Alchemist bombs and Prismati Player trait

Rules Questions

The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Does the Prismati trait apply to alchemist bombs?

I would imagine that they would be fist sized and similarly shaped, like a potion or an alchemist's fire.

Regional Trait
Prismati Player (Andoran): You’ve grown up playing the confusing game of prismati and throw stones with accuracy and ease. You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls with fistsized rocks or similarly shaped objects, and a +1 trait bonus on concentration checks.

If not, then what is this feat intended for?

The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Yes, no?
Bueller? Bueller?

wolflord wrote:

Yes, no?

Bueller? Bueller?

Bomb's are "a small vial containing an ounce of liquid catalyst." That sounds like it is about the size and shape of a fist-sized rock to me.

I don't think that the bombs are , by default, shaped like that. The intent i think is for it to be rocks, and anything life halfling skiprocks they may want to introduce at some point.

I would, as a GM allow it. Rocks can vary in shape and I don't see anything game breaking about this trait.

I'd allow it, simply because this exists and provides the effective benefit to bombs (but not to rocks, or baseballs, or shoes - and who throws a shoe? Honestly?).

I would like to know if the Prismate Player trait would apply to sling stones and bullets?

Regional Trait
Prismati Player (Andoran): You’ve grown up playing the confusing game of prismati and throw stones with accuracy and ease. You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls with fistsized rocks or similarly shaped objects, and a +1 trait bonus on concentration checks.

Grand Lodge

RickD wrote:

I would like to know if the Prismate Player trait would apply to sling stones and bullets?

Regional Trait
Prismati Player (Andoran): You’ve grown up playing the confusing game of prismati and throw stones with accuracy and ease. You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls with fistsized rocks or similarly shaped objects, and a +1 trait bonus on concentration checks.

You don't play Prismati with a sling. The bonus applies when you "throw stones", as the first sentence makes clear. If you threw a sling bullet with your hand, that would count.

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