Evil Dave's page
Organized Play Member. 59 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.
Having just made a bard for pfs last week, and seeing I was planning on incorporating Pageant of the Peacock into the build, and also wanting this thread to reach it's stretch goal, I've decided to ask a relevant question :
"Does the use of Pageant of the Peacock produce a Swarm Suit?"
I'm hoping the answer of this question can shut down two threads.
In PFS, can a Qinggong Monk retrain a ki power using
the retraining rules (yes, Ultimate Campaign is owned).
Okay, maybe this is what I was thinking of, have to run it past my current gm, but he does use a lot of third-party stuff, so maybe...
I may be wrong, but it seems to me I've seen a feat or class feature
somewhere that will increase a spell's duration increment (rounds to
minutes, minutes to hours, etc.).
Can anyone point me to this if it exists, if not, oh well....
With all the saves this ability modifies, I think it would be next to impossible to actually implement it, but would like to see a general description under special abilities, so the full description of it would print out.
I purchased this for the Death Knight Herolab files, and so far
it looks great. The only problem I've noticed is the 'Reselience
of the Grave' class feature isn't included...is that an oversight
or were you not able to include it due to Herolab restrictions?
Until further notice, please cancel my Adventure Path
David Barrett
Congrats Andy. You do a great job organizing things at Serenity and run a pretty decent game...see you Tuesday night.
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I'm trying to max out diplomacy on a PFS legal character. So far, I've managed to get it to 19...is 20+ possible at level 1?
This character is a Human Bard, Geisha Archetype with 20 Charisma.
+2 - Human with Silver Tongued Racial Trait
+3 - Skill Focus(Diplomacy) (From Focuses Study Racial Trait)
+2 - Persuasive Feat
+2 - Illuminator Trait
+4 - 1 Skill Rank In Diplomacy With Favored Skill Bonus
+1 - Geisha Knowledge
+5 - Charisma Bonus
19 Total
If someone can come up with a build with a higher diplomacy at level 1, while still being PFS legal, I'd like to see it.
Ignore my previous post, I didn't fully read the Op's opening remarks, and am a bonehead.
That is all.
Succubus or Nymph and any class that uses Charisma for a casting stat.
Ok, thanks all. Of the choices, I think Nereid will be the easiest to play.
Ok, Nereid is CR10 with a dexterity of 29. Add the advanced template to that once and it's 33. I can't find anything higher.
I'm about to get in a level 11 gestalt campaign with creatures of cr11 or less allowed to take up one side of the gestalt.
The question is, what race, from any source (pathfinder or 3.5) of cr11 or less has the highest dexterity stat?
BTW, I can also stack on the advanced template up to 2 times, and/or add other templates.
The option that has worked best for us is to total up the sell value of all the loot, then divide that into a number of shares equal to the number of pcs + 1. Each pc receives one share, with the extra share going into a community pool, used for expenses such as healing pots/wands, scrolls of xxx, rezes, etc.
If a party member wishes to keep any of the items, they pay the sell value of the item back into the total pot. If they do not have enough for the item in question, more often than not party members will front them the gold until the next haul, especially if it benefits the party.
Any items that are quest related, artifacts, etc. are given to the most appropriate character, and do not count against their loot.
No issues with this so far.
Have you ever auditioned for a 'Bipedal' part?
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Second the Nexus 7. Combined with EasyPDF Reader, pdfs load in no time, and page flipping isn't much of an issue. (But then again I've rooted and overclocked my tablet, so all the apps run faster.)
Because with my leadership feat I took Scorpian as my cohort.
Only 3 players and the characters are gestalt...
Aasimar Paladin/Oracle of Metal
Aasimar Ranger (Trapper Arch.)/Cleric
Aasimar Zen Archer/Sorcerer
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Jodokai wrote: DrDeth wrote: In general, I am not of fan of Treatmonk as he suggests Mix/Max builds. In general, I don;t think heroes should be drooling morons, fools, or social outcast. True, it's very hard to build a MAD class with only 15 pts and not put a 8 somewhere.
I am glad there's no "8" in your 25 pt build, but I think that the 20 pt buy would be better with a 10 in WIS and one less in Con, as there's no effect.
Otherwise, I have no issues. Nice work on the Archetypes. An 8 in INT is not a drooling imbicil. You do realize that (assuming equal stat distribution across the planet) 1/6th of the population has an 8 in INT right? Which explains the popularity of shows like 'Duck Dynasty' and 'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo'.
Your cousin, the Honey Badger, seems to be getting all the publicity lately. Meaning no disrespect, but what elevates you from your more famous cousin?
The NPC wrote: DH? I'm guessing either 'Dear Husband' or 'Designated Hitter'...
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They sit around discussing the latest episode of 'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo'....they are evil after all.
Sirlink wrote: ew lawful...yuck Re-read the alignment descriptions in the Core Rulebook, I bet most people skim over them if they even glance at them at all. They aren't nearly as rigid as 3.5 and earlier...
North Star wrote: Evil Dave wrote: North Star wrote: It's ridiculous (the prerequisite), and should be changed, but rogues don't qualify for weapon finesse at first level due to the base attack bonus +1 requirement. No prerequisite for weapon finesse at all in Pathfinder...just one of the improvements over 3.5 Huh. Your right, but was this always the case? I don't have my CRB on hand to check, but I remember looking this up and seeing the same prerequisite. Don't have my books here, but just checked my beta playtest files on my computer, and even they didn't have the +1 BAB prerequisite.
