GM Raventhorn |

Hello all recently I have been thinking of making a slightly new campaign that revolves around the stone age pre-bronze age style of gameplay. Mostly it will be centered around the hero's starting at Level 3 but heres a bonus,
All heroes start with a tweaked leadership feat, combat revolves around You, your 1st level cohort, and three followers. Each are fully customizable.
The point of the first part of the campaign is to design a small semi tribe of humans and wage tribal war vs the others. More to come later if enough people show interest.
This will be a custom made game:
Tweaked classes, feats, challenging game style and combat, select classes and races, and only select weapons will be available for the time period.
I am looking for around 6 players as a base number and would appreciate input for how to set up the game. thank you.

GM Raventhorn |

Yep well was looking at mass combat and from what I can tell I definately dont want that
point is that your squad of your guys fight against another squad of warriors from another tribe and depending on how fast and how well you do in each round will affect the whole battle.
the other side seeing you slaughter a whole squad not very good for morale.
Ultimately if you win enough your tribe will take over another hero's tribe or npc tribe, expanding and gaining more power leading ultimately to the next part of campaign.
sound good?

Ragathiel |

Consider me interested. If you'll read above Nimon, he wants six :) What I gather from what he's saying Nimon is that we are a hero, as per usual, but are allowed a custom leadership feat that allows us a cohort and 3 followers or something like that.
If it were me, being a militaristic and more primitive campaign setting, I'd say that magic would be almost all out the window. Really, that would not be any fun for one of the PC's to run a group of Sorcerers that just point and blast things apart.
I'm stuck on a quandary for either Ranger or Fighter. WHen you say "select weapons" I'd assume you're ruling out weapons and armor not available during that time period, or on that matter, to a tribe of uncivilized "hunter-gatherers" just my take on what the rules are on so are.

GM Raventhorn |

Thank you Ragathiel, but yes Nimon six plus and yes most teamwork feats ill allow actually had't thought of them so congrads to you lol
the reason for that as you saw Shano is that there will be chance pvp tribes ill be leaving it up to the roll of the dice to see who is attacking whom.
Ok but before we go into that Ill go over a couple of major areas ive tried designing and tweaking.

GM Raventhorn |

You are a member of a group of people that are just beginning to settle down in a very large and very fertile valley surrounded by forests, rivers and tall mountains. Your people (insert name) have just transitioned out of the hunter gathering stage and begin to shape the land to your own image. However your scouts have reported several other tribes of men have seen this valley and have begun to settle here as well. Your chieftain/matron decides the best way to secure the land for your tribe is to run off the invaders because it is clear that your tribe was sent here by the gods and thus have sacred right to the whole valley. You are selected as a warband leader and given several able bodied fighters to accompany you. Let the Drums of War sound!
Starting out
Level 3 start
Custom Leadership feat free
this is to make it very difficult for the player so they dont just kill everything
no stat can be higher than 16, I do frown on dump stats but I do realize that some may be needed I just ask you to be honest and understanding, you are a very important, man, woman to the tribe and have active role in the tribes future. So all stats will be important.
only medium core races please, this is a very human heavy concept but as people diversify perhaps one people begin to resemble elves or even dwarves, how this will work is you can start with the ability modifiers but most of the racial traits will be gone, so pretty much your trading a feat and a plus 2 on any mod for the modifiers of the elf, dwarf.
*=slightly changed
All are subject to change including addition or subtraction
Most weapons will be allowed but will be the stone age equivalent, also will be using some of the stonge age weapons listed in UC but not all will have list ready soon
This is the stone age magic is very refined and paitent process as such most arcane spells are simply gone, most spells will be of the buffing region not damage. Divine spellcasters are more in terms of shamans and the spirits your tribe worships ie: animal totems, spirits of air, water, earth etc spells and domains will reflect this. Also healing is heavily tweaked as in these types of battles it can easily blow off whole combat with wave of a hand.
Example: Clerics will be changed that starting out their channel energy is a once per day effect etc still working on kinks
This game is very martial class heavy but it is the stone age pre bronze hope you all understand and will give it a chance
this is a tricky part and still in progress so far I am considering starting you all out with 50 gold and each of your followers/cohort will start with 20 gold. Like I said still in progress
What happens here is that with dice rolls I make your cheiften declares a raid on the tribe (insert name) and you and your warriors as well as others comanded by other war band leaders attack the other tribe.
Some of these tribes will be NPCs only so as to lessen the effect of PVP however there will be some reasons to follow
In combat your warband will fight against a group of warriors from the other tribe *but not the opposing player* what happens is in the first round you have combat depending on the outcome of this skirmish each whole side (me) will make two will saves or morale checks. Seeing you cut down five of their warriros will then be a minus 5 to their save. If they fail they opponents route and you win this skirmish.
After a period of battles wins and losses your tribe will conquer the other tribe. If this tribe contains another Player in its group you will have option of sparing their life and perhaps joing your group of fighters OR!!!! putting them to death as they are too dangerous to keep around. To the victors go the spoils and the descisions.
Gaining levels make you more powerful in terms of combat as well as in power withen the tribe, loot, weapons, and more followers.
I really appreciate the support so far guys and would like you all look this over and tell me what you think. I hope I haven't scared anyone away as I said im still working out kinks and trying to make it as fair as possible.

