12 level characters: How many are there?

Pathfinder Society

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Silver Crusade 5/5

Im just curious

Do you have a 12 level character? And how long did it take you to get from 1st to 12 level? did it take six months? 1 year? 2 years?

What Is your characters Race, gender, Character class and Faction?

Did your character have to be raised from the dead? what killed him or her?

Im just curious,


The Exchange 5/5 5/55/5 *

Pasha Qolloran ben Kasiim
Half Elven male
Paladin 10/Bard 2

May 31, 2010 to Feb 14, 2011
[approx 7.5 months]

Raised once
due to a barfight in Sniper in the Deep

Liberty's Edge 5/5 **

Omega Man wrote:
Raised once due to a barfight in Sniper in the Deep

Hell of a bar fight.

Gallard Stormeye - Male Ulfen Barbarian/Druid, Andoran. He hit 12th approximately May of this year as well.

Nope, although he came really close a couple times. The most harrowing being the time he went toe to toe, grappling, with the huge black dragon (10-11) black dragon.


Two retired characters:

Ka-Dar the Silent One, Qadiran Fighter 12
(Start of Year Zero to mid-Year 1)

Fafnir the Cloud-Headed, Ulfen Druid 12
(Start of Year 1 to this GenCon, by choice, to retire him at the Special)

The Exchange 4/5

BTW, your characters aren't officially retired until after you play through the level 12 arc. :)

Venture-Captain Nikolai Adonai
CG Half-Elf Male
Cleric of Sarenrae 8 / Holy Vindicator 4

September 25, 2010 - July 17, 2011 (he hit 12 on June 25, 2011, so 9 months to hit 12).

Raised Twice Because Of:
Greater Shadow

The Exchange 5/5 5/55/5 *

Since the OP didn't ask about retirement, I didn't include that data.

Addendum to Qolloran.

Retired as of 9/1/11.
Promoted to V-C.


I have one L12 PC. I would have a second if I applied a few more of my GM credits.


Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

I have one, with another right around the corner.

Thieran was started in August of 2009 and only just retired last week. I freely spread around my playing so that I have another 10th level, a 5th level, a 4th level, a 2nd level and a 1st level all currently active. I made sure to not retire Thieran until I had another who would be able to play Tier 10-11, as I enjoy the challenge.

He is a half-elven Cleric 9, Rogue 3; worshiper of Sivanah. He was originally going to be a Shadow Dancer, but I quickly learned how detrimental that would be as I learned the rules set, and just pursued various cleric abilities that would duplicate that, instead. It worked well, but I would love to try it in a home game and see just how far I could push the concept.

He started out Qadira, but that was always a mis-fit, and as soon as the Shadow Lodge became available, he switched.

Never died. Too good at being a little nutty...no one wanted to bother him too much. Plus, no one ever picks on the "support guy" for some reason.

The Exchange 5/5

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Graham, human ranger 12.
Qadira's Worst Thief.


I think it took about two years to get the first character to 12th level.

Female Half-Elf, Ranger/Rogue/Horizon Walker from Falcon's Hollow (and thus slotted into the Andoran faction)

Never died, but came insanely close during one of the 12th level mods.

Have another character that should make 12th level by the end of the month (which would be 11 months to get there), an 8th level, and two 3rd level characters.

And if you at all curious, I'm in the camp that wants there to be either post 12th level PFS mods or to open up another set of 12th level mods.

Grand Lodge 2/5

I have 2

Amir Ak-Zeal Ranger 6/Rogue6 Qadiran Two Weapon Specialist

Grog Stonehammer Ftr 5/Living Monolith 7 The big dwarf with the even bigger earthbreaker

4/5 *

Tallak Jernfalk son of Keldor.

Male Ulfen Ranger-Andoran
He retired 2 weeks ago after a year of adventuring.

He hasn't seen Pharasma yet, though he got really close during a fight with some mean Skum. Yay for Heart of the Wilderness!

Silver Crusade 5/5

Omega man my friend, erm yes you can lay that death at my feet. I’m sorry about that.

I'm glad to hear Pasha Qolloron ben Kasim has gotten to 12 level.

