Mindchemist the ultimate bomber?


i was thinking about making a bomb focused alchemist and this archetype gets the cognatogen instead of the regular mutagen, thus enhancing the int a lot, is it really better than a regular one at this? the bonus to knowledge seems useful too to find out weaknesses of the about to explode monster
any thoughts?

Ismodai wrote:

i was thinking about making a bomb focused alchemist and this archetype gets the cognatogen instead of the regular mutagen, thus enhancing the int a lot, is it really better than a regular one at this? the bonus to knowledge seems useful too to find out weaknesses of the about to explode monster

any thoughts?

I recommend you review the Grenadier in the Pathfinder Society Field Guide.

Mindchemist is cool, but remember cognatogen is a discovery you can take.
Honestly, I think both are great choices! I like Grenadier for replacing so many poison related abilities.

ill check it thx but the reason for going mindchemist besides bombing is my complete lack of interest in the "going hulk" part of the class

I'm thinking of changing a BBEG in one of the APs from a wizard to an alchemist with this archetype. As an NPC I think it'll work well, because he can hide behind a small army of goons. As a PC, I would worry a little bit about the defensive abilities of the character. Not getting the boost to dex or con isn't a deal breaker, it just means the character is going to have to be a little more careful in combat.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I have played a mindchemist up to 3rd level so far. The boost to knowledge skills has helped me.

One problem I have with the cognatagen is the lasting physical penalty. Currently without a lesser restoration, I can only use my cognatagen every other day to recover my physical stat loss. When I get restoration, or a wand, it will be less of a problem.

I like the flexibility of it allowing me to boost Charisma for a necessary diplomacy check, Wisdom for will save boost, and of course intelligence for my bombs.

waltero wrote:

I have played a mindchemist up to 3rd level so far. The boost to knowledge skills has helped me.

One problem I have with the cognatagen is the lasting physical penalty. Currently without a lesser restoration, I can only use my cognatagen every other day to recover my physical stat loss. When I get restoration, or a wand, it will be less of a problem.

I like the flexibility of it allowing me to boost Charisma for a necessary diplomacy check, Wisdom for will save boost, and of course intelligence for my bombs.

I was actually just rolling up my own mindchemist/bomber when i came across this thread, I never noticed that little addition to Congnatogen, I wonder why they added that penalty to the mind altering drugs but not the body altering ones (or did it get errata'd and I didn't know?)

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