Form Fill-able Character Sheet

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Sovereign Court

I'm overhauling the "Speed" section. I'm tired of being vastly underwhelmed by its potential.

Here is a sneak peek of it.

I just need to add the fields for special movement speeds (swim, fly, burrow). I don't think I'm going to have it calculate the number of squares for those movement types anymore though, mostly due to space limitations.

Sovereign Court

...and, here's a peak of the "Loads & Lifts" section. When it's done, it should update your skills and armor class depending on encumbrance.

I really like the proposed new Speed section.

Sovereign Court

It's been a busy few weeks, this week especially, at Bad-ass Bandanna Studios. I think I put in about 30 hours from Saturday through Tuesday (yesterday) alone. I've sent my release candidate for v2.6.2 to my beta testers today for review. If I've done my job correctly, I should have an update out sometime in the beginning of October!

Change-log, from v2.6.1 to v2.6.2:

  • (done) Added license & copyrights info, once beta testing is finished, I will need to register with Paizo for Community Use licensing.
  • (done) Added option to fill class skills
  • (done) Added PFS experience option
  • (done) Overhauled loads & lifts section
  • (done) Overhauled speed section
  • (done) Overhauled worn items section
  • (done) Standardized the appearance of checkboxes throughout the sheet
  • (done) Added alert for those attempting to save character data with Reader clients. This function is currently not supported for Adobe Reader.

Cool char sheet. I like it very much.

But I noticed that it is not possible to add misc CMD bonuses that only affect CMD and not AC.

Might be very special but one of the kingmaker campaign traits increases your cmd by +1.
If that is the only way to get such a bonus it might not justify the worky you'd have with implementing this change.

Sovereign Court

Umbranus wrote:

Cool char sheet. I like it very much.

But I noticed that it is not possible to add misc CMD bonuses that only affect CMD and not AC.

Might be very special but one of the kingmaker campaign traits increases your cmd by +1.
If that is the only way to get such a bonus it might not justify the worky you'd have with implementing this change.

That is something quite valid to point out. I will have to add this for my v2.6.2 release. Thank You!

One of the Ioun stone resonate power also adds to CMB and CMD only, there's another example.

Does the save function works on Foxit reader on Win platform? Adope Reader 10 is not up to task even with microsoft outlook as default mail programm.

What browsers should be used and were tested for the save function?

Sovereign Court

Tierre wrote:
What browsers should be used and were tested for the save function?

Browsers? None, actually. I only have been suggesting use of Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat applications, and that's all that are being tested. Primarily this is due to the Acrobat javascript API for forms; I want to ensure stability where I can, and broadening the testing scope too far makes things increasingly difficult (and redundant) to test. If the sheet is compatible with Adobe Reader and someone opts to use a different PDF viewing application, all I can suggest is that the application is compatible with Reader and supports javascript for the calculations.

Regarding the save & load function, I do have a bit of control added to the sheet for v2.6.2:

patnodewf wrote:

Change-log, from v2.6.1 to v2.6.2:

(done) Added alert for those attempting to save character data with Reader clients. This function is currently not supported for Adobe Reader.

I realize that configuring a MAPI client may not be something that non-corporate email users have setup, and the majority of my user demographic might be more inclined to use web-based email. I am just going to replace the command to launch a new email with the attached file with an alert prompt.

On the topic of v2.6.2:

I had an evil wizard living in the walls of my apartment cast a rather high level (possibly empowered and maximized) lightning bolt recently, targeting a printer that was just installed. Resulting in a fried printer and desktop PC; the wizard has yet to be found and dealt with (I may need to commission adventurers for that, hrm...)

Until my PC is returned to me by the repair technicians who have been charged (pun not intended, heh) with fixing it, I do not have access to Illustrator to make a few final adjustments on some of the font sizes. Also, the extra time without my desktop has given my beta testers a bit more time with v2.6.2 and they've uncovered (during last night's game session actually) a rarely occurring bug with how extradimensional inventory is handled. I've got it nailed down to a few key javascript functions that I wrote very early on in my learning process for all of this. All I have to say is: "egad! those scripts are atrocious" & "yea, you can tell I was quite the amateur when I wrote them."

For the rest of what's planned for v2.6.2, just scroll up in the discussion thread; I've posted a list of changes to be expected. I hope I've answered your questions; if not, then just reply here and let me know.

