10 Point Star Trek Races

Advanced Race Guide Playtest

Please join me if you like :)

Humanoid (0)
Medium (0)
Normal (0)
+2 Strenght, +2 Constitution (2)
Klingon (0)
Forcefull Personality (2 = Skill Bonus): Klingons recieve a +2 bonus on intimidation checks.
Keen Senses (2 = Skill Bonus): Klingons receive a +2 bonus on sight- and smell based perception checks.
Brak’lul: Qo’noS is a harsh environment, unforgiving to the weak. Klingons posses duplicates of many of their vital organs to help them survive. Called brak’lul, this redundancy, which includes an eight-chambered heart and two livers, makes it harder to kill a Klingon.
* Hardy (2) Klingons gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells and spell-like abilities.
* Elemental Resistance (1): DR 5 against fire or electricity (depending what energy you substitute for phaser weapons)
Warlike Demeanor (Weakness approx -1): Klingons suffer a -2 penalty on diplomacy checks when dealing with non Klingons.
Fearless (1): +2 racial saving throws against fear
Weapon Familiarity (1): Klingons may use their traditional special melee weapons (such as the bat'leth, d’k tahg, and mk’leth) as if they had the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat

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Humanoid (0)
Medium (0)
Normal (0)
+2 Strenght, +2 Intelligence (2)
Vulcan (0)
Skill Bonus (2): Chose one
Extraordinary Hearing (approx 1): +1 racial bonus on sound based perception checks
Low Light Vision (1)
Hold Breath (1)
Starvation & thirst tolerance (approx 0): A Vulcan can go without water for 3 days plus a number of hours equal to his Con modifier and 6 days without food, before starting to starve or dehydrate.
Elemental Resistance (1): Fire
Stubborn (1)
Relentless (1)

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Brix wrote:


Humanoid (0)
Medium (0)
Normal (0)
+2 Strenght, +2 Intelligence (2)
Vulcan (0)
Skill Bonus (2): Chose one
Extraordinary Hearing (approx 1): +1 racial bonus on sound based perception checks
Low Light Vision (1)
Hold Breath (1)
Starvation & thirst tolerance (approx 0): A Vulcan can go without water for 3 days plus a number of hours equal to his Con modifier and 6 days without food, before starting to starve or dehydrate.
Elemental Resistance (1): Fire
Stubborn (1)
Relentless (1)

I might have suggesting going with the Standard Array for Vulcans: +2 Strength, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma (0). Vulcan lack of emotion (and arrogance in the new movie timeline) would would work against their Charisma.

But Vulcans, a culture devoted to knowledge should have the the Linquist Array (2).

Great thread idea. I've been watching tons of ST:TNG on Netflix lately while I write campaign and encounter ideas, so I'm totally game. I don't have the playtest on this computer, but later I might take a stab at a race (Romulan? Ferengi? Betazoid? Android?).

But for now, a quick thought on your Klingon:
I think Brak'lul should translate crunchwise into something that worked like fortification (critical/sneak miss chance). I don't know the value of that in RP. My first thought is 3 or 4.

Lord Fyre wrote:
Brix wrote:


Humanoid (0)
Medium (0)
Normal (0)

I might have suggesting going with the Standard Array for Vulcans: +2 Strength, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma (0). Vulcan lack of emotion (and arrogance in the new movie timeline) would would work against their Charisma.

But Vulcans, a culture devoted to knowledge should have the the Linquist Array (2).

Thanks for your feedback.

I'm not sure about negative Charisma modifiers, since then almost any alien race would have them. How about an additional drawback, like a penalty to diplomacy checks? Otherwise this is of course an option.

I also thought of Linguist Array. However it's hard to quench every aspect into 10 Points. Linguist is certainly a candidate.

The idea is to make other thinks like mind meld or nerve pinch available as racial feats later.

MC Edgar Allan Floe wrote:

Great thread idea. I've been watching tons of ST:TNG on Netflix lately while I write campaign and encounter ideas, so I'm totally game. I don't have the playtest on this computer, but later I might take a stab at a race (Romulan? Ferengi? Betazoid? Android?).

