Video Games

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I was in the last 3 Betas, and am currently in one.
Were any of you other faithful Paizonians involved, and if so, what did you all think?

EDIT: The testing agreement is still in place, so don't post anything from the tester forum here, or link to it. That's still protected.

Kryzbyn wrote:

I was in the last 3 Betas, and am currently in one.

Were any of you other faithful Paizonians involved, and if so, what did you all think?

EDIT: The testing agreement is still in place, so don't post anything from the tester forum here, or link to it. That's still protected.

I'm interested in finding out what YOU think.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

It's fun.
I played a Sith Inquisitor, highest I got him was 34.

It's a nice break from what has become the standard in MMOs.

The only thing I wasn't really thrilled with was the space combat...

Have any specific questions?

I was in the beta a month or so ago, and was really impressed. There are enough innovations (and I mean real innovations, not superficial ones) to the MMO formula that it will certainly have some staying power. If the Old Republic team is able to capitalize on the inevitable decline of World of Warcraft better than any of the other upcoming games (like Guild Wars 2), they stand a good chance of becoming top dog.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

It definately feels like The Old Republic.

If one is looking for a SWG knock off, this ain't it (thank God).

How do non-Jedi's stand up equality-wise?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

They stand up well.
Any class can tank, heal or DPS/CC, if spec'd for those roles.
They wanted to avoid having to have x class for x role for raids or flashpoints (group instances), also so one could play the class they want, and tailor it to their playstyle as they progress.

I hesitate to use the word balanced, because there are too many variables with player choices, but a non-force user has nothing to fear from a force user. In most PVP situations, it'll come down to the tactics and playstyle of the player.

I was in it as well. I was impressed... to a point.

I guess I will get out of the way the not impressed part, because I don't want it to sound too bad. I LOVE Bioware games and when this was announced I was sad as it meant resources not going to the games I love and instead to an MMO. The stories are great for an MMO but not up to the quality of other Bioware products. So if you want an MMO this one has the best stories in the genre... if you wanted the best of Bioware told stories, you may be disappointed.

In a way that sums it up... best MMO I have played, hands down. I just personally like single player games better. Still it was fun, impressive, and I will definitely be buying it and trying to get friends to switch over from WoW.

Sean Mahoney

Sovereign Court

Liked it myself. To me it was fun. Not to mention I never once saw an avatar that looked like me like I do in most other MMO's (Super hero's being the only other ones that managed that)

I only got to level 15 playing most of Saturday and a few hours today. Played a smuggler and made her a bit like Han Solo and really only caring about her ship and making money. But she was good and was gaining on the light side.

If the game was more RP I really had a background figured out for her and this helped me play her.

I will most likely drop my money into this MMO.

Dark Archive

Kryzbyn I played in this beta as well, I got my Sith Inquisitor to level 10, (I had a very busy weekend though) were you able to play the same character in each beta?

Pre-ordered this on the Skyrim release day. A wow buddy of mine was in the beta this past weekend to give me some more info. His gripe was that it seemed more single player than MMO and that it would be like paying monthly for Mass Effect. Other than that he liked it for the most part.
From my own trailer viewing research, I see it similarly but not as bad as my pal sees it. I wish their was a trailer or two showing endgame stuff. Are there PvE raids?

Regardless, I like what I've seen without being in the beta and I love the Old Republic timeline for SW. Gonna definately try it for a few months.
Definately leaning toward the Horde.... Err.....Sith! Sith inquisitor/sorcerer and I'll try Bounty Hunter. On the Alliance, I'll be a Consular. For endgame if there are raids, I'll be primarily healing (in WoW I have 3 main spec healers, love healing).

Does anyone know if SW has dual-speccing?

Kryzbyn wrote:
Have any specific questions?

Now that you mention it... yes!

What I basically want to know is, how does it compare to WoW?

For example:

1) Are there instances? Where does most of the game play occur, in "the world" or in instances? Is most of the gameplay (so far) solo play (quests / pvp) or group play?

2) What determines the power of a character? In WoW, it was mostly gear. Is it the same in SWTOR? Or is it some other mechanic (like a "force" mechanic or skill based)?

3) When you first play the game, is there a protected area or are low level players bait for high level characters?

4) What is the PVP like? Are there enough players on the test server to test it? How are the PVP instances? Are they unique?

Does PVP give "honor" or a mechanic that allows you to get gear? Or just XP?

5) Is there the concept of healers? And if so, are the Jedi Consular and Sith Inquisitor the healers? Someone said earlier that all classes can heal, so does that mean even a smuggler and Trooper can heal? How?

