DM Patcher - an apology.



I understand this is likely the wrong forum to post this, but I believe the people I wish to reach will be most easily found here.

For those of you who were in my campaigns - Tilnar, michaelane, jeremeziah, DeathQuaker, Dreaming Warforged, and the rest of you (I apologise, I don't remember all of your names...):

I want to apologise for my sudden disappearance a couple of months ago. To make a long and personal story short, real life overwhelmed me - to the point that I was unable, both out of shame and stress, to explain that I could no longer carry on any of my games.

Part of what happened was burnout. For those of you who remember, I was positively mental in undertaking the task of doing 5 campaigns at the same time - and in the end, you players were the ones that had to have a campaign in which you dedicated time in crash and burn. This was my fault. I should have been wiser.

I apologise for wasting your time the way I did.

The Exchange

Real life takes precedence over real life, man. I, for one, understand that things happen, and life can get overwhelming incredibly quickly. Glad to see you back posting here, I was worried that something had happened to you.

Thank you for this Patcher. Best of luck.

Certainly no hard feelings; I think we all get the RL taking precedence. Thanks for checking in to let us know you're doing okay. I hope you feel comfortable coming back here when you're ready. As far as I'm concerned, you're absolutely welcome.

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DM_Patcher, I don't know you, but I wanted to give you kudos for posting this. I've gone through some similar things myself with past gaming endeavors. It's hard to admit that we're burned out, that we're stressed out, that we've bitten off more than we can chew. For this reason, I think it's easier sometimes just to fade away rather than pull the plug officially, and admit that we're struggling or that we've failed.

I'm pretty sure that this is one very big reason why so many players and DMs of pbp games vanish without a trace. Props to you for having the stones to come on here and offer your story by way of explanation.

I wasn't one of your players, but I enjoyed reading the stories that you created. If someday you have the time again, then I'll enjoy reading them again. Until then, best wishes! 8)

There's no shame in taking care of yourself first, since you can't give what you don't have; see for example how airlines tell you to put an oxygen mask on yourself before your kid(s). It isn't ideal; it's just how it is.

No worries. I had fun even though the campaign was short lived -- and that is the reason I play PBP's, is to have fun. Thanks for running the game and take care.

What Kor said... and if you ever feel up to starting anew, let us know. :)

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Sorry to hear you were burned out, Patcher, but it's always better to say so--helps YOU move on and deal with things, let alone anyone else. I appreciate your informing us and I sincerely hope things continue to improve for you. RL>RP as some of my online colleagues eloquently put it. Take care of yourself. If and when someday you find yourself juiced up to run again, I look forward to applying.

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