No Escape, reach, and placement

Rules Discussion

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

If I have reach, am standing ten feet away from an opponent, and they move away from me, can I use No Escape to follow them and end my movement adjacent to them? Or would I have to end my movement ten feet away from them just as I had started?

If I started on the South side of their space, could I adjust my relative position so as to end on the North side of them (or some other face)?

No Escape wrote:
following the foe and keeping it in reach throughout its movement

As long as the enemy is in your threatened reach at the end of your movement, it should be following the rules. So you can choose to end adjacent or 10 feet away or on a different side of them (assuming you have the movement speed to reach your desired location with just one Stride).

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
breithauptclan wrote:
No Escape wrote:
following the foe and keeping it in reach throughout its movement
As long as the enemy is in your threatened reach at the end of your movement, it should be following the rules. So you can choose to end adjacent or 10 feet away or on a different side of them (assuming you have the movement speed to reach your desired location with just one Stride).

Yes, but No Escape also says "following the foe and keeping it in reach throughout its movement until it stops moving or you’ve moved your full Speed."

Does that not indicate that if they only move 3 squares, I can only move 3 squares? Otherwise, it looks like they would have stopped moving and I'm still moving after they have stopped.

On the other hand, getting around and potentially cutting off your opponent's escape route seems incredibly thematically fitting for a feat named "No Escape."

Do I have to let the enemy finish their entire movement before I can move? Or can I potentially cut them off after they have moved only a single square?

How do things that impact movement, like difficult terrain, for only one party and not the other (a dwarf with Rock Runner say) interact with this feat?

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You are mixing game mechanics and event in-game description. Do the mechanics first, then do the description to match (loosely). I think that will solve all of your questions and concerns here.

1) The brigand moved 3 squares away. The barbarian moves 5 squares to a location on the opposite side of the brigand. Cool, so the brigand tries to leave and the barbarian moves much faster and cuts him off.

1b) If instead the brigand moved 5 squares away, it may not be possible for the barbarian to reach a square on the opposite side of the brigand. So the description of events would have to change.

2) Generally I would have the triggering creature move first, then have the barbarian pick a path that would meet the requirements of following and staying within reach. So no taking a big detour in order to avoid difficult terrain or something strange like that. But this is a game and should only approximate reality. It is easier to run that way.

3) No, I would not let the barbarian get in front of the enemy and 'cut off' their movement path. That seems too powerful for the feat. The enemy moves first and the barbarian moves after.

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