Lockgo |
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. |
So in over several the games I've ever played, it turns out that most people forgot to add concentration checks on many situations, to the point I didn't even know you had to make certain checks.
For example, I did not know your that your suppose to make a DC on any damage you take between turns unless it was from a AoO. so to make things clear, I want to know if I am understanding correctly.
1. Injured Concentration checks.
If I'm reading the rule right, your suppose to make a DC check, if you take ANY DAMAGE, between your turns before you cast a spell. For example.
Turn 1,
Wiz casts grease(level 1 spell),
Orc hits for Wiz for 10 damage
Turn 2,
Wiz 5-foot step and Cast blur(level 2 spell), has to make a DC 22,
Orc feels randy and charges as a standard action, does 10 damage again.
Turn 3,
Wiz decides to cast defensively Summon Mon 3(level 3 spell), so he has to make a DC 21? 15 + 2x(spell level)? or is it DC 31? 15 + 2x(spell level) + 10damage.
Or is it dc 42? 15 + 2x(spell level) + (injured 10 + 10damage taken + spell level (level 3))?
or would it be two different rolls? 21 for fighting defensively and then 23 for injuries.
We assume the wiz manages to pass the checks
Orc full rounds Wiz for 10 damage and 15 damage with 2 attacks.
Turn 4, sorry SOB of a Wiz is still some how up, he attempts to take a 5-foot step, the orc remember he has step up, and also takes a five foot step.
The wizard tries to cast fly normally, the orc gets an AoO for 5 damage "he rolled low"
Now here is the most important question. The DC, would it be base10 + (attack 1)10 + (attack 2)15 + (AoO)5 + spell level 3, making it a DC 43? Would he just roll a dc for each attack?
The cleric, rogue, and fighter finally come to the wizard's aid, orc mob is defeated.
Turn 5, the fighter hugs the cleric "grapples" and it starts raining really hard. Would that be 10 + grappler's CMB + spell level4(cure critical wounds on wizard) + 5 + spell level?
or 5 + 10 + grappler's CMB + spell level4?
Did I mention NONE of my DMs every knew about concentration checks unless it was obvious, like being grappled or getting hit as an AoO. Making casters a hell of a lot stronger.
Cylerist |
So in over several the games I've ever played, it turns out that most people forgot to add concentration checks on many situations, to the point I didn't even know you had to make certain checks.
For example, I did not know your that your suppose to make a DC on any damage you take between turns unless it was from a AoO. so to make things clear, I want to know if I am understanding correctly.
1. Injured Concentration checks.
If I'm reading the rule right, your suppose to make a DC check, if you take ANY DAMAGE, between your turns before you cast a spell. For example.
Turn 1,
Wiz casts grease(level 1 spell),
Orc hits for Wiz for 10 damage
Turn 2,
Wiz 5-foot step and Cast blur(level 2 spell), has to make a DC 22,
Orc feels randy and charges as a standard action, does 10 damage again.
Turn 3,
Wiz decides to cast defensively Summon Mon 3(level 3 spell), so he has to make a DC 21? 15 + 2x(spell level)? or is it DC 31? 15 + 2x(spell level) + 10damage.Or is it dc 42? 15 + 2x(spell level) + (injured 10 + 10damage taken + spell level (level 3))?
or would it be two different rolls? 21 for fighting defensively and then 23 for injuries.
We assume the wiz manages to pass the checksOrc full rounds Wiz for 10 damage and 15 damage with 2 attacks.
Turn 4, sorry SOB of a Wiz is still some how up, he attempts to take a 5-foot step, the orc remember he has step up, and also takes a five foot step.
The wizard tries to cast fly normally, the orc gets an AoO for 5 damage "he rolled low"
Now here is the most important question. The DC, would it be base10 + (attack 1)10 + (attack 2)15 + (AoO)5 + spell level 3, making it a DC 43? Would he just roll a dc for each attack?
The cleric, rogue, and fighter finally come to the wizard's aid, orc mob is defeated.
Turn 5, the fighter hugs the cleric "grapples" and it starts raining really hard. Would that be 10 + grappler's CMB + spell level4(cure critical wounds on wizard) + 5 + spell level?
or 5 + 10 + grappler's CMB + spell level4?
Did I...
The interrupting event strikes during spellcasting
if it comes between the time you started and the time youcomplete a spell (for a spell with a casting time of 1 full
round or more) or if it comes in response to your casting
the spell (such as an attack of opportunity provoked by the
spell or a contingent attack, such as a readied action).