1 pretty annoying bug i found, dunno if it was already reported - didn't find it in the thread. If you push Options - open file then all your data is ALREADY lost even if you push cancel. So it seems like a person can fill full charsheet and then trying to save it by mistake click on open instead of save - bam, you got no info now:( Well it may be a feature , not a bag of course:) But it doesn't seem so.
Also is there any way to add a custom coin weight to this? I use in my games 300 coins per pound instead of 50 and it is the only thing in the shit which seems working not as i would like it to:)

PS Right now i am working from a company PC and it got Outlook 2010 as a default mail app and it's not working anyway:( And if i try to reinstall anything then i'll have a long talk with our IT security guys, which is not a good option:) But MAPI is not working everywhere:( Well i can just save it by ctrl-s anyway heh:)

Sovereign Court

Tierre wrote:
1 pretty annoying bug i found, dunno if it was already reported - didn't find it in the thread. If you push Options - open file then all your data is ALREADY lost even if you push cancel. So it seems like a person can fill full charsheet and then trying to save it by mistake click on open instead of save - bam, you got no info now:( Well it may be a feature , not a bag of course:) But it doesn't seem so.

It's suppose to throw an alert and cancel prior to that process, if you're not using Acrobat. I will have to address this for v2.6.2; welcome to the Special Thanks section ;)

Tierre wrote:
Also is there any way to add a custom coin weight to this? I use in my games 300 coins per pound instead of 50 and it is the only thing in the s+&# which seems working not as i would like it to:)

I can add that to my list of things for v2.6.3, or later perhaps, but I'm not sure how much use it will get. I haven't really got it setup for handling houseruled mechanics like that just yet.

Tierre wrote:
Well i can just save it by ctrl-s anyway heh:)

The original intent for the open/save options was to allow users to transfer data from one sheet version to another when it gets updated. Previously I was publishing updates on a rather frequent basis, but it's slowed down quite a bit since 2012 started. Now it just seems like more of a convenience than anything, from my point of view anyway. Plus, I haven't really received any feedback on it either, so it wasn't really addressed until now.

I've looked into the purchase of LiveCycle Reader Extensions (LCRE), but the LiveCycle Server (LCS) application is a bit more expensive than I think is worth for this one file. LCRE are required for Reader clients to have access to the import|export form options. I will look into seeing whether or not I can add the Reader Extensions with the Trial of LCS only once, or if the Reader Extensions need to be added every time I push an update. Currently, I need to strip all of the rights for the document prior to editing the javascript... then add them back prior to publishing. If I need to do that each time, though, the LCRE probably won't be likely to be a feature in this character sheet sadly.

Might I suggest a check box for Bags that make the items in them not weigh anything to make calculating Pathfinder Pouches and Bags of Holding carry capacity easier?

Edit: Whoops, it's already there, I just hadn't found it yet... XD

Tierre wrote:
Also is there any way to add a custom coin weight to this? I use in my games 300 coins per pound instead of 50 and it is the only thing in the s~!# which seems working not as i would like it to:)

Oh i found that i made a really stupid mistype:( "Sheet" should always go with EE not I... Thanks Paizo for automatic filter... I apologize for this unintended use of word.

BTW Will there be a spells known page on your cool character sheet?

Dot so I can find this. Thanks for a great sheet!

Liberty's Edge


Tierre wrote:
BTW Will there be a spells known page on your cool character sheet?

I'd love to see the spells known and spell book pages added to this sheet, it would make dealing with magic so much easier...

Sovereign Court

ArrowDel wrote:
Tierre wrote:
BTW Will there be a spells known page on your cool character sheet?
I'd love to see the spells known and spell book pages added to this sheet, it would make dealing with magic so much easier...

I tried to whip up a caster sheet as a PDF in the past. It was discussed in this thread even. I wanted something that offers a comparable experience to what the primary character sheet offers, but it just isn't practical within the confines of an interactive PDF form. Primarily this is due to the finite amount of pages for a PDF, with only using free version of Reader and other PDF applications.

For casters who prepare their spells without having to memorize them (clerics, druids, etc), the amount of space needed would be too tremendous in order to record them all. Then there's scaling what's available by caster level too, and adding/removing pages in a PDF is not something that can be done with Reader. You need the paid version (Acrobat) to manipulate those things.

