thejeff |

thejeff |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
It would not suprise me if they did re enact the gold confiscation laws. Its why I have been cautious about investing any money in gold. That's a risk in putting money into any commodity though.
Do you have any reason to think that? Other than general paranoia and distrust of government.
I mean sure, they could. They could do lots of things. Confiscate your guns. Lock all the Muslims up in camps. Whatever.
A far bigger risk investing in gold in that you're buying at the top of the market.

TheWhiteknife |

TheWhiteknife wrote:It would not suprise me if they did re enact the gold confiscation laws. Its why I have been cautious about investing any money in gold. That's a risk in putting money into any commodity though.
Do you have any reason to think that? Other than general paranoia and distrust of government.
I mean sure, they could. They could do lots of things. Confiscate your guns. Lock all the Muslims up in camps. Whatever.
A far bigger risk investing in gold in that you're buying at the top of the market.
No. I got no specific reasons for cautioning people against buying gold. Not so much general paranoia or distrust of government, but from the fact that the precedent has already been set for the outlawing of gold ownership. With gold at an all time high (the biggest reason to not get into gold right now, I predict a massive sell-off soon.), the times are ripe that if they were to outlaw gold, it would be in the near future. Like I said, I wouldnt be suprised if it were outlawed. Doesnt mean that I would expect them too. Ive been advising friends who have asked me to buy firearms and silver if they want actual physical assets. Both are relatively low and can only go up in value, both long-term and short term.
Edit- and Wu is correct, the government is selling off their helium supplies leading to a massive dip in the prices. Once the stockpile is gone, I predict a massive price increase in helium prices.

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Crimson Jester wrote:So um we are not on the Gold standard and have not been for well a LONG time.That is true. But there have been serious talk lately of the US dollar losing its status as the world currency. If this happened, I wouldn't be surprised if the old confiscatory laws are reenacted.
OK, well explain it to me. The old laws were enacted because we were on the gold standard and were going to go off of it. At least that was my understanding, I may very well be wrong.

TheWhiteknife |

TheWhiteknife wrote:OK, well explain it to me. The old laws were enacted because we were on the gold standard and were going to go off of it. At least that was my understanding, I may very well be wrong.Crimson Jester wrote:So um we are not on the Gold standard and have not been for well a LONG time.That is true. But there have been serious talk lately of the US dollar losing its status as the world currency. If this happened, I wouldn't be surprised if the old confiscatory laws are reenacted.
I may be wrong too. It was my understanding that the act was in order to devalue the dollar in order to fight the depression.

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Crimson Jester wrote:I may be wrong too. It was my understanding that the act was in order to devalue the dollar in order to fight the depression.TheWhiteknife wrote:OK, well explain it to me. The old laws were enacted because we were on the gold standard and were going to go off of it. At least that was my understanding, I may very well be wrong.Crimson Jester wrote:So um we are not on the Gold standard and have not been for well a LONG time.That is true. But there have been serious talk lately of the US dollar losing its status as the world currency. If this happened, I wouldn't be surprised if the old confiscatory laws are reenacted.
Even if this was the case, gold does not now back our currency, what good would it do to take it all back?

Grand Magus |

yellowdingo wrote:Yes. I'm 100% sure a website dedicated to getting people to invest in silver has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to gain from scaring people away from investing in gold. Nothing at all.
This is just silliness.
The evil scientists have just discovered a >planet made of diamond<

TheWhiteknife |

TheWhiteknife wrote:Even if this was the case, gold does not now back our currency, what good would it do to take it all back?Crimson Jester wrote:I may be wrong too. It was my understanding that the act was in order to devalue the dollar in order to fight the depression.TheWhiteknife wrote:OK, well explain it to me. The old laws were enacted because we were on the gold standard and were going to go off of it. At least that was my understanding, I may very well be wrong.Crimson Jester wrote:So um we are not on the Gold standard and have not been for well a LONG time.That is true. But there have been serious talk lately of the US dollar losing its status as the world currency. If this happened, I wouldn't be surprised if the old confiscatory laws are reenacted.
As long as we are the world reserve currency, it wouldnt do any good. However, if we were to lose that status, there is a fairly good chance that we would have to return to a gold standard. Like I said, I fully dont expect it to happen, but otoh, I also wouldnt be suprised if it did.
relevant article Edit article from site selling gold, so take with grain of salt.