Mark Sweetman |

I'm intrigued - for a True Primitive Barbarian character with an Oracle of Battle as his cohort.
I'm assuming the rank and file squaddies are just Warrior class?
I'd suggest for the squad combat that the morale checks only kick in after a certain point - like 50% losses. That way there is no chance for a dominant squad to run straight away.

Hu5tru |

Do you have to be a warrior? why couldn't you be the matron?
Anyway, leadership is a pain in the a$$. I've taken it as a high level character, and I'm looking at it for our Kingmaker game. It's not like "hey you get this free guy to help you out," it's more like "oh, here's a guy who is 2 levels lower than you with no gear, go on, spend all your money trying to make sure he doesn't die in the first hit, because that affects your leadership score."
Coz if you're thinking that your hero class Cohort is just gonna sit on its bum doing nothing while you go out and get glory, you got another thing comin'.

GM Raventhorn |

So 6x3+3 thats 20 characters just on our side. I don't think I could handle a game of that magnatude on PbP. I thought maybe you ment 6 players representing a team of tribals, I should have framed the question better. Good luck to you all will be a fun experiment.
Actually the kind of feeling that im trying to convey is only your fiight is the deciding factor so it really is only your squad versus the other warriors. I wouldn't subject everyone to 20 plus rolls.
Its more like the rest of your tribe are in stalemates and your the deciding factor.
Does that help? Like i said still getting kinks out.

GM Raventhorn |

I'm intrigued - for a True Primitive Barbarian character with an Oracle of Battle as his cohort.
I'm assuming the rank and file squaddies are just Warrior class?
I'd suggest for the squad combat that the morale checks only kick in after a certain point - like 50% losses. That way there is no chance for a dominant squad to run straight away.
Thanks for your interest, but yes the other little npcs would just be warriors that you decide what too outfit them with.
On the morale checks yes considering that and still working out kinks

GM Raventhorn |

Only problem is that cavaliers have to have horses which in earths time period horses were not domesticated for a very very long time.
Also not many animals were domesticated even dogs were not fully domesticated they were still wolves and prone to leaving as much as helping.
I can say that cavaliers won't be allowed even though i do like them just doesn't fit with the time period and feel im trying to give.
Druids with animal companions while fitting creates problems with yet another character you keep track of, certain key word certain animals will be allowed and will be by a case by case scenario for the characters.
If enough people have problems with trying this squad tactic I will leave the option of turning this just into a stone age campaign on the table.
Though I am keen to try this squad battle I do understand maybe its too much customization too soon.

GM Raventhorn |

@ Sphar theres plenty of room please take a look around and let me know any questions I can answer.
@shano the way it was explained to me was that you can only ride large animals at the first few levels can only choose a horse or camel, after 4th he can choose a select set of animals and at 7th you can then apply the large template to others to ride thats how it is in UC so il abide by that
About dinosaurs...I aint too keen on them lol Sorry if you have ever watched 10000 bc kinda going for that feel of a movie but without the stupid horse riders lol
@Edgar currently working on them now point of the changes not to have barbarian with 16 str walk up rage now with +7 dmg and just splat whole encounter makes game not challenging and generally too easy trying to make subtle if distinct changes to challenge the players
@ Hu5tru the problem with being the matron is I would think it would very dull the campaign is centered on the tribal combat so far, if your the leader of the whole tribe throws game slightly out of wac will think on it would you have suggestions on how that mechanic would work?

sphar |
It would be slow combat,but it could work,and it sounds interesting.
Could tribes form alliances?
A few suggestions:
*If you have divine spellcasters,they each must choose a 'totem'.Basically,it is their domain,but refluffed.The tribe must try to exemplify that totem in combat(Ex. Bear Totem warriors must be strong and tough,Eagle Totem fast and perceptive,Cat Totem agile and wiry,etc.)
*I suggest that barbarians get a bonus on morale checks while raging.
*Fighters should probably only be allowed to wear medium or lower...I just can't picture a bloodthirsty tribal warrior charging towards you in stone armor.
*Clerics do not worship gods;they worship animal spirits.
Are we going to run the whole tribe? Is there going to be a food/resource mechanic? If so,let's say there are 10 people in each tribe.You,3 warriors,and 6 laborers/workers.Each person must eat 1 food each day.You can assign a certain number of people to scavenge each day;they must make a roll and see how much food they scavenge.
Between battles,you can roll Craft checks to try and make your own weapons and armor.