My highest-level character Fatum Aedituus Venificus, Mystic Theurge of Pharasma, Andoran faction. He is only 11 level.
I started him November 2009 at Carnage on the Mountain convention in Vermont. I last played him in March at Mepacon in Pennsylvania through the Forbidden Furnace of Forgotten Koor, with some fine people from NY. Before that last November I played the character through, Lost at Bitter end, which Steve Miller was kind enough to run. I seem to remember my character hiding behind Qolloron, while our GM would gleefully say “kitty” as he went through the initiative. If Qolloron hadn't been there, my character would have been cat food.

He was killed once, while playing “the trouble with secrets”.

I made the mistake of moving Fatum by an opponent, provoking an attack of opportunity, which hit hard, and up to a vampire, and my character tried to use his repose domain power, gentle rest, and he missed his ranged touch attack. . The vampire finished him off.

Oh Omega man, I have signed up for the Pathfinder Society games at Mace.

Characters can get promoted to Venture Captain? How does that happen?

Feral, Astroliar, Joseph Chaobo, Drogon, Matastrophic, Seraphim punk, Timothy Mcniel, San chez, Amizing red, thank you all for sharing your characters.

Thank you all for your posts,

The Exchange 2/5

My cleric, Jessamine, is 12th level.
Chris' paladin, Diya, is 12th level. I believe it took about a year or year and a half, as we really only play a lot at cons. However, we've been waiting months now to play the level 12 mods...ugh.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Joseph Caubo wrote:

BTW, your characters aren't officially retired until after you play through the level 12 arc. :)

Actually after the level 12 arc, you can still play the 13th and 14th level sanctioned modules with your character.

Atrius (3/4 through Eyes of the Ten)
Andoran Celestial Sorcerer - Never died, but spent almost an entire scenario blind.
Gencon '09 to sometime last year

Kalus - level 11 (should be 12 this month)
Cleric of Cayden Cailean for Taldor - Stabbed by a pokey pokey rapier one too many times.
Gencon '09 to hopefully this month.

The Exchange 4/5

Atrius wrote:
Actually after the level 12 arc, you can still play the 13th and 14th level sanctioned modules with your character.

I know. For the purposes of having the title of "retired" you have to be 12th level and played through the level 12 arc. A level 12 character is not "retired" if they just hit the cap and don't play the arc.

I know there are opportunities for "retired" characters, but you can't play the 13th and 14th level modules with your level 12 character until you play through the level 12 arc first.

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Joseph Caubo wrote:
I know there are opportunities for "retired" characters, but you can't play the 13th and 14th level modules with your level 12 character until you play through the level 12 arc first.

(Well, you can if you advance the characters to 13th and 14th level.)

The Exchange 4/5

Chris Mortika wrote:
Well, you can if you advance the characters to 13th and 14th level.)

I don't think you can take a 12th level character who hasn't been through the retirement arc, advance them to 13th or 14th level, and give the credit to your 12th level character once they're retired. I think the module credit will have to go to some other character.

Academy of Secrets Chronicle wrote:

A player may use an existing Pathfinder Society character of 12th level who has completed a full, four-part Tier 12 retirement arc. A player may also create a new 13th-level Pathfinder Society character for use in the module.

If a player uses an existing, retired 12th-level Pathfinder Society character for the adventure, she must apply the Chronicle sheet to this PC. If a player instead uses a new 13th-level Pathfinder Society character, she may apply credit to any one of her Pathfinder Society PCs of 11th level or lower.

So yes, you could play it with an advanced 13th level version of your level 12 who isn't "retired," but must apply the Chronicle to an 11th-level PC or lower.

Sovereign Court 3/5

ElyasRavenwood wrote:
Characters can get promoted to Venture Captain? How does that happen?

Gencon boon, I believe. I think I played with a Druid at Dragoncon whose frog Animal Companion is a VC.

More relevant, Hernando Ruiz, Taldan Knight of the Shield has just turned 12th after his creation on New Year's Day of this year. Eyes of the Ten, here we come (in a couple hours!)

The Exchange 4/5

El Baron de los Banditos wrote:
Gencon boon, I believe. I think I played with a Druid at Dragoncon whose frog Animal Companion is a VC.

Oh this is glorious. The frog AC you mention is not actually a VC, but wants to become one. LOL!


