How easy is it to add to Golarion from other Settings?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Hey guys, this is my first post here, I have been a dm for many a long year playing all sorts of games and have recently acquired a new group of players and decided to give pathfinder and Golarion a whirl for a new long term campaign.

I have been acquiring the campaign setting materials slowly but have a huge load of material from other settings such as eberron, Forgotten Realms, greyhawk etc.

My question is how wasy is it to drop material from other worlds into Golarion? my players are all newbies and have no prior knowledge of settings whatsoever. I really would like to make some use out of my older material so what do you guys advise? is it easy? hard? would the setting break? or is it quite mould-able and have you any specific ideas on what would fit nicely from other settings and what material you would recommend to purchase for Golarion.

Shadow Lodge

It's your Golarion. It can be whatever you want it to be. For example, there's a fifth player in Varisia in my Golarion, vying for power outside of Riddleport, Magnimar, Korvosa and Kaer Maga. It is a city of my own design and I dropped it into the setting. I've also dropped in a few of my favorite dungeon crawls from 3.5 D&D into the world, especially since Pathfinder presently is lacking in the sprawling dungeon crawl department.

You can do whatever you want with the setting. If you're wanting to run an "official" Golarion, I think most of the changes and GM additions should be kept to a minimum, especially game-changing ones, but in the end its your Golarion.

Dark Archive

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Until something better comes along, my Golarion includes elements from Hamunaptra (in Osirion), Naranjan (Vudra), Kara-Tur (Tien lands), Freeport (Port Peril) and Nyambe (Mwangi Expanse and points south of the map).

Some Mulhurandi elements might also be well-suited to port into Osirion, and some Ravenloft-y elements would be quite at home in Ustalav.

Cheliax would be an interesting place to start a 'Scarlet Brotherhood,' if one wanted to bring that over from Greyhawk (perhaps even initially an Arodenite group that has been co-opted and turned into a human supremacist group by Asmodeans).

Kyonin lying fallow for all those centuries, while the elves were away, might seem unlikely, with humanity having expanded in every other direction during the Taldan Age of Exploration, and setting up lumbering and farming 'Dales' around it, now a source of tension between re-occupied Kyonin and surrounding nations, could borrow a popular region from the Realms.

Geb could include elements from Hollowfaust (or, more likely, Glivid-Autel), or even from Ghostwalk. Nex, on the other hand, could borrow from a less-malevolent (but equally 'non-magic-users are second-class-citizens' type of place) version of Thay.

Your ideas are pretty darn interesting, Set. But do recall the Scarlet Brotherhood were racists. Your version of Arodenite human supremacists sounds more like the church of Zarus from Races of Destiny. Also, cheers for a Nex prestige class homage to the Red Wizards (super-specialized Wizard for the win)

Dark Archive

Icyshadow wrote:
But do recall the Scarlet Brotherhood were racists. Your version of Arodenite human supremacists sounds more like the church of Zarus from Races of Destiny.

Yeah, the thought there was that the 'Brotherhood' under Aroden would have been all 'humanity, yay!' without being too terribly racist, but, after his death, when Asmodeans moved in (and red became the favored color), rampant racism that always lurked under the surface would have ignited and become the order of the day.

The Chelish notion that elves are scum and it's right and proper to enslave halflings because of humanity's manifest destiny to rule the world would fit like a glove with Scarlet Brotherhood creed.

But that's just one snippet of Greyhawk. Adding elements from the Free City of Greyhawk and / or Waterdeep to Absalom could also make sense (or even Ptolus, or [insert name of fantasy megalopolis here]).

The Realms has more easily 'mapped over' regions than Greyhawk, IMO, such as that southern country totally devoted to 'the Adama' and trade, most of the fluff of which could be laid over Druma (with references to the Adama filed off and replaced with references to Abadar or the Prophecies of the Kalistrade).

Taldor, empire in decline, overlaid with a bit of Chessenta could be reflavored with Grecian-style (and crumbling) parthenons and amphitheatres, toga-wearing political animals quibbling minutiae in the forums, politely ignoring the inconvenient fact that their 'empire' has grown smaller and less relevant over the last few centuries.

From Greyhawk, some of the From the Ashes setting fluff involving the post-Iuz-invasion surrounding lands would fit what's left of Sarkoris, under the Worldwound, and you could even have a half-demon/cambion of great power (who has a demon lord for one parent and a powerful human spellcaster for another...) ruling from a fortress of bones, somewhere near the Worldwound itself. Palette-swap to suit Golarion flavor (the demon lord parent was Lamashtu, the human parents was... Razmir?), and you can use adventure stuff relating to the fight against Iuz in Golarion.

Set wrote:

The Chelish notion that elves are scum and it's right and proper to enslave halflings because of humanity's manifest destiny to rule the world would fit like a glove with Scarlet Brotherhood creed.

What I was trying to say that this is speciest as a notion, not racist. Zarus is a specieist, the Brotherhood is racist.

They both hate non-humans, but the former supports ALL humans (and speaks more of manifest destiny than the latter). There is a difference.

Also, that monster child of Lamashtu and Razmir sounds both cool and VERY disturbing as a concept.

Actually I'd go for Geb as the human parent..I mean he wasn't always undead.

