Are Vanara and Charau-ka related?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Verdant Wheel

Reading the playtest from advanced race guide and looking to the image name from the blog post i have noticed that the Vanara are a monkey race, so is the Charau-ka. Are both races related ? Share a common ancestor at least ?
On the subject, there are neanderthals on Golarion ? Antropithecus ? Cavemen ?

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Draco Bahamut wrote:

Reading the playtest from advanced race guide and looking to the image name from the blog post i have noticed that the Vanara are a monkey race, so is the Charau-ka. Are both races related ? Share a common ancestor at least ?

On the subject, there are neanderthals on Golarion ? Antropithecus ? Cavemen ?

Vanara are from Hindu Myth. The name means, literally "Wood-people," and the demigod Hanuman is a Vanara. Since the Vanara are Neutral to Good in the Ramayana, the main source for them, and the Charau-ka are evil, in reality what we have is one of the more interesting differences between Western and Asian perspectives on our simian relatives.

I suspect the Charau-ka in fact are related to the negative feelings that many Westerners have toward sometimes violent apes (i.e., human-like) - Baboons and Chimps and our mixed feelings about evolution and being related to them. In the pulps and Gothic fiction apes are fearsome in part because they so closely resemble us and represent devolution or the bestial nature of humanity... In Asian myth, apes are good or heroic because they are found in traditions with talking animals and where human-like form makes them closer to the gods, which we as humans even more closely resemble.

Verdant Wheel

Ok, but they could be subraces one from another. Like the Lithorians who could be lion-folk or cat-folk or even tiger-folk depending on the region they lived.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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While the vanara and the charau-ka are both ape-people... that's where things end. They are no more related than humans and dwarves are.

As Jeff said, the vanara are from real-world mythology, while the charau-ka are 100% from my own brain (mostly inspired by the intelligent ape monsters from old pulps like in some of the Conan stories, but also from Planet of the Apes).

The charau-ka are specifically created by the demon lord Angazhan, and they are evil monsters through and through. The vanara are much nicer and more friendly.

They're NOT intended to be related or sub races, in any case.

And yes, there are neanderthals on Golarion.

Verdant Wheel

James Jacobs wrote:

While the vanara and the charau-ka are both ape-people... that's where things end. They are no more related than humans and dwarves are.

As Jeff said, the vanara are from real-world mythology, while the charau-ka are 100% from my own brain (mostly inspired by the intelligent ape monsters from old pulps like in some of the Conan stories, but also from Planet of the Apes).

The charau-ka are specifically created by the demon lord Angazhan, and they are evil monsters through and through. The vanara are much nicer and more friendly.

They're NOT intended to be related or sub races, in any case.

And yes, there are neanderthals on Golarion.

Ok, but some people could think that maybe Angazhan made the Charau-ka from captured Vanaras or at least got the idea from them. If i lived on Golarion that what i would think even if this weren´t the case.

Could Vanaras travelling to the inner sea be mistaken with Charau-ka or are they too different ? (The same a human dwarf could be mistaken with dwarven dwarfs ? )

James Jacobs wrote:
And yes, there are neanderthals on Golarion.


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Jonathon Vining wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
And yes, there are neanderthals on Golarion.

Yes. Not sure where they are, but they're out there somewhere. We have dinosaurs and megafauna and eurypterids on Golarion... makes no sense to NOT have cavemen out there somewhere.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Draco Bahamut wrote:

Ok, but some people could think that maybe Angazhan made the Charau-ka from captured Vanaras or at least got the idea from them. If i lived on Golarion that what i would think even if this weren´t the case.

Could Vanaras travelling to the inner sea be mistaken with Charau-ka or are they too different ? (The same a human dwarf could be mistaken with dwarven dwarfs ? )

Some people COULD think that, but we've been pretty clear in the charau-ka information we've provided on where they come from. Furthermore, the vanara entry in Bestiary 3 says noting about the charau-ka.

