Notable party items that remain to be distributed:
Wand of CLW (17 charges) (255 gp) Mihai
Map of the Mwangi Expanse (n/a) Trag
Map of Smuggler's Shiv (n/a) Trag
Rod of Metamagic Extend, Lesser (3000 gp) Trag
Wayfinder (standard) (500 gp) Nim
(1) potion of shield of faith +3 (300 gp) Corb
2000 gp worth of poisons (2000 gp) ???
+1 dagger (2302 gp) sell
+1 falchion (2375 gp) sell
+2 hide armor (4165 gp) sell

Meaning Mihai takes the wand. Nim the Wayfinder. Trag get the maps and rod plus 7,000 gp. Corb the potion and 9,700 gp.

After selling the weapons and the armor (unless Balani or Kragnir wish to claim something). That would leave the party treasure fund at 561.92 plus the poisons.

Resulting in:
Mihai: 28,080 gp
Nim: 25,357 gp
Trag: 23,618 gp
Corb: 20,226 gp
Kragnir 14,500 gp
Balani 14,500 gp
Aedalis: 20,166 gp
Anton: 15,580 gp

Party: 561.92 gp and poisons

Seeing as how Nim would now have an ioun stone and a wayfinder, I want to confirm if resonant powers are allowed with regards to this pairing. (This would give the added bonus of +2 to CMB and CMD.)

Male Dwarf Foehammer, HP- 64/64, Init--1, AC-19, FF-19, Tou-9, CMD-20, F-+9, R-+2, W-+6, Per-+9

Cool. Now its only the newcomers that are grossly undergeared :P. Provided this is actually fixed sometime soon, this is ok for me.

But otherwise I don't think its fair to start at such a comparative low wealth simply because I lost motivation for my old character.

No claims for armour or weapons.

Male Human 6th level Druid
Init +1 Perception +12 AC 20 Tch 13 FF 19 HP 59 Fort+7(+8 vs disease) Ref+3 Will+8 Spd 20' CMB +11 CMD 23 Acro-2*Climb+6*Esc Art-2*Spellcraft+5 Stealth-2*Swim +6 ACP -2 (shield)

I agree.

It is worth noting, however, that all of Kragnir's (and Balani's) gear was hand selected, which is at least a little advantageous over random treasure gear. :)

female Half-elf/Mwangi AC 18/15/13; Init +7/+9; Perception +12/+14; Fort+5; Ref+11; Will+2

Balani uses a falchion so a +1 would come in handy. I would claim it if no one else wants it.

Let's say that Aedalis and Anton give you their share of cash for signing up for the Saventh-Yhi mission plus a little additonal that you give to Balani and Kragnir should they decide to join your group.

Let's say this is 4000gp which will put both of you at 18500 each. When you get to Kalabuto you will have a faily large city to spend it in.

female Half-elf/Mwangi AC 18/15/13; Init +7/+9; Perception +12/+14; Fort+5; Ref+11; Will+2

Although now that I think about it have a cool scabbard that can make my falchion a + weapon so maybe it is not really worth it to me.

Male Human Magus 4(Bladebound)
Asilande +9(1d6+4/18-20x2), Dagger +6 (1d4+2/19-20x2), Longbw +7 (1d6/20x3)
CL 4 +6 melee, +6 ranged, Conc +9
Init+3, Perc+2,AC19/14/15 HP 37,Frt+5,Will+4,Ref+4,Spd 30',CMB+5,CMD 19,Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 10

I apologize for my continued absence my mother has been in the hospital for over a month for what started out as routine knee surgery. She continues to have issues and between visiting her and taking care of her house pets i am seeming to have no free time. Please bot ne as necessary.

Hope she makes a speedy recovery! Thanks for the heads up.

Male Human (Varisian) Cleric (Varisian Pilgrim archetype) 6

As both a heads up and an FYI - I shall be wending my way on holiday starting Monday, and will be out of the country from roughly 2-3 weeks give or take (through to about 10th April).

During such time my online time shall be curtailed from what I'm usually capable - which should engender a reduction in verbosity and potentially some unreliability when it comes to posting rates and speed.

I'm more that happy to be DMPC'd whenever it's appropriate, but am hopefuly that I should be able to keep up with all the PbPs that I'm currently playing in during the time down-under.

wow must be nice...I haven't had 2-3 weeks off since I was 15...and we don't get that kind of vacation here in the good old US of A...

Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |

Yeah, I haven't had that kind of time off since I was in my early 20's, unless you count being unemployed (which I don't, since I couldn't afford to go anywhere); and even that's been ten years.

BTW my coment was jealousy talking, not meant as any kind of jab. My father used to work for the Canadian government so I have fond memories of him taking 3-4 weeks off during the summer so we could go trekking around westenr canada and the NE US and wish I could do the same.

Have a great trip and will bot you as needed.

Male Human (Varisian) Cleric (Varisian Pilgrim archetype) 6

One of the nice artefacts of Australia (I work for an Australian company) being a convict colony is that we have 'long service leave' which was meant to allow for working class Englishmen to take a boat back to the old country for a holiday once every decade or so.

So apart from my normal four weeks annual leave... after working for the same company for ten years - you get two months paid holiday.

My issue is more with an inability to take the time as I'm tied in to work. Even after taking two and a half weeks off... I still have five weeks left to take... and eight weeks annual leave...

The Europeans get it better in some parts though.

Dear God.

My husband has a union job, and they max out at 6 weeks paid vacation after 25 years with the company.

I get less than that, I max out at 5 weeks after 20

Yeah, I thought I was doing well too. I get just shy of six weeks combined vacation and sick leave), and that is the max for our company. And I think it is only that goof because, until recently, we were a subsidiary of a European company.

Male Human 6th level Druid
Init +1 Perception +12 AC 20 Tch 13 FF 19 HP 59 Fort+7(+8 vs disease) Ref+3 Will+8 Spd 20' CMB +11 CMD 23 Acro-2*Climb+6*Esc Art-2*Spellcraft+5 Stealth-2*Swim +6 ACP -2 (shield)

Here is the last draft of the list we had... but it was never confirmed. :P

Nim wrote:

(5) Drow Poison (x75=375gp)

(2) Huge Scorpion Venom (x200=400gp)
(1) Purple Worm Poison (700gp)
(6) Antiplague (x50=300gp)
(6) Antitoxin (x50=300gp)
(6) Soothe Syrup (x25=150gp)
(6) Vermin repellent (x5=30gp)
TOTAL = 2255gp

So 255gp would come from party funds...

Shall we go with this then?

Male Human 6th level Druid
Init +1 Perception +12 AC 20 Tch 13 FF 19 HP 59 Fort+7(+8 vs disease) Ref+3 Will+8 Spd 20' CMB +11 CMD 23 Acro-2*Climb+6*Esc Art-2*Spellcraft+5 Stealth-2*Swim +6 ACP -2 (shield)

Can I assume we are able to sell the dagger, falchion and armor?

I am also going to assume the above poisons is acceptable.

Everyone should add 1 each of the antiplague, antitoxin, soothe syrup and vermin repellent to their character sheets. I suggest Balani should carry the 5 drow poisons and 1 of the huge scorpion venoms. Nim can carry the other scorpion and the purple worm poison. Or Kragnir could carry Balani's scorpion poison.

Are we waiting then on Balani, Kragnir, Trag and Corb to make their purchases?

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