jeuce |
Powerful Charge (Ex)
When a creature with this special attack makes a charge, its attack deals extra damage in addition to the normal benefits and hazards of a charge. The attack and amount of damage from the attack is given in the creature’s description.
Format: powerful charge (gore, 4d8+24); Location: Special Attacks
does this stack with a regular charge attack? would a half-fiend minotaur form the book have a +15/+13 (3d6+9)+(2d6+9) from his greataxe/ powerful charge combo?
ItoSaithWebb |
Powerful Charge (Ex)
When a creature with this special attack makes a charge, its attack deals extra damage in addition to the normal benefits and hazards of a charge. The attack and amount of damage from the attack is given in the creature’s description.
Format: powerful charge (gore, 4d8+24); Location: Special Attacks
does this stack with a regular charge attack? would a half-fiend minotaur form the book have a +15/+13 (3d6+9)+(2d6+9) from his greataxe/ powerful charge combo?
No, powerful charge is specific to the natural attack of the creature because their horn(s) are designed for the charging attack. However, if you just want to add some extra damage to his powerful charge why don't you just equip him with Rhino Hide armor. Rhino Hide Armor adds 2d6 points of damage whenever anyone charges with it, so the Gore would do 4d8+2d6+24 damage. If you really want to be evil add some fighter levels so that you can get Vital Strike to use with this.
My current character uses Rhino Hide armor and charges with an overhand chop which does a ton of damage.
ItoSaithWebb |
InsaneFox wrote:I could be wrong, but I don't think you can vital strike on a charge.This. You cannot use VS and Charge. It makes me sad, but there it is.
Ya my bad.
I just had a thought though. Could a Minotaur ride mount that charges for him, use his powerful charge, and all in combination with Spirited Charge.