Likewise, troglodytes and lizardfolk aren't related, nor are boggards and grippli.

Vanaras would not be mistaken for charau-ka if they traveled to the Inner Sea. First of all, a vanara would be calm and cultured and reasonable—he wouldn't be shrieking like a maniac and trying to eat you.

But furthermore, charau-ka are Small and Vanara are Medium, so it'd be more like a person mistaking a human for a gnome.

And vanaras have very long prehensile tails (despite the fact that we used unfinished art in the preview where the artist had not yet put the tail on him for whatever reason), while the charau-ka do not have tails at all.

And vanaras look a lot more humanoid than monkey, while the charau-ka are very distinctively baboons that look more baboon than human; their faces even have the blue and red markings, and they have really scary teeth, whereas the vanara have human mouths.

FINALLY... vanaras are a zero HD race, while the charau-ka are not; the charau-ka have hit dice, and as such aren't nearly as appropriate for use as PCs fresh out of the book.

Verdant Wheel

Hmmm, this raises more questions about what is really happening with all this unrelated races creation in golarion.

I know that this don´t matter a lot in others scenarios, but i like conspirations theories and metaplots.

Maybe there were ancient warring powers that are competing to create THE stronger race for some motive not yet revelated. And the mysteries of golarion creation thicken with each book.

I am happy.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Is it way out of line to consider the the charau-ka monstrous humanoids? They seem to pretty well fit the MH type description. I have a player in my Serpent's Skull campaign who took monstrous humanoid for a favored enemy for his ranger following the advice from the player's guide. He was patient through Smuggler's shiv. Granted the MAIN bad guy was a monstrous humanoid, but it was just her at the end. (Plus I did throw in the harpy suggestion). Now, as I'm reading through Racing to Ruin, the monstrous humanoid prospects seem no better - unless I count the charau-ka.

Liberty's Edge

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If Charau-ka have no tails that makes them ape people not monkey people...

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Taste like apes, talk like people.

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Taste like apes, talk like people.

Sounds like something a dragon would say

Lantern Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Jonathon Vining wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
And yes, there are neanderthals on Golarion.
Yes. Not sure where they are, but they're out there somewhere. We have dinosaurs and megafauna and eurypterids on Golarion... makes no sense to NOT have cavemen out there somewhere.

Sarusan, isolated spots in southern Garund, possibly Arcadia, and hiding in the Crown of the World (they hunt yeti up there).

Neanderthal Racial Traits

Neanderthals are defined by their class levels—they do not possess racial Hit Dice. All Neanderthals have the following racial traits.
+2 Strength, +4 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma: The primitive Neanderthals are strong and amazingly resilient, but do not have diverse intellects and because of the way in which they are treated or looked upon by other Humanoids, they are more introverted and cautious than their close relatives, Humans.
Medium: Neanderthals are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Neanderthals have a base speed of 30 feet.
Primitive Human Blood: Neanderthals are treated as being Humans and Primitives for all spells and effects that target Humans and/or Primitive races or individuals.
Primitive Weapon Aggression (Ex): Neanderthals wield primitive weapons with increased awareness of its weaknesses and basic construction. Whenever a weapon with the fragile quality should gain the broken quality (typically on a roll of natural 1 made during an attack), there is a 20% chance the weapon will not be harmed. Neanderthals gain a +2 competence bonus to rolls made to repair weapons with the fragile quality (primitive weapons).
Climate Tolerant (Ex): Neanderthals have resistance to fire and cold 2, and they are not required to make any Fortitude saves to endure elements in temperatures between -20F and 140F (-29C to 60C).
Neanderthal Skills (Ex): Neanderthals maintain a close connection to nature, and are more adept at reading the physical emotions of others than they are with the written word.
Neanderthal characters receive a +2 racial bonus to Craft, Knowledge (nature), Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks. They may make Knowledge (nature) checks as a trained skill for skill checks above DC 10 even when untrained, and treat one of these skills as a class skill (chosen at the time of creation).
In addition, Neanderthals do not automatically know how to read and write languages they can speak, and must spend ranks in Linguistics in order to know how to read and write (1 skill rank must be spent to read and write one language, or 2 skill ranks for all languages known).
Racial Favored and Restricted Classes (Ex): Optional: Neanderthals who choose Barbarian or Druid as their favored class receive double the standard benefits of choosing a favored class (the doubled bonus cannot be split between hit points and skill ranks, nor any other combination). Neanderthals who choose Cleric or Wizard as their favored class receive benefits only at even-numbered class levels (2nd, 4th, 6th, and so on), and may not choose another favored class for any reason.
Languages: Common, and one tribal, regional, or primitive dialect. Neanderthals with high Intelligence scores may choose the following bonus languages: Abyssal, Aklo, Draconic, Sylvan, Undercommon, or any tribal, regional, or primitive dialect.

