How does the body guard feat work? (APG)

Rules Questions

The Exchange

Can some one explain how the feat works? Does it work against ranged attacks, do I have to be adjacent to both target and attacker?

The feat only mentions being next to the target, but aid another needs you to be by the enemy... I'm very confused and would love to "parry" arrows.

Thanks for all the advice. if it matters I am asking for my new PFS Lvl1 fighter.

GeneticDrift wrote:

Can some one explain how the feat works? Does it work against ranged attacks, do I have to be adjacent to both target and attacker?

The feat only mentions being next to the target, but aid another needs you to be by the enemy... I'm very confused and would love to "parry" arrows.

Thanks for all the advice. if it matters I am asking for my new PFS Lvl1 fighter.

Based on the reading of the feat and action, I would say that the feat would allow you to add +2 to your ally's AC by spending one of your Attacks of Opportunity.

There is a possibility a GM might rule that you need to be adjacent to the enemy as well, but I think this is a case where the specific overrides the general:

The Aid Another action, says (in addition to the normal +2 to attack or AC vs specific opponent) that it can be used in other ways.
Bodyguard says that you must be next to the ally, not the opponent (like general Aid Another says). This adds a requirement you wouldn't normally have.
So this is one of those extra "Aid Anothers" that you get the ability to do with taking this feat. +2 to Ally's AC for one specific Attack, so long as you are adjacent to the Ally and have a remaining AoO. Oh, but you do still need to hit that AC 10, it does say "attempt", it isn't automatic (just nearly that way at higher attack bonuses).

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