DM Acid's Council of Thieves OOC Thread

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Tito Grulios wrote:
I wouldn't worry too much about riding, I have a coach. Just need a driver.

Let me try and watch what happens. :p

Heh, do you have insurance? :)

I figured it would be a handy way to move through the city 'unseen' as long as we can get a driver. I also have a disguise kit stashed in the chest that's lashed to it.

Tito Grulios wrote:

Heh, do you have insurance? :)

I figured it would be a handy way to move through the city 'unseen' as long as we can get a driver. I also have a disguise kit stashed in the chest that's lashed to it.

I can use my amazing diplomatic skills to bribe someone for one? :p

I could put a rank into Ride at level 2 to get a bonus on it or so, but until then I guess anyone can drive it.

I played in a tabletop game once with a draconic woman called....Drakaria who could never take anything seriously, so when people went inside to scout around, I decided I'd look after the wagon...except my way of looking after it was to give it a test drive and even though I had no bonuses in Ride, I was running it around as fast as it could go and still succeeding my checks until I got it going so fast that the wheel fell off and the cart was destroyed.

The party came out and asked where it was. I didn't lie. I just simply told them "somewhere over there" pieces I might add.

Heya, sorry for my lack of posting and getting to know my fellow players just yet. My comp is currently being ravaged by viruses, but I'm still able to post, and I'll do anything I can to do so in the event my comp completely poops out.

Anyway, I've finished my character sheet, but keep in mind I'm deathly tired, so it may have a few errors here or there, which I'd gladly be able to fix.

Also, I myself am something of an artist. While I'm certainly not as good as Acid, I pride myself on my ability to come up with interesting outfits and designs. If you want a little sketch with that robe or sword that's too out there for most artists to capture or come up with, I'd gladly oblige you, but if you want some fine-quality, avatar-worthy art, skip me and ask Acid. :3

Razik Azkul wrote:

Heya, sorry for my lack of posting and getting to know my fellow players just yet. My comp is currently being ravaged by viruses, but I'm still able to post, and I'll do anything I can to do so in the event my comp completely poops out.

Anyway, I've finished my character sheet, but keep in mind I'm deathly tired, so it may have a few errors here or there, which I'd gladly be able to fix.

Also, I myself am something of an artist. While I'm certainly not as good as Acid, I pride myself on my ability to come up with interesting outfits and designs. If you want a little sketch with that robe or sword that's too out there for most artists to capture or come up with, I'd gladly oblige you, but if you want some fine-quality, avatar-worthy art, skip me and ask Acid. :3

Well, why don't we all exchange DA's then? :p

Mine's here.

Here is mine. Most of what's in it is really old though. I have better examples of my art on my private photobucket album. :)

Razik, you just need to add your strength modifier to your melee attack damage and you're good. For the rest of you, we talked about what to replace the darkness ability with, and picked 1d4 claws from the table I have, since it made the most sense with what he had in mind for his appearance, and didn't seem particularly game breaking (unlike...some of the choices on that table -shivers-). If it turns out to be overpowered once we start playing, we can either retcon it or have something happen to take it away. I don't anticipate a problem though, since the claws seem to be mostly cosmetic.

Five down, one to go! :D

Male Half-Orc Cleric of Shelyn 1.75[ABD] (hp 16/16; AC 17/10/17; F: +6; R: +2, W; +8)

I put some of the longer, texty sections of my sheet into spoilers to make life easier when people need to go looking at my sheet (and actually did a first-pass edit on the history so it's no longer painful to read -- I've now got a box full of commas that I removed if anyone needs them).

Also - I treated my campaign trait's bit about starting with money as it replacing the normal starting coin (rather than adding to it) - is that correct?

Dracius Ludio wrote:

I put some of the longer, texty sections of my sheet into spoilers to make life easier when people need to go looking at my sheet (and actually did a first-pass edit on the history so it's no longer painful to read -- I've now got a box full of commas that I removed if anyone needs them).

Also - I treated my campaign trait's bit about starting with money as it replacing the normal starting coin (rather than adding to it) - is that correct?

Yes, that's correct.

Oh, commas! Hawt dawg, I'll take 30! 8D

Am I right in thinking Rego Laina is on the middle island, just below the red zone on the left hand side, with Rego Pena possibly being on the right? It's not labelled anywhere. :(

Ack, I'm sorry! Let me grab the labeled map.

