Rules vs. Guidelines

Advanced Race Guide Playtest

For a parallel, see the magic item design rules.

How much of this racial design is intended to be a set of guidelines for GMs to hash out races for their world? How much is a strict set of rules for players to build custom races specific to their characters?

The approach taken can have significant effects on the end result.


More to the point, guidelines can have sections of text describing dos and do-nots, what good things to keep in mind when creating races are and other tips for generating a reasonably sensible race for players to use. The limits to the system can be built into the description of how to use it; that it can be broken but by reasonable use can turn out well.

If it is for 'unrestricted' use by players, that means the limits of the system must be mechanical and built into it. That's a lot harder and can limit a lot of options that would otherwise be viable and reasonable.

At the moment I think the guidelines method is best. It allows the system to be more broad and permitting and the safeties for it can be descriptive rather than mechanical.

Liberty's Edge

Umbral Reaver wrote:

For a parallel, see the magic item design rules.

How much of this racial design is intended to be a set of guidelines for GMs to hash out races for their world? How much is a strict set of rules for players to build custom races specific to their characters?

The approach taken can have significant effects on the end result.


More to the point, guidelines can have sections of text describing dos and do-nots, what good things to keep in mind when creating races are and other tips for generating a reasonably sensible race for players to use. The limits to the system can be built into the description of how to use it; that it can be broken but by reasonable use can turn out well.

If it is for 'unrestricted' use by players, that means the limits of the system must be mechanical and built into it. That's a lot harder and can limit a lot of options that would otherwise be viable and reasonable.

At the moment I think the guidelines method is best. It allows the system to be more broad and permitting and the safeties for it can be descriptive rather than mechanical.

I think this is an important question and I think the answer is going to have to fall on the side of guideline.

The rules, as currently situated, are a Min/Maxers wet dream. I can't conceive of letting these rules loose on any but the most trusted players.

I am glad that they are doing the rules, but I feel like unless you are doing strict replacement options for pre-made races, these kind of things have to be optional guidelines.

I'd say "GM tool." Whichever way that leans.

There is no way to let players design their own races and have them be balanced. Races are a hodgepodge of abilities, as befits beings who draw inspiration from many sources. Fantasy novels, folklore, and previous iterations of the system have all contributed to what we have today. While a player might create an interesting, varied race, it is far more likely that they will have a more straight forward "theme." "Theme" means "synergy," and "synergy" means "more powerful than a hodgepodge race."

In short: Yay advice sections! Yay openness and few restrictions! Boo pretending you can let players anywhere near this! Boo "flavor" based restrictions!

ciretose wrote:
I can't conceive of letting these rules loose on any but the most trusted players.

Oddly, my 'most trusted players' are the very ones I 'trust' to pull the most boneheaded stunts.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Seeing as all of the game's rules are guidelines, I would think this new rules subset would be considered as such as well.

Ravingdork wrote:
Seeing as all of the game's rules are guidelines, I would think this new rules subset would be considered as such as well.

The "rules" are intended to normally be allowed. As an example if I sit down with a 3rd level fighter most likely the GM won't be banning it if I don't go outside of the core rules. "Guideline" based things are expected to be looked at first, such as custom magic items. That is what he was referring too.

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