Aegis of Recovery at CL10 heals 2d8+10?

Rules Questions

When creating an Aegis of Recovery when you create the item at a higher caster level heal more? (e.g. CL5 would heal 2d8+5)

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

yes. Cost would also go up, of course.


Aelryinth wrote:

yes. Cost would also go up, of course.


What would be the cost as you increase the item's CL above 3rd? The starting price is 750gp to craft.

It's kinda hard to figure out the pricing on this item and what formulas they used.

+2 resistance bonus for recovering from effects and never on the initial save.
Cure Moderate Wounds when hp goes below 0.

Not sure about the how they get the saves side of the price but my guess at the cure side would be that they used the use activated formula for things similar to potions. Used once and gone.

spell level x caster level x 50gp(since this is probably the lesser enchantment it'll be the 1.5x)

2 x 3 x 50 x 1.5 = 450gp.

Crafted for 225gp. Meaning the other 525gp was adding the resistance to it.

To increase this to a caster level of 10 to heal 2d8+10 you just use;
2 x 10 x 50 x 1.5 = 1500gp or 750gp crafted


bonus squared x 1000gp
2 x 2 x 1000gp = 4000gp.

Crafted for 2000gp. 525gp is only 26.25% of 2000gp

It looks like about 300 gp 0f the base price comes from a single use/use activated cure moderate wounds... to increase the the caster level multiply the spell level (2) times the new caster level and then times 50, replace the original 300 gp with this new number (ie add the new number to 1200) after that divide the base price by two to get the cost.

for example to make it caster level 10 you would take 2x10x50=1000,

1000 + 1200 = 2200

2200/2 = 1100

therefore the cost to create would be 1100 gp.

The resistance bonus undoubted receives a discount because it is only effective against effects you are already suffering from.

It's 2 different enchantments. One has to be at 1.5x cost. The cure will be the lesser and receive the multiplier.

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