TheWhiteknife |

Cosmo wrote:yellowdingo wrote:Yes. I'm 100% sure a website dedicated to getting people to invest in silver has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to gain from scaring people away from investing in gold. Nothing at all.
This is just silliness.
The evil scientists have just discovered a >planet made of diamond<
DeBeer's just bought it. In a press release thay claim that diamonds are rarer than ever. /joking

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Crimson Jester wrote:TheWhiteknife wrote:Even if this was the case, gold does not now back our currency, what good would it do to take it all back?Crimson Jester wrote:I may be wrong too. It was my understanding that the act was in order to devalue the dollar in order to fight the depression.TheWhiteknife wrote:OK, well explain it to me. The old laws were enacted because we were on the gold standard and were going to go off of it. At least that was my understanding, I may very well be wrong.Crimson Jester wrote:So um we are not on the Gold standard and have not been for well a LONG time.That is true. But there have been serious talk lately of the US dollar losing its status as the world currency. If this happened, I wouldn't be surprised if the old confiscatory laws are reenacted.As long as we are the world reserve currency, it wouldnt do any good. However, if we were to lose that status, there is a fairly good chance that we would have to return to a gold standard. Like I said, I fully dont expect it to happen, but otoh, I also wouldnt be suprised if it did.
relevant article Edit article from site selling gold, so take with grain of salt.
Why? No other Western country is and we don't have a reserve currency. Why should the Dollar be different even if you lose the reserve currency status? Which, given that the only real rival is the Euro, which is undergoing it's own crisis at the moemnt seems unlikely.

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Cosmo wrote:yellowdingo wrote:Yes. I'm 100% sure a website dedicated to getting people to invest in silver has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to gain from scaring people away from investing in gold. Nothing at all.
This is just silliness.
The evil scientists have just discovered a >planet made of diamond<
So close yet so far away.

TheWhiteknife |

Why? No other Western country is and we don't have a reserve currency. Why should the Dollar be different even if you lose the reserve currency status? Which, given that the only real rival is the Euro, which is undergoing it's own crisis at the moemnt seems unlikely.
Exactly. We are in unknown territory. Never before has the world reserve currency not been backed by anything (as far as I know). So, I dont know. No one knows. Its why I wouldnt be suprised by anything.
Once again I never said that I expect that the US would begin confiscating gold again. I just would not be suprised if they did.

Kirth Gersen |

** spoiler omitted **

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I suspect that the best place to get the straight dope on whether gold is likely to be confiscated would be in the management discussion and analysis of Goldcorp Inc, AngloGold Ashanti, Barrick, and their ilk. Barrick spent about 5.7 billion two years ago completely unhedging, I don't think they are expecting owning gold to become illegal.

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I suspect that the best place to get the straight dope on whether gold is likely to be confiscated would be in the management discussion and analysis of Goldcorp Inc, AngloGold Ashanti, Barrick, and their ilk. Barrick spent about 5.7 billion two years ago completely unhedging, I don't think they are expecting owning gold to become illegal.
Why not? Gold is a superior superconductor and when alloyed - a better grade of inductor/transformer winding.
Silver on the other hand is a better conductor and once the price of electricity is high enough, Silver and gold will become industrial application commodities.
Besides - Gold is better off in the hands of the state - exclusivly for use in science and industry - and currency should only be used to conduct trade between states.
Everyone else should be required to work for food and shelter to validate their citizenship and that compulsory seat in parliament.

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Robert Hawkshaw wrote:I suspect that the best place to get the straight dope on whether gold is likely to be confiscated would be in the management discussion and analysis of Goldcorp Inc, AngloGold Ashanti, Barrick, and their ilk. Barrick spent about 5.7 billion two years ago completely unhedging, I don't think they are expecting owning gold to become illegal.Why not? Gold is a superior superconductor and when alloyed - a better grade of inductor/transformer winding.
Silver on the other hand is a better conductor and once the price of electricity is high enough, Silver and gold will become industrial application commodities.
Besides - Gold is better off in the hands of the state - exclusivly for use in science and industry - and currency should only be used to conduct trade between states.
Everyone else should be required to work for food and shelter to validate their citizenship and that compulsory seat in parliament.
Both gold and silver already are industrial application commodities. Most silver is used for industrial purposes, or in film. Back in the late 90s and early 2000s there was a lot of doom and gloom about digital cameras hurting the price of silver.
Gold still gets used for jewelry more, but your cellphone probably contains about a dollar's worth of gold in it.

Demi-Lich H. Ross Perot |

That's fine; let them come. I currently control the largest stockpile of Santo Gold in the world. My wrestler ninja army is fully-trained and ready.
I ain't scairt.
Mummy Woodrow Wilson and Frankenstein FDR... come at me bros!

TheWhiteknife |

That's fine; let them come. I currently control the largest stockpile of Santo Gold in the world. My wrestler ninja army is fully-trained and ready.
I ain't scairt.
Mummy Woodrow Wilson and Frankenstein FDR... come at me bros!
That is awesome!!!