Joseph Caubo wrote:
Atrius wrote:
Actually after the level 12 arc, you can still play the 13th and 14th level sanctioned modules with your character.

I know. For the purposes of having the title of "retired" you have to be 12th level and played through the level 12 arc. A level 12 character is not "retired" if they just hit the cap and don't play the arc.

I know there are opportunities for "retired" characters, but you can't play the 13th and 14th level modules with your level 12 character until you play through the level 12 arc first.

This will have to be one of those times you mention about agreeing to disagree - yes, I am lucky that one of my two 12th level characters has the Eyes of the Ten series and two adaptables to play through yet, but as far as I'm concerned, they are retired, as they cannot partake in the normal PFS play due to their level, and are thus retired from normal play at this time.

Grand Lodge 3/5

I don't have all of the details to answer the Original Post, but in answer to the thread title:
I'm aware of 3 12th level characters in my region, and a 4th within a couple of sessions. I'm looking at the possiblity of scheduling Eyes of the Ten this winter.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Balinor, Human Paladin of Sarenrae, 12th level
He is Andoran

Created in September or 2009. Never was killed, mainly because I only played him a half a dozen times. The rest is all GM credit.

Dark Archive 3/5

I have a Rogue that just made it to 12th level. He started with an 8 Con and was never killed. He now has a 10 con.

Grand Lodge 4/5

ElyasRavenwood wrote:

Im just curious

Do you have a 12 level character? And how long did it take you to get from 1st to 12 level? did it take six months? 1 year? 2 years?

What Is your characters Race, gender, Character class and Faction?

Did your character have to be raised from the dead? what killed him or her?

Im just curious,


Harl Manz Fighter 10/Barbarian 2, Andoran

He made 12 on July 2010, he completed the Eyes of the Ten series in July 2011, I started him at GenCon 2008.

I also have an 11.2 character, Oberion a Water Sorcerer 11, Cheliax. I will be applying my GM Credits from Eyes of the Ten to him.


Sovereign Court

I do have a 12th level Barbarian named Witch-Hunter he got to 12th level from Gencon to Gencon so 1 year. He retired during this year's special.

He has been raised only once thanks to Breath of life and cocoon. But I have had breath of life cast on me at least 3 times and cocoon too many to count.

Dr. Smite has been nearly retired since some time in year 1, but I haven't played him since last year GenCon.


Just one 12 so far:

Lucius Vedellic, male Chelaxian human monk 12.

Took about 18 months to get from 1 to 12 level.

Killed once, by a remorhaz.



Silver Crusade 5/5

Thank you all for taking the time to post your 12 level characters

So far we have

Gallard Stormeye Male Ulfen Barbarian/Druid, 12 lvl

Fafnir the Cloud-Headed, Ulfen Druid 12

Female Half-Elf, Ranger/Rogue/Horizon Walker Lvl 12 Andoran faction
Tallak Jernfalk son of Keldor. Male Ulfen Ranger-Andoran 12 lvl
Jessamine, Cleric 12th level.
Diya, Paladin 12th level
Andoran Celestial Sorcerer Lvl 12
Balinor, Human Paladin of Sarenrae, Andoran 12th level

Harl Manz Fighter 10/Barbarian 2, Andoran
Witch-Hunter 12th level Barbarian


Lucius Vedellic, male Chelaxian human monk 12.


Grog Stonehammer Ftr 5/Living Monolith 7


Pasha Qolloran ben Kasiim 
Half Elven male 
Paladin 10/Bard 2

Ka-Dar the Silent One, Qadiran Fighter 12

Venture-Captain Nikolai Adonai 
CG Half-Elf Male 
Cleric of Sarenrae 8 / Holy Vindicator 4 

Graham, human ranger 12. 

