Succubus, suggestion, and planar binding


Currently IMC there's a gnome alchemist 7/demoniac 4 who can Summon a succubus for up to 11 rounds. That's not long enough to properly get acquainted, though...

Scenario: Gnome goes to 11th level wizard.

Gnome: Hi! I'd like you to use Planar Binding to call up this demoness and bind her to my, heh heh, service. Here's a name to call her. I'll pay you in potions.

Wizard: I don't think that's a good idea.

Gnome: Wait, check this out.

[summons] [succubus appears]

Succubus: Hi! My name's Gretchen!

Gnome: Here you go, sweetheart. [hands over potion of Eagle's Splendor]

Gretchen: Thanks, babe. [drinks potion]

Wizard: I said I don't --

Succubus: [casts DC 25 Dominate at wizard]

Wizard: Uhhhh... [fails save]

Succubus: I think this is a GREAT idea! You should TOTALLY do this for my little friend here! [starts casting DC 23 Suggestion once/round until wizard fails]

Wizard: Dahh... so pretty... okay!

Gnome: Awesome! Let's start right now!

-- I see two scenarios here. One, the succubus is pissed off. In that case, the gnome is in a world of trouble, as the chaotic fiend will surely find ways to pervert his instructions and make him pay, pay, pay.

However, I think it's also plausible that the succubus could be in on the plan. Say that instead of master and unwilling slave, the two of them are more of a couple. (An evil, evil couple.) In that case, planar "binding" really turns her loose on the material plane for up to 11 days, subject only to the instructions of the gnome. I'd think that a fiend would be at least intrigued by the prospect of a week or two running loose on the material plane. Since they're both chaotic evil, it's probably not long-term stable -- at some point the gnome will give her an instruction she doesn't like, or she'll start plotting against him just because -- but it seems like something that could work for a while.

The wizard is the weak spot in the plan, of course. The options are probably "pay him in full so that we can do this again" (the intelligent option) or "gnome and demoness combine to kill him" (the chaotic evil option). Contributing factors include how much crime and destruction the pair plan to inflict on the world, whether it can be traced back to the wizard, and how easy it is to find another 11+ level caster.


Doug M.

Douglas Muir 406 wrote:

Succubus: Hi! My name's Gretchen!

Gnome: Here you go, sweetheart. [hands over potion of Eagle's Splendor]

Gretchen: Thanks, babe. [drinks potion]

Wizard: I said I don't --

Succubus: [casts DC 25 Dominate at wizard]

Wizard: Uhhhh... [fails save]

Succubus: I think this is a GREAT idea! You should TOTALLY do this for my little friend here! [starts casting DC 23 Suggestion once/round until wizard fails]

Wizard: Dahh... so pretty... okay!

Gnome: Awesome! Let's start right now!

I suppose that would work and all, but its really up to the GM about how he wants to handle this, I mean for planar binding it does talk about payment a lot. Also I could see the wiz putting this off for a while because there was no mention of a time frame, and he might not have the spell at all, I mean he has to do it but she didn't say when, the gnome did I guess but hes not the one with the magic.

Is this a plot hook idea? Are you the GM? If those are the cases then I could see just having the wizard do it and then have him seek help to end this problem. That or just have him memorize banishment...I think he can do that. Any way just need some more info

Silver Crusade

First thought? Linear Guild :)

Second thought. Is this an NPC or a PC? If it's an NPC then it's cool, said Gnome has done a favour, conducted a ritual and now miss Succubus is here on a permanent basis. If it's a PC then work with him or her on a plotline that makes Gretchen a permanent companion, possibly involving favours to demon lords.

As to their "relationship", well that will come down to how much enjoyment they can get out of seducing the innocent. There's some real ick potential with what a high charisma summoner and a succubus could get up to. Eventually it's likely that the two will turn on each other but until then there's real nasty potential.

I could see this as a really nasty version of Les Liasions Dangereuses with the Summoner and the Succubus trying to outdo each other with the targets they attempt to corrupt.

You guys are missing something extremely important Planar Binding means she follows the charmed wizard not the gnome at all, and the sucubi controls the wizard via Dominate Person. Which means she can literally just get free and kill the gnome and wizard and run lose on the material plane you guys are massively overlooking two major details here. That's the person she has to listen to and the fact that person is already under her control Dm is playing you guys hard. She didn't even need to cast suggestion after dominate person as the order itself isn't what could kill the wizard.

Fair enough VictusNocte, but this was written in 2011 not 2021. The conversation's a decade in the grave.

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