But for now, a quick thought on your Klingon:
I think Brak'lul should translate crunchwise into something that worked like fortification (critical/sneak miss chance). I don't know the value of that in RP. My first thought is 3 or 4.

Good idea. I'd tend to critical miss chance.

I also have another drawback
Due to their physiology they suffer a -2 penalty on any medical diagnosis or treatment used on a Klingon, by a non Klingon.

Lord Fyre wrote:

I might have suggesting going with the Standard Array for Vulcans: +2 Strength, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma (0). Vulcan lack of emotion (and arrogance in the new movie timeline) would would work against their Charisma.

But Vulcans, a culture devoted to knowledge should have the the Linquist Array (2).

What would you skip for Linguistic Array?

Humanoid (0)
Medium (0)
Normal (0)
+2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom (2)
Linguist (2) Common, Bajoran,...
Skill Bonus (2): Choose one Knowledge based skill, perform or craft
Pagh (Fortunate 4): is the spiritual force inherent to all sentient beings. Bajoran spiritualists are able to assess the strength of an individual's pagh by grasping their ear. +2 racial bonus on all saving throws

Pagh is a nice racial concept that needs some love.

Humanoid (0)
Medium (0)
Normal (0)
+2 Strenght, +2 Charisma (2)
Standard (1)
Skill Bonus (2): Perception
Elemental resistance (2): fire and cold
Darkvision 60 ft. (2)
Weapon Familiarity (1)

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Brix wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:

I might have suggesting going with the Standard Array for Vulcans: +2 Strength, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma (0). Vulcan lack of emotion (and arrogance in the new movie timeline) would would work against their Charisma.

But Vulcans, a culture devoted to knowledge should have the the Linquist Array (2).

What would you skip for Linguistic Array?

Already there.

The "Flexible" attribute array, cost 2 points. Going to a "Standard" array, costs 0 points.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Brix wrote:

Please join me if you like :)

Brak’lul: Qo’noS is a harsh environment, unforgiving to the weak. Klingons posses duplicates of many of their vital organs to help them survive. Called brak’lul, this redundancy, which includes an eight-chambered heart and two livers, makes it harder to kill a Klingon.

So does this racial feature grant any actual mechanical benefit?

Dark Archive

A random Star Trek race concept, along these lines;

Humanoid (0)
Medium (0)
Normal (0)
+2 Constitution, +2 Charisma (2)
Standard (1)
Eternal Hope (2)
Skill Bonus (2): Diplomacy
Skill Bonus (2): Sense Motive
Spell-like Ability: touch of fatigue 1/day (1)

Tricky, because Deltans, in the Wrath of Khan novelization, in particular, are described as highly intelligent, particularly in areas of mathematics and music, keenly intuitive, and almost supernaturally compelling and attractive. In theory, a bonus to Intelligence or Wisdom would also be appropriate, but I decided to limit their 'insight' to a Sense Motive bonus and ignore the math/music thing (with the +2 Charisma already ensuring that they'll be better than average at Perform checks).

The ability to kill humans via emotional overload by sleeping with them seemed totally over-the-top (and situational as all heck), so I watered it down to the ability to use touch of fatigue via a kiss.

Eternal Hope (+2 saves vs. fear and despair, reroll a single roll of '1' on a d20 1/day) just kind of 'felt right.'


The Star Trek online game has some 'racial abilities' under different alien character options, that might be fun to pillage for this sort of project. Online guides mention some of these options.

Prime Directive also had some racial abilities for RPG use, although I'm not sure those would be available online...

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Several years ago, I did a lot of work on a fan-made Star Trek d20 game using a lot of the racial abilities and skills from the Decipher CCG and altered d20 Modern classes. I wonder where all that stuff is...

In any case, it's work that, without a license, I can't really do anything with, but I'm watching this thread closely to see what other cool stuff people come up with.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Mark Moreland wrote:

Several years ago, I did a lot of work on a fan-made Star Trek d20 game using a lot of the racial abilities and skills from the Decipher CCG and altered d20 Modern classes. I wonder where all that stuff is...

