Casting with a wand while holding a 2-handed weapon

Rules Questions


If I were to make a fighter who maxes out UMD would there be any way he could cast from a wand without completely dropping his greatsword? Is there any rules precedent for simply holding a 2-handed weapon in one hand but not being able to wield it?

Dark Archive

Yes. You can hold, but not wield, a two-handed weapon in one hand.

Grand Lodge

Of course, pulling a wand provokes an AoO and your opponent can attempt to sunder the wand, so attempting to use a wand in melee isn't necessarily a good idea, even if it is legal.

Dark Archive

the real questions are on the action economy and weather or not you could be threatning again when you finish your turn. most people seem to hand wave such and say yes. i am not part of that crowd. i say it would be fare to drop the wand as a free action after casting and move equivalent reafirm a two handed grip but do you want to drop it instead of sheath it? did you spend an action already to draw the wand or was it in hand already from last turn, meaning you were not threatning with that 2hw your last turn? most people who do not care hand wave such or piont out a paizo employee saying something about a cleric/druid swapping weapon to light shield hand to cast and back after casting. those sound like extra actions to me but because a dev says so, it is good enouh for most. why they do not just simply cast with the light shield hand is beyond me. finally, the alchemist discovery prestigial arm would hive you three hands that can each wield an item, so said pc could wield both a 2hw & wand at the same time.

Liberty's Edge

I'm just going to say it...

Wand Hilt.

Gravefiller613 wrote:

I'm just going to say it...

Wand Hilt.

Or you could just duct tape the wand to the hilt of the greatsword, either way you get the same effect, though with the duct tape you can probably switch wands as a full round action.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
magicalme1 wrote:
If I were to make a fighter who maxes out UMD would there be any way he could cast from a wand without completely dropping his greatsword? Is there any rules precedent for simply holding a 2-handed weapon in one hand but not being able to wield it?

Yes, you can hold a two-handed weapon in one hand. Taking one hand off (or grabbing it again) is a free action.

The big issue is what to do about the wand after you've used it. Quick Draw doesn't help with wands ("Alchemical items, potions, and wands cannot be drawn quickly using this feat"), which means it's a move action to draw the wand and another move action to put it away. One solution is to use a glove of storing, which reduces the time to both retrieve and store one wand (or other item) to a free action. It's a bit pricey at 10,000 gp, but by the time you're fighter's Use Magic Device check is probably high enough to reliably use a wand (75+% success on a DC 20 check), he should be able to afford it.

Dragonchess Player wrote:

Yes, you can hold a two-handed weapon in one hand. Taking one hand off (or grabbing it again) is a free action.

The big issue is what to do about the wand after you've used it. Quick Draw doesn't help with wands ("Alchemical items, potions, and wands cannot be drawn quickly using this feat"), which means it's a move action to draw the wand and another move action to put it away. One solution is to use a glove of storing, which reduces the time to both retrieve and store one wand (or other item) to a free action. It's a bit pricey at 10,000 gp, but by the time you're fighter's Use Magic Device check is probably high enough to reliably use a wand (75+% success on a DC 20 check), he should be able to afford it.

As far as drawing it, you can draw a wand as part of a move with a +1 BAB.

sieylianna wrote:
Of course, pulling a wand provokes an AoO and your opponent can attempt to sunder the wand, so attempting to use a wand in melee isn't necessarily a good idea, even if it is legal.
PRD-Combat wrote:

Draw or Sheathe a Weapon

Drawing a weapon so that you can use it in combat, or putting it away so that you have a free hand, requires a move action. This action also applies to weapon-like objects carried in easy reach, such as wands. If your weapon or weapon-like object is stored in a pack or otherwise out of easy reach, treat this action as retrieving a stored item.

If you have a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, you may draw a weapon as a free action combined with a regular move. If you have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, you can draw two light or one-handed weapons in the time it would normally take you to draw one.

Drawing or Sheathing a weapon does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Retrieving a stored item, however, does. Stored items are things inside stuff like backpacks, or otherwise not quickly accessible. The handy haversack removes the attack of opportunity for retrieving stored items, which is why every adventurer should have seven. :p

Dark Archive

i am very interested in learning more about this wand hilt.

Liberty's Edge

It was either in Ebberron or the old WoTC Equipment book, the title escapes me at the moment. I want to say it was the Arms and Equipment Guide. Either way, pretty much it gave the costs for having wand hilts in daggers and swords and rods as haft to hammers, axes and maces. One o fhte other cool items were ring blades, which were swords that had a ring slot, they had a thing for ioun ston daggers, but i like the wayfinder's use of them better.

give me a few days to talk to my old gammign group and I'll post books and page numbers soon.

Raymond Lambert wrote:
i am very interested in learning more about this wand hilt.

Cleric spell in Inner Sea Magic called Weapon Wand I know its a cleric spell, but I can't remember the level

Spring loaded wrist sheath would fix the drawing it issue (drops it to a swift action) and you could wear one per arm. Putting it away again, though...not so easy. You could have the wrist sheath and a weapon cord on each - pop the one you need out, activate it, drop it to regrab the weapon, and it's a swift action away if you need it again, but it could also be attacked (and the cord could be too).

SwnyNerdgasm wrote:
Cleric spell in Inner Sea Magic called Weapon Wand I know its a cleric spell, but I can't remember the level

Bard 1, Cleric 1, Inquisitor 1, Magus 1

Hippygriff wrote:
SwnyNerdgasm wrote:
Cleric spell in Inner Sea Magic called Weapon Wand I know its a cleric spell, but I can't remember the level
Bard 1, Cleric 1, Inquisitor 1, Magus 1

Thank you, since I'm at work at the moment I wasn't able to crack open my book.

Dark Archive

i've been very tempted to buy that book just for that spell but question the worth. both real life money and game effectiveness. considering my skim of the book failed to find anything else of worthwhile value in the book. though maybe future free skimming will discover somthing. i also question it's game effectiveness. might be better to save the spell known/slot for a full caster level/dc spell. thought it might be funny to buy a wand of the spell to use on other wands. what has been your experience with it so far? i hate the standard action to cast with such a short duration. unless you know an enemy is behind the door, you risk wasting a resource or pissing away a turn(most precious commodity of the game). seriously question viability of inflict spells with it. minimum caster level/dc for 1/2 damage? any other good choices on the clr/inq list?was wondering about umd alchemists useing it also.

look forward to more on that wand hilt:)

Wand Chamber (AKA Wand Hilt) was from Dungeonscape. Add 100GP to the cost of a weapon or shield to make it able to hold a single wand which is treated as readied without having to drop the weapon or shield. Changing the wand out is a full-round action.

Works great for Warforged (or Renegade Mastermakers) who also grab the Wand Bracer warforged component. Never underestimate the Artificer who has 3 wands readied at any given time.

Liberty's Edge

Sajuuk, Turtle of Creation wrote:

Wand Chamber (AKA Wand Hilt) was from Dungeonscape. Add 100GP to the cost of a weapon or shield to make it able to hold a single wand which is treated as readied without having to drop the weapon or shield. Changing the wand out is a full-round action.

Works great for Warforged (or Renegade Mastermakers) who also grab the Wand Bracer warforged component. Never underestimate the Artificer who has 3 wands readied at any given time.

Thanks...that saved my buddy some trouble. wandbracers were banned in most of my group's 3.5 games. Probably for similar reasons, to fearing an artificer.

Dark Archive

thanks peeps.

these items along with other 3.5 material makes me yearn for a home campaign that opens up so many options. never got around to playing with incarnum for example. i still greatly appreciate the pathfinder society organized play campaign but it is so limiting.

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