Amir Ak-Zeal Ranger 6/Rogue6 Qadiran

Shadow Lodge
Thieran half-elven Cleric 9, Rogue 3; worshiper of Sivanah


Hernando Ruiz, Knight of the Shield Taldan Chavalier Level 12

“nameless” 12 level rogue

So far we have roughly 20 12 level characters

Not suprising Lots of Andorans ( I put some that I thought probobly would be andorans in the andoran faction when I had to guess)

Suprisingly there were lots of Qadirans

thanks for sharing your characters

Grand Lodge 5/5

I am aware of seven level 12 PCs who are now retired in the Boston region:

Sir Tibor Almos - Human Paladin of Iomedae Knight of Andoran
Tobias Keldon - Human Ranger (Archer) of Andoran
Pasha Fin the Trade Prince - Halfling Rogue of Qadera
Amunet - Female Human Sorcerer of Osiron
Lord Vinny - Human Wizard of Taldor
Dred Grimheim - Half-Orc Fighter of Andoran
Dorbin Rockcrusher - Dwarven Cleric of Sarenrae in Andoran

None of them became Venture-Captains due to


excessive violence.

We started these PCs exactly 3 years ago in season 0 with the 3.5 rules. We played part I of Eye one year ago and just played parts III and IV on Sept-18-2011 to finish their careers.

Most of the group's secondary PCs are lv 7-9 with the exception of one player who's second and third PCs have been killed.

There are at least two other players in the area now with lv 7 PCs.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Don Walker wrote:

There are at least two other players in the area now with lv 7 PCs.

Does that count me? Not that I'm on the table for adventures except at Gencon and Paizocon.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Lasair Alant wrote:
Don Walker wrote:
There are at least two other players in the area now with lv 7 PCs.
Does that count me?

Sorry, we haven't been introduced. You should keep an eye out for high level games in the Boston area. The Franklin group will most likely be the one playing them.

Apologies for the tangent.

The Exchange

Joseph Caubo wrote:
El Baron de los Banditos wrote:
Gencon boon, I believe. I think I played with a Druid at Dragoncon whose frog Animal Companion is a VC.

Oh this is glorious. The frog AC you mention is not actually a VC, but wants to become one. LOL!

Vote 1 Frog from Gencon

The Exchange 4/5

There are a total of 13 retired level 12 PCs in Atlanta. The ones Nikolai went through the level 12 arc are:

Ridley the Rogue, Human Rogue 12, Andoran
Venture-Captain Kasheed, Human Monk, Osirion
Marius Scipio the Generic Wizard, Human Wizard 12, Andoran
Lyshrr, Human Bard ? / Fighter ? / Horizon Walker ?, Cheliax
Krunth Skullcrush, Half-Orc Barbarian 12, Cheliax
Venture-Captain Vyktor, Race? Fighter 2 / Alchemist 10, Osirion

Dark Archive 1/5

In our area there are at least 14 players with one or two level 12 PCS (by my last rough count 16 pcs were level 12, but several level 11 characters were waiting to level up).

Three of my fellow players from my region have posted up thread.

I have Untamo Arturos Emaniel, Elven Signifier, Cheliax, Wiz 9/Diabolist 3

Tasha (she of the light laughter), Cheliax, Evoker 10, is waiting to level up.

The Exchange 5/5

I have two that are awaiting their lvl 12 arcs

Yasmin bint Farud - an inquisitive little gnome that can pull some mean lightning out when needed. She has faced the grim reaper once while being managed by Meester Massacre Miles.

Willow Skye is a 1/2 elven warrior bent on revenge. Her favorite saying is "point me in the right direction and I'll go poke 'em". Sadly she faced the grim reaper under the lurching command of Todd Morgan

Sovereign Court 4/5

Heh, look at all those 12th-level characters... In Finland there are absolutely no one even near that peak, I think the highest level is 8. And that character is quite lonely at the top.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5

Deussu wrote:
Heh, look at all those 12th-level characters... In Finland there are absolutely no one even near that peak, I think the highest level is 8. And that character is quite lonely at the top.

Omaha, too, has been sans 12th levels. We just got enough people to make regular 7-11 tables so that may be changing in the next several months.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Just one
Mort 12th level Male 1/2 Orc Abyssal Sorcerer
Transmutation Specialist
Osirian Faction Took Roughly 2 years but I played hard because I liked the concept a lot.
Didn't Die But did turn to stone once and badly diseased.

Waiting for Eyes of Ten to be able to turn into a Dragon (finally!)


Silver Crusade 5/5

Wow there are lots more 12 level characters.

