I Think I have An Idea on Where To Go Next

Beginner Box

The Exchange

I was reading over the the descriptions of the core books when I came across the page for the Gamemastery Guide. Near the bottom there is a download for some handy worksheets to help the GM when running his campaign. The last page in the PDF is a "Basic Rules Cheatsheet". It has simplified explanations for some of the trickier combat actions not covered by the rules in the Beginner Box. I am going to start transitioning my players to the full game using this document.

One thing I have learned is this website is filled with very useful things, many of them even free! We just have to look around.

Grand Lodge

Good idea. Took a while to find what you were talking about but here is a link that may help someone.

Link to zip

The Exchange

It's definitely a good idea to ease your way in. Play for maybe twelve sessions with just the CRB and Bestiary, and gradually phase in whatever other books you want to add - depending on how many additional rules they throw on the pile. Never feel like you have to include absolutely everything...

The Exchange

Ravenbow wrote:

Good idea. Took a while to find what you were talking about but here is a link that may help someone.

Link to zip

I guess I got too excited! Thank you for adding the link.

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