Nikaea the Beastmaster |

Thanks to the way Pathfinder is designed, most of the core and base classes, even the Barbarian, look like they should work just fine in a campaign where firearms are the primary weapon. The Fighter needs a replacement for Armor Mastery and the Rogue needs to be able to sneak attack at greater than 30 feet, but other than that the only glaring changes needed are defense bonuses to replace armor. The Cavalier is an exception to this, but a host of ranged archetypes. What I need
In this thread, I am handling the Druid. I don't have that much experience with them, so I do not know how heavily they use Wild Shape, which seems to me a primarily melee ability. Are ranged Druid builds feasible? If Druids are a melee heavy class, what can be done to make them not so melee heavy?

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There are two great builds of the Druid; the combat Druid and the support Druid. While the combat Druid is more popular (more powerful in the first 8 levels, being hands-on is more effective) the support Druid tends to stay on par in mid-levels and vastly outpower in the high levels. If more emphasis is put on the support Druid, melee is not a necessary element; indeed, when ranged combat is the standard, the support druid's array of de-buffs (weather domain) and options to make sight impossible make them a much more imposing class. They just lose the default standard option; a shame, but in a world of firearms turning into an animal and gnawing things alongside your companion may not be as effective.

Nikaea the Beastmaster |

There are two great builds of the Druid; the combat Druid and the support Druid. While the combat Druid is more popular (more powerful in the first 8 levels, being hands-on is more effective) the support Druid tends to stay on par in mid-levels and vastly outpower in the high levels. If more emphasis is put on the support Druid, melee is not a necessary element; indeed, when ranged combat is the standard, the support druid's array of de-buffs (weather domain) and options to make sight impossible make them a much more imposing class. They just lose the default standard option; a shame, but in a world of firearms turning into an animal and gnawing things alongside your companion may not be as effective.
Aw. I like wild shape. What if I kept the ability, but acknowledged it as less useful than in a melee setting and added a couple extra things to compensate that make support Druids a bit better with weapons?

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Wild shape doesn't have to be combat-based to be exceedingly useful. Air elemental form gives you fly 100 (perfect), while earth elemental form let's you sink into the ground for safety. Even at early levels a Druid can turn into a bird and fly around while creating weather conditions that make shooting a gun nearly impossible. And that gun doesn't do the opponent a lot of good if you sneak up to them then turn into a bear and grapple the
Down on occasion.

Nikaea the Beastmaster |

Also, a druid or barbarian being a little "behind the times" and charging in against massed musket fire is pretty thematic.
Okay. So druids still work well.
Oh, I've decided that if you are proficient with a particular firearm, you are also proficient when swinging it like a club. I could so see a Barbarian doing that.
I've also thought up a Barbarian archetype that switches the Str bonus to a Dex bonus during rage (so pissed off, she's aiming and firing on scary good reflexes). That makes a good ranged Barbarian, and it fits thematically (Remember pissed off Schwarzenegger firing at everything in sight? That's what this archetype is.).

Nikaea the Beastmaster |

There's already Urban barbarian; more modernized barbarians that can apply their +4 to any physical stat and can do things that require thought. Also, the move through crowds with ease etc; probably the "default" in this sort of campaign.
Urban Barbarian is good, but I want this archetype to maintain it's wildnerness ability instead of having abilities that deal with crowds. The Urban Barbarian should be available, but this would be an alternative for those who want to be rural Barbarians with ranged focus. Vanilla Barbarian also remains available.

Matt Stich |

How's this for an ability?
Oh, you could call the archetype the "Action Hero"
Endless Thunder (Ex): An Action Hero need not carry ammunition with him. At 3rd level, the Action Hero's firearm is considered loaded at all times. He need not reload after firing his weapon, it merely stays loaded endlessly. This replaces trap sense.

Nikaea the Beastmaster |

How's this for an ability?
Oh, you could call the archetype the "Action Hero"Endless Thunder (Ex): An Action Hero need not carry ammunition with him. At 3rd level, the Action Hero's firearm is considered loaded at all times. He need not reload after firing his weapon, it merely stays loaded endlessly.
I'm willing to consider it as a Barbarian rage power.