A weapon that could end the blood wars

Homebrew and House Rules

As we all know the demons and devil are in a blood war with each other. I was thinking to make a plot hock that the demons are developing a weapons that could end the blood war once and for all. Meaning that there would soon be a war with heaven which would be a bad thing.

Any idea's for a weapon that could end the blood war? Would be good if it was something that the PC's can destroy.

By the way the party is lv 11 in case that is important.

It would have to be an artifact, and it should not be a weilded weapon, but some type of device. Maybe the PC's will have to destroy the weapon before it is used or completed.
It could be something that could kill all outsider except demons within a certain radius(thousands of miles), but it is also easy to transport.

The device could also be something that can kill any being as long as you know its truename. If the demons can take out the most powerful angels, and archfiends I could see them winning the war.

The PC's could try to go after the weapon or try to get to another artifact that obscures true names so the demons can't find out what they are, or at least the device might stall the demons, giving the PC's time to find the truename artifact. The PC's may then have to work with the devils and angels in order to get information/other help to get the device, and destroy it.

I don't have any good suggestions, except that it must be something exceedingly clever. If it's just a mundane artifact or some such, odds are it would already have been build and used.

The Blood Wars is a struggle as old as the planes themselves. Something that could end this struggle once and for all would have to be really sneaky and, more likely than not, be the work of someone not directly involved. Say, a deluded angel (let's call him Trias :p) decide to tip the scales and help one side wipe out the other. Something no party in the conflict would be able to do (or even conceive of) on their own.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I don't really think you understand the scope of this conflict. We're talking about populations of multiple planes, we're talking about something that makes World War Three look like a neighborhood sock party. You'd be talking about something that would have to eliminate one or both factions at a stroke.

It's not something that would be describable in game mechanics terms, but a good MacGuffin never really has to be.

Silver Crusade

The Wand of Orcus. Use it as the focus for a planar wide extermination ritual. Job done.

Liberty's Edge

Also, are we sure that ending the blood war is a good thing?

After all, if the Demons or Devils or Horsemen or whatever side that wins suddenly finds itself without anything to kill, after spending hundreds of millennia with multiple entire planar levels on a continuous war footing, which are they more likely to do:
1) stop fighting and become all chummy with the other outer planes
2) go on a war of conquest against the good aligned planes in an orgy of violence

Ending the blood war is a very bad idea.

It's been a long time since I opened my copy but isn't the planescape module "Into the Abyss" about this sort of thing? I could be completely wrong here.

Shadow Lodge

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think that the Blood War exists in the official Pathfinder campaign setting. I'm sure that if devils and demons run into each other randomly, they don't get chummy and talk about how it's hard to be evil, but I also don't think that they go out of their way to destroy each other (well, the devils don't, and the demons don't go any more out of their way to destroy the devils than they do to destroy anyone else).

Sovereign Court

Kthulhu wrote:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think that the Blood War exists in the official Pathfinder campaign setting. I'm sure that if devils and demons run into each other randomly, they don't get chummy and talk about how it's hard to be evil, but I also don't think that they go out of their way to destroy each other (well, the devils don't, and the demons don't go any more out of their way to destroy the devils than they do to destroy anyone else).

You are right.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
BobChuck wrote:

Ending the blood war is a very bad idea.

Er, that's why he wants to use it as a plot hook Bob. So his PCs can prevent it. :P

Obviously, this needs to be something the devils can't stop. Maybe it's being held on a layer of the Abyss far removed from the battlefields of the war. Hordes of demons between it and any opposition.

Maybe a turncoat devil took something from Asmodeus, something that can be used to unmake the Nine Hells. (As a subversion, maybe it was allowed to be taken and will unmake the Abyss instead as a gambit by Big A.)

Maybe an unusually crafty demon has infiltrated the Hells with the doomsday artifact, and the PCs have to wade through devilish red tape to reach him before he accomplishes his mission.

For a longer-term effect, the ritaul/ artifact/ Mcguffin causes all new petitioners arriving in the Hells to manifest as Manes rather than Lemures....No more replacements for the Devils, all their new troops grow up as Demons.
The Demon commandoes are off to steal bits of raw chaos from the Proteans to infuse into the petitoners crossing over into Hell...?

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How about a Falcata with 2 blades?

Grand Lodge

Obviously this should be the focus of an epic quest and I agree that it should be an Artifact or Device rather than a traditional weapon. Like the index finger of the God That Existed Before Creation or somesuch.

And rather than simply killing lots of devils or demons, perhaps it should be more ambitious in it's destructive capabilities and actually eliminate/dissolve/erase Hell or the Abyss from existence itself.

Development of a ritual that creates a highly contagious disease that only affects devils.


development of an epic ritual akin to "familicide" from Order of the stick. Only speciescide.

Either way the adventures are trying to prevent thre relavant parties from gatherring the resourcces/ knowledge needed to pull the ritual off.

There was a story seed in the BoVD about this sort of thing, I think. As I recall there was a demon weaponsmith that was crafting a cannon to shoot down the heavens. The parts/machinery/barrel/ammo took up an entire layer of the abyss.

Dark Archive

Ya can't end the blood war with a weapon - it is damn near destructino incarnate.

Ya need something different.