Natertot, thank you for posting, its good to see Obereon is getting up there. I seem to remember, quite a few years ago, of a previous incarnation of Obereon, I played along side of. I remember your sorcerer would irritate our DM by summoning Celestial Buffalos and he would send them stampeding over the carefully laid plot of said DM. Well to be fair, he got irritated by a great many things. Hopefully with time he has mellowed a bit.

Andoran Faction

Andoran faction can field 21 level 12 adventurers
2 Barbarians, 2 druids, 2 clerics, 3 fighters, 1 monk, 3 paladins, 4 rangers, 1 rogue, 1 sorcerer, 1 wizard, and 1 witch


Gallard Stormeye Male Ulfen Barbarian/Druid,

Witch-Hunter 12 level barbarian


Fafnir the Cloud-Headed, Ulfen Druid

Jayn Wildman Level 12 Druid


Dorbin Rockcrusher - Dwarven Cleric of Sarenrae

Jessamine, Cleric


Dred Grimheim - Half-Orc Fighter

Harl Manz Fighter 10/Barbarian 2

Willow Skye is a 1/2 elven warrior 12 level


Palmer Rivervale, Druid/ Monk 12 level


Sir Tibor Almos - Human Paladin of Iomedae Knight of Andoran

Balinor, Human Paladin of Sarenrae

Diya, Paladin


Tallak Jernfalk son of Keldor. Male Ulfen Ranger

Tecton Ranger 12 level

Timothy McNiel’s Female Half-Elf, Ranger/Rogue/Horizon Walker

Tobias Keldon - Human Ranger (Archer) of Andoran


Ridley the Rogue, Human Rogue 12 lvl


 Celestial Sorcerer


Marius Scipio the Generic Wizard, Human Wizard 12


Iari Witch 12 level Andoran

Chelaxian Faction

The Chelaxian faction can field 4 level 12 characters. 1 Barbarian, 1 monk, 1, ranger and 1 wizard


Krunth Skullcrush, Half-Orc Barbarian 12


Lucius Vedellic, male Chelaxian human monk 12.


Lyshrr, Human Bard ? / Fighter ? / Horizon Walker ?,


Untamo Arturos Emaniel, Elven Signifier, Cheliax, Wiz 9/Diabolist 3

Osirion Faction

The Osirion Faction can field 6 12 level agents: 1 alchemist, 1 fighter, 1 monk, 2 sorcerers, and a wizard


Venture-Captain Vyktor, Race? Fighter 2 / Alchemist 10,


Grog Stonehammer Ftr 5/Living Monolith 7


Venture-Captain Kasheed, Human Monk, Osirion


Amunet - Female Human Sorcerer

Mort 12th level Male 1/2 Orc Abyssal Sorcerer 
Transmutation Specialist


Jasmine Sunstar Evoker Wizard 12 level

Qadiran Faction

The Qadiran faction can field 9 level 12 agents. They have 1 cleric, 1 druid, 1 fighter, 1 paladin,1 ranger, 2 rogues, 1 sorcerer, and 1 wizard


Venture-Captain Nikolai Adonai 
CG Half-Elf Male 
Cleric of Sarenrae 8 / Holy Vindicator 4 


Yasmin bint Farud -12 level druid

Ka-Dar the Silent One, Fighter 12


Pasha Qolloran ben Kasiim 
Half Elven male 
Paladin 10/Bard 2


Graham, human ranger 12.


Amir Ak-Zeal Ranger 6/Rogue6

Pasha Fin the Trade Prince - Halfling Rogue of lvl 12


Suliman Dar Cleric/ Sorcerer 12 level


Wraif Broadwell, 12 level Wizard

Shadow Lodge has one level 12 agent

Thieran half-elven Cleric 9, Rogue 3; worshiper of Sivanah a former operative of Qadira. (when the new factions came out, and the possibility of having one free switch, I am eyeing a bunch of new factions for some of my characters, because the factions they are in didn’t quite fit or feel right for the characters)


Taldor has 2 level 12 agents 1 cavalier and 1 wizard


Hernando Ruiz, Knight of the Shield Chavalier Level 12


Lord Vinny a level 12 Human Wizard of Taldor

Wow that’s allot more. I count roughly 43 named 12 level characters.
Matastrophic has 1 12 level PC no details.

