Randomdonkey |

So, I had a player ask me if they could get Shillelagh cast with permanency on their quarterstaff. I could honestly go either way with this, but wanted to know what others thought about it. Questions that came to mind was that if it was should I allow it since it does not seem to game breaking and can be dispelled at any time. I also wondered if you would allow it what kind of pricing would you use for it?

Alwaysafk |

Agreed for pricing, 2,500gp. Doesn't seem like a big deal, though the spell makes me wonder about something.
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, DF
Range touch
Target one touched non-magical oak club or quarterstaff
Duration 1 min./level
Saving Throw Will negates (object); Spell Resistance yes (object)
Your own non-magical club or quarterstaff becomes a weapon with a +1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls. A quarterstaff gains this enhancement for both ends of the weapon. It deals damage as if it were two size categories larger (a Small club or quarterstaff so transmuted deals 1d8 points of damage, a Medium 2d6, and a Large 3d6), +1 for its enhancement bonus. These effects only occur when the weapon is wielded by you. If you do not wield it, the weapon behaves as if unaffected by this spell.
From how it reads (at least to me) is that whoever is using the quarterstaff would have to cast it personally and then keep it a regular oak staff. No adding pluses to it later or the spell would cease functioning. Seems kind of an expensive way to get a +1 staff that hits a little harder.

Foghammer |

Agreed for pricing, 2,500gp. Doesn't seem like a big deal, though the spell makes me wonder about something.
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From how it reads (at least to me) is that whoever is using the quarterstaff would have to cast it personally and then keep it a regular oak staff. No adding pluses to it later or the spell would cease functioning. Seems kind of an expensive way to get a +1 staff that hits a little harder.
In a way, but think of it like this: a +1 enhancement +1d6 additional damage would normally cost 4300 plus weapon price (0 in this case). So 2500 for this, or 4300 to get it some other way.
I would probably do it. Druid weapon choices aren't all that great, and the levels at which this is practical won't see that difference in power til at least 2 or 3 levels later.

Jeff1964 |

Alwaysafk wrote:Agreed for pricing, 2,500gp. Doesn't seem like a big deal, though the spell makes me wonder about something.
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From how it reads (at least to me) is that whoever is using the quarterstaff would have to cast it personally and then keep it a regular oak staff. No adding pluses to it later or the spell would cease functioning. Seems kind of an expensive way to get a +1 staff that hits a little harder.
In a way, but think of it like this: a +1 enhancement +1d6 additional damage would normally cost 4300 plus weapon price (0 in this case). So 2500 for this, or 4300 to get it some other way.
I would probably do it. Druid weapon choices aren't all that great, and the levels at which this is practical won't see that difference in power til at least 2 or 3 levels later.
It would cost a bit more than that. Since the OP was talking about a quarterstaff, where each end normally has to be enchanted separately, that would be 4600 for the weapon itself, plus whatever additional cost (equivalent of another +1 at least) on each end, would run the cost up to 8600 minimum, if done as a magical weapon.

Foghammer |

Foghammer wrote:It would cost a bit more than that. Since the OP was talking about a quarterstaff, where each end normally has to be enchanted separately, that would be 4600 for the weapon itself, plus whatever additional cost (equivalent of another +1 at least) on each end, would run the cost up to 8600 minimum, if done as a magical weapon.Alwaysafk wrote:Agreed for pricing, 2,500gp. Doesn't seem like a big deal, though the spell makes me wonder about something.
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From how it reads (at least to me) is that whoever is using the quarterstaff would have to cast it personally and then keep it a regular oak staff. No adding pluses to it later or the spell would cease functioning. Seems kind of an expensive way to get a +1 staff that hits a little harder.
In a way, but think of it like this: a +1 enhancement +1d6 additional damage would normally cost 4300 plus weapon price (0 in this case). So 2500 for this, or 4300 to get it some other way.
I would probably do it. Druid weapon choices aren't all that great, and the levels at which this is practical won't see that difference in power til at least 2 or 3 levels later.
Touche, good sir. The quarterstaff would be more expensive than the club.

Oterisk |

Thanks for the responses now just need to find a way to incorporate more dispel magic traps in my game.
I wouldn't bother. Let them have fun for a while. After a few levels, it will be obsolete anyway, especially when the other people in the party start getting +2 and +3 weapons. Or they start doing wildshape for combat. Then the ole beatin' stick becomes old hat.
That is unless your gaming style is to consistently screw your players for innovative thinking. Then go right ahead.