It's great for those who have a limited pool of spells to choose from though, cause it typically can fit into one page of the PDF (bards, wizards, sorcerers, etc). Then again, these types of casters can simply add notes to either the 4th or 5th pages of my current character sheet if they simply want to track only names of spells.

I did find a caster sheet that runs in Excel (should be compatible with too), which I really like; it does everything that I wanted my PDF to do too. It's the adVance Spell Sheet, by sCoreForge. You can find a copy of it here or here

Grand Lodge

So the testing on the latest version is done on your sheet and its ready to go?

Well that's a great spell list yes, but you can't add spells from 101 new spells from Rite Publishings:) You'll have to write them down by hand:)

Sovereign Court

Helaman wrote:
So the testing on the latest version is done on your sheet and its ready to go?

Yea, there's just the issue remaining of changing a few font sizes for those sections that I had overhauled. I need Illustrator to do that, and it's installed on my desktop... which is still out for repairs.

Hi i was looking for a SSA-X2 pathfinder version over the internet and i found out your project!
its verry nice and i like the fact that you have take it seriously.

i dont know if anyone in the past have told you but the fact that you put all the combat stuff(HP, AC, Weapons etc) in the second page is making the use of this sheet very hard!

the 90% of sheet have those in the first page!

is it possible to put them also in the first page in a future update?

Scarab Sages

fitsou wrote:

Hi i was looking for a SSA-X2 pathfinder version over the internet and i found out your project!

its verry nice and i like the fact that you have take it seriously.

i dont know if anyone in the past have told you but the fact that you put all the combat stuff(HP, AC, Weapons etc) in the second page is making the use of this sheet very hard!

the 90% of sheet have those in the first page!

is it possible to put them also in the first page in a future update?

Print the pages and put that one first. Done. fixed.

I was thinking about maybe expanding skills section. If you are a wizard you can't fit all the skills on the page. Secondly I think it would be cool if you could click on your skills and it would show what type of bonuses you had. e.g. competence, trait, etc....

BTW, this sheet is excellent, I use it for every game session. :)

I know I have seen your spellsheet out there patnodewf. However PFRD seems to be down, and it is not listed on your site. Is there an alternate download location? I have searched high and low and not run into it.

Scarab Sages

The caster spell sheet isn't up on the site anymore. I still have it archived on my PC.

The idea came up of someone pre-filling the spell sheet with class-specific spell lists, and I think Pat got the impression that HE would be expected to do it. Personally I think if he finished the blank spell sheet, the folks reading (and sometimes commenting on) this thread would do the tedious part.

Sovereign Court

Oh, You just have to scroll up a bit in the discussion (on this page) for an explanation for why it vanished from my site.

Long story short: PDF is the wrong tool for the job, and I posted a suggestion for a VERY nice tool that does it properly.

Also, an update on progress: I'm going on almost a month and a half without my desktop PC. It has my Adobe software installed on it, and it's at the "doctor's office." I don't want to install the software on a second machine until I find out whether or not that one is repairable. For the time being, I've just got a handful of notes for things that need to be touched up on before I publish another version update.

Sovereign Court

Okay, update time:

Desktop PC is still dead in the water. The repair place is taking their time replacing my motherboard for some reason. Thankfully I had most of the background code finished for the updates, before the thing ate a power surge - so there's not a lot of programming I need to do under the hood at this point.

I tried to get my Adobe CS5.5 license ported from PC to Mac, but since it's not the current version, they told me to bugger off. So, I set up a virtual box on my Mac and installed CS5.5 on there instead. It's slower, and a bit more annoying too, but I managed to get my grubby mitts back into the character sheet!

I've spoken with Sadie, from Dyslexic Studeos, and he's decided to change his fonts to something that's very similar to the current fonts... but more distribution-friendly. Since a lot of my design is influenced by his, and distribution is something I want to continue to do: I'm going to follow suit.

I went into Illustrator today, and changed them around. To make sure nothing wacky is going on, I've passed the update to my beta testers for a look over. Hopefully they won't take too long to get it back to me... I've been sitting on 2.6.2 for WAY longer than I intended.

Sovereign Court

Did the wording for Ant Haul get revised? Wasn't it a +4 or +6 bonus previously, to your strength score when determining carry capacity?