So taking damage between casting spells does NOT force a concentration check unless the spell has a 1 full round casting time, or an attacker readies an action to attack as you cast or get a AoO from your casting while threatened.
Jiggy RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
No, you don't have to make all those concentration checks.
Injury: If you take damage while trying to cast a spell, you must make a concentration check with a DC equal to 10 + the damage taken + the level of the spell you're casting. If you fail the check, you lose the spell without effect. The interrupting event strikes during spellcasting if it comes between the time you started and the time you complete a spell (for a spell with a casting time of 1 full round or more) or if it comes in response to your casting the spell (such as an attack of opportunity provoked by the spell or a contingent attack, such as a readied action).
So just because you took damage earlier in the round doesn't mean you have to make a concentration check.
EDIT: Ninja'd.
Lockgo |
No, you don't have to make all those concentration checks.
PRD: Magic wrote:Injury: If you take damage while trying to cast a spell, you must make a concentration check with a DC equal to 10 + the damage taken + the level of the spell you're casting. If you fail the check, you lose the spell without effect. The interrupting event strikes during spellcasting if it comes between the time you started and the time you complete a spell (for a spell with a casting time of 1 full round or more) or if it comes in response to your casting the spell (such as an attack of opportunity provoked by the spell or a contingent attack, such as a readied action).So just because you took damage earlier in the round doesn't mean you have to make a concentration check.
EDIT: Ninja'd.
So how would these things stack though
I would guess then any AoO and Prepared actions would stack.
What about other situation tough, like grappling in the rain while getting AoO, how does the DC stack there?
StabbittyDoom |
To my knowledge the DC of concentration checks never stacks for multiple sources (with the possible exception of treating multiple sources of continuous damage, such as bleed and acid, as a single blob of damage). You simply make multiple concentration checks (one against each possible interrupting source) and lose the spell if ANY of those fail.
Jiggy RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. |
Looking at the concentration rules, there seem to be certain types of situations where it's unclear how many concentration checks you'd make and at what DCs. I mean, some are rather obvious: if you're entangled and also get hit by an AoO, then it seems reasonable that you'd need two checks: one for trying to deal with the entanglement and once responding to getting punched in the face.
But what about if you're on a violently-shaking boat (DC 15 + spell level) that's in the middle of a sleet storm (DC 5 + spell level) and you're covered in goop from a tanglefoot bag (DC 15 + spell level) and then get hit for 9 damage from an AoO when you start casting (DC 19 + spell level), do you really make 4 separate checks? This situation "feels" like it should be two checks: one for the circumstances (the combination of rocking boat, sleet, and entanglement) and then one to keep your existing concentration from being broken by the attack that hit you.
The Concentration section says "If something interrupts your concentration while you're casting, you must make a concentration check or lose the spell." This makes it sound like one check per "interruption"; do simultaneous, concurrent factors count as a single interruption, much the way leaving multiple squares threatened by a single enemy counts as a single "opportunity" for AoOs? I don't feel satisfied with the thoroughness of the concentration language.
Verse |
This is a recent enough topic that I'll just pop my question in here regarding concentration checks and taking damage while casting.
Situation: Wizard is casting a spell with a 1 round casting time (sleep).
Shortly after he begins, a goblin pops the wizard with an arrow for 4 damage. This part I'm fine on, as it's a concentration check of 10 + damage + spell level, or a total of 15 in this case.
My issue comes in when, let's say shortly after this in the same turn before the wizard completes his spell, another goblin charges him and smacks him with a dogslicer for, say, 6 points of damage. Does the new concentration check occur completely separate from the first (ie 10+6+1 for a total DC of 17) OR is the damage from the first attack added in for 10+4+6+1 and a final DC of 21?
My inclination has always been the latter as it's more challenging to cast if you get repeatedly smacked around while trying to complete your spell, but I've never been able to really solidly back up this opinion.
Any help proving this as the former or latter would be greatly appreciated!
Lathiira |
When it comes to the wizard casting sleep and the AoOs, each one should cause a separate check and not total up. Think about it: the goblins are each hitting him individually. Those are single, separate events. The first one hits, the wizard bites back the pain from the arrow, keeps chanting. He's dealt with that distraction. Then the dogslicer blow lands, he makes a check, he's already overcome the arrow's pain, so it shouldn't stack. It's comparable to being hit multiple times while you have DR, SR, or energy resistance: each instance requires a separate roll to resolve.