Thank you Mr Shakleton for letting me know about the three 12 level PCs in your area.

So that brings the count up to 47 12 level Player Characters.

“In our area there are at least 14 players with one or two level 12 PCS…..Three of my fellow players form my region have posted up thread” Baron Arem Hesvuan I have not included your 14 players in the count, because im not sure who are your fellow players. Baron by any chance would that area be New York? If I may ask? I suspect I may have played next to you at a table last spring at Mepacon in PA. I had a Mystic theurge of Pharasma, who got by a lava trap by casting “Otiluke’s resilliant sphere” and “hampster” balling it across the lava.

To my friends in Raleigh, I hope you don’t mind my skimming the spread sheet for 12 level characters. You have allot :D. If youd do mind, I apologize, and ill see if I can remove them

Don Walker, I live in Brattleboro VT which is not too far from Boston. If I find that I am going to be in Boston, may I try and get in touch with your group to see if I can play a game? Thanks.

Again thank you for all for sharing your characters.

Dark Archive 3/5

ElyasRavenwood wrote:

Lots of stuff.

You might also want to add to the list my Rogue from Cheliax who recently made 12th. He started with an 8 con and never died once. Some of the online players should remember him.

His name is Billy Mays and he "oxicuted" his way to 12th level (inside joke).


ElyasRavenwood wrote:
Mattastrophic has 1 12 level PC no details.

Lord Gerard d'Apcher is a 12th-level Taldan Bard.


The Exchange 1/5

ElyasRavenwood wrote:

Im just curious

Do you have a 12 level character? And how long did it take you to get from 1st to 12 level? did it take six months? 1 year? 2 years?

What Is your characters Race, gender, Character class and Faction?

Did your character have to be raised from the dead? what killed him or her?

Im just curious,


Hit 12th level on September 26, 2011. Took 2 years, almost to the date. Have to run the 12th level modules still.

Male Dwarven Druid, Qadira. named Stork.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Elyas, as I recall, the 3 I mentioned in Oshawa, Ontario, are:
Tenkje Ranger/Rogue Taldor
Rolen Bard Cheliax
Moose Fighter Osirion

None have gone through their level 12 arc yet.

Sovereign Court 5/5

Egger (two weapon fighter) just made 12th level tonight. For awhile I thought I would never get there. First game - 12/5/2009. Died once, almost died tonight; two others at the table did.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Andoran Faction

Andoran faction can field 21 level 12 adventurers 
2 Barbarians, 2 druids, 2 clerics, 3 fighters, 1 monk, 3 paladins, 4 rangers, 1 rogue, 1 sorcerer, 1 wizard, and 1 witch


Gallard Stormeye Male Ulfen Barbarian/Druid,
Witch-Hunter 12 level barbarian


Fafnir the Cloud-Headed, Ulfen Druid
Jayn Wildman Level 12 Druid


Dorbin Rockcrusher - Dwarven Cleric of Sarenrae
Jessamine, Cleric


Dred Grimheim - Half-Orc Fighter
Harl Manz Fighter 10/Barbarian 2
Willow Skye is a 1/2 elven warrior 12 level


Palmer Rivervale, Druid/ Monk 12 level


Sir Tibor Almos - Human Paladin of Iomedae Knight of Andoran
Balinor, Human Paladin of Sarenrae
Diya, Paladin


Tallak Jernfalk son of Keldor. Male Ulfen Ranger
Tecton Ranger 12 level
Timothy McNiel’s Female Half-Elf, Ranger/Rogue/Horizon Walker
Tobias Keldon - Human Ranger (Archer) of Andoran


Ridley the Rogue, Human Rogue 12 lvl


 Celestial Sorcerer


Marius Scipio the Generic Wizard, Human Wizard 12


Iari Witch 12 level Andoran

Chelaxian Faction

The Chelaxian faction can field 6 level 12 characters. 1 Barbarian, 1 bard, 1 monk, 1, ranger, 1 rogue and 1 wizard


Krunth Skullcrush, Half-Orc Barbarian 12


Rolen Bard 12 level


Lucius Vedellic, male Chelaxian human monk 12.