In any case, it's work that, without a license, I can't really do anything with, but I'm watching this thread closely to see what other cool stuff people come up with.

Speaking of a d20 Star Trek ...

Much of this work has already been done.

Sovereign Court


Humanoid (Orion) [0 RP]
Medium [0 RP]
Base Speed
Normal [0 RP]
Ability Score Modifiers
Standard (+2 Strength, +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom) [0 RP]
Common and Orion. Those with high Intelligence may also choose from Andorian, Coridan, Gorn, Klingon, Tellarite, and Vulcan (Standard [1 RP])
Racial Abilities
• Defensive Training, Greater [3 RP]: Orions gain a +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class.
• Guile [2 RP]: Orions recieve a +2 bonus on Bluff checks.
• Low-Light Vision [1 RP]: Orions can see twice as far as a race with normal vision in conditions of dim light.
• Pheromones [2 RP]: Once per day, an Orion can release powerful pheromones which grant the character the effects of an eagle's splendor if female and a fox's cunning if male.
• Sociable [1 RP]: When an Orion attempts to change a creature’s attitude with a Diplomacy check and fail by 5 or more, they can try to influence the creature a second time even
if 24 hours have not passed.

Lord Fyre wrote:

Speaking of a d20 Star Trek ...
Much of this work has already been done.

I have this book. For me it was dissapointing

Set wrote:

A random Star Trek race concept, along these lines;

Humanoid (0)
Medium (0)
Normal (0)
+2 Constitution, +2 Charisma (2)
Standard (1)
Eternal Hope (2)
Skill Bonus (2): Diplomacy
Skill Bonus (2): Sense Motive
Spell-like Ability: touch of fatigue 1/day (1)

Tricky, because Deltans, in the Wrath of Khan novelization, in particular, are described as highly intelligent, particularly in areas of mathematics and music, keenly intuitive, and almost supernaturally compelling and attractive. In theory, a bonus to Intelligence or Wisdom would also be appropriate, but I decided to limit their 'insight' to a Sense Motive bonus and ignore the math/music thing (with the +2 Charisma already ensuring that they'll be better than average at Perform checks).

The ability to kill humans via emotional overload by sleeping with them seemed totally over-the-top (and situational as all heck), so I watered it down to the ability to use touch of fatigue via a kiss.

Eternal Hope (+2 saves vs. fear and despair, reroll a single roll of '1' on a d20 1/day) just kind of 'felt right.'


The Star Trek online game has some 'racial abilities' under different alien character options, that might be fun to pillage for this sort of project. Online guides mention some of these options.

Prime Directive also had some racial abilities for RPG use, although I'm not sure those would be available online...

Nice work: Some abilities are really over the top in star trek universe, but the idea is exactly what you did. Find a 10 point configuration that works.

I also use the memory alpha wiki for research. Especially the Physiology sections, which contains pretty every much you need for a pathfinder translation.

Thanks for the other link

Dame Desnus wrote:


Humanoid (Orion) [0 RP]

Nice. These green girls are really sexy :)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSgG5M6ANn8&feature=results_video&pl aynext=1&list=PL1F279CA77633FFBD

Considering some feeback I have redone Klingons and Vulcans. If you find Vulcans to powerful. I'd suggest to drop the bonus on perception.

Humanoid (0)
Medium (0)
Normal (0)
+2 Strenght, +2 Constitution (2)
Common, Klingon, plus 7 bonus languages (depending on Intelligence score) (1)


Forcefull Personality: Klingons recieve a +2 bonus on intimidation checks. (2)

Warlike Demeanor: Klingons suffer a -2 penalty on diplomacy checks when dealing with non Klingons. (-2)

