DangerMaus |
Question on how the Spell Resistance from the Celestial template works with this feat.
The Celestial template says:
"A celestial creature's CR increases by +1 only if the base creature has 5 or more HD."
"gains SR equal to new CR +5"
Do I use my druid's HD to calculate the CR or the CR of the create I am wildshaping into as it appears in the bestiary?
Or just how do you calculate the SR when applying the celestial template when wildshaping? :)
Starglim |
DrakeRoberts |
*Casts Raise Thread*
Okay, so on another thread, someone pointed out that the CR = Class Levels - 1 is for NPCs that don't have PC level gear/wealth. For NPCs that /do/ have PC level wealth, the CR is treated as 1 higher (ie, CR = Class Levels)
If the above is true, it'd mean that if your level was 4 or less then your SR would be 5 + class levels, and for someone level 5 or higher, the SR would be 6 + class levels.
The relevant link to that would be: http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/gamemastering.html
"NPC Gear Adjustments: You can significantly increase or decrease the power level of an NPC with class levels by adjusting the NPC's gear. The combined value of an NPC's gear is given in Creating NPCs on Table: NPC Gear. A classed NPC encountered with no gear should have his CR reduced by 1 (provided that loss of gear actually hampers the NPC), while a classed NPC that instead has gear equivalent to that of a PC (as listed on Table: Character Wealth by Level) has a CR of 1 higher than his actual CR. Be careful awarding NPCs this extra gear, though—especially at high levels, where you can blow out your entire adventure's treasure budget in one fell swoop!"
Of course, that seems based on the notion that having your entire PC wealth to blow on one encounter (as an npc generally would, though a pc wouldn't) is very powerful.
All in all, I'm curious as to any definitive consensus on what a planar wildshaped druid's SR is.
Dave Justus |
Doesn't a celestial/fiendish template only apply to HD from the base creature, not class levels?
I'm not at all sure what this feat is supposed to do.
If you apply it to the animal, such as a bear first (Grizzly is a 5HD creature, CR 4) the bear would get darkvision 60, elemental resistance of 10, and DR 5 and SR 10. However the only one of those abilities you get is darkvision from wild shaping.
That is pretty pathetic for a feat, but I don't see how it could do any more than that.
ShoulderPatch |
when determining CR for the bad guy it is level -1 unless they have wealth equal to PC and than it is level = CR. So 6th level PC druid would have SR12
This seems correct to me on a glance. We know the PC's HD. We know the conversion rate of PC levels to CR. We apply the template math from there.
If the Celestial template called out racial hit dice you'd be correct. Since it doesn't, a level 5 druid would get everything a 5 HD bear would get.
... However the only one of those abilities you get is darkvision from wild shaping.
The feat says "add the celestial template or fiendish template to your animal form" not the animals form. It tells you to add the template to your new form, not to the form of the creature you're basing it on. That is an important distinction.
You are not adding template to the creature then changing forms. You are changing forms to the creature then adding template to your new form.
So you gain everything the template adds (DR, resists, vision, smite, anything else I'm forgetting).