If so, is there one specialization (of Jedi Consul or Sith Inquisitor) that heals and another that DPSs? Can you switch between the two? Is there one that's better for group play?

6) I've heard that there's a light/dark side of the force rating, and that someone on the Republic can be rated high in the dark side of the force? What is that and how does it affect gameplay? Can you switch sides?

7) Is there anything you should know when first start out? For example, should you know which skills or whatever you should take before starting? Is there a way to power level them?

8) Are there any classes that are currently blatantly overpowered? (Yes I know this can change quickly in MMOs). For example, I heard all of the ranged classes are overpowered currently.

9) Is there such a thing as WoWs talent system for customizing your character? If so, is it possible to change your talents?

10) How is space combat? Is it comparable to the game "X-Wing" (because I LOVED that game)? Is a joystick helpful?

11) What class do you consider the most fun? And why? :) (Also, did you try all of the classes?)

12) How do you rate the game so far?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Kryzbyn I played in this beta as well, I got my Sith Inquisitor to level 10, (I had a very busy weekend though) were you able to play the same character in each beta?

Not for every Beta. Over the last 3 beta builds, they;ve done a cahracter wipe twice. They were not planning on doing one after this weekend, so I expect to find my toons there. They will be wiping before early play, of course.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

1) Yes, tons of instances. Instances for storyline, group quests, and raid-type flashpoints. Gameplay for the most part happens in the open, though.
2) Stats and gear, from what I can tell. Gear that has stats have 2 Endurance, and the main stat for your class (willpower, Strength, Aim, etc.). At alter elvels, there is also +power, crit, etc. so they really didn't reinvent the wheel too much on this.
3)To an extent. Every class has a starter planet that takes you to level 10 or so. Then you move to your second one, usually the capital for your faction. I did not run into any republic players till the third and fourth planets. i don;t know if this is becasue travel to Korriban was restricted, or no high level republic player bothered to go there.
4)Open PvP was as you'd expect. I got in a series of fights with a Jedi Knight while I was on Alderaan with my Inquis. I won 5/6 bouts, but each of them were close. The instanced PvP warzones you can't get to till level 10 iirc, and the night they originaly tested it, I could not get into the instance.
5a)Non force users that spec for healing either use kolto injectors or summon small medical droids to heal. I've seen all classes heal other players, and perform well in the role.
5b)Every class has an Advanced Class choice. For inquisitor it's Assassin or Sorceror. The Assassin specializes in steath hits and subterfuge (melee/ranged Dps) while the sorceror focuses on the lore and secrets of the force (ranged dps/heals). Each Advanced class has access to 3 talent trees. The sorceror has one for heals. I would imagine every class has one AC that has a tree to spec into for heals as well.
6)You can be a dark jedi or a friendly sith. You don't change factions that I'm aware of. So far, it has a cosmetic effect on your character's appearance, and qualifies you for certain gear that requires a level of light or dark to use.
7)I loathe tradeskilling, and did none.
8)Sith Inquisitor was the Op class in PvE 2 betas ago. Bioware's answer was to bump every one else up, instead of nerfing SI's. This seems to have worked from what I saw.
9)You can respec your talent tree choices as often (for a price in credits) that you want.
You can not, however, change your Advanced Class choice once it's made.
10)It's more like rogue squadron.
11)I tried Sith Inquis, warrior, bounty hunter, imperial agent, jedi Consular shadow and smuggler.
I liked all of them, the storylines for each are amazing so far, and fun to play. The highest i've gotten was level 34 on my sith Inquisitor. He will be my main for launch, although my second fav would be a tie between the sith warrior and the bounty hunter (may not use the force, but rocket assisted dragon punches and time-delayed missiles are hella fun) :P
12)It's a theme park MMO. On a scale of 1 to 10 based on content alone, I'd give it an 8. If they had a real flight engine like SWG did, it would get a 9. If it had that and was sandbox like SWG was it would get a 10.

Kryzbyn wrote:

Thanks for your answer, I really appreciate it!

One last question, when do you choose your Advanced Class choice? I take it you can never go back on it? (At least for the time being).

baron arem heshvaun wrote:
were you able to play the same character in each beta?

There were betas of varying lengths. Some of us, myself included, were in the much longer ones. In these you could play the same character for weeks at a time. When a new build would come out though it would reset things and you would start over.

The beta weekends were mostly about testing server capacity and had a LOT more people in them... including the people who had been playing longer.