Yep, you're correct!

DM Acid wrote:

Ack, I'm sorry! Let me grab the labeled map.

Yep, you're correct!

Awesome, thank you!

That was a pretty good blind guess. I just assumed it was there as to me it seemed the red district was the most important one and Rego Laina has nobles living in it, but not royalty, so I thought it'd be below, though nothing told me which side. :p

Just waiting on Rainy Day now, it seems. Ah, maybe we'll start today but I'm thinking it'll end up being later in the week.

Rego Laina is the home to the Grulios house as well one of the others. It's home to the blacksmiths, and some of the other craftsmen.

Tito Grulios wrote:
Rego Laina is the home to the Grulios house as well one of the others. It's home to the blacksmiths, and some of the other craftsmen.

Armouries too, so should I not be aware of the buildings in my district? As it stands, I know nothing of them, other than where I've decided I'm currently living. Which makes me think I should have some knowledge of you and your family.

Maybe I just worry about that when we start.

I would think that the biggest thing you'd know about Tito's family would be that his mother was murdered during a break-in that left his father with both legs broken.

Street rumors might have it that House Drovenge was behind the attack but few would ever openly court that opinion in public earshot. Tito has spent the past few months attempting to rebuild his father's empire but finds himself stonewalled at every turn.

Tito's family is an offshoot of the main House whose fortunes have not been affected by the problems that his family have undergone. Indeed, his family were something of a black sheep in the family when Tito's father, Jairo, married a common woman.

I'm excited about getting this story going. I hope my writing is up to the task of entertaining you all :).

I'm excited as well! The AP isn't going to start with you guys in a group, so...I think I'll start tomorrow morning, even if Rainy doesn't post before then.

Meep, such a hectic day...
Anyways, yus, I can exchange DA's. :3
I'm rather shy though... I tend to switch from realism, to cartoony, to anime, and I suck equally at all of them, but at heart, I believe myself to be a concept artist. Y'know, with the whole thing about outfit and weapon design. Most people don't understand that my goal isn't to make a perfect portrait that looks so lifelike you'd think it was a photograph, I just want to make things that look cool and give people a good idea of what things in my stories look like.

...Anyway, my self-consciousness about this issue is showing. ._.
Here it is. :3
Forgive the name... It was highschool. ._.

DM Acid wrote:
I'm excited as well! The AP isn't going to start with you guys in a group, so...I think I'll start tomorrow morning, even if Rainy doesn't post before then.

Ah, is there anything we need to know about the sectors we're living in beforehand? I know now of Tito's mothers death as the house is near Adina but no idea about shops and other places that I probably should know about.

I think the same applies for everyone else. Also, if Adina travels to Rego Pena for her fashionables, she'd have passed a few notable areas on the way. Though, it's still a mission to get there haha.

Looking over my character one more time, I realized the alternate racial trait that adds 1DC to sleep effects might be pretty good. However, the immunity to magical sleep is very nice as well, and both fit the character pretty well.

I guess, since I have not played a character dependent on caster DCs, which would be more important? The immunity to magic sleep or one more DC for my sleep spells.

Also, would that extra DC apply to my Slumber hex?

ETA: After looking more into it, I think it's up to DM Acid if it applies to The Slumber hex, as the wording seems to say so, but people want to argue that hexes don't deserve any bonuses meant for spells... which I don't really understand.

I do think I'm going to take the alternate trait though, as it will effect ALL of my sleep spells, and I hope it's rare that things try to put me to sleep :)

You'd be surprised. +1 to the DC is easy to get. Immunity to an incapacitating effect is not.

Male Half-Orc Cleric of Shelyn 1.75[ABD] (hp 16/16; AC 17/10/17; F: +6; R: +2, W; +8)
Jynerva wrote:
I do think I'm going to take the alternate trait though, as it will effect ALL of my sleep spells, and I hope it's rare that things try to put me to sleep :)

Just as an anecdote, take it as you will, but the party I play with (tabletop, pen and paper), avoided a TPK because one of the party was immune to the Symbol of Sleep warding the tower they tried to get into (well, ran into, since they'd attracted the attention of some of the outside guides.).

Immunity to sleep is pretty powerful in the right circumstances, where a +1DC can be found via a bunch of traits and feats.

