Jason Bulmahn's base abilities

Off-Topic Discussions

Liberty's Edge

Hello, everyone!

This is a game. You have to guess what was Jason Bulmahn's base abilities at level 1.

Let me explain. If you go to Jason Bulmahn's page you will see his actual ability scores:

Strength 13
Dexterity 9
Constitution 14
Intelligence 17
Wisdom 13
Charisma 13

But we have to take this considerations:
-he is now a level 20 character (Architect 4/Editor 6/Game Designer 10), so, he had 5 ability points to advance until now.
-he is "Human.. mostly", so he had a +2 to an ability at level 1 (as the others demi-humans do).

So, the question for you is: What was the Jason Bulmahn's base ability scores at first level (Architect 1)? Place your bet!

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Who's to say that his first level was architect? I know some designers alphabetise levels.

Also: I disapprove of this thread, unless Lord Bulmahn endorses it.

What the OP fails to understand is that those stats are false. They are used by the Lord Jason (who is, at the least, a demi-power) to lull his enemies into a false sense of security before he smites and pillages them.

Liberty's Edge

Bulmahnaut #5: I have been lulled, indeed ^_^

Bulmahnaut #13: This thread is only a joke. If I were a famous roleplayer designer, I would like to see post like this about me. But, thinking about it, it could be seen as offensive for certain people. So, dear Jason, if you are reading this, please see this post as an innocent joke. I have not any offensive intention in this post. Erase it if it's convenient to do so. He's doing an incredible job as lead designer of my prefer game, and I'm a fan of him for that.

Ravenath, you are lucky indeed. For the Lord Jason, while being an awesome and terrible lord, is also well known for his mercy. I'm sure he'll forgive you.

Either that, or he'll command we Bulmahnauts to hunt you down and give you the old China Shop treatment.

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