Something like:

- Turns everyone into Daemons.
- Converts everyone to worshiping Nivi Rhombodazzle.
- Creates a binding contract that the current war will be settled by single combat

Demons are brute force, not cunning.

So how about a really big bomb?

The Blood War is a part of WotC's Great Wheel cosmology and Planescape. It isn't a thing in Pathfinder, although the natural rivalries between fiends still exist.

In any case, ending the Blood War would usher in the apocalypse. Whichever side one would quickly set its sights on conquering the Prime Material and thus the multiverse.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Brown Mold. Does cold damage within a given radius and doubles in size when near heat. Open up a portal and throw that into hell and you have a nigh-unstoppable chain reaction that will wipe out a LOT of devils.

You could have demons collecting large amounts of the stuff so that they could launch simultaneous attacks against various key targets in Hell (that way the devils will be far less likely to stop the chain reaction). It will be up to the PCs to either stop the accumulation of the mold, destroy/steal it once it is obtained, and to stop the portals from opening before the attack.

You ought to be able to come up with plenty of adventuring ideas based off of it. It could take the adventurers literally anywhere, from the depths of the Underdark (where the mold is being harvested), to the grandest cities (where it is being sold in exotic markets), to far off lands (where the demons seek the missing components for the creation of their portals), to Hell itself (where the PCs might try to warn the devils), etc.

Ravingdork wrote:

Brown Mold. Does cold damage within a given radius and doubles in size when near heat. Open up a portal and throw that into hell and you have a nigh-unstoppable chain reaction that will wipe out a LOT of devils.

You could have demons collecting large amounts of the stuff so that they could launch simultaneous attacks against various key targets in Hell (that way the devils will be far less likely to stop the chain reaction). It will be up to the PCs to either stop the accumulation of the mold, destroy/steal it once it is obtained, and to stop the portals from opening before the attack.

Ought to have a lot of fun adventuring capabilities.

I'm totally stealing that idea, though probably for some target other than hell.

Of course, many parts of hell are just the opposite of hot.

The brown mold idea seems to be a winner. Now I just have to find a way to stop it. Maybe the demons only have limited supply and can't make more. The players could do a raid. If I know them they will try and get the devils to pay them for it.

Keep some brown mold in a sealed container and open it occasionally to cast spark on it (from a distance) to keep it alive. Next time the DM has us go after a fire giant lair *boom* Destroy the entire module. PC's watch from a distance.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Evil Lincoln wrote:
Of course, many parts of hell are just the opposite of hot.

I only recall one layer.

Even if you only destroy ~85% of Hell all at once, you've pretty much won the Blood War. Factor in endless hoards of chaos that you can throw at the survivors, and it just doesn't seem fair.

fictionfan wrote:
The brown mold idea seems to be a winner. Now I just have to find a way to stop it. Maybe the demons only have limited supply and can't make more. The players could do a raid. If I know them they will try and get the devils to pay them for it.

Can't make more? It doubles in size every time someone throws a torch in its direction!

Now, how many demons are capable of producing fire at will? :D

I suppose that brown mold wont work. Even tho it is a real good idea. I need something that the plays can stop and I can't think of any way to stop brown mold in hell.

they don't have a snowballs chance.

Scarab Sages

wraithstrike wrote:

It would have to be an artifact, and it should not be a weilded weapon, but some type of device. Maybe the PC's will have to destroy the weapon before it is used or completed.

It could be something that could kill all outsider except demons within a certain radius(thousands of miles), but it is also easy to transport.

Much simpler. It is a weapon that consumes entire planes by ripping them apart with pure chaos (demons love chaos). The weapon is, in fact, both an artifact and it's own demi-plane.

Possible idea to destroy it:
- find a way to bring order to chaos.
- there is a self-destruct mechanism buried in the heart of the demi-plane. (Why do bad guys always include a self destruct?)
- The artifact / demi-plane is also alive. Only the Tarrasque can kill it. Have fun.

Dark Archive

fictionfan wrote:

I suppose that brown mold wont work. Even tho it is a real good idea. I need something that the plays can stop and I can't think of any way to stop brown mold in hell.

they don't have a snowballs chance.

The OBMP (Original Brown Bold Post) pointed out that the quest needn't be to stop the process once begun. One may assault the mold gatherers, the mold stockpilers, or the mold deliverers.

The last could very well be a weapon-like device.

fictionfan wrote:

I suppose that brown mold wont work. Even tho it is a real good idea. I need something that the plays can stop and I can't think of any way to stop brown mold in hell.

they don't have a snowballs chance.

They could freeze hell over, possibly with the help of the archdevil of the coldest layer. I think that would be a cool plot arc, despite its reliance on a pun...

Ritual that will forever seal the Hell or Abyss (depending upon who will be devising it) for dead souls and will redirect them from their rightful destination to the opposite side. This way one side will be deprived of reinforcement while the other will get twice as much reinfocement. Rest will be a series of devastating battles for attrition. The side that performed the ritual will win in the end.

Or maybe a pact or epic geas that will force Nigt Hags and Daemons to steal souls from one side and sell them to other. Or soul-devouring monstrosity ravagining either hell or abyss.

The Daemons (Yugoloths) would of course help the PC's prevent this from happening. They have a vested interest in keeping the Blood War going. It is a great source of power and money for them.

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