But, as I said "right circumnstances" -- it's an insurance policy against some fey, enchantment-specialist wizards and, well, witches like yourself with a slumber hex. Will we face something with a sleep power or effect? No idea - and if we don't, the other would be the stronger choice. But if we do... well...

Both good points :)

I think it's a toss up when it comes to if it really matters in a live or die situation. How often we might all succumb to a sleep effect is about as often as needing 1DC to avoid everyone dying in a fight.

If the rest of the group (or the DM) feels strongly that we need someone immune to sleep, I'll go with that, but otherwise the flavor of stronger sleep spells fits the character (more offense, less defense)... which is always my deciding factor when I can't decide :)

Well, I'd personally go for the immunity as it just seems more convenient to me. +1 DC might make a little bit of a difference, but immunity to sleep spells is far better (in my opinion). Do what you feel most strongly about. :)

As for Offense and Defense, I'm going to be flat out offensive. I can't afford not to as my Civilised Barbarian who acts mostly level headed (like a fighter) is going to have such a low AC....34 if I'm lucky, otherwise 29 by end game. I just hope that things die before they get anywhere near killing me.

Remember that it isn't just about the entire party getting knocked out via Sleep or Color Spray. If you get split from the group and incapacitated, then a Sleep spell may result in your untimely death.

Tito Grulios wrote:
Remember that it isn't just about the entire party getting knocked out via Sleep or Color Spray. If you get split from the group and incapacitated, then a Sleep spell may result in your untimely death.

Well, if that's the case, I think Jynerva should ride the Stage Coach/Wagon.

Things get dangerous when you fall asleep at the wheel. :p

Well, that's three in favor of immunities :).

I'll switch back to immunity then, as I still can't decide if I think it matters one way or the other.

Male Half-Orc Cleric of Shelyn 1.75[ABD] (hp 16/16; AC 17/10/17; F: +6; R: +2, W; +8)

I was just offering an opinion -- you should totally go with what makes sense for your feel of your character -- and if that's someone who's expert at making other things sleep, then go with it -- especially considering the Slumber Hex actually remains useful at higher levels (no HD limit).

I don't want anyone to feel like they were pushed into taking something. :)

nah, no pushing. I had dismissed that alternate trait early on because half of it is the Dream ability, which I don't expect to use. I only questioned that decision at the last minute because I had been looking at all the places for DC boosts.

If you want to take the alternate trait, I'd have it apply to your hexes as well. Personally I think a +1 DC to sleep is pretty cool, but it's your decision.

I'll dig up information on all of the districts for you, and then start work on the first post. :)

You guys are no help :P

Sigh... I'm still thinking it over, I'll decide for good when I get back to my computer in a couple of hours. I think about this stuff way too much ;)

DM Acid wrote:

If you want to take the alternate trait, I'd have it apply to your hexes as well. Personally I think a +1 DC to sleep is pretty cool, but it's your decision.

I'll dig up information on all of the districts for you, and then start work on the first post. :)

Ah cool, we start today. :p

I'll be up for another 2 to 3 hours. My sleep pattern is still a bit out of sync, but I'm getting there. It's 6.05pm right now here and I woke up at 5.30am this morning haha. I'm pretty tired but want to hang around for a few hours to start on this. :)

I predict this game will go something along the lines of you posting at 5am my time and then me posting at 9 or 10am my time...which is 5am your time. :p

So I'll be picking up the story when you guys are asleep and you'll probably be picking up my story when I'm asleep, haha. Of course we'll have time to post at the same time too (such as now), but yea. :p

Smiley face overkills won't be in the PBP itself. ;)

And the decision is.... Dreamwalker. +1 to DCs is too cool for how I want to play. I was thinking about the Divination bonus too, and I got this image of my character over her cauldron using a lock of hair to scry on and follow someone surreptitiously and it fits :)

Sorry for my slowness today guys, I went through some rough stuff with medication and my doctor at my appointment this morning, so my head has been pretty scattered. I'll be working on the first post and my other game the rest of the night though, so don't worry about things getting held up any more.

The format I post in will probably be one big intro post, followed by separate posts detailing what's happening in every individual character's area.

After the first interactions end, I'll start the meeting with, again, one big post. Depending on everyone's speed, I might start the meeting before certain people are done with their conversation with Janiven, and just assume that they showed up slightly later than everyone else. That will probably only be if said players are okay with that though.

