Hairy Legs in the Dark |

Hello All,
Had an interesting situation that prompted a few problems I was hoping you could assist with.
Condition/Situation= I needed to find any item depicting a certain rune within an orc encampment. On opening a door I saw such upon a few small sheilds on the rooms walls. On entering the room it was "the big bad boss orcs room" who via his hounds scent ability detected me then basically proceeded to close a double door and stand in front of it with a guard standing in front of it as well . This covered the two five foot squares the doors filled, so I couldnt escape cause I couldnt pass through their square to open the door and get out.
I eventually lured one of them away from the door (started extinguishing the rooms torches) opening a space for me to enter adjacent to the door, opened it and managed to escape. But the opponent just ran ahead of me (as I stopped and healed to stop my visible blood trail) and just stood ahead in my 5ft passage, again blocking my escape.
During this we encountered these main questions....
1) Attack of Opportunity= If I was to be in a threatened square while invisible and do something that provokes an attack of opportunity. Or simply leave the threatened square. As I have full concealment, do they still get to make attack of opportunities without any visual clues to trigger them?
2) Passing Through An Enemy Square= Can an invisible person pass through an opponents square of the same size when invisible? I couldnt do so with acrobatics, as without any invisibilty bonus, the DC was too high to pass him. Any attempts would provoke an attack of opportunity on my fail and so leading to my eventual death if I continued trying it. I couldnt do it with stealth either as the Dm didnt think it sounded correct in doing so, as with invis bonuses i was virtually undetectable and would escape.
3) Enemy Passing Through Your Square= CAn you allow an enemy to pass through your square when invisible? Even if you are flat footed? Figured it may be like Over-run feat where you can simply chose to stand aside and let them pass (but not when flat footed).
4) Flat Footed= I was eventually forced to attack exposing my position. When this attack was conducted I was invisible, so I reappeared. Does this mean I appear when I hit him or before I try and thinking to do so... so the orc isnt flat footed to my first attack as he knows Im "out there somewhere", but when I reappear to attack he sees me and so is not flat footed?
So I was stuck, with an orc blocking my 5ft passage out and unable to pass him sliding against walls past him or even stealthfully moving through. So I was forced to attack, revealed my position and in an encampment of 2000 orcs....game over.
I hope this makes sense and you can assist.

Grick |

1) Attack of Opportunity= If I was to be in a threatened square while invisible and do something that provokes an attack of opportunity. Or simply leave the threatened square. As I have full concealment, do they still get to make attack of opportunities without any visual clues to trigger them?
Performing the action still provokes. But the enemy cannot hit you if he can't see you:
Total Concealment: "You can't execute an attack of opportunity against an opponent with total concealment, even if you know what square or squares the opponent occupies."
2) Passing Through An Enemy Square= Can an invisible person pass through an opponents square of the same size when invisible?
Opponent: "You can't move through a square occupied by an opponent unless the opponent is helpless."
There are exceptions, but invisibility doesn't mention it.
3) Enemy Passing Through Your Square= CAn you allow an enemy to pass through your square when invisible?
I guess you could consider them friendly for that turn, allowing them to pass.
4) Flat Footed= I was eventually forced to attack exposing my position. When this attack was conducted I was invisible, so I reappeared. Does this mean I appear when I hit him or before I try and thinking to do so...
He would be denied his Dex bonus to AC against your first attack if you attack him while invisible. You become visible immediately after your attack, so if you full-attack, it's only denied dex for the first one. It's not the same as flat-footed, though.
Table: Attack Roll Modifiers
Invisible: +2 (*2)
(*2): The defender loses any Dexterity bonus to AC.

Hairy Legs in the Dark |

Ok thanks!
However, if the act is say doing something like opening a door which can be seen or even casting a spell which can be heard all which provokes an att of op. Then Id assume they can take an attack of op based on this pereception, even though your invisible?
And if you cant pass through their 5ft square invisible (seems unrealistic, but ok). Then does the character get any bonus to his acrobatic check cause he cant be seen when taking it?
I cant find anything which helps.
Finally and this is the hard one. If you do attempt acrobatics through an enemies 5ft square while invisible and you fail. Does the enemy get the attack of op provoked if he cant do attack of ops? (as the rules state under concealment)

Charender |

Unless the enemy can negate your concealment, they cannot take attack of opportunity against you. You still provoke, but they are unable to actually take the attack.
If you attempt to tumble through an enemy's square and fail, you provoke an attack of opportunity and lose the move action. Since you are insivible, they cannot take the AoO, but you still lose the move action.
On the plus side, in this case, there in no penalty for failure, so you could take a 20 on the tumble check or just try repeatedlyuntil you roll well enough to suceed. Think of it this way, you are ducking and weaving until you can slip past them without bumping into them.

Thunder_Child |
On the plus side, in this case, there in no penalty for failure, so you could take a 20 on the tumble check or just try repeatedlyuntil you roll well enough to suceed. Think of it this way, you are ducking and weaving until you can slip past them without bumping into them.
I would say you could not take a 20 in this situation since you are distracted and threatened. Just because they can not take an attack of opportunity does not mean they can not make attacks against you.

![]() |

Charender wrote:I would say you could not take a 20 in this situation since you are distracted and threatened. Just because they can not take an attack of opportunity does not mean they can not make attacks against you.
On the plus side, in this case, there in no penalty for failure, so you could take a 20 on the tumble check or just try repeatedlyuntil you roll well enough to suceed. Think of it this way, you are ducking and weaving until you can slip past them without bumping into them.
Also, when you are dealing in combat rounds, I am sure that you do not want to assume that your character is taking the next 20 rounds "taking a 20" on the acrobatics check.

Charender |

Thunder_Child wrote:Also, when you are dealing in combat rounds, I am sure that you do not want to assume that your character is taking the next 20 rounds "taking a 20" on the acrobatics check.Charender wrote:I would say you could not take a 20 in this situation since you are distracted and threatened. Just because they can not take an attack of opportunity does not mean they can not make attacks against you.
On the plus side, in this case, there in no penalty for failure, so you could take a 20 on the tumble check or just try repeatedlyuntil you roll well enough to suceed. Think of it this way, you are ducking and weaving until you can slip past them without bumping into them.
That is why i suggest the player just roll until they rolled well enough to get past.