Get swallowed whole, place an immovable rod, escape.

Rules Questions

Silver Crusade

Bonus points if the creature that swallowed you whole is flying or is a swimming air breather.

So what else happens beyond possibly being held in place or being slowed? How best to represent that stomache-ache?

Could the creature involved possibly, if it can make the required movements, move itself backwards so that the rod is guided back up the throat? Escape Artist check or something else, and at what DC?

Alternatively, could the creature possibly cut it out and depend on muscular action to close the hole like always? to thinking about this while thinking about using immovable rods in car/wagon chases....

The Exchange

Aside from needing DC 30 STR checks to move, I would've give the monster any other penalties. After all, they don't take any sort of penalty for the stomach ache caused by another creature slashing open their belly.

I wouldn't allow it an escape artist check get it out, but if that swallowed whole creature cut it's way out, it could easily manipulate the rod out of its belly wound.

Mikaze wrote:

Bonus points if the creature that swallowed you whole is flying or is a swimming air breather.

So what else happens beyond possibly being held in place or being slowed? How best to represent that stomache-ache?

Could the creature involved possibly, if it can make the required movements, move itself backwards so that the rod is guided back up the throat? Escape Artist check or something else, and at what DC?

Alternatively, could the creature possibly cut it out and depend on muscular action to close the hole like always? to thinking about this while thinking about using immovable rods in car/wagon chases....

How long is this:

Physical Description: Rods weigh approximately 5 pounds. They range from 2 feet to 3 feet long and are usually made of iron or some other metal. (Many, as noted in their descriptions, can function as light maces or clubs due to their hardy construction.) These sturdy items have AC 9, 10 hit points, hardness 10, and a break DC of 27.

going to last in the stomach of a swallow whole monster? Hardness 10 and 10 HP might only last as long as last night's burritos. I'd go with a Heal check, rather then escape artist to work it out of your system. Probably DC 20.

Bonus points for originality. Love this idea.

Make the rod in the shape of a giant barbed caltrop to really let the creature know you are irritated.

Mikaze wrote: to thinking about this while thinking about using immovable rods in car/wagon chases....

Am I the only one thinking of the motorcycle chase scene in "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" now?

Totally love the idea of sticking an immovable rod into the spokes of a speeding carriage.

Other ideas come to mind... And given the... somewhat weird vehicle combat rules, some of them might even work... Oh, but here isn't the right place for this, right? ^^

Back to topic: I would also say an Escape artist check is out of question. The beast would have to have a clear and threedimensional idea of how its intestines are formed to be able to navigate back the exact way like some strange kind of hot wire game.

But other things like digesting the item, making a hole in its belly and taking it out (especially if the creature has some means of healing) or abilities like etherealness should work. Shapechanging, however, could provide some nasty results.

Your delivery method is risky. I'd activate it, use dispel magic to suppress it so I have a timer, and wrap it in food.

Atarlost wrote:
Your delivery method is risky. I'd activate it, use dispel magic to suppress it so I have a timer, and wrap it in food.


Grand Lodge

I don't understand these rods. Are they aligned with the planet? The room they are in? Obviously the planet is moving, but the rod moves with the planet. Could one argue that the rod would be frozen within the beast? That it would move with the beast, but stay in the same spot in the beast?

Always wondered about an immovable rod, if attached to the beast it would move with the beast if attached at that location yet inside the beast it would pin the beast to that location.....

ahhhh relativity.....

Silver Crusade

Don Walker wrote:
I don't understand these rods. Are they aligned with the planet? The room they are in? Obviously the planet is moving, but the rod moves with the planet. Could one argue that the rod would be frozen within the beast? That it would move with the beast, but stay in the same spot in the beast?

Most tend to associate immobile effects to be relative to the planet. Some cases, it would make sense to have it on something substantial enough- like a wall of fire on the deck of a ship. For the rod, I'd say it can't move unless forced- it defies gravity (and implies defying momentum) so it'd probably break against the wall if activated within something big and moving more than 10 ft/round.

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