Multiple attack + grab + constrict

Rules Questions


1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Let say i have a creature (tentacled horror for exemple) with 4 tentacle "slap" and this creature also has grab and constrict!

Does this mean that technicaly (if the DM succed on all rolls!) we could end up with 4 creature grabbed and each of them got constrict damage.. all this in one round?

I'm i correct?

P.S. If the said creature hit the same victim more then once can we have more then one constrict damage on the same victim too?

Vaahama wrote:

Let say i have a creature (tentacled horror for exemple) with 4 tentacle "slap" and this creature also has grab and constrict!

Does this mean that technicaly (if the DM succed on all rolls!) we could end up with 4 creature grabbed and each of them got constrict damage.. all this in one round?

I think so, though remember that grapple also applies to the monster (making the rest of his attacks more difficult) unless he uses the Hold option (-20 on the CMB).

Vaahama wrote:
P.S. If the said creature hit the same victim more then once can we have more then one constrict damage on the same victim too?

Only if he drops him between each attack.

Tentacle 1: Hit, free action start grapple, success, apply constrict damage, free action drop grapple
Tentacle 2: same as above


Grick wrote:

Only if he drops him between each attack.

Tentacle 1: Hit, free action start grapple, success, apply constrict damage, free action drop grapple
Tentacle 2: same as above

I thought that since the creature has 4 distinct tentacles each of them has his own "built-in" grab + constrict combo!

I see this has the creature grappling 4 different body parts like both arms and legs and doing constrict damage to each.

Vaahama wrote:
Grick wrote:

Only if he drops him between each attack.

Tentacle 1: Hit, free action start grapple, success, apply constrict damage, free action drop grapple
Tentacle 2: same as above

I thought that since the creature has 4 distinct tentacles each of them has his own "built-in" grab + constrict combo!

I see this has the creature grappling 4 different body parts like both arms and legs and doing constrict damage to each.

A monster can only have one grapple active regardless of the number of body parts it has. If not then the option to take a -20 would not be needed in order to operate as though it were not grappled.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.
concerro wrote:

A monster can only have one grapple active regar dless of the number of body parts it has. If not then the option to take a -20 would not be needed in order to operate as though it were not grappled.

This isn't the case (though that may indeed have been the intent). A creature with multiple grab-inducing attacks can potentially start several grapples in one round. Each grapple attempt after the first does have penalties for the grappled condition (unless the -20 "hold" option from grab is used).

Maintaining a grapple, however, is (generally) limited to once per round, because maintaining is (generally) a standard action.

Relevant link.

Sovereign Court

Tom Baumbach wrote:
concerro wrote:

A monster can only have one grapple active regar dless of the number of body parts it has. If not then the option to take a -20 would not be needed in order to operate as though it were not grappled.

This isn't the case (though that may indeed have been the intent). A creature with multiple grab-inducing attacks can potentially start several grapples in one round. Each grapple attempt after the first does have penalties for the grappled condition (unless the -20 "hold" option from grab is used).

Maintaining a grapple, however, is (generally) limited to once per round, because maintaining is (generally) a standard action.

Relevant link.

I agree with Tom, the monster has to spend a Standard action to maintain a grapple so can't do it to all the foes in its multiple appendages. The easiest way to resolve this is to free action release them at the beginning of its turn then repeat a full attack and attempt to repeat.

--Figure four leg Vrock

I miss your distant cousin. The figure four leglock.

Tom Baumbach wrote:
concerro wrote:

A monster can only have one grapple active regar dless of the number of body parts it has. If not then the option to take a -20 would not be needed in order to operate as though it were not grappled.

This isn't the case (though that may indeed have been the intent). A creature with multiple grab-inducing attacks can potentially start several grapples in one round. Each grapple attempt after the first does have penalties for the grappled condition (unless the -20 "hold" option from grab is used).

Maintaining a grapple, however, is (generally) limited to once per round, because maintaining is (generally) a standard action.

Relevant link.

I forgot about that article. I think the intent of the -20 was to hold on to victim A and attack everyone else anyway, but the rules for maintaining get in the way.

I think this needs to be FAQ'd.

Take a look at my grapple flowcharts (scroll down to my last post with the last version).

I created this flowcharts with dorkistans help and i think it will answer your questions.

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