Should Prestige Classes be able to have archetypes?


The Pathfinder Ocean Supplement must be written (As must Sylvan Glory, which should have existed a LONG time ago, but that's another discussion)

I already have some ideas. Specifically, a Prestige Class: The Admiral. It's a Battle Herald. At Sea. It's highly similar to the Battle Herald, except Challenge works a bit differently (though I haven't decided how), Easy March helps sailors do normal shipboard tasks, and you need Profession (sailor) to get in, not Profession (soldier).

Now, if this were a Core Class, this would be perfect archetype materiel, as it still keeps most Battle Herald attributes. However, it is not. It is a Prestige Class. Should that matter? By the RAW, can a Prestige Class have an archetype? Is the RAW silent on this issue? If so, is it unbalancing for me to go with my gut and allow Prestige Classes to have archetypes?

I don't see why not. Go for it.

The Exchange

I don't see a problem either. I've considered creating an archetype or two for PrCs, but I frankly don't have the patience.

PrC are easy to adapt really, call it archetype if you will but some minor variations to existing archetypes to better fit with certain groups or campaign worlds were encouraged in 3.5 and I found myself often tweaking them to fit with what I wanted for them. I just call it a variant assassin, duelist, loremaster or what else not.

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