Sean Mahoney

Jason S wrote:
One last question, when do you choose your Advanced Class choice? I take it you can never go back on it? (At least for the time being).

You qualify for making the choice at level 10. I THINK you have to be at the right point in your class quest as well (just having left your starter planet and are now on the space station prior to heading to the capital). Which generally occurs right around 10 (think I had one character get there at 9 and had to come back to specialize).

Correct, you can't go back on it.

It happens so early in the game and each advanced class has three talent trees, so it really felt like each was just a different class that shared a storyline (each class has a unique storyline all the way up).

Sean Mahoney

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Yeah, Sean is correct.
I lean heavily toward the belief that you can not leave your starter planet until your storyline gives you the quest to leave. But then again, I've never tried.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Here is a FAQ blog that can answer most questions:

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

I played all classes to level 10, to get a feel for each story. So if anyone wants the basics for any story, I can happily spoil that for you. I also have some deeper playtime for the bounty hunter (30ish, finished Act 1) and smuggler (finished Coruscant)

So I'm definitely playing SWTOR, it looks like a great game. Hopefully I won't let it consume my life like WOW did. :(

Now that I've read hours of material on SWTOR, I have some better questions. I appreciate your responses!

1) What do you think the faction balance will be? Do you think they'll be more Republic than Empire? Is it too hard to tell?

I remember in beta, that everyone thought WOW was going to be Horde dominant, when it actually turned out to be the opposite.

If you were to guess, what do you think it is?

2) What's the best and worse class / archetypes to level with? I heard the healing classes are good to level with, is that true? Is it because of companions?

3) Related question, once you pick your advanced class, you're locked in right? With talent points, is it possible to have 2 specs (like on WOW), one for DPS and one for healing/tanking? If not, is it possible to respec?

4) If I pick a healing spec, is it viable for me to level by doing instances/flashpoints?

5) Crafting: How do the crafting tradeskills compare to WOW? Do they give you items that only characters with that tradeskill can use? Currently, is there a point in taking them?

6) Tradeskills. As I understand, you can only have 3 tradeskills. And I'm assuming that means that all of your crew have the same tradeskills?

If that's true, what tradeskills are you planning to get and why?

Gathering skills are always nice (for making money), but the truth is that it's best to level your crafting skills at the start of the game, not dump gathering and level crafting later.

The 4 crafting skills (non-force armor, non-force weaapons, syntharmor, artifice) are only useful if they offer something either you or your customers can't get through instances or PVP. Is that the case?

And then there's biotech. You can make consumable and implants. I assume an implant boosts stats and is like a trinket or perhaps jewelcrafting slot? Many people think this will be profitable, agree or disagree?

Mission skills seem to rock imo. They all give gifts to make your companions happy, which is important. Diplomacy influences the light/dark side (is that important?). Illegal trading affects almost all crafting skills. Investigation gets you secrets and schematics (which could sell for a LOT).

Anyway, I wrote my pro cons above, I'd like to know what you think.

Also, do you get to pick your companions? Can you refuse some of them, or do all jedi knights have the same 5 companions?

Are certain companions better at certain trade skills? If so, where can I find this information (besides the game)?

The game is good enough to gain a strong share of the market but it did not bring anything new in my eyes (lacklustre RPG storylines are not new, MMORPG or not), and considering the vast majority of the game is 'more of the same' I won't be playing it.

It has very much achieved bringing the single player story to the MMORPG genre, but it's not anything I was really looking for. If you're looking for this then SWTOR will be money well spent (although overpriced). From the time I spent playing it, it will be a solid product regardless of if I like it or not.

There are however, a wealth of good reasons that the greatest RPG games are single player. Kudos to them for shifting into the MMORPG genre with this kind of game and I'm sure that we will see this refined to a point that we may well see a genre shattering story driven MMORPG. SWTOR isn't quite there.

All I can say for sure about this game (not having been in a beta in any way, shape, or form) is that as soon as I found out that Rachael Leigh Cook did the voice for one of the Sith Warrior's companions, all my plans for being a Jedi Sentinel flew right out the window.

Shadow Lodge

Coldman wrote:

The game is good enough to gain a strong share of the market but it did not bring anything new in my eyes (lacklustre RPG storylines are not new, MMORPG or not), and considering the vast majority of the game is 'more of the same' I won't be playing it.

It has very much achieved bringing the single player story to the MMORPG genre, but it's not anything I was really looking for. If you're looking for this then SWTOR will be money well spent (although overpriced). From the time I spent playing it, it will be a solid product regardless of if I like it or not.