You need to either post your sheet soon, or im/email/call me and give me a good reason why you haven't posted yet. I can understand if you're having computer problems or something, but you need to let me know. If need be, I can wait to introduce your character later, but there will be a point of time in there where I absolutely won't be able to do that, and given the speed of PBPs, you might have to wait a long time before an opportunity to shove your guy in comes up. I know you're in a lot of games right now that require a lot of work, and if you've lost interest or simply don't have enough time anymore, just let me know. There won't be any hard feelings, I swear. :)

Here is the unfinished opening post. If I've already posted for your character, you may reply. Otherwise, you'll have to wait about 5 hours for me to sleep.

I'm really sorry for the hold up, I should be back in full swing tomorrow. Today has just not been my day.

No worries :)

Hey guys, just thought I'd show you an uncoloured and still to be altered (and refined) version of Adina I drew just now.

I'm probably only going to adjust her hair, maybe tone it down, make it curly or tone it up. Not sure yet.

Anyway, HERE she is.

Note: I used THIS stunning girls face as reference as she looked perfect for Adina. I just had to cartoonify her, haha.

Also, THIS is where I live. :)

Alright, I've got everyone's posts up. I'll reply to the responses as they come in. :) My apologies again, I slept way later than I intended to.

Hey, sleep is important :)

I have a quick question: Do you mind me taking control of your familiar in narratives sometimes? I'd leave most of the control with you, but I think it would add a bit to the roleplay if there are times when your familiar acts...more in the control of your patron, if that makes sense. Your familiar won't do anything to harm her or anything like that, I just think it might add to the 'oh dear, there's this -thing- with me that I don't fully know where it came from' factor. I wouldn't say I was taking control away from you for a certain amount of time either, I'd just add in a little strange thing Cyn does or doesn't do at least until you can speak with him.

Which raises the question: Would you want to control Cyn's voice, or have me do it?

Oh man, I tend to sleep at -least- 12 hours a night. It's ridiculous. I might need to talk to a doctor about that, but...the sleep, it is so -nice-.


Heeeey, remember when you said you'd be willing to play your fighter cleric in CC? Well, our cleric's player hasn't checked in yet, so I thought I'd let you know that I'd be happy to let you take his spot if he doesn't show up. All I'd ask is that you take that level of cleric fairly early, due to...desperate need of channel energy. :)

DM Acid:

By all means, take control of Cyn when you want to (He's a he :) ). I don't think it will be difficult for both of us to control him and his voice as we want to. I can certainly react if you have him do something I find unusual.

We can play around with it... I'll let you know if I don't like a direction or anything.

Sorry about my really short post. I didn't think we'd start without Rainy, and by the time I found out we did, I had like 20 minutes before I had to go to work. I swear my posts will be more detailed from now on, it's just been a hectic week. DX

Also, uploading a quick sketch of Raz I did while I was at work. Not the best, but gives you a better idea of what he looks like. :3

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060
DM Acid wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Say the word, and Arigoder's there - I should have kept the CC version of him, but things don't change too much.

Nevermind... It seems I might have to make short posts. My computer is being so crappy, I only have like a ten minute window a day to post.
I'll try to do my best though.

I awaken!

Raz, I'll see if I can't fix your computer next time I come over. If it -does- die, just let me know and I'll see if I can't work something out. You're doing really great so far with what little time you have, and I'd hate to let you go because your computer died. If nothing else, I can probably salvage some parts for you from another computer, or let you post from my computer if need be.

I'll give him another day or so to show up, and if he doesn't, then you're in. :)

Off I go to post!

DM Acid wrote:
Off I go to post!

You must have slept til 8pm lol. I'm only still up as I need to reply once, otherwise I'll be too behind. I've been refreshing all day. :/

Off to bed after my next post as it's 2am here. :)

Sorry guys, Saturdays are really hectic for me. Ill post one I get to a computer.

I'll probably be up :)

Finally home, a lot later than I expected. We got held up by an incident at the club that my friends dragged me to the -moment- I woke up (why yes, I do sleep until about 8. How did you know, CaptainCortez?) Police came. Fun times.

We weren't involved in any way, we just couldn't leave until they sorted everything out, and now I'm tired, worn out, and slightly irked that I went. Obviously the best option is to stay at home and run games all day. Less chance of cops getting involved. xD

I'm going to start posting now, but I honestly don't know how long it'll take me to lose steam and pass out. I'll try my best to get a post out for everyone though.

You guys are awesome. Just saying.

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