It seems to be static values now, which are all dependent upon your existing strength score. It seems the same, but a +4 or +6 bonus does not provide the same capacity values as what is listed in that table.

I might have to add an "Ant Haul" checkbox to my overhaul of the Load & Lift section.

Just got into pathfinder in October, been using the Badass Bandanna sheet because with the normal one my lack of math skills was preventing me from doing correct damage. Just got a Galaxy Note 10.1 and am using qpdf to open the sheet. While it supports calculations and all the basic modifier calculations work, it broke the entire skills section and is not updating the totals no matter how much I modify. The numbers are not updating the totals, and I cant click/tap the checkboxes for class skills.

patnodewf wrote:

Did the wording for Ant Haul get revised? Wasn't it a +4 or +6 bonus previously, to your strength score when determining carry capacity?

It seems to be static values now, which are all dependent upon your existing strength score. It seems the same, but a +4 or +6 bonus does not provide the same capacity values as what is listed in that table.

I might have to add an "Ant Haul" checkbox to my overhaul of the Load & Lift section.

No no, it hasn't changed. It never gave a flat bonus, you're thinking Mule Back Chords, which have a flat +8. Ant Haul triples your carrying capacity, the table at your link just shows the tripled capacity.

People who want to show ant-haul can just put 2 times their str into the str adjustment box to simulate this. Although a checkbox would be easier. :)

Sovereign Court


Yea, mobile devices tend to not allow for the Javascript in PDFs. That's where all the code is that handles the magic with my character sheet. Your report doesn't surprise me, unfortunately. What I can recommend though, is to maintain your character data in the PDF on a computer using Adobe Reader (or similarly functional PDF reader application that WILL handle the javascript), then "flatten" the results as a non-form PDF. You can accomplish this by using any PDF printer available out on the interweb, really. Then just use that as your sheet at the table. Going that route, which is my preferred method for tablet usage, I'd also recommend something for annotating PDF files.. so you can jot notes on your sheet to reference for when you need to update the form-fillable version of your character.

mdt wrote:
Ant Haul triples your carrying capacity, the table at your link just shows the tripled capacity. People who want to show ant-haul can just put 2 times their str into the str adjustment box to simulate this. Although a checkbox would be easier. :)

That actually helps a lot... I should be able to throw some rather simplified code in there that just references your adjusted str score when calculating loads & lifts.

Since I haven't heard back from the 3.5 guys about whether there's a math formula behind the carry capacity limits, I just have an exhaustive if/else statement to calculate limits. It's basically based on str score + L&L mod you specify in loads & lifts area, then cross references the carry capacity limits table.

Seems all I would have to do is add another logic check to determine where a checkbox for "ant haul" is check... if so: (str score + L&L mod)*3 = str score for carry capacity.

Sovereign Court

I just posted the updated v2.6.2 to my site! You can review the adjustments in the change log there. As always, thank you for your feedback and please keep it coming!

I found this on the internet here

If Strength < 10, then Heavy Load is Strength * 10, Medium Load is 2/3rds this value, and Light is 1/3rd this value.

If Strength >= 10, then the Heavy Load is 25 * 2^(Strength/5).

The above works for those values divisible by 5. To get the in betweens, you have to do some more, which is to take the amount, divide by same value you'd get using 5 instead of 25 for the same strength - 10, but raised to the largest integer value of that, and then multiple that by the 5 * 2 raised to the largest integer value of ((strength - 10) / 5). I know that's complicated, so here's an example :

13 Str
= Round[(25 * 2^(13/5)) / (5 * 2^(Largest Int Value of 3/5))] * [5 * 2^(Largest Int Value of 3/5)]
= Round[(25 * 2^(2.6)) / (5 * 2^(0)] * [5 * 2^(0)]
= Round[(25 * 6.062866266) / (5 * 1)] * [5 * 1]
= Round[(151.5716567) / (5)] * 5
= Round[30.2] * 5
= 30 * 5
= 150

So if you look, you see the first part {Round[(25 * 2^(STR/5)) / (5 * 2^(STR-10/5))]} is basically finding the number to multiply by 5 (or a multiplier of 5) to generate a value that's divisible by 5.

Also from the same comment, here's an excel spreadsheet formula that can be used to calculate the Heavy load for any strength.