Conspiracy Buff |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I thought YD had an excellent point. After all, the government has been heavily infiltrated by the inhabitants of Dimension ZYgrlble, a race of super-intelligent groundhogs who feed off the gold and poop out the rare substance known as Blugonium, which is used to further fuel all their advanced tech and inter-dimensional conquests.

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That rank piece of paranoia overlooks some real facts of life and modern economics.
1. Corporations determine government policy far more than legislators do with enforcement arms of lobbyists and thanks to the Supreme Court unrestricted campaign donaations.
2. Multi-national trade is the lifeblood of the modern corporation, trying to rewrite the clock to the Hoover era is a recipe for nothing but suicide.
3. The fluid dynamics of the economy requires an economy backed by credit. That's the main reason whey no nation follows a metal standard any more.
4. Obama is too invested in trying to get the people who hate his guts to love him to even think about doing something that stupidly radical.

Conspiracy Buff |

Of course, the ZYgrlblians are often opposed by M.A.G.E., the Multiversal Association of Geological Experts. Their goal is to ensure that all universes share in the multiversal supply of various minerals and elements, especially considering the association's founders own dependency on quartz and limestone as key portions of their breeding cycle.

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yellowdingo wrote:That rank piece of paranoia overlooks some real facts of life and modern economics.
1. Corporations determine government policy far more than legislators do with enforcement arms of lobbyists and thanks to the Supreme Court unrestricted campaign donaations.
2. Multi-national trade is the lifeblood of the modern corporation, trying to rewrite the clock to the Hoover era is a recipe for nothing but suicide.
3. The fluid dynamics of the economy requires an economy backed by credit. That's the main reason whey no nation follows a metal standard any more.
4. Obama is too invested in trying to get the people who hate his guts to love him to even think about doing something that stupidly radical.
*blink* Enforcement arms?? Do they show up at Capital hill with Uzis?

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Crimson Jester wrote:Actually, I think they wear black capes and top hats, grow twirly mustaches, and tie young ladies to rail-road tracks in their off hours.*blink* Enforcement arms?? Do they show up at Capital hill with Uzis?
That might explain the whey.
Metal standard, sounds like it should be an old Motorhead album.

TheWhiteknife |

Of course, the ZYgrlblians are often opposed by M.A.G.E., the Multiversal Association of Geological Experts. Their goal is to ensure that all universes share in the multiversal supply of various minerals and elements, especially considering the association's founders own dependency on quartz and limestone as key portions of their breeding cycle.
I thought they were opposed by S.P.E.C.T.R.E., the Society Promoting Endive, Cabbage, Turnip, and Rutabaga Exporters. They want to start a vegetable and tuber backed currency.

Patrick Curtin |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

TheWhiteknife |

All I know is I wish I had had enough money to take my own advice when I gave it:
Lesse .... Gold on Feb 29 2009: $1,050
Gold Today: $1,825.Man, what's the point of seeeing the future if you don't have the cash to capitalize on it? That's a 80% return on investment in 2.5 years...
I'm in the same boat. Im usually pretty good at picking em, not so good at having the cash on hand to make it work. Except with K-mart when they declared bankruptcy in the early 2000's. That worked out well, but I only had a hundred or so dollars on hand to throw into it.

Ambrosia Slaad |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

TheWhiteknife wrote:Hell of an Ion cannon to get it there, now to find a way to get a return on the investment.yellowdingo wrote:I keep my Leprecaun Gold disolved in Mercury.The planet?
Did Amway exist in the Empire? The Death Star would be cool if it was pyramid shaped, with the Emperor at the topmost level. Darth Madoff has a nice ring to it.

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Crimson Jester wrote:Did Amway exist in the Empire? The Death Star would be cool if it was pyramid shaped, with the Emperor at the topmost level. Darth Madoff has a nice ring to it.TheWhiteknife wrote:Hell of an Ion cannon to get it there, now to find a way to get a return on the investment.yellowdingo wrote:I keep my Leprecaun Gold disolved in Mercury.The planet?
Didn't they get religious status? I mean scientology did.

Ambrosia Slaad |

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:Didn't they get religious status? I mean scientology did.Crimson Jester wrote:Did Amway exist in the Empire? The Death Star would be cool if it was pyramid shaped, with the Emperor at the topmost level. Darth Madoff has a nice ring to it.TheWhiteknife wrote:Hell of an Ion cannon to get it there, now to find a way to get a return on the investment.yellowdingo wrote:I keep my Leprecaun Gold disolved in Mercury.The planet?
Force Jump on Couch is much more scary in person than when described to Padawan.