There are however, a wealth of good reasons that the greatest RPG games are single player. Kudos to them for shifting into the MMORPG genre with this kind of game and I'm sure that we will see this refined to a point that we may well see a genre shattering story driven MMORPG. SWTOR isn't quite there.

My take was similar, I was in the last 3 beta periods, and 1 character of each base class and made it into the low-to-mid 20s with my "mains".

My take-away was a solid "Meh".

Graphically, it looks old and flat, I think WoW, for good or ill, has really changed how I look at MMOs. While cartoony, each place in WoW has a distinctive look/feel to it, to where you could be dropped anywhere in the world and know instantly where you were. SWTOR looks like DDO, or SWG, or any of a number of RPGs/MMOs out there. Fwiw, even TFU & ME had a better "feel" to their art and made their locations more unique and readily identifiable. The characters are equally flat and lifeless, and, again, aren't stand-outs. I realize WoW has far less customization, as does nearly any other MMO, but I still felt that SWTOR lacked that certain indescribable quality in any of their art that makes good art feel "alive" instead of flat.

The unique aspect of SWTOR is that it "talks" and has the cut scenes and group-dialogue options, which are "neat" and reminiscent of a single-player RPG, but really aren't enough on their own to push the game to the "next level". Instead, like in any MMO, once you start to "grind" and repeat the quests it all gets rather boring and you wish you could just skip through it all.

The game also feels "small", classes and races are limited at the start, the starting areas don't feel very different, the classes play pretty much the same across the divide (so your JK feels like a Sith Warrior, Smuggler is very much like the Imp Agent, etc). There's no real uniqueness to each class, no one thing that really makes each class play radically differently from it's opposite number. It's not that anything's "broken" or unbalanced, and unlike SWG you can play a non-Jedi and be perfectly happy with the class, but it's just an overall...I dunno...lackluster experience.

Of course, it's Star Wars, so it'll sell remarkably well, and most of its die-hard fans (from the forums and the in-game chat) seem to be SWG hold-overs who stuck to that game despite its own lack of greatness.

Given the years of hype, and the name and esteemed regard of the developer I think I had higher expectations than for most other MMOs I've played, but I don't think they were unreasonable expectations. Largely, I was hoping for a "new" way to play MMOs, and a new experience within them, and, instead, I got 95% of "the same old thing" in a new wrapper.

Play WoW, play SWG, play DDO, or Lineage, or DAoC, or whatever else, after a while they all feel the same, and SWTOR didn't really do anything to change that.

Overall grade: C+ Nothing really wrong with it, but nothing really new or exciting either.

ValmarTheMad wrote:

Argh! Now im on the fence about investing in this.

I was considering yet another return to WoW as I wanted something along the same lines but with a fresh new beginning. I finally made the decision to just keep an MMO running in the background so to speak. $15 bucks a month to alleviate boredom, the occasinal itch to play in an MMO, the time inbetween other games, or while I'm waiting on the next big MMO.

Do I return to Healiocity or do I become a Sith Sorcerer?

Sunderstone wrote:
Do I return to Healiocity or do I become a Sith Sorcerer?

Grab some friends, dice and your favourite campaign and thank god you have an imagination.

Otherwise, I'm considering starting a Pathfinder (Online) Society gaming group to perhaps vote on an MMORPG to check out and play together. Anyone think there would be any interest in that? Be good for those who perhaps have never ventured into an MMORPG before, or those who'd want to try something new.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

The only thing I'm leery about is end game. I got to level 33 in a few days, cap level is 50 so it'll only take a week or 2 to hit the cap. The story line ends there. I don't know what you'll be doing after, if it's only going to be instances/flashpoints or PVP warzones.

Kryzbyn wrote:
The only thing I'm leery about is end game. I got to level 33 in a few days, cap level is 50 so it'll only take a week or 2 to hit the cap. The story line ends there. I don't know what you'll be doing after, if it's only going to be instances/flashpoints or PVP warzones.

I read something about Raids being 8man and 16 man, so I believe there is some endgame to this.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Yeah...was kinda hoping they'd come up with something better for endgame than status quo. But, it is what it is, and the storyline alone is worth buying and subbing.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kryzbyn wrote:
Yeah...was kinda hoping they'd come up with something better for endgame than status quo. But, it is what it is, and the storyline alone is worth buying and subbing.

$60 + $15 a month is a hefty premium for a few weeks original content. I look forward to a record breaking loss in subscriptions unless they have a sweat shop of voice actors in Taiwan.