IF(ST<10,ST*10,ROUND(25*2^(ST/5)/(5*2^INT((ST-10)/5)),0)*5*2^INT((ST-10) /5))

Sovereign Court

Yea, right now I've got it set up to use a "switch" statement to fish out an exact value for carry capacities. The only problem is that I capped it out at 40 Strength. Anything higher than that and I figure your capacity is fairly irrelevant anyway, LOL!

I have one switch for light/medium/heavy, and it just returns the proper value. Only problem is I have a setup like that now for both ant haul and non-ant haul, since I just added that checkbox to page 3. That's 3 sets of values for 40 different strength scores (240 manually retrieved possible value, that are static).

I'm gonna add this to my to-do list, though, to clean up the code on the "back-end" of the sheet later on, and allow the capacities to scale beyond 40 strength. Thank you for finding this mdt!

No problem, happy to help

Love love love this sheet! Have had a couple of small but annoying issues in 2.6.1:

1) sometimes the text doesn't show in the field, the only way to fix this seems to be creating a new sheet (not so bad on a low level character, but a serious pain with CL16... (have seen this in the armor field also on weapons fields, fillable fields, not number fields. Since I print them out, I just hand write in anything that doesn't print, but.. annoying. File does the same thing on 2 different computers.

2) occasionally the money fields randomly give decimal places (like you put in 5 for the cp field and it gives you 4.9999999). GM teases that they're shaved coppers... :)

Don't know if these have been addressed in 2.6.2, but have downloaded it and am xferring over.

Thanks for a great product!

Hi, i just wanted to ask: is this sheet still under developement?

If so i would have some suggestions:

- Give a field for negative levels, so you dont have to change basically everything manually -> convinience

- add a section to the weapons fields to incorporate flurry of blows for either unarmed or weapon fields.

- a section to write down spells per day and spells known etc would be nice. currently im using the notes sectin for that.

Dark Archive

I'd just like to say thank you for making this and thank you to Schwarzie for bumping it so I found it. This thing is the shiz.

Sovereign Court

magpiewench wrote:

Love love love this sheet! Have had a couple of small but annoying issues in 2.6.1:

1) sometimes the text doesn't show in the field, the only way to fix this seems to be creating a new sheet (not so bad on a low level character, but a serious pain with CL16... (have seen this in the armor field also on weapons fields, fillable fields, not number fields. Since I print them out, I just hand write in anything that doesn't print, but.. annoying. File does the same thing on 2 different computers.

2) occasionally the money fields randomly give decimal places (like you put in 5 for the cp field and it gives you 4.9999999). GM teases that they're shaved coppers... :)

Don't know if these have been addressed in 2.6.2, but have downloaded it and am xferring over.

Thanks for a great product!

Did you notice an improvement for those issues when you switched to the most recent version, then?

Schwarzie2k wrote:

Hi, i just wanted to ask: is this sheet still under development?

If so i would have some suggestions:

- Give a field for negative levels, so you don't have to change basically everything manually -> convenience

- add a section to the weapons fields to incorporate flurry of blows for either unarmed or weapon fields.

- a section to write down spells per day and spells known etc would be nice. currently im using the notes section for that.

Well, I haven't been getting any bug reports that weren't user error in some regard. (I'll admit that my site isn't quite as instructional as it could be, but I like to think you all are a clever lot too)

As for the negative level suggestion: if you treat negative levels as a custom class, you might get what you're after... just put a negative value in that field. Let me know.

Flurry of Blows: not looking to (and I'm sure I've mentioned it previously at some point too) force the sheet into being too bloated with class details. I don't want it to become an issue where one class will have wasted ink/paper for class-specific abilities that belong to someone else and will never be utilized. It's mostly a creative-design choice, same with the spell sheet inclusion (i did attempt to create an entirely separate document for spells, and hated it in PDF form - not the right tool for the job). Remaining class agnostic creates a more universal tool.

Sorry for the delay with this post, by the way. I've finished school, moved 1200 miles, and started working way more than I use to. The only real bug-squashing that's been on my list is mostly just background javascript optimization, though.

We've been using the 2.6.2 sheet in our campaign and are big fans. GREAT WORK and thank you so much for sharing.

I am noticing that encumbrance numbers are off for my str 8 char, who should be able to carry 26 lbs at light load, and the sheet says 19.

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