Can Swarms Run?

Rules Questions

It came up.

Clearly they swarm. Badapish.

I'd always figured they just moved their move speed (didn't even double move) what with the fact they 'auto attack' things they move over... but honestly that's just been an assumption on my part.

Technically, I guess they could.

On like note... an Ooze could run too. (o.0)

Or a plant with a move speed.

They formicate.

No, that's not a dirty word. Look it up. :P

harmor wrote:
It came up.

I guess nothing would prevent them from running by RAW. For particulars in my game, I'd say it would depend on the swarm type, their intelligence and how they tend to hunt. If it would make sense that they'd pursue prey instinctively, then I think they'd run. If the swarm is opportunistic and relies on surprise or terrain to capture food, then possibly not.

Scarab Sages

In particular, do they get a double move and THEN get their auto-attack, or would the auto-attack not happen as they were 'moving' for their entire round? Rules state they deal damage at the end of their move with no mention of what kind of move, and since they auto-attack there is no need for taking a standard action, so they'd always double move into someone's square. For my purposes, I'd think a centipede moving at 30 IS running but that's just my own observations. Lastly, a creature that can always move at maximum speed so you can't even run away, still gets auto-attack with no roll needed, and is immune to weapon damage... A single swarm would wipe out a village!

Jonathan Clemmer wrote:
A single swarm would wipe out a village!

Nothing wrong with this. They can be a true menace, though it is likely a village would turn to torches and other sources of fire to deal with an invading swarm.

Sovereign Court

Yeah, just because they're immune to weapons doesn't mean even commoners are helpless; alchemical splash weapons can take down a swarm. Swarms don't have all that many HP for their CR, and take +50% damage from area attacks. Their AC is also unimpressive.

But sure, a swarm is dangerous.

Liberty's Edge

I always thought swarm wasnt an auto attack but a standard action

Sovereign Court

Swarm Attack: creatures with the swarm subtype don’t make standard melee attacks. Instead, they deal automatic damage to any creature whose space they occupy at the end of their move, with no attack roll needed. Swarm attacks are not subject to a miss chance for concealment or cover. A swarm’s stat block has “swarm” in the Melee entries, with no attack bonus given.

It's weird, but it looks like they just damage by ending their move. So outrunning a swarm is really really hard.

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