Brak’lul: Qo’noS is a harsh environment, unforgiving to the weak. Klingons posses duplicates of many of their vital organs to help them survive. Called brak’lul, this redundancy, which includes an eight-chambered heart and two livers, makes it harder to kill a Klingon. When you would normally be subject to a critical hit or precision damage, there is a 25% chance that that additional damage will be ignored. You also gain a +10 racial bonus against stunning attacks. However due to their physiology they suffer a -2 penalty on any medical diagnosis or treatment used on a Klingon. (4)

Spined: Klingons have ridged spines, chests and feet. They gain a +1 natural armor bonus. (2)

Weapon Familiarity (1): Klingons are proficient with their traditional special melee weapons (such as the bat'leth, d’k tahg, and mk’leth) (1)


Humanoid (0)
Medium (0)
Normal (0)
+2 Strenght, +2 Intelligence (2)
Common, Vulcan, plus any (depending on Intelligence score) (2)


Skill Bonus: +2 racial bonus on perception checks (2)

Desert Runner: Having evolved on a planet which was mostly desert, Vulcans developed ways of surviving in desert conditions Vulcans receive a +4 racial bonus on Constitution checks and Fortitude saves to avoid fatigue, exhaustion, or other ill effects from running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, or hot or cold environments.

Poison Resistance: Vulcans gain a racial bonus on saving throws against poison effects equal to their Hit Dice.(1)

Telepathy: A Vulcan can forge a mindlink to on other willing creature he touches that has an Intelligence score of 3 or higher. The mindlink has a duration of 10 minutes and can be used two times per day. The Vulcan can communicate telepathically through the bond even if he does not share a common language. No special power or influence is established as a result of the bond. Once the bond is formed, it works over any distance (although not from one plane to another). If a Vulcan takes levels in a psionic class, he instead gains the Psionic Talent feat. (2)

Trance: Vulcans learned to gain conscious control of many of many body functions, allowing them to regulate their bodies to a high degree by simple will power. When injured a Vulcan could go into a trance-like state, using this ability to concentrate all of his or her energy onto repairing the injury.
When a Vulcan regains hit points by resting in a trance he recovers additional hit points equal to half his Constitution modifier (minimum +1). (2)

Arrogance: Vulcans suffer a -2 penalty on diplomacy checks when dealing with non Vulcans. (-2)

This one is fun:

Humanoid (0)
Medium (0)
Normal (0)
+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma (2)
Common, Bajoran, plus any (depending on Intelligence score) (2)


Pagh: Similar to clerics bajorans have a particularly powerful aura corresponding to their alignment (see the detect evil spell for details). In addition a bajoran can employ the effects of owls wisdom once per day as a spell-like ability, through short meditation. The duration is one minute per character level (2)

Skill Bonus: Bajorans gain a racial +2 bonus to two of the following skills: any knowledge skill, Liguistics, Profession, Perform, Perception (4)

Ah I forgot to include prefered classes:

Klingons: Fighter, Inquisitor, Barbarian
Vulcans: Psion, Cleric, Monk
Bajorans: Oracle (Light), Bard, Rogue, Cleric

2 people marked this as a favorite.

If you play an early era game. You can perfectly use the gunslinger class. There should be rules about certain modern weapons floating around.
You can use them as written.
If you want to use laser weapons you can take this:
Laser Pistol
Dmg (s)1d6 Dmg (m) 1d8 Crit X4 Range 40 ft. Capacity 1 Weight 3

All attacks with a laser weapon are ranged touch attacks agsinst mundane armor. If your wear special combat armor attacks are performed as normal ranged attack.
Laser weapons do fire damage
Laser weapons have the scatter quality, however you do not need to change ammunition. You can switch between the modes as a swift action
A power cell holds enough power for 50 shots.
Treat a laser weapon as a magical item. In addition to high purchase costs you might need a licence to wear a laser weapon.

Phaser weapons work similar. They cause negative energy damage.

Trill 10 RP race
Humanoid - 0 RP
Size: Medium - 0 RP
Normal Speed - 0 RP
Ability Score Modifier: Flexible - 2 RP
Language: Linguist Array - 2 RP
Racial Abilites
Skill Bonus - 2 RP
Skilled - 4 RP

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