Neanderthals have access to the following options for humans (from Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Race Guide): Adoptive Parentage, Eye for Talent, Heart of the Fields, Heart of the Mountains, Heart of the Sea, Heart of the Snows, Heart of the Sun, Heart of the Wilderness, or Mixed Heritage. Alternate racial traits which replace the bonus feat trait instead replace Primitive Weapon Aggression, and those which replace the skilled trait instead replace Climate Tolerant. They may also choose the Feral Child and Wanderer class archetypes, they have access to human equipment, and the magic items, belt of foraging, and rod of steadfast resolve. They may choose the following human feats: Critical Versatility, Dauntless Destiny, Defiant Luck, Fearless Curiosity, Heroic Will, Huntmaster, Intimidating Confidence, Martial Mastery, and Martial Versatility. Neanderthals can choose the following favored class benefits for humans: barbarian, cavalier, druid, fighter, oracle, ranger, sorcerer, and witch.

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What book is that from...

& Spoilers are your friend.

Lantern Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Revised and setting non-specific version of the Neanderthal race presented in TNB: PP01. Consider it a gift. :) The revisions aren't included in the actual material, since I am working on them now (for an update/errata document). Hopefully I will have that part completed in the next month or two.


Given that the Charau-ka are not related to the Vanaras, I'm curious where the most appropriate local would be for a Vanaras to be from in Pathfinder. I was thinking the Mwangi Expanse, since the Vanaras have a natural climb ability and would be home in a jungle, but it does not sound like they would survive well there with these evil shrieking apes all over.



Ze'Rehan wrote:

Given that the Charau-ka are not related to the Vanaras, I'm curious where the most appropriate local would be for a Vanaras to be from in Pathfinder. I was thinking the Mwangi Expanse, since the Vanaras have a natural climb ability and would be home in a jungle, but it does not sound like they would survive well there with these evil shrieking apes all over.


Vanara are from Hindu mythology.

The Hindu cosmology is the primary inspiration for the gods of Vuldra.

Vuldra is the Indian counterpart.

Vanara are almost assuredly going to be from Vuldra.

James Jacobs wrote:
Yes. Not sure where they are, but they're out there somewhere. We have dinosaurs and megafauna and eurypterids on Golarion... makes no sense to NOT have cavemen out there somewhere.

In the Earthnavel, perhaps?

Sovereign Court Contributor

Alexander Augunas wrote:
Ze'Rehan wrote:

Given that the Charau-ka are not related to the Vanaras, I'm curious where the most appropriate local would be for a Vanaras to be from in Pathfinder. I was thinking the Mwangi Expanse, since the Vanaras have a natural climb ability and would be home in a jungle, but it does not sound like they would survive well there with these evil shrieking apes all over.


Vanara are from Hindu mythology.

The Hindu cosmology is the primary inspiration for the gods of Vuldra.

Vuldra is the Indian counterpart.

Vanara are almost assuredly going to be from Vuldra.

Vudra is the correct spelling. Vanara are in fact from Vudra, a fact established in my old PFS adventure The Icebound Outpost.

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