Coldman wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:
Yeah...was kinda hoping they'd come up with something better for endgame than status quo. But, it is what it is, and the storyline alone is worth buying and subbing.

$60 + $15 a month is a hefty premium for a few weeks original content. I look forward to a record breaking loss in subscriptions unless they have a sweat shop of voice actors in Taiwan.

This is something I was also wondering about. How often are they going to be adding content if they are going to continue maintain the standard of voice acting?

Trion Worlds have set a pretty high standard with monthly content updates.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

We'll see.
BioWare hasn't let me down yet, so I'll give em my 60 bucks for the first month, and see if they get another 15.

Kryzbyn wrote:
The only thing I'm leery about is end game. I got to level 33 in a few days, cap level is 50 so it'll only take a week or 2 to hit the cap. The story line ends there. I don't know what you'll be doing after, if it's only going to be instances/flashpoints or PVP warzones.

Personally, I plan on making more than one character, probably at least 4 in total. It really depends on how good the storyline for the game is, and whether their end game is done. And how much time it takes to access end game, I don't have the time for 4-8 hour raids anymore.

There's a lot of people who hate this game before it's come out, but to me, they pumped a lot of money into it, the content is going to be there and it's going to be fantastic. It's worth a few months, AT LEAST.

I think other people should just take a break from MMOs if they're that jaded. Yes, all MMOs have a lot in common. I also wish some of the mechanics of SWTOR was different from WOW, but for me it's too early to pass judgement before playing and reaching max level to comment.

I don't think anyone here has reached max level. Imagine judging WOW based on levels 1-30. Using that perspective, it's kind of silly to judge SWTOR like that, especially considering they're going to have a tonne of content coming down the pipeline in a few months as well.

Dark Archive

Jason S wrote:
Now that I've read hours of material on SWTOR, I have some better questions. I appreciate your responses!

I purchased the Deluxe Edition, I played the beta and loved it; I would like to read even more, where did you read all that material?

Liberty's Edge

The end of my free time has a name, and its The Old Republic.

Everything about this game looks and feels amazing. The story telling aspect is everything to me. Add in the Star Wars universe and this is the end.

To this day though ... I'm not sure how I feel about the whole "if a Jedi chooses some love, its auto dark side?" That's at least what I've seen so far. Not following the Jedi Code, sure, but auto dark side?

Dark Archive

I know what you mean!

Since I preordered the collectors edition I believe we are allowed to play the game as early as Wednesday next week.

I however am so busy with work and traveling I won't even get real free time until after January 1st. Instead of playing at short intervals, random odd hours and crazily waiting to get my TOR fix I just decided to wait it out until after the holidays.

Dark Archive

baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Since I preordered the collectors edition I believe we are allowed to play the game as early as Wednesday next week.

Early access (headstart) for pre-orders starts this week not next - I believe it should start tomorrow, although exactly when you get into early access depends on when you registered your pre-order.

They aren't saying who will get early access when (other than it's in order of when you registered your pre-order, and that everyone who's pre-ordered will get some degree of early access), and people won't be notified until the day they get access. However, based on what they have said I suspect most will be in by Wednesday of this week, and everyone who pre-ordered by the end of Friday. While the last EA could theoretically slip to Monday I think that would be viewed as a very bad sign of how they're coping with the game's launch, and it may be that one of their reasons for starting EA 2 days earlier than originally planned is to ensure that all the EA begins before the weekend.

Unrelatedly, I'm a little suprised that so few people (and none of the Paizo staff) have been commenting on SWTOR launching - among most of the gamers I know it's being fairly keenly anticipated; maybe I know a disproportionate amount of SW fans, but I seem to recall a couple of Paizo staffers being vaguely interested in SW as well.

Liberty's Edge

Callum Finlayson wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Since I preordered the collectors edition I believe we are allowed to play the game as early as Wednesday next week.

Early access (headstart) for pre-orders starts this week not next - I believe it should start tomorrow, although exactly when you get into early access depends on when you registered your pre-order.

They aren't saying who will get early access when (other than it's in order of when you registered your pre-order, and that everyone who's pre-ordered will get some degree of early access), and people won't be notified until the day they get access. However, based on what they have said I suspect most will be in by Wednesday of this week, and everyone who pre-ordered by the end of Friday. While the last EA could theoretically slip to Monday I think that would be viewed as a very bad sign of how they're coping with the game's launch, and it may be that one of their reasons for starting EA 2 days earlier than originally planned is to ensure that all the EA begins before the weekend.

