3.5's Paladins for the other alignments

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I'm trying to expand my players' options for classes, and the Paladin's player wants to play something like a Paladin, but of a different alignment. Can anyone tell me which issues of 3.5 Dragon they are in? I think there were 3 issues covering them.

Thanks in advance!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

They're on the D20 SRD site. Catch them here I'm not particurlarly a fan of any of them.

the evil ones are in - Dragon 312 dark power -

Very cool..thanks!

DungeonmasterCal wrote:

I'm trying to expand my players' options for classes, and the Paladin's player wants to play something like a Paladin, but of a different alignment. Can anyone tell me which issues of 3.5 Dragon they are in? I think there were 3 issues covering them.

Thanks in advance!

Dragon 310 has the non-evil non-Lawful Good paladin variants in it, FYI. My copy of it's just a lot beat up, due to a friend loving the Avenger class.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm pretty sure this is also covered in 3.5's "Unearthed Arcana."

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