Lyshrr, Human Bard ? / Fighter ? / Horizon Walker ?,


Billy Mays 12 level rogue


Untamo Arturos Emaniel, Elven Signifier, Cheliax, Wiz 9/Diabolist 3

Osirion Faction

The Osirion Faction can field 7 12 level agents: 1 alchemist, 2 fighter, 1 monk, 2 sorcerers, and a wizard


Venture-Captain Vyktor, Race? Fighter 2 / Alchemist 10,


Grog Stonehammer Ftr 5/Living Monolith 7
Moose Level 12 fighter.


Venture-Captain Kasheed, Human Monk, Osirion


Amunet - Female Human Sorcerer
Mort 12th level Male 1/2 Orc Abyssal Sorcerer 
Transmutation Specialist


Jasmine Sunstar Evoker Wizard 12 level

Qadiran Faction

The Qadiran faction can field 10 level 12 agents. They have 1 cleric, 2 druid, 1 fighter, 1 paladin,1 ranger, 2 rogues, 1 sorcerer, and 1 wizard


Venture-Captain Nikolai Adonai 
CG Half-Elf Male 
Cleric of Sarenrae 8 / Holy Vindicator 4 


Yasmin bint Farud -12 level druid
Stork Male Dwarven Druid level 12 druid


Ka-Dar the Silent One, Fighter 12


Pasha Qolloran ben Kasiim 
Half Elven male 
Paladin 10/Bard 2


Graham, human ranger 12.


Amir Ak-Zeal Ranger 6/Rogue6
Pasha Fin the Trade Prince - Halfling Rogue of lvl 12


Suliman Dar Cleric/ Sorcerer 12 level


Wraif Broadwell, 12 level Wizard

Shadow Lodge has one level 12 agent

Thieran half-elven Cleric 9, Rogue 3; worshiper of Sivanah a former operative of Qadira. (when the new factions came out, and the possibility of having one free switch, I am eyeing a bunch of new factions for some of my characters, because the factions they are in didn’t quite fit or feel right for the characters)


Taldor has 4 level 12 agents 1 bard, 1 cavalier, 1 ranger and 1 wizard


Lord Gerard d'Apcher a 12th-level Bard.


Hernando Ruiz, Knight of the Shield Chavalier Level 12


Tenkje Ranger/Rogue


Lord Vinny a level 12 Human Wizard of Taldor

The list keeps growing I count roughly 50 named 12 level characters.


Thank you Mr Shakleton for letting me know about the three 12 level PCs in your area. And Thank you Matastrophic for letting me know about your level 12 PC

Bill Mays and NLCS thank you both for sharing your characters.

Todd Lower, while I have counted your character, I havnt’t listed him because I don’t know what faction he is in.

Sovereign Court 5/5

Todd Lower wrote:
Egger (two weapon fighter) just made 12th level tonight. For awhile I thought I would never get there. First game - 12/5/2009. Died once, almost died tonight; two others at the table did.

He's from Taldor.

Sovereign Court 4/5 ** Venture-Agent, Indiana—Valparaiso

Mattastrophic wrote:
ElyasRavenwood wrote:
Mattastrophic has 1 12 level PC no details.

Lord Gerard d'Apcher is a 12th-level Taldan Bard.


Good to see another Bard so high up!

Damien Rilos Al'Gwyth, son of Taldor and Jack of All Trades at your service.

(Bard 11, Fighter 1, awaiting 12th level arc. Hit 12 after the special at Gencon at the Kyle Baird Sucks table)

Scarab Sages

There are quite a few in my area that I play with that have 12th level, though almost none of them post on these boards. That being said, I currently have two 12th level characters.

Alynasis - 12 level human Osirion monk (Osirion Faction)
Aesa, Daughter of Aerenndis - 12 level Ulfen fighter (archer)/(Taldor Faction)

I also have 3 other characters from levels 2-8.



Well I want to thank Elyas. I am pretty sure there are none in Indianapolis, though we should have some by the end of the year. I liked how you pooled the faction numbers.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 **

With Painlord's help, I put together this google spreadsheet listing the characters that sounded off in this thread broken down by class. There's also a sweet graph for the picture-inclined!


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