GM Raventhorn |

It would be slow combat,but it could work,and it sounds interesting.
Could tribes form alliances?
A few suggestions:
*If you have divine spellcasters,they each must choose a 'totem'.Basically,it is their domain,but refluffed.The tribe must try to exemplify that totem in combat(Ex. Bear Totem warriors must be strong and tough,Eagle Totem fast and perceptive,Cat Totem agile and wiry,etc.)
*I suggest that barbarians get a bonus on morale checks while raging.
*Fighters should probably only be allowed to wear medium or lower...I just can't picture a bloodthirsty tribal warrior charging towards you in stone armor.
*Clerics do not worship gods;they worship animal spirits.Are we going to run the whole tribe? Is there going to be a food/resource mechanic? If so,let's say there are 10 people in each tribe.You,3 warriors,and 6 laborers/workers.Each person must eat 1 food each day.You can assign a certain number of people to scavenge each day;they must make a roll and see how much food they scavenge.
Between battles,you can roll Craft checks to try and make your own weapons and armor.
Alliance forming will be explained in the next part of the campaign this first part is mostly setting up the rest of the adventure path.
You hit the nail on the head for the divine spellcasters
You as players don't have to worry about morale checks at all
Yes most of the armor I have taken out I think the highest will be hide shirt and wood armor for this first part
Again yes clerics gods will be translated to spirits
No as in the concept spoiler you are a very small albeit important part of the tribe you are a leader of 4 other men/women that operate in the battle.
You know when in the movies you see the good side dying and the bad at the same time? And then it moves over to the "Heroes" and their friends? and they just dice through several bad guys in a few seconds? ex fighting scenes of Lord of the Rings The Two Towers.
This is what your combat will be like, through out your fight there are other small bands of fighters fighting but they are fighting at a rate of 1 to 1 so one of yours dies and one of theirs thus pretty even.
Then it zooms in on your fight and you mange to kill three of their fighters pretty quickly. To a tribe of around 50 with only about 35 fighters pretty big blow.
Hope this helps everyone and cleared up some things

Shanosuke |

Male Human Ranger (Beast Master) 3
CG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +8
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 33 (3d10+3)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +3
Spd 20 ft.
Melee Longspear +6 (1d8+7/20/x3) and
Unarmed Strike +5 (1d3+5/20/x2)
Ranger (Beast Master) Spells Known (CL 0, 5 melee touch, 4 ranged touch):
Str 16, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +3; CMB +6; CMD 17
Feats Cleave, Diehard, Endurance, Power Attack -1/+2, Weapon Focus: Longspear
Skills Acrobatics +3, Climb +4, Diplomacy +3, Escape Artist -2, Fly -2, Handle Animal +6, Heal +6, Knowledge (Geography) +3, Knowledge (Nature) +3, Perception +8, Ride +2, Stealth +3, Survival +7, Swim +4
Languages Common
SQ Enemies: Humanoids (Human) (+2 bonus) (Ex), Terrains: Plains (+2 bonus) (Ex), Track +1, Wild Empathy +3 (Ex)
Combat Gear Hide, Longspear; Other Gear Backpack (empty), Grappling hook, Rations, trail (per day) (7), Rope, hempen (50 ft.), Tent, Small, Waterskin
Cleave If you hit your first target, attack an adjacent target at the same attack bonus in exchange for -2 AC.
Diehard You are stable and can choose how to act when at -1 to -9 HP.
Endurance +4 to a variety of skill checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Enemies: Humanoids (Human) (+2 bonus) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs Humanoids (Human).
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Terrains: Plains (+2 bonus) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs Plains.
Track +1 +1 to survival checks to track.
Wild Empathy +3 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.
Male Arsinotherium
NN Medium Animal
Init +1; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent; Perception +5
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+1 Dex, +4 natural)
hp 20 (+4)
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Gore (Arsinotherium) +3 (1d8+3/20/x2) and
Unarmed Strike +3 (1d3+2/20/x2)
Str 14, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 3
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 14 (18 vs. Trip)
Feats Power Attack -1/+2
Skills Acrobatics +5, Perception +5
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ feet by sense of smell.
It looks like a fun beast Heres what it looks like. It supposedly existed during caveman times.

GM Raventhorn |

Ok I have come to a slight descision so I will leave it up to the players
You will have 2 days to vote on what we should do
I still want to do a stone age campaign and there will still be some heavy customization but would everyeone rather play just squad of hero's doing sort of same thing only now instead of you all being from diff tribes would you rather be from same one and fight for same team?
We stick with beginning idea and use the squad battle idea
Really lioke to hear everyone's opinion will leave vote up for 2 days then make new recruitment thread for actual recruitment and character submission and it will end probably sat depending on interest level sound fair?

GM Raventhorn |

Nope np actually started planning on people wanting the same team so to let you all know the same team will start at level 1 not level 3 the level three was mostly so you could have the cohorts and followers
also the rules for characters in the same team option same class options as before no arcane casters really considering taking out bards so there is none at all but seems to me bards would be there in that age at least to a minor degree but will talk to anyone who actually plays one if there is

GM Raventhorn |

Here is the Recruitment Page
Please sign on there with character concepts and please ask questions and thank you for your help