The Delmont clan in Ustalav!

Homebrew and House Rules

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In the dark, brooding, mist shrouded land of Ustalav, one noble family has realized it's bloodline's potential (or curse as some might say) and has become a clan of legendary undead slayers! From Sophia Delmont, the first and most powerful of her clan who mysteriously disappeared one moonlight night to Sieghardt Delmont who rescued his beloved Sarisa by slaying the dark vampire prince Vladimir Draclau, they are the stuff of legends in Ustalav! Champions of the common folk, their entire clan seems dedicated to slaying the undead nightmares the haunt the shadows of their mist shrouded homeland! The true secret of their power seems is only spoken of in hushed whispers however, as Sophia Delmont, the common ancestor and founder of the clan, was rumored to have fallen in love with the son of Vladimir Draclau, the Dhampir Adrian Draclau and together, the two bore children endowed with both holy power and the power of a vampire's bloodline!

Here's the signature weapon of a Delmont: A chain whip.

Description: A chain whip is a whip of metal chain links with a small spiked metal ball at the end of it. A chain deals lethal damage even if the target creature has an armor bonus. The whip is treated as a melee weapon with 15-foot reach, though you don't threaten the area into which you can make an attack. In addition, unlike most other weapons with reach, you can use it against foes anywhere within your reach (including adjacent foes). Using a chain whip provokes an attack of opportunity, just as if you had used a ranged weapon. You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to attack rolls with a chain whip sized for you, even though it isn't a light weapon.

Name Type Cost Dmg(s) Dmg(m) Critical Weight Special
Whip, Chain Exotic One-Handed Melee 10 gp 1d4 1d6 x2 4 lbs disarm, reach, trip

Here's a better version of my Undead Slayer archetype (which is all too often taken by members of the Delmont clan with heroic class levels)!

Undead Slayer (Inquisitor Archetype)

Hunter of the Undead (Ex): At 1st level, an undead slayer learns all about the abilities and weaknesses of various types of undead. She may add her wisdom modifier on any Knowledge (religion) skill check to learn about undead. Furthermore, she may take 10 on any Knowledge (religion) skill check to learn about undead, even if stress and distractions would normally prevent her from doing so. This ability replaces the inquisitor’s monster lore ability.

Silversmith (Ex): At 3rd level, the undead slayer learns the secrets of crafting silver into dangerous weapons. She adds a bonus equal to her class level on any Craft or Spellcraft check made to create an alchemical silver item that bypasses DR/silver, such as alchemical silver, silversheen, or silver weapon blanch. This replaces the inquisitor’s teamwork feat gained at 3rd level.

Detect undead (Su): At 5th level, the undead slayer can detect undead, as per the spell, for a number of rounds per day equal to her inquisitor level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. Activating this ability is an immediate action. This replaces the inquisitor’s detect alignment ability.

Channel Positive Energy (Su): At 7th level, the undead slayer gains the ability to channel positive energy like a cleric except she may only choose to deal damage to undead creatures. The undead slayer uses her Inquisitor level as her effective cleric level when determining the amount of damage caused to undead and the DC. She can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1 + the undead slayer’s Charisma modifier. This replaces the inquisitor’s judgment gained at 7th level.

Deny Death's Touch (Ex): At 9th level, the undead slayer adds her wisdom modifier as a sacred bonus to any saving throw she need make against the abilities or effects of undead. This replaces the inquisitor’s teamwork feat gained at 9th level.

Spurn Death’s Embrace (Su): At 11th level, the undead slayer cannot be turned into an undead when slain by an undead creature. This ability even prevents the slayer's corpse from being animated as an undead (via arcane or divine magic). The vampire slayer can still be brought back to life with divine magic (such as resurrection) however. This replaces the inquisitor’s stalwart ability.

Final Death (Su): At 13th level, any undead with HD equal to the undead slayer’s total class level that is brought to 0 hit points by the undead slayer is reduced to burnt ash and is truly slain (it will never return to trouble the world of the living again). This replaces the inquisitor’s judgment gained at 13th level.

Coming up, the Vampiric Heritage feat (which all Delmonts seemingly possess [due to their common ancestor Sophia Delmont's romantic love of the Dhampir Adrian Draclau) and some sample Delmonts. ^_^

Vampiric Heritage
You are descended from a Vampire ancestor; possibly due to having a mortal mother and a dhampir father or visa-versa. You are afforded a measure of Vampiric power from the ties of your bloodline.
Prerequisites: Living humanoid creature; must be 1st level
Benefit: You gain a bonus to Bluff, Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth skill checks equal to 1 + the number of feats you have that list Vampiric Heritage as a prerequisite (including such feats that you take after gaining this one).

Vampiric Alacrity
Your vampiric heritage allows you to move at unnaturally high speeds.
Prerequisites: Living humanoid creature, Vampiric Heritage
Benefit: Your base speed increases by 5 feet. This value stacks with any similar increases to your base speed you might have.

Vampiric Fortitude
Prerequisites: Living humanoid creature, Vampiric Heritage
Benefit: You gain a bonus on saving throws against disease, energy draining effects, and mind affecting effects equal to 1 + the number of feats you have that list Vampiric Heritage as a prerequisite (including such feats that you take after gaining this one).

Vampiric Regeneration
Your vampiric heritage allows you to recover from wounds far more quickly than normal.
Prerequisites: Living humanoid creature, Vampiric Heritage
Benefit: Once per day as a swift action, you gain fast healing 1 for a number of rounds equal to 1 + the number of feats you have that list Vampiric Heritage as a prerequisite (including such feats that you take after gaining this one).

Vampiric Resistance
Your vampiric heritage allows you to become extremely resistant towards certain elements.
Prerequisites: Living humanoid creature, Vampiric Heritage
Benefit: You gain energy resistance to cold and electricity equal to 1 + the number of feats you have that list Vampiric Heritage as a prerequisite (including such feats that you take after gaining this one). This value stacks with any similar damage reduction you might have.

Vampiric Skin
Your vampiric heritage allows you to become resistant to certain attacks
Prerequisites: Living humanoid creature, Vampiric Heritage
Benefit: You gain DR/Silver equal to 1 + the number of feats you have that list Vampiric Heritage as a prerequisite (including such feats that you take after gaining this one). This value stacks with any similar damage reduction you might have.

Vampiric Toughness
Your vampiric nature provides you with unnatural toughness.
Prerequisites: Living humanoid creature, Vampiric Heritage
Benefit: When you take this feat, you gain 2 hit points for each vampiric heritage feat you have, including this one. Whenever you take a new vampiric heritage feat, you gain 2 more hit points.

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