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"[Describing chiral compounds by analogy] Hands have identical components (fingers, thumb, palms and so on) but they are arranged slightly differently on each hand, forming mirror images that cannot be superimposed onto each other (hence the labeling in chiral compounds: l- for laveo, 'left' in Latin, and d- for dextro, 'right.'"
--A is for Arsenic: The Poisons of Agatha Christie by Kathryn Harkup.

Cwethan Owner - Gator Games & Hobby |

Now, seeing the Roman army dispersed and labouring to set up camps, the two rival factions united their forces for a sortie in force, boiling out of the eastern and southern gateways of the city and charging across the Kidron against legio X Fretensis on the Mount of Olives.
-Si Sheppard, The Jewish Revolt AD 66-74

Comrade Anklebiter |

The Republican Party, however, did not oppose slavery as such--only its expansion.
--Ahmed Shawki, Black Liberation and Socialism
Considering the whole cycle, you will find that one deviation of the market price is being compensated by the other, and that, taking the average of the cycle, the market prices of commodities are regulated by their values.
--Karl Marx, Value, Price and Profit

Neriathale |

This is a fun game :)
Last 5 books in order:
He say it simple. - A Brief History of Seven Killings, Marlon James.
"Archery? Hand to hand?" - Prince of Wolves
"I overheard a conversation between him and Koche which sounded suspicious." - Epitaph for a Spy, Eric Ambler
Its name's Bhelabher, an' its brain's in its mouth. - Escape Velocity - Christopher Stasheff
"Thank you, Mr Oakes; pray let the bosun know" - Clarrissa Oakes, Patrick O'Brian

Neriathale |

And yet with a few unasuming natural endowments, a great deal of time and an unfailing instinct for improvement, the makers of Britain created the most orderly cities, the handsomest provincial towns, the jauntiest seaside resorts, the stateliest homes, the most dreamily spired, cathedral-rich, castle-strewn, abbey-bedecked, folly-scattered, green-wooded, winding-laned, sheep-dotted, plumply hedgerowed, well-tended, sublimely decorated 50,318 square miles the world has ever known - almost none of it undertaken with aesthetics in mind, but all of it adding up to something that is, quite often, perfect.
Bill Bryson - The Road to Little Dribbling.

Limeylongears |

'Avicenna also suggest, although he does not put this opinion forward as irrefutable, that the power of the imagination can change or seem to change extraneous bodies, in cases where the power of the imagination is to unrestrained; and hence we gather that the power of the imagination is not to be considered as distinct from a man's other sensible powers, since it is common to them all, but to some extent it includes all those other powers."
-Malleus Maleficarum, by Heinrich Kramer and James Sprenger.

Comrade Anklebiter |

Indeed, one of the essential objections to the imprecise and unscientific handling of categories by 'vulgar' economists was their undifferentiated use of the terms 'capital' and 'capitalism' as more or less synonomous.
--Ernest Mandel, Introduction to Capital: A Critique of Political Economy, Volume 1 by Karl Marx

The Norv |

"In the first scene, Proteus rhapsodizes, 'I leave myself, my friends and all, for love. / Thou, Julia, thou hast metamorphosed me' (1.1.65-6), and Speed notes of Valentine, 'now you are metamorphosed with a mistress, that when I look on you, I can hardly think you my master' (2.1.27-9)."
Introduction to the Arden Two Gentlemen of Verona, third series, ed. by William C. Carroll.
Not thrilling, though useful for me.

Daniel Rust RPG Superstar 2012 Top 8 |

“Ah yes, my dear,” said the count, addressing the visitor and pointing to Nicholas, “his friend Boris has become an officer, and so for friendship’s sake he is leaving the university and me, his old father, and entering the military service, my dear."
-- Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace, Trans. Louise and Aylmer Maude

Limeylongears |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

'At the Metropolitan Museum of New York, for example, there is no armor for the penis in the armor collection; the armor has an arch and a space where the piece to protect the penis should be, but the penis piece is missing'
Maggie Paley, 'The Book of The Penis'
'Those who practice autofellatio are split about the matter of ejaculation. Some like to swallow it, some like the way it feels on their skin, and some like to listen to it as it whizzes past their ears'
Listen to it as it whizzes past their ears.
Listen to it as it whizzes past their ears.

Readerbreeder |

“Ah yes, my dear,” said the count, addressing the visitor and pointing to Nicholas, “his friend Boris has become an officer, and so for friendship’s sake he is leaving the university and me, his old father, and entering the military service, my dear."
-- Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace, Trans. Louise and Aylmer Maude
Let me know if you think reading this is worth the time. It's one of those books I've always been interested in, but at this point in my life, it would probably take more than a month to read (in spare moments in doctor's offices, before bed, etc.), and as much as I love classic literature, I don't want to spend that much of my time on something I might think of as 'meh', if you take my meaning.

Comrade Anklebiter |

On the pretext that they were likely to "become a public charge" as employment opportunities evaporated, both Mexicans and Mexican Americans were rounded up for deportation.
--Aviva Chomsky, Undocumented: How Immigration Became Illegal
All depends on the vigor of the mass offensive and the kind of leadership it gets.
--George Novack, "The role of the Transitional Program in the revolutionary process" in The Transitional Program for Socialist Revolution by Leon Trotsky

thejeff |
"Even through the grime of ages, they could see that it was a glorious weapon, the hilt intricately set with jewels, the whole of it golden, large and heavy so that it would deal a mighty blow."
-- Nancy Springer, The Silver Sun
"If Cat was her intermediary, the information had to be good."
-- Robert N. Charrette, Shadowrun: Find Your Own Truth
Both proceeds of a used bookstore in the Charlotte, NC airport. I would have bought more, but my carry-on bags were stuffed as it was. :)

Comrade Anklebiter |

Huh, I can't remember what city it was in, but I had a great time in a used book store in a North Carolina airport back in the mid-90s. Got a bunch of Gore Vidal novels, as I recall. Was it honor system?
It was the time when Russia constituted the last great reserve of European reaction, when the United States absorbed the surplus proletarian forces of Europe through immigration.
--Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, "Preface to the Russian Edition of 1882", The Communist Manifesto

Kajehase |

"His thin, wretched voice snagged and caught as it came out of his throat."
--Guns of the Dawn by Adrian Tchaikovsky
(Second sentence would've been, "Are you going to stab me, then?"
"He kept the plane low, to avoid enemy radar, and skimmed across the Normandy coast at treetop height."
--Ack-Ack Macaque by Gareth L Powell
(First sentence - "A couple of hours after the ninja attack at the aerodrome, Ack-Ack Macaque took to the skies again, this time at the controls of a twin-engine de Haviland troop carrier, with Mindy Morris, the new Scottish recruit, perched in the co-pilot's chair.")