The Border Kingdoms from Forgotten Realms, I have them in Kingmaker mixed or replacing some of the River Kingdoms.

Amn and Druma could work.

Taking the 'living spell' creatures from Eberron and sprinkling them over the Mana Wastes might be an interesting way to help emphasize just how mystically screwed the place is.

Icyshadow wrote:
Set wrote:
The Chelish notion that elves are scum and it's right and proper to enslave halflings because of humanity's manifest destiny to rule the world would fit like a glove with Scarlet Brotherhood creed.

What I was trying to say that this is speciest as a notion, not racist. Zarus is a specieist, the Brotherhood is racist.

They both hate non-humans, but the former supports ALL humans (and speaks more of manifest destiny than the latter). There is a difference.

I don't think there's any difficulty in taking the idea as pro-Chelaxian racists. It's not like the supremacists in Cheliax are extremely fond of, say, Garundi.

Grand Lodge

Scarlet Brotherhood seems so much more Mediogalti than Cheliax -- or rather, Mediogalti seems a bit Scarlet Brotherhood.

I see the Horned Lands as equitable with Isger, not a perfect match but one could easily see Markosian or Warduke somewhere in Isger with the Devil Nuns.

As I've said in other Threads, the proper spelling of "Druma" is S E M B I A. They are the same thing.

I think Cormyr and the Dalelands may be a bit tougher to drop in Pathfinder, maybe Andoran depending on what flavor you see is Andoran.

I could see parts of the Sheldomar Valley in eastern and norther Taldor, just push the far eastern mountain range farther east for more room east of Taldor.

Greyhawk = Waterdeep = Ptolus = Absalom

Iuz = Mendev.
This one's really easy because Perrenland can easily = Irrisen

Szass Tam and Mount Thay fit majestically near, I'd say just south-by-SW of Nex and Geb.
. . . . And that works well because Aglarond can still be near, just south of, the Red Wizards. It fits so well because then Aglarond would be adjacent with the Matriarchal Empire on the southern coast of Garund.
. . . . And speaking of Matriarchies, Hardby fits right there as well.

Dark Archive

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I am reminded of how badly I deserve to be punished for not mentioning the possibility of using the rich and luscious (can I use luscious here? Heck, I'm gonna anyway!) Al-Qadim / Zakhara stuff for Qadira / Greater Kel. That's a no-brainer!

Liberty's Edge

I'd love to add elements from GURPS Banestorm to Golarion, but they'd require a lot of modifications, what with that setting using real-world religions and a different breed of Goblins. But the noted relations between Megalos and al-Haz and al-Wazif are reminiscent of the tense relations between Taldor and Qadira, so that's one path of Conversion.

Also, the Boggles, from Alluria Publishing's Compendium of Races, sound like they'd be good fit-ins for Banestorm's educated Goblinoids...

djday45 wrote:

Hey guys, this is my first post here, I have been a dm for many a long year playing all sorts of games and have recently acquired a new group of players and decided to give pathfinder and Golarion a whirl for a new long term campaign.

I have been acquiring the campaign setting materials slowly but have a huge load of material from other settings such as eberron, Forgotten Realms, greyhawk etc.

My question is how wasy is it to drop material from other worlds into Golarion? my players are all newbies and have no prior knowledge of settings whatsoever. I really would like to make some use out of my older material so what do you guys advise? is it easy? hard? would the setting break? or is it quite mould-able and have you any specific ideas on what would fit nicely from other settings and what material you would recommend to purchase for Golarion.

I think it's relatively easy - I'm currently running age of worms in golarion. Some parts have been fitted to the setting, others are additions. There's the inevitable problem that something you tweak might be superseded by canon eventually - but that's a problem in individualising any setting.

The various campaign setting sourcebooks are relatively independent. I'd make sure you have the inner sea world guide and if you were going to go mad in a specific area, I'd pick up the related campaign guide first, if it exists, and possibly any associated AP. I think it's very unlikely the setting would "break" from importing elements from other worlds.

Considering the state of Irrisen and the close proximity of the Worldwound, it wouldn't be hard to add Iuz into the mix and focusing a campaign around him. Irrisen's already got the association with Baba Yaga, so all you have to do is use Iuz's backstory by adding Iggwilv and Grazz't (Baba Yaga's daughter and the Prince of Darkness respectively)

This could open up all kinds of possibilities for power struggles between these forces and the Runelords (if indeed they're around)

I've thought about doing this myself, which is why I'm suggesting it. For those who aren't familiar, these characters were strong apposing forces in the world of Greyhawk.

I design setting material for Kaidan (Japanese horror), while it certainly comes with it's own maps, any of the locations in Kaidan could easily be ported directly to Minkai and possibly other locations in Tian Xia - Golarion's orient.

While I also design and map villages, towns and cities, encounter locations can most easily be dropped into Minkai.

Here is a link to a Japanese bathhouse map I am currently working on for a new Kaidan product series - that is ready to drop into your next Minkai adventure. The linked map is only the first of four floors (already completed). I'm working on the bathhouse grounds map at this time.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Piece of cake.

For one campaign where high tech was an absolute no-no (group call) I ported some Dark Sun into the Mana Wastes and dropped a small country from Toril on Numeria (note that I forget which one, since I purely did it for bookkeeping).

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