Unrelatedly, I'm a little suprised that so few people (and none of the Paizo staff) have been commenting on SWTOR launching - among most of the gamers I know it's being fairly keenly anticipated; maybe I know a disproportionate amount of SW fans, but I seem to recall a couple of Paizo staffers being vaguely interested in SW as well.

I have to admit my amazement as well. I know a lot of people are against MMOs on here but even if you just wanted to run it single player, it's basically just KOTOR 3 ... and 4 ... and 5, heh. This game is getting a lot of buzz just for the story alone.

Sitting here waiting just to see what server I get shipped to. Excitement! Jedi Consular - Shadow, coming up!

Dark Archive

Callum Finlayson wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Since I preordered the collectors edition I believe we are allowed to play the game as early as Wednesday next week.
Early access (headstart) for pre-orders starts this week not next - I believe it should start tomorrow, although exactly when you get into early access depends on when you registered your pre-order.

When I posted that it was Sunday, and I have a habit of referring to the days after the weekend as "next week", so meant this week I guess (my actual weekend is sadly just Monday). In any case I believe my email states I can begin playing as of Midnight Wednesday, so in about 36 hours from now. I got to pre order even before the general public but only got to play a few betas because of my work schedule; and I did not want to play haphazardly so I only played on the weekend I was indeed free.

Callum Finlayson wrote:
Unrelatedly, I'm a little suprised that so few people (and none of the Paizo staff) have been commenting on SWTOR launching - among most of the gamers I know it's being fairly keenly anticipated; maybe I know a disproportionate amount of SW fans, but I seem to recall a couple of Paizo staffers being vaguely interested in SW as well.

On that note shall we start our own Paizo TOR guild?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

are the guilds faction specific? I never bothered to ask in beta

Dark Archive

Begun The Old Republic Paizo guild has.

baron arem heshvaun wrote:
I purchased the Deluxe Edition, I played the beta and loved it; I would like to read even more, where did you read all that material?

I've been using google to read stuff from different sites "Star wars the old republic". There are a lot of blogs out there.

The main places for information are the following websites of course:

Misery wrote:
Everything about this game looks and feels amazing. The story telling aspect is everything to me. Add in the Star Wars universe and this is the end.

I agree.

Btw, I'm told that if you want to replay different classes to get a different story, the best way is to do the class quests, but skip the side quests (at least on the 2nd+ time around). And pick different tradeskills.

Misery wrote:
To this day though ... I'm not sure how I feel about the whole "if a Jedi chooses some love, its auto dark side?" That's at least what I've seen so far. Not following the Jedi Code, sure, but auto dark side?

I agree, especially because in the future, all jedi have mates because they need to repopulate the jedi order. If you think about it, not letting Jedi have kids saves Jedi from going to the dark side, but it also kills the entire Jedi order in one generation. Not very smart considering "the force" is inherited genetically. If the dark side of the force breeds and the light side of the force don't have kids, the dark side of the force wins out eventually... at least in "real life".

It's kind of funny, if you choose a love interest, you get screwed whether you're light or dark side! (A lot of the love interests in the dark side are actually light side companions. I guess it's no fun making love to Khem Val? :) ).

Tomorrow the mayhem begins! In case anyone was wondering, they're not doing this to be nice, they're doing it so they get a "soft launch" of the software. Instead of 2 million people logging in at the same time (on the 20th), they're spreading us out over a few days, which will hopefully reduce server crashes and login bottlenecks. Hopefully the servers don't crash regardless.

I have to say... I'm very excited about this release.

Liberty's Edge

Has anyone got an invite yet?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

No. Keep waiting for the e-mail that says I can start early play tomorrow...

Liberty's Edge

Ditto. We're on The Ebon Hawk server but thats all I know.

I'm still waiting, but I'm not surprised, I only pre-ordered 2 weeks ago. Sigh. I think I'll be playing tomorrow or Thursday, hopefully.

Dark Archive

Misery wrote:
Has anyone got an invite yet?

My invite was sent at 7:20 AM Tuesday today, my friend got his as well. Alas my next day off is not until Monday next week, I bet he'll hit level 50 by the weekend.

SWTOR is awesome! See my comments in the other thread.

Oh, and one more thing. I thought the game play was very similar to WOW at the starting levels 1-7. I almost quit tbh. And then at level 8+, the companion joins you and the story really takes off and gets interesting. So if you're interested in this game, perservere past the first 7 levels and perhaps don't PVP... I heard you level very fast in PVP. You'll miss all the awesome storylines, which make this game great.

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