North Star wrote: It's ridiculous (the prerequisite), and should be changed, but rogues don't qualify for weapon finesse at first level due to the base attack bonus +1 requirement. No prerequisite for weapon finesse at all in Pathfinder...just one of the improvements over 3.5
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Skeleton Crew or Unseen Crew spells from Pirates of the Inner Sea yet. Both give the Profession (sailor) skill to the summoned creatures making them much more useful on a ship.
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I have almost all the books I use to play and run Pathfinder now on my Nexus 7, along with PF Battle, PFRPG RD, Summoner, I Crit, I Fumble, Spellbook and D&D Dice...
The only thing I am missing that would let me leave everything but my Nexus home when I go out gaming is a character sheet app that could handle gestalt characters easily...almost all the games we play are gestalt...only 2 or 3 players.
I have purchased PFRPG Toolkit, but that doesn't suit my needs, and am not going to dish out $7 for 'd20 Character Sheet' without a chance to see if it handles gestalt characters, and I'm afraid the 15-minute return window for google play won't give me enough chance to really put it through the paces.
If anyone has any suggestions, please...I'm listening.
A player in our upcoming Skull & Shackles AP has made an Orc Barbarian/Witch Doctor gestalt....seems like a decent build.
The_Scourge wrote: Am I the only one disappointed that this thread wasn't a hypothetical discussion on what bbq'd sentient raven people would taste like? Chicken.
A JuJu Zombie Plugg with wasp wings and a stinger...but that's a little too obvious. I'll have to think of something more evil.
1cp (There's always one who bids $1)
g0atsticks wrote: what happens? You feel cold and damp, and unless you can see invisible you don't know why.
Background first - 4 characters, Stats are 18,16,16,14,14,14...Max starting gold and hps.
Other Characters : 1/2 Elf Sea Singer Bard/Waves Oracle
1/2 Orc Sea Reaver Barbarian/Pirate Rogue
Freebooter Ranger/Rogue (Unknown Archetype and Race)
My character idea : Human Aquatic Druid/Tattooed Empyreal Sorcerer
Reasoning : Empyreal allows me to use Wisdom for all spells, I believe I gain more from Tattooed Sorcerer than I lose, and Aquatic Druid should kick major butt in S&S.
I'm looking for help in 2 main areas, the best choice for familiar on the sorcerer side, and best animal companion, or bonus domain (I'm personally leaning toward companion).
Also this character isn't set in stone yet, any other great gestalt ideas give the stats I have to play with would be appreciated, with one small caveat - I play a Ninja/Fighter in Jade Reagent, so am looking for something a little more 'CASTY' in this A.P.
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Why is this even a discussion? Everyone knows there is no such thing as a female dwarf....dwarves propagate by kidnapping gnomes at a very young age, and immersing them in the magical equivalent of Rogaine.
bigb103 wrote: Don't forget that shuriken are not ammo therefore they don't get destroyed when using them. Put returning on them, since they come in sets of 5, and you end up with 5 returning shuriken. It makes them more viable and to be honest the damage of the weapon doesn't matter after you get a few dice of sneak attack behind it. Actually, shuriken are treated as ammo for most purposes. (Core Rulebook p.141), unless there was an errata I am unaware of.
I'm currently playing a Zen Archer/Inquisitor and it kicks butt.
Nothing worse than the Big Bad taking an arrow to the knee.
1- A typical Thanksgiving meal will result in the fatigued condition, unless you are a halfling...
2- Yes
3- Women-CR1, Husbands-CR20, Single men...what the hell are you doing away from your tv/computer/game console on black Friday anyway???
I wish my current DM would allow more 3.5 material, I played a Swiftblade back in the day, and i rocked. Would make a decent npc villain.
If I remember right, the Epic Level Handbook had something called the 'Paragon Template' that could be added to just about anything...maybe that would be of some use.
(edit - found it...Paragon Creature Template, page 209)
All kidding aside, my only suggestion is to browse through the 3.5 Epic Adventures book just for ideas...will probably take some major conversions, but may be of some help. The only post-20 campaign I ever played in, we used that book extensively, and it wasn't too bad.
Currently playing 2 characters under level 6, and about to start a playing a level 12 gestalt, so my true 'epic' gaming experiences are somewhat limited nowadays....except for some fine memories of Scion...sigh....
(edited for spelling)
What, the Mister Rodgers template isn't epic enough? Especially if gestalted with Chuck Norris?
Between chapters of Jade Regent our DM is giving us a chance to play a high level gestalt campaign (level 12), one module between each chapter.
I'm putting together a Human Master Summoner/Oracle of Nature for this, and wondering if I should even bother to stat out my eidolon.
If I do, right now I'm leaning toward making it a mount of some kind, or a second scout for the group.
The current party makeup is :
Human Master Summoner/Oracle of Nature
Human Fighter/Inquisitor (not sure of fighter archetype)
? Ninja/Urban Ranger
? Bard/Oracle of Life
Any thoughts/suggestions would be appreciated...have 2 more weeks before this kicks off.
I agree with not keeping your nature secret from the rest of your party. I'm playing a dhampir ninja in a Jade Regent campaign, and almost died when the druid hit me with a clw...after that I came out to the party and main npc's, and purchased as many potions if inflict light wounds as I could afford. After 5 sessions, I am really liking the character, both mechanically and the background I came up with.
The group I am playing in consists of the following:
Dhampir Ninja (Me)
Human Dervish Dancer
Elf Witch
Human Barbarian
Aasimar Druid
After 2 sessions, seems to be a decent group. Only problem so far is
me keeping my Dhampir nature secret...almost died when druid cast a
clw on me when I had 3 hps left, lol. Gonna have to come clean next
session I think.